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经济学人应文范文 第一篇

Buildings have a dirty secret: they are among the planet's worst climate offenders (造成问题的人或物). Heating, cooling and powering existing offices, homes and factories accounts for (占)27% of global energy-related carbon-dioxide emissions. Constructing new ones involves mountains (大量)of steel and colossal (巨大的, 庞大的)amounts of cement, and combined with demolition (拆毁, 拆除) accounts for (占)another 10% of the global CO2 emitted each year. Building debris (残骸, 碎片; 垃圾)generates a third of the European Union's annual waste by weight.


经济学人应文范文 第二篇

Those worrying about the Americanisation of British English have a point. The British English alternative (可供选择的事物) to the subjunctive—using “should”, as inIt is essential that every parent should remain supportive—has declined on the islands as the subjunctive has returned.

其实严格意义来说,“It is essential that every parent should remain supportive”或“She suggested that he should talk to someone else”也是虚拟语气,只不过,英式英语中,“should”往往不会省去。

经济学人应文范文 第三篇

What can be done? The problem can be divided into three parts. The first goal is to incentivise (激励, 鼓励) owners to make existing properties more energy-efficient. ... The second goal is to facilitate more rational decisions about when to retrofit (对…进行翻新改良) buildings and when to demolish (拆除, 拆毁) them and rebuild. ... The final goal should be to ensure that the construction of new buildings that does take place is far cleaner than it has been in the past.


经济学人应文范文 第四篇

The pandemic has thrown another spanner in the works (打乱计划, 破坏过程). Doubts over the level of future demand for office blocks have reduced landlords' incentives to undertake (着手做, 从事, 承担)green refurbishments (翻新;整修), and demand for larger homes to accommodate (容纳; 顺应)remote working will crank up (使增加, 使增强)residential energy use.


经济学人应文范文 第五篇


1Leaders. War and farming. The food catastrophe难度指数 ★★★俄乌局势久久不见好转,同时,一场可以预见却难以避免的全球性粮食危机即将到来。人类该怎么办?

近两年来,因为新冠疫情、气候变化、能源价格波动,全球粮食供应体系早已千疮百孔,而久久未见好转的俄乌冲突,令这一情况雪上加霜:The war is battering (沉重打击, 重创) a global food system weakened by covid-19, climate change and an energy shock. Ukraine’s exports of grain (小麦, 谷物) and oilseeds (含油种子(如油菜籽、花生或棉籽)) have mostly stopped and Russia’s are threatened. Together, the two countries supply 12% of traded calories.俄乌两国对全球粮食市场有多重要?我直接上张图给大家看(见下图);俄乌是地球上的两大粮仓,它们起冲突,全球的粮食市场都会天翻地覆。

《经济学人》说,这场粮食危机恐怕才刚开始,更严重的危机还在后面:The widely accepted idea of a cost-of-living crisis does not begin to capture (捕捉, 描述; 表现, 体现) the gravity (严重性) of what may lie ahead. ... If, as is likely, the war drags on (拖得过久) and supplies from Russia and Ukraine are limited, hundreds of millions more people could fall into poverty. Political unrest (动乱, 骚乱, 动荡) will spread, children will be stunted (抑制成长, 阻碍发育) and people will starve.当下的危机,只是一场“生活成本”危机,但如若俄乌冲突继续拖延下去,数亿人将陷入贫困;社会将动荡不堪,儿童会营养不良,人们会真的吃不上饭。《经济学人》说,全球性的危机,需要全球携手解决:World leaders should see hunger as a global problem urgently requiring a global solution. 首先得确保全球粮食贸易自由流通:States need to act together, starting by keeping markets open. This week Indonesia, source of 60% of the world’s palm oil (棕榈油), lifted (解除) a temporary ban (禁令) on exports. Europe should help Ukraine ship its grain (小麦, 谷物) via rail and road to ports in Romania or the Baltics, though even the most optimistic forecasts say that just 20% of the harvest (收成, 收获量) could get out that way.粮食出口国不能随意限制粮食出口;欧洲应竭尽全力帮助乌克兰恢复粮食出口(乌克兰黑海港口遭俄罗斯封锁,那欧盟可以帮乌克兰先把粮食陆运到其他国家港口,再海运出口(可惜这个方法不能彻底解决问题,因为陆运运力有限))。特殊年代,可以考虑减产生物燃料:There is scope (范围, 施展余地, 机会) for substitution (代替, 替换). About 10% of all grains are used to make biofuel (生物燃料); and 18% of vegetable oils go to biodiesel (生物柴油). Finland and Croatia have weakened mandates (命令, 指示) that require petrol (汽油) to include fuel from crops. Others should follow their lead.近年来,石油成本的增加,导致许多国家大力开发生物燃料;而生产更多的生物燃料,意味着更少的粮食。当下粮食危机加剧,粮食生产大国应该考虑减产生物燃料,增产粮食。当务之急是破解黑海封锁,打通运输要道:Immediate relief (缓解) would come from breaking the Black Sea blockade (封锁). Roughly 25m tonnes of corn (谷物, 谷粒) and wheat (小麦), equivalent (相等的, 相同的, 等同的) to the annual consumption of all of the world’s least developed economies, is trapped in Ukraine. Three countries must be brought onside (达成一致): Russia needs to allow Ukrainian shipping; Ukraine has to de-mine (清除...的地雷) the approach to Odessa (敖德萨(乌克兰南部沿海的港口城市)); and Turkey needs to let naval escorts (护送者; 护卫舰) through the Bosporus (博斯普鲁斯海峡(自古时起便是重要的贸易通道)).乌克兰粮仓里闲置着大约2500万吨粮食,如果黑海港口解封,这些粮食就能运出去了。俄罗斯要允许乌克兰出海;乌克兰要清除敖德萨周边的水雷;土耳其应允许军舰通行博斯普鲁斯海峡。要化解这场全球性的粮食危机,绝非易事,不过,这是关乎数亿人的大事,每个国家都应该出一份力:Feeding a fragile world is everyone’s business.更多内容,欢迎大家自行阅读原文。2Asia. Demography. NIMBYs v babies难度指数 ★★日本生育率极低,这是众所周知的。很多人有所不知的是,如今亚洲绝大多数地区的生育率,都比日本的还要低……为什么亚洲人突然就不生娃了呢?

如果你想知道一个富裕社会人口老化或收缩后会变成什么样,你看看日本就知道了。不过,现在亚洲很多地区,在这方面已经赶上或超过了日本:For years Japan has been seen as a harbinger ((尤指不祥的)先兆, 预兆) of how rich societies will age and shrink. ... Much of Asia has now caught up with or overtaken it.直接看看亚洲各个地区的生育率数字吧:Japanese fertility (生育能力) is still ultra-low compared with almost any society in human history. Yet it is now higher than that of any well-off (富裕的) East Asian or South-East Asian economy. The numbers in Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan ranged between and in 2020. Nor is this a temporary blip ((大趋势中突然出现的)短暂偏差) caused by the pandemic: Japan’s figure was higher than all those countries in 2019, 年,日本的生育率是,而同期中国香港、中国澳门、中国台湾、韩国、新加坡的生育率,均未超过;其中韩国生育率最低,仅为左右。这并不是由于新冠疫情而出现的“短暂偏差”,因为在2019年,这些地区的生育率就已经比日本低了。生育率过低的危害,大家可以详见之前推荐的今天这篇文章,我们主要来探究,为什么亚洲人突然都不愿意生娃了。《经济学人》说原因有三:Rich, baby-averse (厌恶生小孩的) Asian countries in the region have three things in common. First, their people rarely have children outside marriage. ... A second shared factor is expensive schooling. ... Yet it is the third factor that might explain why Japan is out-sprogging (在生小孩这件事上胜过) its rich Asian peers.原因一是亚洲鲜有非婚生子女;原因二是亚洲社会格外重视教育,而教育成本却格外高昂(原因三是高企的房价:A flurry ((突然同时出现或发生的)一系列事物) of research in recent years suggests that high house prices cause young couples to delay having children. ... Across much of East Asia and especially in urban China, buying a home is an uphill (艰难的, 费力的) struggle for young people. South Korea, whose fertility rate of is the lowest in the region, correspondingly (相应地) has a house-price-to-income ratio (the number of years of income needed to buy a home) of , the highest in the OECD after New Zealand. Japan’s ratio of is among the lowest.对东亚年轻人来说,在城市里买房安家,实在是太难了。韩国的房价收入比,达到了,这意味着韩国年轻人要不吃不喝年,才能买得起一套房。当然,这还是平均数,而且这还没有计入通货膨胀或房价未来的涨幅。日本的房价虽然也不低,但日本的房价收入比才,只有韩国的一半不到。难怪日本人比韩国人更愿意生娃。所以说日本“上岸”了吗?很遗憾,并没有,因为日本的劳动年龄人口实在是太少了:Many Japanese are glad that their country seems likely to avoid total demographic (人口结构的, 人口统计的) collapse. But Japan still has by far the worst old-age dependency ratio, or the number of people over 65 (a lot) relative to the number of working-age people (not enough), among rich Asian countries. That has effects on everything from the affordability of health care for the elderly to the size of the government budget dedicated (专用于) to pensions. 老年人多但劳动人口少,政府财政收入就会减少;政府可能会削减养老金,很多老年人可能会名义上退休但实际上继续通过劳动赚钱糊口。在这方面,日本依然是其他国家的“老师”:The drop in fertility rates elsewhere presages (预示, 预兆) similar problems to come for the countries following in Japan’s footsteps. They may find there are lessons to be learned from Japan.个人觉得,日本提供的教训,只要吸取到位,很多事情都是能避免的。很多人很悲观,但我对未来充满乐观。3Johnson. Enter the dragon app难度指数 ★★对于外国人来说,中国汉字难学难写,但技术正在改变这一切。

经济学人应文范文 第六篇

But this “Americanism” was born in England, and was used by many of its greatest authors for centuries. If it had survived in Britain, while Americans had invented the “should” replacement, it is easy to imagine how the American innovation would be judged.


经济学人应文范文 第七篇

If you want to see how technology and deglobalisation are changing the global economy, there are few better places to look than the car industry. Not only is it going through an epochal (划时代的, 开创新纪元的) shift: away from the internal-combustion engine (ICE) and towards electric vehicles (EVs). Automobiles are also becoming, in effect, computers on wheels, running as much on processing power as the horse variety. And the pandemic has wreaked havoc (造成大破坏)on car companies' complex global supply chains, most prominently of semiconductors (半导体). As carmakers electrify, computerise and refashion (翻新; 改造) their supply chains for the new reality, the giant sector is undergoing (经历, 经受) the greatest transformation in decades.


经济学人应文范文 第八篇

The subjunctive in question (正被讨论的, 谈论中的) is the present (现在时的) one, which can be distinguished by the lack of the usual-son first- and third-person singular verbs, as intake instead of takes. (The subjunctive of to be is be.)

通常来说,在一般现在时中,谓语动词需要跟随主语的人称和数进行变化,例如“Mr LM speaks English”这句话中,“speaks”就是第三人称单数形式。不过,这一规则并不适用于虚拟语气,例如,在“It might be desirable that Mr LM speak English”中,“speak”就无需改为第三人称单数形式。



