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交通指示英语范文大全 第一篇


From the school, a primary school out of several high school students, they hurried to the school is in front of the road ran. No matter 37 or twenty-one, they run across the road.


At this time, two young students hand in hand, while chatting and leisurely walking forward. Suddenly, one of the children saw a few brothers and sisters going forward, but now it was a red light, and there was a car on their left, driving to them. At the same time, another small classmate also pay close attention to all of this, so they quickly ran forward, and by common consent shouted out: _don't go, have a car!_


The senior students were just ready to run, but they heard the cry from behind: _don't go, there's a car!_ They looked back and saw two young students, and said, _what do you call_? _You can't break the red light, it's dangerous!_ One of the young students said, _what's dangerous and dangerous is nothing to do with you, hum._


One of the teachers just walked past the school gate, heard their quarrel, and walked over and asked, _what's the matter?_ The little schoolmate told the teacher everything. The teacher criticized the way: _it is wrong for you to break the red light. The children remind you, but they don't listen. What do you do at the time of the accident?_


_We know it's wrong. It's not so._


The teacher said: _well, well, remember that you said you go_.

交通指示英语范文大全 第二篇


I'm a wave mouse. I read grade three in a forest primary school. At ordinary times, the teacher often told us to be careful on the way to school and school, and the traffic rules should be observed. But in the street, I often see some children do not walk on the sidewalk, ran the red light, on the road in the pursuit of playfulness.


One day, I saw the pig fat and the fat brother on the road red light running, chasing, crossing the road or walk on the sidewalk. I went up to them and said to them, _if you go through a red light and hit by a car, the car is irresponsible. If you don't walk on the sidewalk, it will be irresponsible for the car. If you don't walk on the sidewalk, it will be irresponsible for others to be hit by a car._ I paused and said, _in case of being hit by a car, a lighter skin injury will break a little bit, and then a heavier amputation may even lead to death._


Listen to the fat was in a cold sweat, trembling said: _ah? So serious? I dare not dare the next time! _ Two fat? He's just started crying. I think he will dare not dare next time.


I would like to bid farewell to the big fat, although not fat, is fat, but what about the other kids? So I went home and made some signs for several proposals. When children saw each other, they would know that they should pay attention to traffic safety and obey the traffic rules voluntarily.


Since then, there are few traffic accidents on the road in the forest. Everyone is very grateful to me, and I am happy to think that this is all the credit of the initiative.

交通指示英语范文大全 第三篇

1. 带十分留意上路,携一份平安回家。

2. 慢一点不要急,平安生活是福气,挤一点不要慌,互相礼让才宽敞!

3. 宁为安全操碎心,不让事故害人民。

4. 大哥大方向盘同时使用最危险

5. 快车乐一时祸起痛一生

6. 人病不上车车病不上路

7. 好拳不在花样巧,安全别光嘴上叫。

8. 安全才是离家最近的路。

9. 心灵少一丝麻痹,安全就多一道护栏;

10. 礼让三先人车无恙

11. 交通安全勿侥幸,违章驾驶要人命!

12. 相会有缘相让有礼

13. 亲人有交代,系好安全带。开车不比赛,平安常常在。

14. 但愿人长久万里路平安

15. 祸起瞬间防患未然

16. 红灯亮时,管好你的脚步;绿灯亮时,管好你的速度。

17. 宝贝接送人常情,学校门口别乱停。孩童虽留意里明,如此带头不可行。

18. 风景在开车的路上,最美是你我的礼让!

19. 车好人好道路好,更需你来照章跑。

20. 好人主义实害人,专给事故开绿灯。

21. 交规脑后事故眼前

22. 交通规则记得牢,一路平安大家好。

23. 有酒即无舵早晚要闯祸

24. 开车路上马大哈,随时随地把命搭。

25. 国无法不宁路无规不畅

交通指示英语范文大全 第四篇

I am often very afraid to cross-large wide streets. I always go to the traffic light and use the crosswalk, but many times I have been frightened. When the light changes to green I still need to look both directions to check the traffic.

On many occasions a speeding motorcycle or bicycle or once a truck drove past the red light and across the pedestrian's path. When I have my bicycle, I get off and walk across the street, but always someone crosses the red light. Once at the intersection near the shopping mall I saw an accident: a taxi had stopped for the light, and another truck came from behind and did not stop. For safety, it is very important for everyone to obey the traffic laws.

交通指示英语范文大全 第五篇




























交通指示英语范文大全 第六篇

In the modem society ,the transportation is becoming more and more the people go to work or travel,we must do it by the think,we should discuss the advantage and disadvantage of the transportation. The first is the have been coming in our is convenient for us whatever we have something that is urgent to do ,the importance of the car is cars are quite expensive,some people can’t buy a car,and the gas is also not cheep.

On the other hand,the cars will make the air become bad and make the traffic pressure become serious. The next is the people don’t like to go out by their opinions,the bud is dirty、crowded and think the bus is cheeper a lot than the car,and that will reduce the environment we never worry about the car lost. The last is motor is so convenient for the young people to go we buy things or go to the friends,it will be their first the motor bicycle is not so the young people ride it ,we will become very cool,so a lot of people will ride it fast which is the fatal shortcoming.

It is very dangerous ,and that will make the people deform or die. So,I think we should find the way that is handy .In my opinion ,we should take the bus more,because it is convenient and it can make the air cleaner than the car and it is safer than the motor bicycle.



