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剑桥雅思考官范文翻译 第一篇

Counties such as China, India and Japan have unsustainable population growths. In fact many experts are of the opinion that the population ‘explosion’ which is now a very worrying concern, is the most serious threat to life on this planet.

Give some suggestions to address this problem.

Model Answer:

It is true that the population ‘explosion’ which has taken place over the last century, is a very serious problem. One of the main reasons for this unacceptable population growth is a lack of understanding about the environment. Over-population is the major reason for water, soil and air pollution. It is also often the cause of starvation and even wars. Experts have put forward many suggestions to address this problem. The following are just a few of these.

The most important weapon we have to fight population growth is education. This should start at a very early age . before children even go to school. TV cartoons and children’s programs can be used to educate the very young. At high school level, students can be taught about the problem more directly. At university level, scholarships should be made available to students who wish to study further in this field. International exchange groups may also help to increase awareness.

Another important means of controlling population growth is to disadvantage people who have more than one or two children. This can be done, as it is in China, by means of a higher tax. Although it is controversial, persons who come forward to be sterilized could be given a sum of money. It may also be possible to make it advantageous for people to have only one child by giving such couples a special tax deduction.

It should also be possible to make contraception devices free to the public and easily obtainable.

This problem is a very difficult one to address but we should make every effort to do so. There are many other problems which are related to over-population such as increasing crime, illiteracy and pollution. So by addressing one problem we would be addressing the others as well.







剑桥雅思考官范文翻译 第二篇

You celebrated your birthday with some friends last week in a was a great success and you and your friends enjoyed the evening very much.

Write a letter to the restaurant to thank them. Mention the food, service and the atmosphere. Also suggest any improvements to make things better.

should write at least 150 words.

should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

do NOT need to write your own address.

Dear Sir,

Last week on Saturday night some friends and I had dinner in your restaurant to celebrate my birthday. I am writing to thank you for the great evening that we had.

All my friends remarked afterwards on the standard of the food and service that we received. All the food was very tasty and well presented. Our waiter, whose name was James, was fast and friendly and put with well with our bad jokes! The restaurant itself was warm and friendly and the atmosphere showed that all the diners there were enjoying their evening.

I would like though to suggest one improvement. One of my friends is a vegetarian and he felt that the choice for vegetarians was little small. If you could develop that, it would be a great advantage to your restaurant.

Once again I would like to thank you for my highly enjoyable birthday dinner.

Yours faithfully,

Rebecca Ahlinder

剑桥雅思考官范文翻译 第三篇

After being involved in an accident, you were looked after by another person. Write a special letter to express your thanks.

should write at least 150 words.

should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Dear John,

I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude. I am referring to that unfortunate accident the other day, when I was knocked off my bike by a taxi. If it had not been for your timely assistance in giving me first aid and taking me to a nearby hospital, I fear that the consequences might have been much more serious.

The doctor says that my broken leg is healing well, and the bruises and cuts I suffered will soon be completely better. In addition, the taxi company has agreed to pay my hospital bills. Everyone agrees that it was your quick-witted response in that emergency that has lead to this satisfactory outcome.

Although nowadays many people talk about the need to be unselfish and to help others, we see very few people practicing what they preach. But you showed by your selfless action that you are an exception. If there were more people like you, this world would be a much nicer place.

Yours sincerely,


剑桥雅思考官范文翻译 第四篇

You have a full time job and are also doing a part time evening course. You now find that you can not continue the course.

Write a letter to your tutor. In your letter

describe the situation

explain why you cannot continue at this time

say what action you would like to take

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Muhamad Abdul. I am taking a part-time evening course. I am having a hard time keeping up with this course. I am afraid I cannot continue the course.

My problem is, I have a full-time job, from 9am – 5pm. Sometimes, I am asked to stay extra hours, to finish up the rest of the work. That is because the holidays are coming up soon. Also I have to do some work preparations for the next day.

At night when I get home, I am too tired to even prepare a dinner for myself. Also I have no time to study for this course.

I would like drop this course this quarter. Then take it again the next quarter. So, please accept my situation.

Thank you for your cooperation


M. Abdul

剑桥雅思考官范文翻译 第五篇

Children's lives these days are quite different from our generation's. Describe what are the biggest changes in younger generation and explain some factors of this phenomenon.

Model Answer:

Over the past few decades, the world has significantly changed. Nowadays, many have begun to wonder what the reasons behind [=for] these changes are. Two major factors contributing to this phenomenon are advances in media and change family dynamics [=organization].

First, advances in media, such as the Internet and TV, have meant that children spend a large portion of their leisure time in front of a screen. Consequently, they are not getting proper amounts of exercise, which results in an increase in the number of children who are overweight and obese. In addition, fast food restaurants have become increasingly popular, which has also contributed to children's health problems

Moreover, another leading force of this trend is changes in the family unit. Compared with a half century ago, nuclear families have become way more common in modern society. People tend to have only one child, which has caused personality disorders such as depression, loneliness, and selfishness. This is mainly because parents with one child have tendency to put all their focus and money into their only son or daughter. Studies have indicated that over 65% of children who are brought up without siblings show self-centered behavior find it difficult cooperating with their peers.

In summary, there are many factors that have caused children to live very differently from the generation before them. There are high hopes that parents exercise(s) wisdom in treating their children.


过去几十年,世界发生了重大变化。如今,许多人开始想知道这些变化背后的原因是什么。造成这一现象的两个主要因素是媒体的进步和改变家庭的动态[ =组织]。



剑桥雅思考官范文翻译 第六篇

Task Response

1. 文章全面回答了题目中的问题。第一自然段对题目进行同义转述,并且通过区分贫困学生和富裕学生来将问题具体化。第二自然段指出空闲一年的优点,更加丰富的经历可以让他们更为独立。第四自然段指出这样做的缺点,无法适应学术环境。但最后又反驳说这不太可能。

2. 对每个观点进行了详细的阐述。第二自然段通过对比的方式来说明为什么空闲一年会让人变得更加独立,并且尤其强调对未来学习生涯的好处,呼应题目中的学生阶段。第三自然段的缺点描述同样落脚于对学习的影响。这点很值得我们学习,在进行论述的时候,一定要注意结尾的落脚点。

Coherence and Cohesion

1. 文章分段比较合理。采用四段式的结构,一段开头,一段讲优点,一段讲缺点,最后表明自己的观点。每个自然段都有自己的独立主题,没有出现杂糅的情况。

2. 这篇文章在链接方式上尤其突出。开头段用but连接贫穷学生与富裕学生。主体段一用了by contrast和as well as,主体段二开头用了however来表示另一方面的情况,快到结束的时候又用but overall来表示自己相反的观点。

Lexical Resource

Grammatical Range and Accuracy

1. 作为雅思官方给出的范文,这篇文章肯定不存在任何语法错误。

剑桥雅思考官范文翻译 第七篇

is not restricted to …,but is also evident among … 某一现象并不仅仅局限于…,而是在…中也很明显

be economically independent 经济上独立

recognition 认知,可以替换argue, believe等词用来表示人的观点

earn a living 谋生

have personal resources to draw on 用自己的资源可以依靠

take time off 休息

end up 最终…

academic qualifications 学术资质

essential adj. 必要的,必需的

reasonable career 还行的职业

broaden their horizons 扩展他们的视野

get a clear perspective 获得清晰的认知

剑桥雅思考官范文翻译 第八篇

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Your heighbours have recently written to you to complain about the noise from your houselflat.

Write a letter to your neighbours. In your letter

the reasons for the noise

what action you will take

Dear James,

I was very shocked to get your letter saying that the noise from my flat has been spoiling your evenings and causing you some distress. I am really, really sorry about that. I had no idea that you would be able to hear so much, so I hope you will accept my apologies.

As you may have guessed, I am trying to refit my kitchen in the evenings when I get home from work. Unfortunately it is all getting longer than expected and I have been having problems with getting things to fit properly. This has meant to a lot of banging and hammering.

As the kitchen is still not finished, I have decided to call in a professional builder who will finish the work in the next day or two. He'll work only during daytime hours, so you won't be disturbed in the evenings again, I promis.

Sorry to have caused these problems,




