医学技术考研英语作文范文 第一篇
Yo yo, a famous Chinese medicine scientist from Zhejiang Province, was born in Zhejiang Province for 12 and a half years We were asked to learn from her and devote ourselves to scientific research.
医学技术考研英语作文范文 第二篇
Dear Sir/Madam,
(1) I am a student majoring in history at Beijing University.
(2) I would like to know whether it is convenient for you to(做某事).
(3) I am willing to provide you with the fundamental information about this event/meeting.
(4) To begin with, the event/meeting will kick off at 9 am sharp, on Monday, at the auditorium.
(5) In addition, please fill in and submit the personal details, attached to this email, in advance.
(6) Finally, there will be a Question & Answer session for around forty minutes in the end.
(7) I am grateful that you have made time to read my letter.
(8) Your attendance will, without doubt, elevate this event /meeting, in our opinion.
Yours sincerely,
Zhang San
Dear Sir/Madam,
(1) 我是⼀名北京⼤学历史学专业的学⽣。
(2) 我想知道,您是否⽅便(做某事)。
(3) 我很乐意告诉您关于此次活动/会议的基本信息。
(4) ⾸先,本次活动/会议将于周⼀上午九点整在礼堂举⾏。
(6) 最后,结束时将会安排 40 分钟左右的问答环节。
(7) 谢谢您抽出时间来阅读我的信。
(8) 在我们看来,您的到来⽆疑会让本次活动/会议更上⼀层楼。
Yours sincerely,
Zhang San
医学技术考研英语作文范文 第三篇
portal hypertension 门静脉高压
prostatitis 前列腺炎
protrusion of intervertebral disc 椎间盘突出
purulent arthritis 化脓性关节炎
pyogenic ostcomyclitis 化脓性骨髓炎
pyothorax 脓胸
rectal polyp 直肠息肉
rheumatoid arthritis 类风湿性关节炎
rupture of spleen 脾破裂
scapulohumeral periarthritis 肩周炎
tenosynovitis 腱鞘炎
tetanus 破伤风
thromboangiitis 血栓性脉管炎
thyroid adenocarcinoma 甲状腺腺癌
thyroid adenoma 甲状腺腺瘤
trauma 创伤
urinary infection 泌尿系感染
varicose vein of lower limb 下肢静脉曲张Paediatrics 儿科
acute military tuberculosis of the lung 急性粟粒性肺结核
acute necrotic enteritis 急性坏死性结肠炎
anaphylactic purpura 过敏性紫癜
ancylostomiasis 钩虫病
ascariasis 蛔虫病
asphyxia of the newborn 新生儿窒息
atrial septal defect 房间隔缺损
birth injury 产伤
cephalhematoma 头颅血肿
cerebral palsy 脑性瘫痪
congenital torticollis 先天性斜颈
convulsion 惊厥
Down's syndrome 唐氏综合症
glomerulonephritis 肾小球肾炎
hemophilia 血友病
infantile diarrhea 婴儿腹泻
intracranial hemorrhage of the newborn 新生儿颅内出血
intussusception 肠套叠
necrotic enterocolitis of newborn 新生儿坏死性小肠结膜炎
neonatal jaundice 新生儿黄疸
nutritional iron deficiency anemia 营养性缺铁性贫血
nutritional megaloblastic anemia 营养性巨幼细胞性贫血
patent ductus arteriosis 动脉导管未闭
poliomyelitis 骨髓灰质炎
premature infant 早产儿
primary tuberculosis 原发性肺结核
progressive muscular dystrophy 进行性肌肉营养不良
医学技术考研英语作文范文 第四篇
A criticism currently heard is that the Hippocratic Oath is not appropriate in the present situation and should be revised in accordance with the status quo, they say that not any one including their child want to become a doctor in this inharmonious medical environment, moreover, _ Similarly I will not give to a woman an abortive remedy _, is not suited for anyone if the woman is immature. I frown on this point of recommendation for two reasons.
My first reason is that it is our duty, not society, to actively deal with medical controversy and to set a good example for their children, rather than telling them not to be a member of the medical , we have the responsibility, even though the harsh reality that more and more patients do not trust doctors any more, to tell them how dangerous what they have done if there is no clearly aware of the problem.
All in all, in this rapidly changing world, it is my firmly held view that we should comply with the Hippocratic Oath, and make all our efforts to practice it. Just as the last one in the Hippocratic Oath, if i keep this oath faithfully, may i enjoy my life and practice my art, respected by all men and in all times; but if i swerve from it or violate it, may the reverse be my lot.
医学技术考研英语作文范文 第五篇
Why are more and more people taking part in all kinds of sports and exercises. If people follow these three fitness methods, some people practice Taijiquan and fencing, while others run every morning, then many people get up early and do a lot of exercise, which will hinder the blood flow. Therefore, they should give up walking or dancing and listen to music.
They suggest that people eat more fruits and vegetables and less meat such as beef and pork, because meat is more than poultry and fish There's more fat. Medical researchers have shown that what people eat affects their health and it is necessary to do the following different answers to this question that different people may give to play basketball, volleyball or table tennis. Unfortunately, very few people follow this advice through exercise and exercise.
People become healthier and stronger. Heavy smoking and drinking can damage the accumulation of fat in the arteries. Quit smoking and drinking Drinking and other bad habits are also an important way to keep healthy and reduce the risk of heart attack.
Research shows that a lot of exercise makes the heart beat faster and the lungs work harder. In my opinion, exercise every day is absolutely necessary. In the afternoon, it can lead to heart attack or stroke.
Other people go to gymnastics or track and field events. They also have many people who are keen on sports to help lower blood pressure. How to keep healthy now more and more people care about their health, but how to keep healthy, they greatly improve their health jogging.
医学技术考研英语作文范文 第六篇
Medicine is the art and science of healing. It encompasses a range of health care practices evolved to maintain and restore health by the prevention and treatment of illness. Contemporary medicine applies health science, biomedical research, and medical technology to diagnose and treat injury and disease, typically through medication, surgery, or some other form of therapy. The word medicine is derived from the Latin ars medicina, meaning the art of healing. Though medical technology and clinical expertise are pivotal to contemporary medicine, successful face-to-face relief of actual suffering continues to require the application of ordinary human feeling and compassion, known in English as bedside manner. 这才是有关医学的,楼上那篇是介绍SARS的,文不对题。
医学技术考研英语作文范文 第七篇
Dear Sir/Madam,
(1) I had been hesitating for a long time before I finally decided to resign.
(2) To commence with, the training I received in college does not benefit me much in the position.
(3) In addition, I have decided to go abroad to pursue further study and broaden my horizon.
(4) If you need me to provide some excellent candidates for your consideration, I would love to help.
(5) The only thing I can do now is to humbly apologize.
(6) Thank you for reading my letter even when you are always busy.
(7) I hope that you will be in a position to respond soon.
Yours sincerely,
Zhang San
Dear Sir/Madam,
(1) 我犹豫了很⻓时间,最终决定辞职。
(2) ⾸先,我在⼤学⾥接受的训练对这个职位没有多⼤帮助。
(3) 其次,我决定出国深造,开阔眼界。
(4) 如果您需要我推荐⼀些优秀的候选⼈,我很乐意帮忙。
(5) 我现在唯⼀能做的就是虚⼼道歉。
(6) ⾮常感谢您在忙碌之中还阅读我的信。
(7) 希望您能尽快做出回应。
Yours sincerely,
Zhang San
医学技术考研英语作文范文 第八篇
Dear Sir/Madam,
(1) The reason I pen this note is to thank you for helping me.(2) Were it not for your help, I might not have gotten through the conundrums.
(3) At the outset, (第⼀件 事 ); and I cannot begin to imagine how much time this took you.
(4)Furthermore, I cannot forget how you changed your holiday plans just to lend me a hand.
(5) Knowing you would never ask for anything from me, I still hope you accept my thank-you
gift: (具体的⽅案).
(6) I am truly grateful that you are making time for my letter.
(7) If I can assist you, please send me a message.
Yours sincerely,
Zhang San
Dear Sir/Madam,
(1) 我写这封信是想向您给予我的帮助表示感谢。
(2) 要是没有您的帮助,我也许没办法度过难关。
(3) ⾸先,(第⼀件事);很难想象您在这件事上花费了多少时间。
(4) 此外,您还改变了假期计划,只为给我帮助, 我难以忘记。
(5) 我知道您肯定不会向我索取任何东⻄,但我还是希望您能接受我的答谢礼物:(具体的⽅案)。
(6) ⾮常感谢您抽出时间来读我的信。 (7) 如果我能帮助到您,请给我发消息。
Yours sincerely,
Zhang San
医学技术考研英语作文范文 第九篇
(1) We are looking forward to meeting participants of ( 活 动 名 称 ) this Thursday in the Grand Lecture Theatre at 7 pm.
(2) You will glean the necessary information about the event from this bulletin.
(3) First and foremost, (第⼀个信息). The great importance of remembering this piece of information cannot be emphasized highly enough.
(4) To follow up, only those who have successfully registered and got the confirmation letters can be admitted.
(5) In finishing, photos of the best moments of the day will be presented to participants in an album.
(6) It is hoped that this event captures your interest and that you come.
(7) If required, we can supply a leaflet which includes extra information.
Yours sincerely,
Zhang San
(1) 本周四晚上7点,我们期待在⼤演讲厅与(活动名称)的参与者⻅⾯。
(2) 您可以从本通知找到所有有关活动的必要信息。
(3) ⾸先,(第⼀个信息)。牢记这条信息⾄关重要,值得反复强调。
(4) 接下来,只有那些已经成功报名申请并通过的⼈可以参加本次活动。
(5) 在结束时,当天活动的最佳时刻将以相册形式呈现给参加者。
(6) 希望本次活动能引您加⼊。
(7) 如果您需要,我们可以提供有更多信息的宣传单。
Yours sincerely,
Zhang San
医学技术考研英语作文范文 第十篇
When I read an article written by Chairman Mao for the first time, I realized that a great doctor named Bethune. Since I realized how important the doctor's work is in the dictionary, I made up my mind to be a doctor. A doctor means a person with medical training.
He treats patients, but I don't think that is correct. A doctor is an angel who brings patients from their illness Happiness brings hope to patients. The doctor himself is the most effective medicine for the sick patients when I was a child.
So every time I see the smile on the doctor's face, I often go to see the doctor. I feel safe and warm. It seems that the doctor is the only one who is suffering and should be afraid.
At the beginning, I thought I should do something to repay the selfless help of the doctor. Of course, the best way is to be a doctor. I know It is not easy for everyone.
It requires a kind heart and a hard learning process. But I am confident to realize my dream and overcome all the difficulties I face. I will take every obstacle on the road as a ladder.
I can get the final success through it. One thing is certain. I am honored to join this glorious team of doctors To give my life to others.
医学技术考研英语作文范文 第十一篇
When you ask a child what kind of person he wants to be in the future, he will answer you. His dream of becoming a doctor has always been very popular, so students are fascinated by medical school for many reasons. First, doctors can make a lot of money no matter how the trend changes.
When a doctor is a doctor, he will never devalue because people will get sick and need to see a doctor. No matter they become the second child, parents will both Hope there are doctors at home so that they can be cared for, just as parents instill ideas into their children, so the medical school craze will never subside.
医学技术考研英语作文范文 第十二篇
Dear Sir/Madam, 段落一
(1) 我是英国大学德语专业大四的学生。(2) 我非常高兴有机会借此信说明我对(主题词)的看法。段落二
(3) 以下是我的建议,主要体现在两个方面。(4) 首先,(第一个建议)。相关领域的专家对此表示支持,认为它值得采纳。
(5) 此外,(第二个建议),这个建议日后带来的好处肯定会让人感到吃惊。 段落三
(6) 我希望您能慎重地考虑、处理我的建议。(7) 期盼佳音。
Yours sincerely, Li Ming
小作文2: 推荐信、介绍信
Dear Sir/Madam, 段落一
(1) I am in charge of the Student Union at Canadian University.(2) The reason why I write this letter is that I long to nominate/acquaint (主题词) to you.
(3) My introduction/recommendation is listed in the following as two essential parts.(4) Primarily, (介绍/推荐的第一个内容) and people are in enthusiastic discussions on it, enjoying expressing their own opinion.(5) Furthermore, (介绍/推荐的第二个内容). I love it so much and I would like to share it with all of my friends.
(6) I am grateful to you for your valuable time spent on my letter.(7) If you require any assistance, please feel free to contact me.
Yours sincerely, Li Ming
Dear Sir/Madam, 段落一
(1) 我是加拿大大学学生会负责人。(2) 我写这封信是因为我想向你推荐/介绍(主题词)。
(3) 我的介绍/推荐如以下,包含两个重要的部分。(4) 首先,(介绍/推荐的第一个内容),人们正对此进行热烈的讨论并乐意发表自己的看法。(5) 其次,(介绍/推荐的第二个内容)。我非常喜欢它,并且将它分享给了所有朋友。
(6) 我向您抽出宝贵的时间阅读我的来信致以深深的谢意。(7) 如果您需要帮助,请随时与我联系。
Yours sincerely, Li Ming
小作文3: 邀请信
Dear Sir/Madam, 段落一
(1) I am a key member of the Hobby Club in University of Birmingham.(2) This letter bears the purpose of sending you an invitation to(活动信息).
(3) For you to make arrangements, I will disclose details about this even.(4) First and most important, at the Teaching Building, the function will be hosted at 7:00 on Thursday evening.(5) Additionally, the event will be presented by a prominent unique guest.(6) Lastly, a wonderful show is prepared for every guest after the event.
(7) Your precious time spent on my letter is greatly appreciated.(8) It will make my day if you can find the time to attend.
Yours sincerely, Li Ming
医学技术考研英语作文范文 第十三篇
Dear Sir/Madam, 段落一
(1) 我是西方大学学生会主席。(2) 这封信对我来说是一个合适机会来向你寻求一些关于(主题词)的回答。段落二
(3) 首先,(信息1),我一直格外注意这一点,认为它至关重要。(4) 其次,(信息2),这必将对我的后续行动产生重大影响。(5) 如果你能寄给我小册子,我将可以通过阅读加深理解。
(6) 我十分感激您能抽出时间阅读这封信。(7) 我衷心期待能尽快收到您的来信。
Yours sincerely, Li Ming
小作文5: 投诉信
Dear Sir/Madam,
(1) I am a third-year student studying Chinese in Nanyang University.(2) Sorry to bother you, but I can't refrain from protesting to you about(主题词).
(3) I was annoyed about both of these two aspects listed below.(4) To start with, (理由1), directly resulting in serious consequences and countless follow-up inconvenience.(5) Besides, the problems stay unresolved even though I have talked to your customer service staff for many times.(6) I sincerely hope that the issue I complain about can be dealt with promptly.
(7) Your special attention paid to this letter is greatly appreciated.(8) I hope you can revert back to me at your earliest convenience!
Yours sincerely, Li Ming
医学技术考研英语作文范文 第十四篇
Dear Sir/Madam,
(1) I write intending to beg your pardon about ( 某 事 ).
(2) Although what is done is done, I must explain my reasons for this apology.
(3) To begin with, ( 第 ⼀ 个 原 因 ). I have since been racking my brains to try and rectify this situation.
(4) What is more, (第⼆个原因). This was unquestionably adding insult to injury, making me feel down and sad.
(5) Having thought about it, I recommend that (具体解决⽅案), as this should rectify things.
(6) I would like to advance my thanks to you for considering my letter.
(7) I welcome any feedback from you at any time.
Yours sincerely,
Zhang San
Dear Sir/Madam,
(1) 我写信的⽬的是请求你原谅(某事)。
(2) 虽然事已⾄此,但我必须解释我为何道歉。
(3) ⾸先,(第⼀个原因),我⼀直在绞尽脑汁试图扭转这种局⾯。
(4) 此外,(第⼆个原因)。这⽆疑是雪上加霜, 让我感到沮丧难过。
(5) 经过思考,我建议(具体解决⽅案),因为这应该能够改善现状。
(6) ⾮常感谢您对我的来信给予关注。 (7) 欢迎您在任何时候向我反馈意⻅。
Yours sincerely,
Zhang San
医学技术考研英语作文范文 第十五篇
Dear Sir/Madam,
(1) I am a senior student majoring in medical imaging at the University of Tianjin Medical.
(2) The reason why I’m sending this letter is to present some considerations about (主题词).
(3) I will next elaborate on my two suggestions with real-life examples.
(4) First and foremost, (第一个建议 ).which is not an abstract proposal; it is firmly rooted in the real world.
(5) Furthermore, ( 第二个建议). It is my conviction that what we/you would gain from this greatly exceeds our/your expectations.
(6) I intend that these suggestions will be of use to you.
(7) I’ll keep checking my email to see if you have written to me.
Yours sincerely
Zhang San
Dear Sir/Madam,
(1) 我是天津医科⼤学医学影像专业(换成你自己的学校和专业就行)的⼤四学⽣。
(2) 我给您这封信是为了提出关于(主题词)的建议
(3) 下⾯我将⽤现实⽣活中的例⼦来阐述我的两个建议。
(4) ⾸先,(第⼀个建议),这不是不切实际的建议;它是与现实紧密联系的建议。
(5) 此外,(第⼆个建议)。我深信,我们的/你的收获将远远超出预期
(6) 我是希望这些建议对您有所帮助。 (7) 我会⼀直检查我的邮箱,看是否有您的回信。
Yours sincerely
Zhang San
医学技术考研英语作文范文 第十六篇
(1) (活动名称)将于星期四下午2点在演讲厅举行。(2) 该活动的详细信息可通过此告示得知。段落二
(3) 首先,最重要的消息是:(第一个信息),这需要您重点关注。(4) 其次,我们将有请一位受人景仰的贵宾致闭幕词。
(5) 最后,我们会请所有的客人一起合影留念。段落三
(6) 我们期待能有您积极参与进此次活动中。(7) 如果有任何我能帮忙的地方,请立即与我联系。
The Students' Union
医学技术考研英语作文范文 第十七篇
Dear Sir/Madam,
(1) I am an undergraduate majoring in mathematics at Nankai University.
(2) I am hoping to have your help in gathering some important details about(主题词).
(3) As described in the next paragraphs, there are some specific contents of interest.
(4) In the first place, (第⼀个信息). Aware of its significance, I have prioritized it among all the must-have things.
(5) In addition, (第⼆个信息). Without question, this extra fact will greatly reduce my anxiety when making my decision.
(6) Knowing that you are reading my letter makes me feel very grateful.
(7) It would be most helpful if you can give me details in writing.
Yours sincerely,
Zhang San
Dear Sir/Madam,
(1) 我是南开⼤学数学专业的学⽣。
(2) 我希望能得到你的帮助,获得⼀些与(主题词)有关的重要细节。
(3) 下⾯⼏段所阐述的便是我感兴趣的⼀些具体内容。
(4) 第⼀,(第⼀个信息)。因为意识到它的重要性,我把它列为所有必须了解的内容中的优先事项。
(5) 此外,(第⼆个信息)。了解这个问题将⼤⼤减少我做决定时的焦虑。
(6) 知您正在阅读我的来信,我⾮常感激。 (7) 如果你能以书⾯形式告诉我这些信息,那真是帮了我⼤忙。
Yours sincerely,
Zhang San
医学技术考研英语作文范文 第十八篇
英语简历自我评价范文 As a student majoring in English, has maintained a strong interest in English, has been tireless travel in the world of English. Facing graduation, hope oneself can have a good play to space, to think we learned their service to the society. Down-to-earth to do a great talent. The university four years, there has been a part-time tutor, contact a lot of different grade students, accumulated the rich through reading. The teacher, in my heart never is a sacred profession, is now ready to test for, I hope can make a good teacher in the future, to be able to help many people achieve their dreams. 作为一个英语专业的学生,英语一直保持着浓厚的兴趣,在英语世界里一直不知疲倦的旅行。
医学技术考研英语作文范文 第十九篇
There's a hard decision to make. Why not consider German carefully? A new study shows that if people think in a language other than their mother tongue, they tend to make more reasonable and less risky decisions In a psychological science research report in April, Dr. Kaiser's team wrote that human reasoning is shaped by systematic and rational ideas, while the other is emotional and rapid.
The team brought together students from the University of California, who used Spanish as a second language to place bets on a coin toss. Each student got a dollar bill, and if they bet and won, they could bet one dollar on the front or back at a time. If they experiment in English, they can win dollars without losing anything.
Students are narrow-minded and only place bets about half of the time, but when the same students hear the instructions in Spanish, they bet% of the time on the conclusion. Then, these scientists believe that thinking in a foreign language can keep people away from hasty emotional decisions and make decisions more logical. The hope, they wrote, is that people can think in a foreign language to make more cautious decisions about financial and economic decisions.
有一个很难做出的决定为什么不仔细考虑一番德语一项新的研究表明,如果人们用母语以外的语言思考,那么他们倾向于做出更合理、风险更小的决定芝加哥大学的博阿斯·凯撒(Boaz Keysar)进行的一系列实验,让科学家们相信使用外语可以减少决策偏差,凯撒博士的研究小组在xx月份的一份心理科学研究报告中写道,人类的推理是由系统的、理性的想法塑造的,而另一种则是情绪化的、快速的。研究小组召集了加州大学的学生,他们把西班牙语作为一种语言第二语言在掷硬币上每个学生得到美元钞票,如果他们并赢了,他们可以一次在正面或反面1美元。如果他们用英语进行实验,他们可以赢美元而不输任何东西。
医学技术考研英语作文范文 第二十篇
Dear Sir/Madam,
(1) I am a fourth-year student majoring in economics at Lanzhou University.
(2) It is for officially applying for ( 主 题 词 ) that I am writing this letter.
(3) I hope that my profile will impress you and win me the opportunity.
(4) First and foremost, thanks to my exceptional professional skills, I have championed several tournaments at the national level.
(5) What’s more, I always communicate well with colleagues and classmates, and I can navigate complex relations.
(6) Thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read this letter.
(7) I hope you could get back to me at your first opportunity to do so.
Yours sincerely,
Zhang San
Dear Sir/Madam,
(1) 我是兰州⼤学经济专业的⼤三学⽣。
(2) 我写这封信是为了正式申请(主题词)。
(3) 我希望我的简历能给你留下深刻的印象,让我得到这个机会。
(4) ⾸先也是最重要的是,凭借出⾊的专业技能,我曾多次在国家级⽐赛中获得冠军。
(5) 此外,我能很好地与同事、同学沟通,处理好复杂的关系。
(6) 感谢您在百忙之中抽出时间查阅这封信。 (7) 希望您可以⼀有机会就回复我。
Yours sincerely,
Zhang San
医学技术考研英语作文范文 第二十一篇
Dear Sir/Madam,
(1) 我写信是为了正式向你(道歉或者辞职)。(2) 我必须承认我对这个糟糕的结果感到非常抱歉。段落二
(3) 首先,由于(第一个理由),我晚上难以安稳入睡。(4) 另外,由于(第二理由),问题升级了,情况变得更棘手了。
(5) 我希望通过(具体解决方案)把对你的不良影响减到最小。 段落三
(6) 最后,我还要再一次真诚地向您道歉。(7) 我真诚地希望能得到您的谅解。
Yours sincerely, Li Ming
小作文7: 求职信、申请信
Dear Sir/Madam,
(1) I am a junior student majoring in architecture in Washington State University.(2) This letter is a genuine declaration of my desire to apply for (主题词).
(3) I own lots of strong points that many are short of.(4) Above all, I can effectively implement what I have aced in my formal studies in real life practices.(5) Furthermore, all of my friends think I am diligent, optimistic and full of confidence.
(6) I appreciate that you could take the time to read this letter.(7) Your brisk response in replying is what I hope for.
Yours sincerely, Li Ming
医学技术考研英语作文范文 第二十二篇
Dalian Medical University, formerly known as Kanto Medical College, was incorporated into Dalian University in, and the medical school of Dalian University was renamed and withdrawn from the establishment of Dalian University. Dalian Medical College is independent of Dalian Medical College. It is quoted that the school has crossed the border line and established Zunyi Medical College School in Zunyi City, Guizhou Province.
In Dalian City, the original rehabilitation medical office, still known as Dalian Medical College School, is renamed Dalian Medical University has become a multi-disciplinary medical college mainly engaged in medicine, literature, science, management, law and other disciplines. It covers an area of square meters, a building area of square meters, and a total value of teaching and scientific research equipment worth more than 10000 yuan Among the existing staff, there are many medical staff from the existing schools, a number of graduate students and a number of international student schools. Among them, the school with senior title or above, senior vice ministerial level or above, 's or above tutor schools are national key disciplines, 1 key discipline in Liaoning Province, 2 disciplines, 3 post doctoral research centers, 1 academic doctoral degree authorization point, and 2 discipline doctoral programs (including one in our university) there are five subject authorization levels for 's degree, one level for 's degree of discipline, one ministry level laboratory and Liaoning Provincial Key Laboratory.
医学技术考研英语作文范文 第二十三篇
Dear Sir/Madam, 段落一
(1) 我是伯明翰大学业余爱好协会的主要成员。(2) 这封信的目的是诚挚地邀您前来(活动信息)。段落二
(3) 为了方便你制定计划,我会告诉你此次活动的安排。(4) 首先,活动将在周四晚上7点在教师楼举行。(5) 此外,本次活动将由一位著名嘉宾主持。(6) 最后,在活动结束后,我们为全体来宾准备了一场精彩的演出。
(7) 您能花时间阅读这封信,我感激不尽。(8) 如果有时间出席,我会非常高兴。
Yours sincerely, Li Ming
小作文4: 询问信、求助信
Dear Sir/Madam,
(1) I am the president of Student Union in Western University.(2) This letter is a proper chance to get a few answers from you about (主题词).
(3) In the first place, (信息1), which weighs heavily on my mind and I attach great importance to it.(4) Moreover, (信息2), which will for sure cast significant impact on my follow-up actions.(5) If you can send me pamphlets, I will gain a deeper understanding by reading them.
(6) I appreciate that you could take the time to read this letter.(7) I truly expect to hear from you as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely, Li Ming
医学技术考研英语作文范文 第二十四篇
Dear Sir/Madam,
(1) I am a civil engineering student at Suzhou University of Science and Technology.
(2) I’m willingly writing to you to make a detailed recommendation/ introduction of(主题词).
(3) About my recommendation /introduction, there are two particular reasons for it.
(4) To start with, ( 第 ⼀ 个 推荐/介绍的内容); surely this being the case, one can understand why it is on everyone’s lips.
(5) Moreover, (第⼆个 推 荐 / 介 绍 的 内 容 ). This, above most of the other aspects, seems to be the reason for its popularity.
(6) Thank you for reading my letter; I know you have a busy schedule.
(7) Should you require further information, I can provide you with a detailed account.
Yours sincerely
Zhang San
Dear Sir/Madam,
(1) 我是苏州科技大学的土木工程专业的学生。
(2) 我很乐意写信向您详细推荐/介绍(主题词)。
(3) 我的推荐/介绍主要出于两个特别的原因。
(4) ⾸先,(第⼀个推荐/介绍的内容);在这个基础上,你就可以理解为什么⼤家都在谈论它。
(5) 此外,(第⼆个推荐/介绍的内容)。这⼀点⽐其他⽅⾯都重要,似乎是它受欢迎的原因。
(6) 感谢您能阅读我的信;知道您平时很忙。
(7) 如果您想了解更多,我可以为您提供详细描述。
Yours sincerely
Zhang San
医学技术考研英语作文范文 第二十五篇
Dear Sir/Madam,
(1) I am a student majoring in education at Sichuan University.
(2) It gives me no pleasure in having to register my dissatisfaction with (主题词 ).
(3) Primarily, (投诉的第⼀个原因). I have been very anxious about this, and I resent the time it has taken up.
(4) In the second place, I have been calling your service hotline but have never had a response.
(5) I am eager to find a solution and urgently need your help.
(6) Thanks a lot for the fact that you have not neglected this letter.
(7) I genuinely long for the opportunity to have a talk with you on this.
Yours sincerely,
Zhang San
Dear Sir/Madam,
(1) 我是四川大学教育专业的学⽣。
(2) 我也不想投诉(主题词),但我不得不这么做。
(3) ⾸先,(投诉的第⼀个原因)。我为此感到⾮常焦虑,⾮常讨厌这件事占据我的时间。
(4) 其次,我拨打了服务热线,但从没得到过回应。
(5) 我迫切想要找到解决办法,也迫切需要你的帮助。
(6) ⾮常感谢您没有忽略掉这封信。 (7) 我期待能与您关于这个事情好好谈⼀谈。
Yours sincerely,
Zhang San
医学技术考研英语作文范文 第二十六篇
When I read an article written by Chairman Mao for the first time, I realized that Bethune ed, a great doctor, since I realized how important the doctor's work is in the dictionary, I have made up my mind to be a doctor. Doctor means a person with medical training, he treats patients, but I don't think this is correct. A doctor is an angel who takes patients from illness Illness brings happiness and hope to patients.
The doctor himself is the most effective medicine for my childhood sick patients, so every time I see the smile on the doctor's face, I often go to see a doctor. I think the doctor seems very safe and warm. The only person who has pain should be afraid of.
At the beginning, I think I should do something to repay the doctor's selfless help. Of course, the best way is to be a doctor and be a doctor Yes, it is not easy for everyone. It requires a kind heart and a hard learning process.
But I am confident to realize my dream and overcome all the difficulties I face. I will take every obstacle on the road as a ladder. I can get the final success through it.
One thing is certain. I am honored to join this glorious doctor Team, dedicate my life to others.
标签: 新学期
医学技术考研英语作文范文 第二十七篇
Dear Sir/Madam, 段落一
(1) 我是华盛顿大学建筑专业大三学生。(2) 您可以将这封信看作我为申请(主题词)所做出的真诚发言。段落二
(3) 我身上具有许多人没有的优点。(4) 首先,我能将我在学习中精通的知识有效地运用到日常实践中。(5) 此外,我所有的朋友都认为我勤奋,乐观,充满自信。
(6) 我十分感激您能抽出时间阅读这封信。(7) 我希望你能尽快回复。
Yours sincerely, Li Ming
小作文8: 感谢信
Dear Sir/Madam,
(1) Your assistance was of immeasurable help and I am writing to give many thanks.(2) Your opportune support was significant as it saved me from a vital situation.
(3) To start with, I am deeply moved by the way you show reverence to others when they are in need.(4) What’s more, your uplifting experience of success has given me a lot of inspiration in life and work.(5) Finally, please allow me to do something in return for your help.
(6) No words can relay my thankfulness for your generous help,.(7) Hopefully we could maintain close ties.
Yours sincerely, Li Ming
Dear Sir/Madam
(1) 您的无私帮助对我来说十分重要,我写这封信正是为了表示我的谢意。(2) 你及时的帮助对我来说意义十分重大,因为它帮助我脱离了困境。
(3) 首先,你秉持的善待他人的价值观会深深地打动并影响我。(4) 另外,在我的日常生活工作中,你的成功经验也给了我很大启发。(5) 最后,请允许我做点什么来回报你
(6) 对于你的慷慨帮助,我无法用言语来表达我的感激之情。(7) 希望我们保持紧密联系。
Yours sincerely, Li Ming
小作文9: 祝贺信
Dear Sir/Madam, 段落一
(1) The news of (主题词) has pleased me very much.(2) Hopefully, my heartfelt congratulations will get through you in this letter.
(3) As (主题词) is the first stage to success, there is nowhere for you to go but up.(4) I adore you because you achieve objectives with hard work and persistent sacrifice.(5) As the compass in my life, you will point me in the right direction when I feel frustrated.
(6) Please let me give you a round of applause again!(7) Your frequent letters or calls will be my delights.
Yours sincerely, Li Ming
Dear Sir/Madam,
(1) (主题词)的这一消息让我非常开心。(2) 希望我能借这封信让你感受到我真诚的祝贺。
(3) (主题词)是你成功的第一步,在未来的人生道路上你还会不断前进。(4) 我一直很敬佩你能够为自己的人生目标而持之以恒地付出。(5) 作为我人生旅程中的指南针,你能告诉我哪个才是正确的前进方向。
(6) 请允许我再次为你的表现鼓掌!(7) 随时给我写信或打电话,我将非常高兴。
Yours sincerely, Li Ming
小作文10: 通知、告示
(1) (活动名称)will be held at 2 . Thursday in the Lecture Hall.(2) In regard to this event, this notification has pertinent details
(3) As the part that (第一个信息) is most substantial, your main focus should be centered on it.(4) In addition, we will have a respectable guest to present the closing address.(5) Finally, we will ask all the guests to take a memorable photo.
(6) We look forward to having you partaking enthusiastically.(7) If there is any place I can help, please contact me immediately.
The Students' Union
医学技术考研英语作文范文 第二十八篇
Dear Sir/Madam, 段落一
(1) 我是南洋大学中文专业的大三学生。(2) 很抱歉打扰你,但我忍不住要向你投诉(主题词)。段落二
(3) 我对以下列出的两个方面十分恼火。(4) 首先,(理由1),直接造成了接下来的严肃后果和无数不便之处。(5) 其次,即使我和你们的客服人员谈了很多次,问题还是悬而未决。(6) 我真诚地希望我反馈的问题能尽快得到处理。
(7) 您对这封信件的关注令我感激不尽。(8) 我希望你能在方便的时候尽早给我答复。
Yours sincerely, Li Ming
小作文6: 道歉信、辞职信
Dear Sir/Madam, 段落一
(1) I wish to suitably ask for your pardon/tender my resignation by the aid of this letter.(2) I must admit that I am very sorry about this dreadful event.
(3) Primarily, because of (第一个理由), I have a lot of trouble sleeping at night.(4) In addition, what intensified the present situation and made issues more difficult to appropriately manage is that (第二理由).(5) By utilizing (具体解决方案) it is my desire to minimize the negative effect on you.
(6) One last time, I am sincerely apologizing to you.(7) It is my sincere hope that you can understand it.
Yours sincerely, Li Ming
医学技术考研英语作文范文 第二十九篇
Part B Directions: In your essay, you should 1) describe the drawing briefly, 2) explain its intended meaning, and then 3) give your comments。
You should write neatly on ANSHWER SHEET 2。 (20 points) 范文: Vividly depicted in the cartoon is a race of humans on a social network that are isolated in their own little cubicles。
They are all sitting in front of their computers, connected to each other through the Internet and their devoted looks and postures showed their addiction to the Internet。 This cartoon, I believe, intends to draw our attentions to the negative effects the Internet has brought to our daily life as it brings in some benefits, such as easy access to information, instant communication with people from afar and cheap cost of communication。
The more people are hooked to the Net, the more isolated they are from the real world。 Since people can easily pretend their identities on the Internet, everything online becomes illusive and untrustworthy。
The Internet, which was intended to bring people closer to each other, in effect prevents people from making real acquaintances that one can make with a casual exchange of greetings and eye-contact in a face-to-face communication。 Serious consequences, such as fear of real-time interactions, online cheating or blackmailing, may follow if the use of the Internet is not brought under systematic control。
I strongly suggest that people only use the Internet for necessary business transactions and personal contacts with those they have already known face to face。 。
医学技术考研英语作文范文 第三十篇
When early man invented clothes, he probably wanted to keep warm. I am sure he never intended that it should become as elaborate as it has become today. For many a year,traditional clothes and modern clothes have been in competition as to which of them make the wearer more beautiful. But it does seem that a lot of modern clothes are simpler and more practical. Perhaps we are moving back to the age of cavemen who wore clothes for practical purposes. Modern clothes are definitely more practical as against traditional clothes. Almost all people now wear modern clothes. Nowadays even more and more people wear casual clothes. Jeans are everywhere except at formal are common, too. They look comfortable and fashionable. However, there are also a lot of people who take the trouble to dress well in formal clothes like shirts, trousers and suits. I find them smart, too. But then, it is important to hold on to our topic. In my opinion, each type of dress has its place. Modern clothes are ideal for most situations, while casual clothes are worn more freely. As to traditional clothes, they must be worn for special occasions.。
医学技术考研英语作文范文 第三十一篇
Writing instructions: carefully study the pictures below and write a - word article. In this article, you should describe your different views on euthanasia and give your views on it. Euthanasia is one of the most controversial issues in the medical field.
As shown in the figure above, patients with advanced cancer finally ask doctors to forgive, but doctors seem embarrassed and helpless because they don't Know what to do. This picture makes me think that this means that people have different attitudes towards forgiveness of homicide. Some people think that doctor assisted can alleviate the unbearable pain and suffering of dying patients.
They insist that as long as the doctor prescribes a drug for legitimate medical purposes, he does not do anything illegal, even if the patient uses drugs to urge death. Other people strongly oppose doctor assisted . They claim that Life does not have the right to give patients enough drugs to control their pain.
If that may speed up death, they conclude that it is illegal for doctors to help dying people end their lives. I am worried that doctors have the obligation to help dying patients alleviate their pain and suffering. I also agree that if doctors prolong the unnecessary suffering of dying patients, they should be punished.
In a word, I'm in favor of killing people with kind words).