
培养逻辑思维 英语范文推荐23篇

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培养逻辑思维 英语范文 第一篇

Successful people have the common so-called good people. They are often excellent and conform to the following personality: clear goals, know what they want to do, calm down, pay attention to logical thinking, pay attention to the advantages and disadvantages of learning, adhere to personality, never give up learning, never give up their hobbies, and they enjoy their practice, never stay in the verbal indomitable, concentrate on their work.



培养逻辑思维 英语范文 第二篇

seems to follow a recognized pattern of exposure to the virus. patients often complain of fever, sore throat, muscle soreness, and it seems to be a dormant period that can last for three years or after that, more serious symptoms begin to appear every summer. When the new semester comes, I will travel with my family or my best friend.

I will be surprised I found that my oral English has been greatly improved, so I firmly believe that books are not only the source of knowledge, _traveling with my family_ and _my oral English has been greatly improved_. Part of the solution lies in the change of cultural attitude. Policymakers also need to help, because stupid laws are the problem worse, and even more important than abolishing stupid policies is to restructure the education system, in an era when most people are working hard, and schools need to _become more boy friendly_ because, though, if, however, therefore, though, the same, therefore, despite“ I tend to agree that young children may be negatively affected by spending too much time on the computer, in part because sitting in front of the screen for a long time can damage the eyes and the main body posture.

People are concerned about the types of computer activities that attract video games, which are often very intense, and often too much _hero_ contact encourages children to be self-centered, Not sensitive to others. _This_ _I tend to agree_ _because_ _ignore_ _these_ _computer activities_ _players_ _games_ coherence and coherence IELTS writing.



培养逻辑思维 英语范文 第三篇

语法衔接中的照应是指语篇中某一成分与另一成分之间因在功能上存在着能相互解释的关系,因而能相互照应(李潇颍, 2011),包括人称照应(运用人称代词,如I、 you、 them;所属限定词,如your、 his、 their;所属代词,如mine、 hers、 theirs)、指示照应(运用选择性名词指示词,如this、 these;定冠词the;指示性副词,如here、 then) 和比较照应(运用形容词和副词的比较级及其他有比较意义的词语,如same、 similarly、 otherwise)(黄国文,1988)。 在语篇教学中,教师可以利用语篇中的照应,结合内容特点设计学习活动,启发学生分析、综合语篇信息, 发展逻辑思维能力。

以必修第一册第四单元Extended Reading部分的语篇Don't Judge a Book by Its Cover为例,文章有如下片段:Your friends may post a never-ending series of photos online to show off their beautiful dresses or strong bodies, and it becomes easier for you to compare yourself to them. This has proved to have a negative effect on what you think of your physical appearance. 教师可以设计问题链,引导学生理解以上语段中的照应关系。教师提问:Why do your friends post photos online? 学生回答:Because they want to show off their beautiful dresses or strong bodies.教师追问: What does it cause you to do? 学生回答:To compare myself to them. 在前面启发的基础上,教师进一步提问:What does“this”refer to? 从而引出答案:To compare yourself to them.教师通过逻辑问题链,引导学生围绕语篇主题,将前后内容关联起来猜测词义,探寻照应关系,建立语义逻辑,从而培养学生分析与综合语篇信息的能力。训练学生根据语境猜测词义的能力,不仅能使学生掌握单词的意义和用法,而且能够激发学生思维,训练其逻辑思维能力(李杰,2012)。


以必修第二册第三单元Reading部分的语篇Alex around the World为例,针对文中句子“I did not understand all of the traditional customs, but a few made a deep impression on me. One was the bridegroom's entrance on a beautiful white horse. ”,教师可以提问:What does the phrase“a few”mean? 启发学生分析前文句意,并结合本句意义,综合理解信息,即a few traditional customs。教师继续提问:What does the word “one”mean? 引导学生围绕段落主题,分析句意,综合上下文内容得知one是替代上文出现的traditional custom。


培养逻辑思维 英语范文 第四篇

When we have troubles, we will naturally find someone to talk to. Our first choice is friends. We won't talk about them in front of our parents, because we don't want them to worry that our friends are so important in our life.

We have many friends. We will share our happiness and sadness with them. We go out together.

In short, friends are a part of our life What happens if a person has no friends? We hear from the news that criminals are isolated by others. Most of them have no friends. Their views on the world are distorted.

They have no friends. People have no place to release their emotions. Long term depressed emotions can distract people's attention from normal life.

So friends are very important. We can't have no friends.



培养逻辑思维 英语范文 第五篇

A fourth grade teacher was giving her students a logic lesson. _That's how it is,_ she said, _a man standing on a boat in the middle of the river fishing, lost his balance, fell down, started splashing and yelling for help. His wife heard the commotion and knew he couldn't swim and ran to the bank.

Why do you think she ran to the bank?_ a girl raised her hand All his savings.



培养逻辑思维 英语范文 第六篇

It's hard to focus on the good things when something bad seems to happen in life, but you can train your brain to focus on the good things in life, not on the bad things. No, this is not one of those positive thinking articles you see on the Internet. You're tired of it.

It's about changing your way of thinking and changing your thinking Patterns do you use these patterns of thinking in your daily life restrictive thinking patterns _life is shit_ - everything in life is bad, everyone is not trustworthy, and nothing good will happen to them, such as _I won't get the job, the interviewer doesn't like me, anyway, I don't particularly like them_‘ Unproven conclusive 'thinking patterns - you tend to come to a lot of conclusions without any evidence to support your conclusions. This can be a very destructive pattern because it limits your perception of reality, such as _he walks a little funny, he must be gay_ and _never be to me_ - this is when you think it won't be When a good thing happens to you, it may be a deep-rooted way of thinking, a deep-seated inability to believe that you are worth anything good that happens to you, such as _I'll never have money, I've never had it before, so I won't have it in the future, maybe it's the same way to continue to do this bad job, at least it can pay the mortgage ”; _negative psychic_ thinking patterns - it's not good to assume that you know what other people are thinking about you, such as _she thinks I'm an idiot, and I'll try to avoid talking to her_; _should, will,_ thinking patterns - does this type of person know what they have to do to change their lives? They have the ability, they know it, and they do it if they want, for example, _I know I can go to college, I'll go, but I'm busy with other things right now and I'll apply next year_; _emotion based_ thinking mode - your emotions control what you think, so your view of what reality is, for example, _I don't think so Can do so, so I must be incompetent _;_ it's all my fault _mode of thinking - you think you're the cause of all the bad things that happen, such as_ it's my fault, he left me to another woman, _and you'll notice that this type of person doesn't do good to what happens.


培养逻辑思维 英语范文 第七篇



培养逻辑思维 英语范文 第八篇

“逻辑”(logic)主要是指思维的规律。思维的逻辑性就是指思维过程中有一定形式、方法,是按着一定规律进行着的(朱志贤、林崇德,1986)。逻辑主要研究人类是如何在遵守逻辑思维的基本规律——矛盾律、同一律、排中律的前提下,运用概念,作出判断,进行推理的(张炼强,2007)。“逻辑思维”(logical thinking)是人们在认识过程中借助于概念、判断、推理反映客观世界的过程(李学兵,2012)。一般来说,逻辑思维形式包括演绎和归纳、比较、分类和类比、分析和综合(郭元祥,2014)。刘道义(2018)认为逻辑思维是一种运用逻辑工具对思维内容进行抽象和推演的思维活动,如判断、推理、论证等。逻辑思维能力是正确、合理思考的能力,是对事物进行观察、比较、分析、综合、抽象、概括、判断、推理的能力, 是运用科学的逻辑规则, 准确地表达自己思维过程的能力(王龙,2012)。


培养逻辑思维 英语范文 第九篇

If I have three, I think I will seriously consider it. First of all, I hope all my family members, my teachers and friends are healthy. If they can avoid any trouble and live a good life, I will be very happy.

Second, I hope our country will become more and more powerful. After that, no one will attack us and rob our various treasures. I really hope I can have them With a strong body, I can learn a lot.

I want to contribute to my country and help it become more prosperous. At that time, all people will not starve to death, all people will have a happy life.



标签: 衣服

培养逻辑思维 英语范文 第十篇


以必修第二册第四单元Extended Reading部分的语篇 The Old Man and the Sea为例,在学习句子“The old man pulled on him all that he could to bring him closer”时,教师引导学生通过分析语境、理解句意,推理、判断could 后面省略了词组pull on him,从而领悟该句句意:老人用尽全力拉住它,想把它拉近些。教师应充分利用语篇中的省略现象,通过启发、引导,帮助学生正确理解上下文语义,补全省略的信息,进行正确推理和判断。

语篇衔接的另一种手段是词汇衔接(lexical cohesion)。词汇衔接主要体现在语篇的语义层面上,是语篇连贯性的黏合剂。词汇衔接指通过词的重复、同义、反义、上下义、互补、整体与部分等关系,来使语篇语义连贯(黄国文,1988)。教师可以选取逻辑性强的文章或语段,删去其中彰显逻辑关系的词,让学生自己填写,然后与原文进行比对,从而训练学生的逻辑思维。

以必修第二册第二单元Reading部分的语篇 A Beginner's Guide to Exercise为例,在阅读文本之后,教师可以编写以下词汇衔接填空练习:

exercise    for example    jogging    however    if    weekdays    others

Exercise has a range of health benefits. _______, some people assume that _____ some exercise is good, more is always better,so they tend to ________ for a long time without stopping. __________, some people go ________ for several hours at a time because of the step-counting smartphone apps. ________ work out for hours at the weekend to make up for their lack of exercise during the ________.

该填空中的词汇衔接手段体现为:exercise 是词汇的重复,jogging与文中exercise是上下义关系,others与文中前面的some people是互补关系,同时weekdays与文中的weekend也是互补关系。


培养逻辑思维 英语范文 第十一篇

杜威早在20世纪就说过,“语言是思维的工具,语言同思维有着特别密切的关系” (转引自刘道义,2018)。语言的线性序列是逻辑思维的连贯性的载体(张炼强,2007)。建构和理解语篇的根本在于逻辑,一切语篇无不深藏着思维的逻辑,英汉语篇连贯的逻辑性体现于逻辑关系的连接(陈青松,2007)。

语篇赋予语言学习以主题、情境和内容,并以其特有的内在逻辑结构、文体特征和语言形式组织和呈现信息,服务于主题意义的表达(教育部,2020)。英语语篇通常具有清晰的逻辑结构,无论是微观组织结构,还是宏观组织结构,都存在一定的逻辑关系。文秋芳、刘润清(2006)指出,要提高学生的写作水平,除了注意语言与写作技巧的训练以外,必须结合写作思维过程的基本环节,系统训练分析、比较、综合、抽象、概括、归类等形式逻辑思维能力,同时还要训练学生的辩证逻辑思维能力。梅德明、王蔷 (2018a, 2018b,转引自刘晓斌,2018)认为,基于英语语言特点,发展学生的逻辑思维能力可以通过开展观察与比较、分析与推断、归纳与概念构建等英语教学活动来进行。王淑花(2015)认为,语篇分析可以培养学生的分析、归纳、综合和推断能力。


培养逻辑思维 英语范文 第十二篇

As we all know, books teach us to learn life, truth, science and many other useful things. They increase our knowledge, broaden our horizons and strengthen our character. In other words, they are our good teachers and smart friends.

That's why our parents always encourage us to read more books, but we must pay attention to books The choice of nationality. Indeed, we can benefit from good books. However, bad books do us more harm than good books.



培养逻辑思维 英语范文 第十三篇

Boys' visual sensitivity is easy to be attracted by visual design. In terms of consciousness and orientation, they look for curved paths, their spatial expressiveness and visual skills. In terms of attention, boys are more directional towards things and like to repair objects and explore the mysteries of objects.

For example, they often take toys apart and unload them in memory. Because boys have strong understanding ability, they intend to do so For example, when retelling a story, they often do not imitate word for word, and they always add some of your language for logical thinking. Boys' thinking is characterized by extensiveness, flexibility and creativity.

Their ability of miniature is stronger than that of logical thinking. After entering school, they like mathematics, physics and chemistry.



培养逻辑思维 英语范文 第十四篇

I'm glad to recommend my good friend Li Ming. In order to apply for a job in your company, Li Ming graduated from the computer software major of Beijing University of technology. During his four years of study, he has done very well every year and won the first-class scholarship and the title of excellent graduate.

He is an enthusiastic and enterprising young man with potential. He not only learns fast, but also is good at solving problems with logical thinking. I believe if he can work for your company, it will be good for your company.

I highly recommend him to your company.





培养逻辑思维 英语范文 第十五篇

Dear brown, I'm glad to recommend my good friend Li Ming to work in your company. Li Ming graduated from Beijing University of technology, majoring in computer software in four years of study. He has won the first-class scholarship every year, and won the title of excellent graduate.

He is a passionate young man with high potential. He not only learns very fast, but also is good at solving difficult problems with logical thinking. I believe if he can work for your company, it will be good for your company.

I highly recommend him to your company, Wang Lin.




培养逻辑思维 英语范文 第十六篇


以必修第一册第一单元Reading部分的语篇Realizing Your Potential为例,文本第三段内容如下:

Of equal importance are good study habits, useful skills and a positive attitude. Carefully plan your study, set clear goals and balance your schoolwork with other activities. As a senior high school student, you must make efforts to improve your communication and problem-solving skills. Last but not least, always look on the bright side and never lose hope, even in difficult situations. In time you will find yourself growing into a well-rounded individual.

在学生阅读文本时,教师可以设计以下探究性的问题:What is the main idea of Paragraph 3? 学生回答:Good study habits, useful skills and a positive attitude are of equal importance.教师接着提问:How do you know that? 启发学生回答:The first sentence is the topic sentence. The following are supporting details.然后教师追问:Could you give evidence? 学生阐述细节,一一对应主题句中的三个要点。在这一环节,学生在教师引导下概括出段落主旨及其与各要点之间的联系。概括段落主旨并分析段落内主题句与支撑句的逻辑关系,能够帮助学生自上而下把握段落主题句,同时启发学生通过语义逻辑分析,自下而上利用细节信息提炼段落主题,有效训练抽象与概括能力。

此外,语篇中各个段落与语篇主题之间也存在一定的逻辑关系。语篇分析需要揭示段落之间的连贯方式,体验段落之间不仅存在形式逻辑的衔接、话题的统一性与层级性、主题的一致性,而且存在着语义上的连贯性 (李福庆,2016,转引自王彦鹏,2020)。教师应引导学生关注文本各个部分内容的内在关联性,抽象概括语篇内容,连贯地理解语篇意义,形成结构化知识。

以必修第一册第二单元 Reading部分的语篇 “Strangers under the Same Roof?”为例,教师可以设计如下语篇信息结构图填空:


Cause 1: Teenagers' physical growth may result in such family tensions.

Cause 2: Teenagers' developing mental needs can also influence parent-child relationships.

Solution: Teenagers should have regular and honest communication with their parents.

Conclusion: Everything will turn out all right in the end.


培养逻辑思维 英语范文 第十七篇

学生在阅读语篇过程中往往对某些信息视而不见,没有观察、注意到语篇中具有逻辑意义的语法衔接手段,导致不能准确理解语篇意义。教师应引导学生关注这些衔接手段,以培养学生的观察和比较能力。语法衔接中的连接是一种显性的、通过连接词这种过渡性的词语来体现两个句子之间的因果、时间、条件等逻辑关系的衔接手段(张金平,2012)。连接通常有以下几类:表示层次的有to begin with、also、at the same time、furthermore、worse still等;表示转折关系的有however、despite、although、instead、still、on the contrary、in fact等;表示因果关系的有 therefore、as a consequence、thus、owing to等;表示举例、解释关系的有such as、take ... for example、for instance、in other words等;表示条件关系的有 as/so long as、on condition that、unless、suppose 等;表示时间顺序的有 afterwards、after that、at first、finally等;表示总结的有in a word、to sum up、 in conclusion 等;表示比较的有as ... as ...、the same as、more than、less than等。

以必修第二册第四单元Extended Reading部分的语篇The Old Man and the Sea为例,在学习句子“I'll try it again, the old man promised, although his hands were mushy now and he could only see well in flashes.” 时,教师引导学生朗读句子,并设计以下问题: What is the relationship between “I'll try it again, the old man promised” and “his hands were mushy now and he could only see well in flashes”? 启发学生关注显性连接词although,感悟前后语句的转折关系。


培养逻辑思维 英语范文 第十八篇

With the deepening of globalization, English is becoming more and more important. Especially for those who communicate with foreigners, English is an important tool to understand the world. Now most information is broadcast in English, especially advanced information.

To learn English well, we can see a completely different world. For example, we can sometimes read original novels or enjoy English movies Translation may eliminate the essence of the original language. We may even develop a different way of thinking, that is, English thinking mode.

In short, it is different from Chinese. As a communication tool, English plays an important role in our life.



培养逻辑思维 英语范文 第十九篇




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培养逻辑思维 英语范文 第二十篇

Grandfather Li is sick. Grandma Li of the hospital came and looked. One day, however, she couldn't find it.

The hospital asked, a policeman, _excuse me, which way?_ police, help, found hank. Happy, on duty. OK, grandfather Li was ill.

One day, she went to the hospital. Li Nuri came to see him, but she couldn't find the hospital. She asked the police, _excuse me, which way is to the hospital?_ _The police helped her find her way.

She thank the police, said he was glad to help her on duty. He also said to Grandma Li,_ have a good time. _.



培养逻辑思维 英语范文 第二十一篇

“学习和使用语言要借助思维,同时学习和使用语言又能进一步促进思维的发展”(程晓堂,2015)。《普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版2020年修订)》(教育部,2020; 以下简称《课标》)将思维品质确立为英语学科核心素养的重要组成部分,并将思维品质表述为思维在逻辑性、批判性、创新性等方面所表现的能力和水平。联合国1974年公布的基础学科分类目录将逻辑学与数学、天文学等并列为七大基础学科。《大英百科全书》将逻辑学列于众学科之首(杨武金,2013)。



2.逻辑思维培养不充分。教师在语篇教学 中虽涉及逻辑思维教学,但往往蜻蜓点水,指导不够深入,未能充分分析语篇中的语法衔接、词汇衔接、语篇连贯等,未能关注语篇的各个段落之间的逻辑关系,未能从语篇结构的视角指导学生理解文本逻辑线索和框架。

3. 逻辑思维培养不系统。教师只关注逻辑思维能力的某一方面,忽视了逻辑思维的其他要素,设计的学习活动或限于概括段落大意,或限于预测下文,未能通过挖掘语篇素材设计观察、比较、分析、综合、判断、推理等逻辑思维活动。

培养逻辑思维 英语范文 第二十二篇

How to cultivate our creativity is a fact. It may be very difficult for most people to cultivate creativity, but we don't realize that it is really very important for the whole society. What can we do to get it? First of all, it needs our efforts, which should be very difficult, even unimaginable.

Of course, it will give us a solid foundation. Secondly, we'd better try our best to see, observe and observe everything in our life, from which we can get useful information, because the last thing is very difficult. After all, we should think deeply Compare everything with each other and find out their characteristics.

Maybe we can't succeed, but to give our dedication, we can learn a lot and believe that we will create perfectly in the end.



培养逻辑思维 英语范文 第二十三篇

衔接(cohesion) 和连贯(coherence) 是语篇的两个重要特征。 语篇毕竟是由形式特征来体现的。 到目前为止,从形式特征来研究语篇连贯的唯一途径是通过语篇的衔接机制 (张德禄, 2000)。 语篇衔接手段分为语法衔接和词汇衔接,语法衔接能帮助读者从语篇和功能层面上分析语篇各部分之间的逻辑关系。 语法衔接分为照应(reference)、替代(substitution)、省略(ellipsis) 和连接(conjunction)(Halliday & Hasan,1976,转引自朱永生,1997)。 词汇衔接指语篇中出现的一部分词汇相互之间存在语义上的联系, 或反复, 或由其他同义词语替代,或共同出现(胡壮麟, 2018)。 此外,篇章结构的逻辑性也是语篇连贯的一种体现。 下面以译林版《普通高中教科书·英语》 为例,探讨教师应该如何分析教材内容,挖掘语篇中的衔接与连贯要素,在语篇教学中培养学生的逻辑思维。



