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跆拳道英文简介范文 第一篇

Hello, my name is Xu Jingyi. I'm not very tall. I like to play s with my classmates after holidays, which means that I prefer to exchange.

I also like playing piano, practicing taekwondo and drawing. If I want to chat with me in Zuo Wenku, I want to make more friends.



标签: 新学期

跆拳道英文简介范文 第二篇

Chinese recipe: Kung Pao diced chicken ingredients: 3 / 4 lb chicken, peeled oyster sauce, 1 / 2 tbsp cooking oil, small dry red pepper, garlic, celery, 1 / 2 diced red sweet pepper, cut into 1 / 2 square inch one ounce bamboo shoots, cut into slices, drain 1 teaspoon corn starch in tbsp water, 1 / 3 cup roasted peanut butter: tbsp Chinese rice wine or dry sherry 1 / 4 cup Chinese black vinegar or vinegar 1 / 4 cup chicken Soup tbsp soy sauce tbsp seafood sauce tbsp sesame oil chili sauce garlic sauce tbsp sugar usage: cut the chicken into 1 inch slices, marinate the chicken with oyster sauce, let stand for minutes, mix the sauce in a wok, heat it over high heat, add a tbsp of oil when it is hot, stir until it has fragrance, add chicken after a few seconds, fry for a few minutes, remove chicken and pepper from the pan, add Add 1 / 2 tbsp oil and stir until fragrant. After a few seconds, add celery, sweet pepper and bamboo shoots and stir fry for 1 / 2 minutes. Put chicken and pepper back into the frying pan and fry for 1 minute.

Add the sauce. Bring to a boil and add cornstarch solution. Stir until the sauce thickens.

Add peanuts and stir to the skin.



跆拳道英文简介范文 第三篇

With the development of economy, my life has changed. For example, we went to school by bus yesterday, but now we always go to school by subway, which is more convenient and faster. We don't have to get up so early.

There are so many different subjects to choose from, and we can also take part in sports activities, such as taekwondo and karate. Have you seen so many changes in my life.



跆拳道英文简介范文 第四篇

Water swimming freestyle backstroke breaststroke individual medley freestyle relay medley relay water polo diving m platform event 3m springboard event synchronized diving from m platform synchronized diving from m springboard synchronized swimming archery individual event track and field track and field track event m, m, m m, m hurdle, m hurdle m hurdle x M relay, x-m relay, 4 ×× high jump, pole vault, long jump, triple jump, shot put, discus hammer, javelin, Decathlon, heptathlon, road race, marathon, walking ball, badminton, men's singles, men's doubles, women's doubles, baseball, basketball, handball, hockey / hockey, softball, table tennis, volleyball, beach volleyball, beach volleyball, cycling, road cycling, cycling, time trial, cycling, cycling, time trial, point race, mountain cycling, equestrian jump Dressage Fencing Foil Epee gymnastics rhythmic gymnastics floor exercise pommel horse ring vaulting horse parallel bars horizontal bars uneven bars balance beam artistic gymnastics gymnastics trampoline modern pentathlon fencing swimming riding cross country running windsurfing male / female Mistral One design / one handed canoe European women's one handed canoe Finn one handed canoe open laser two handed canoe male / female / two handed canoe open type tornado keel boat man star keel boat female ynling shooting m air rifle m air pistol man m running target man m rifle prone position m rifle three men m pistol woman m pistol man m speed shooter gun trap double trap flying saucer Triathlon Swimming bicycle running weightlifting _ clean and jerk wrestling Greco Roman freestyle rowing boxing canoe judo Taekwondo.


水上游泳自由泳仰泳蛙泳个人混合泳自由泳接力混合泳接力水球跳水m平台项目3米跳板项目同步跳水从m平台同步跳水从m跳板同步游泳射箭个人项目团体项目田径径赛m,m,m m,m栏,m栏m障碍障碍赛x m接力,x米接力4××跳高撑杆跳高跳远跳远投掷铅球掷铁饼锤标枪十项全能七项全能公路拉松步行球赛羽毛球男单男双女双混双棒球篮球足球手球曲棍球/曲棍球垒球乒乓球排球沙滩排球自行车公路自行车赛道自行车冲刺计时赛积分赛追逐山地自行车马术跳跃盛装舞步项目击剑陪衬重剑体艺术体自由体鞍马环跳马双杠单杠高低杠平衡木艺术体体蹦床现代五项射击击剑游泳骑行越野跑步风帆冲浪男/女Mistral one设计/单手小艇欧洲女子单手小艇Finn单手小艇开放式激光双手小艇男/女/双手小艇开放式er多壳开放式龙卷风龙骨艇男式明星龙骨艇Ynling射击m气m气男子m跑步目标男子m俯卧位m三位式男子m女子m男子m速射陷阱双陷阱飞碟铁人三项游泳自行车跑步举重抓举挺举摔跤格瑞科罗曼自由式划船拳击独木舟柔道跆拳道。

跆拳道英文简介范文 第五篇

Do you want to know what my hobby is? I love Taekwondo. Now I'll introduce its summer vacation. My mother suggested that I learn Taekwondo.

I think it's fun to learn Taekwondo. I go to Taekwondo class. Wow, the classroom is full of children.

I'm suddenly excited because so many children can play together. This is from the coach. He is dressed in black, tall and tall.

He teaches first and then teaches I heard us kick in front of me and thought, _what's the difficulty? It's not that one._ so I kicked up with my left leg. Unexpectedly, I fell down. I was very shy.

The coach seemed to see through my mind and came to me and said, _children, I can't be impatient to learn Taekwondo. We should learn to stand firm first, and then use our feet to the central axis again._ I walked in embarrassed and secretly Determined to do Taekwondo well.



跆拳道英文简介范文 第六篇

As we all know, exercise plays an important role in our daily life. More and more people put health in their ears. Doing it is my favorite.

It can not only keep me healthy, but also release my pressure. In this way, what attracts me most is that it can help me build self-confidence.



跆拳道英文简介范文 第七篇

Bolt broke the world record of meter number. Bolt ran for a few seconds in front of the crowded bird's Nest stadium. Before his _sharpshooter_ celebration, he succesully beat his chest, which became one of the eternal images of this Olympic Games.

Michael Phelps roared in victory and liberation after American team mate Jason. Lezak was in 4x freestyle The last stop of the relay race surpassed French player Alan Bernard, which made Phelps' dream continue. Phelps' dream is to beat Mark Spitz's seven gold medals in one .

He left the track dejectedly when he realized that Liu Xiang, China's most popular athlete, had to withdraw from the hurdles title because of a leg injury. His departure cast a shadow over millions of family fans, Russian player Yelena Isinbayeva) turned the bird's nest into her private theater with gold medals and a world record breaking pole vault. After lying under a towel for most of the competition, she attracted the audience.

She broke her world record by a meter leap. The opening ceremony was the beginning of the Olympic Games. Finally, Li Ning, a former gymnast, was thrown onto the roof of the gymnasium around the top floor _Running_ and lighting the cauldron, German weightlifter Matthias Steiner kisses a picture of his late wife Susannah on the gold medal podium.

When Susanna was dying in a car accident in the United States, Matt Emmons led a point in the final shot put to win the gold medal in the marathon in Vowing to Susanna in front of her bed, dying, four years ago in Athens, he shot the wrong target and wasted three points of the lead. Bolt broke Michael Johnson's meter record for the finish line. Bolt kept his eyes on the clock all the way to celebrate his victory again - this time, after his full run, rohura nipai won Afghanistan's first bronze medal in men's taekwondo, proving that no matter how hard you train, Olympic success can be achieved If you have the talent, Estonian gedkant celebrates his discus gold medal in the meter track at the bird's nest and mimics bolt's sharpshooter program.


博尔特打破了米数世界纪录博尔特已经拥有的纪录,在拥挤的鸟巢体育场前,他跑了几秒钟,在他的“神”庆祝活动之前,他成功地捶了捶胸脯,这成为本届奥运会的永恒画面之一,迈克尔·菲尔普斯在队友贾森之后,在胜利和解脱中咆哮莱扎克在4x自由泳接力赛的最后一站超越了法国选手阿兰·伯纳德,使菲尔普斯的梦想得以延续。菲尔普斯的梦想是在一场比赛中击败马克·斯皮茨的七枚金牌。当他意识到刘翔因为腿伤不得不退出米栏冠军的卫冕时,他沮丧地离开了跑道刘翔是中国最受欢迎的运动员,他的离别给数百万家庭球迷蒙上了阴影,俄罗斯选手伊辛巴耶娃(Yelena Isinbayeva)以金牌和打破世界纪录的撑竿跳高表演将鸟巢变成了她的私人剧院,在她把比赛的大部分时间都躺在毛巾下之后,吸引了观众,她以一米的飞跃打破了自己的世界纪录开幕式是奥运会的一个开始,最后,前体运动员李宁被甩上体育馆的屋顶,绕着最高层“奔跑”,然后点燃大锅,德国举重运动员马蒂亚斯·施泰纳在金牌领奖台上亲吻了已故妻子苏珊娜的照片,当苏珊娜在的一次车祸中奄奄一息,马特·埃蒙斯在一次铅球比赛的最后一次投篮中领先一分,从而在年的“马拉松”比赛中夺金,这位超级重量级选手在她病床前向苏珊娜许下了誓言,她在临终时奄奄一息xx年前在雅典的射门,他射错了目标,浪费了领先优势3分。



跆拳道英文简介范文 第八篇

Taekwondo or Taekwondo, Korean martial arts, is known for its dramatic flight and spin kicks. The name comes from the Korean word Tae (foot, or kick Kwon (fist, or punch and Do (art, or lifestyle) literally means the art of hand and foot fighting. Students learn the basic principles of Taekwondo by arranging a series of fighting movements, breaking boards or other materials, and double controlled boxing.

They also accept the guidance of principles such as politeness, integrity, perseverance and self-control. The practitioners wear loose white sportswear with a strip around the waist A colored belt that represents the grade. In the competition, the ranking system is divided into 10 levels (student level) and 9 level (black belt, or expert level).

The standard of the contestants is their choreographed movements. Due to their accuracy in breaking the board and their skills in the competition, the origin of Taekwondo can be traced back to some similar martial arts schools thousands of years ago, and hence it is named Taekwondo. In this effort, an important figure is Cui Hongxi, a South Korean general.

He is committed to combining traditional Korean people with fighting techniques called Taekwondo. Together with Japanese karate general Choi, he established another organization of the International Taekwondo Federation (ITF). The World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) was founded in the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) and gradually became recognized Under its guidance, Taekwondo has become the official medal event of the Sydney Olympic Games in Australia.


跆拳道或跆拳道,韩国武术,以其戏剧性的飞行和旋转踢腿而闻名。这个名字来源于韩语单词Tae(foot,或kick Kwon(fist,或punch and Do(艺术,或生活方式),字面意思是手足搏击的艺术学生学习跆拳道的基本原理,通过编排一系列的格斗动作,打破木板或其他材料,以及双人控制的拳击,他们还接受诸如礼貌、正直、毅力和自我控制等原则的指导练习者穿着白色宽松的运动服,腰间系着一条表示等级的彩色腰带。在比赛中,排位系统分为10级(学生级)和9级(黑带,或专家级),参赛者的评判标准是他们编排的动作,由于他们在断板方面的准确性,以及在比赛中的技巧,跆拳道的起源可以追溯到几千年前的一些类似的武术流派中,并由此被命名为跆拳道。




