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梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第一篇

I hope I can be a good English teacher or know that be a teacher isn’t get good wages,but I just like this you know why?OK,Let me tell you I hope I can make more comtribute to my country.

In my country,there are a lots of poor people ang there are a lots people can’t speak them meet a foreigner,them only smile and say “hello”,they can’t say any know this Circumstance, I feel very I decide to help them to improve their I be an English teacher,I will try my best to teach them ,make them can speak more English,then them can speak well with foreigner,I will feel very happy and excited.

At the same time,I hope I can be a businesswoman ,then earn more money to help poor their children can go to school to learn more knowledge ,when they know more something,they also can make contribute to our country,let our country stronger and stronger.

In fact,I like to be a good English teacher more than be a I like speaking English,when I talk to foreigner,I am feel very happy and success,It’s so I am working hard,I am studying my English very hard and I like to talk any other foreigner, Cherish each plan to the Australia to study,go to learn more knowedge on English, make own English better and better. Then can make myself become a sucess English hope I can make will syudy harder and harder. Let it become true.

——我的职业梦想记叙作文 (菁选2篇)

梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第二篇

His left hand dribbling, sudden acceleration, behind the defenders, a variable to open another player, then, a ball, the ball to the ambush in the vicinity of the three-point line teammates, as if Jordan possessed, ball, jump, perfect arc, the ball into the... On the basketball court can often see such a scene, even if the weather is hot again, also cannot reduce their love of basketball,_

The pursuit of dream, is a kind of consciousness, the source of power. Dream is for the good things of a kind of human vision and desire, sometimes dream is unrealistic, but there is no doubt that dream is the most naive and innocent human desire the most beautiful and the most lovely. In the long life on the road and everyone has their own dreams, I am no exception, my dream is to become a basketball player, fight for the country's honor.

Back when you're playing for the first time, my action is very heavy, can't even dribble, although the technology is not so good, but the developed an interest in this sport. As I practice playing basketball, I more and more obsessed with basketball, like it bring me joy and pleasure. Play every time, my mood is very happy, happy, my heart is full of happiness and joy everywhere, in my opinion, every breakthrough is a symbol of the dexterous and vitality, every dunk is a symbol of passion and power, every block is a symbol of ambition and strong. Then play became my expertise, I hope in the movement, is my dream to become a basketball player.

I started through various channels to understand basketball, when I see the NBA, see the Olympic Games, I was completely renewed enthusiasm for basketball, I hope to play in one of my favorite Chicago bulls, and I want to help China beat the world hegemony the United States.

Although, my this dream seem out of reach, but I am going to put it into reality, remember _aspirants, have what_ this simple truth! Let's dream to struggle together.

梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第三篇





梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第四篇

I imagine a lot about lives in the future. I think two words can summarize my imagination. The first word is fast. In the future, we will have more quickly transportation means. Now matter how far we go, it takes only a short time. With the development of science and technology, we can travel to the moon, Mars or somewhere outer space.

People may can live in other planets. The second word is convenient. Because of the fast development of our society, many work can be done by computers or even robots. Lots of things are fully automated. Humans just need to give some simple instructions to complete complecated tasks

梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第五篇

Teacher is a great job in most students’ eyes. When they are asked what they want to be in the future, most will say they want to be a teacher and make a contribution to the society. Indeed, we have access to the teachers all the time and they have great influence on us. So being a teacher is a ideal job for most students, but for me, I want to be a librarian. I like reading books so much and once I have time, I will be immersed in these novels. Books broaden my vision, though I can’t travel to the places, I can still know about these famous sites from these books. Being a librarian can make me have a lot of time to read.

梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第六篇

There are various kinds of jobs in the world, such as writing, nursing, teaching and engineering. But different people choose different jobs as their ideal careers. This is because everyone has his own interest.

As for me, I have made up my mind to be a teacher. I choose to do so mainly for three reasons. First, I want to teach because I like the pace of academic calendar. Two long vacations offer me an opportunity for reflection, research and writing. Secondly, I want to teach because I like the freedom to make my own mistakes, to learn my own lesson, to stimulate myself and my students. And I can have the opportunity to keep on learning. Finally, I want to teach because, being around the students who are beginning to grow and change in front of me, I will grow and change with them too.

But teaching is no easy job at all. I must study cleverly to obtain more knowledge. And, at the same time, I will make every effort to purify my soul so that I can become an architect of man's soul.

梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第七篇







梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第八篇

There are various kinds of jobs in the world, but different people are attracted by different jobs because everyone has his own interest and destination. Many people consider an ideal job as a means of making more money and living more comfortably. It may sound reasonable because money is the foundation of life.

As far as my ideal job is concerned, I think I want to be a psychologist, I have made up my mind to do what I really want to so that I can realize my ideal, I believe interest is of the utmost importance in choosing a job, I have been interested in psychology for a long time, so I want to be a psychologist in the future, I think being a psychologist can help lots of people lead a happier life.

However, it isn't easy for me to become a qualified psychologist and many people around me think that it's unrealistic to me. NevertheLess, I'll make every effort to gain much more knowLedge, patience, methods, etc. to live up to the name of a qualified psychologist. I believe my dream will come true someday.

梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第九篇

Socrates said: _the happiest thing in the world is to struggle for a noble ideal._ Indeed, there is no dream is empty, there is no flavor of life.

When I was a child, particularly aspire to be a teacher or a reporter. Teaching in three feet platform teaching, filled with the whole country, or is a camera, extensively interview celebrities everywhere, let the audience get the latest news and information.

Slowly grow up, understand career more and more, and then gradually begin to pay close attention to the professional jewelry designer and painter this. Like in the piles of artwork design a novel and dazzing jewellery design, let wear jewelry everyone can send out a beautiful light. Like to use the color with deep light depth brush outline of mountains near water, draw part of the sunrise and sunset, put my heart to understand art beauty perfect show.

Today, the uncertain dreams in the past no longer look back. Now I have established a firm direction: to become a good judge or a quarter-century politics. 3 years before, now and then see the rule of law shows his decisive LingRan judge, to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil, justice. At that time I was filled with deep admiration and yearning for the profession, was deeply attracted by this justice feeling in the heart, determined to be a good judge. Sometimes I imagine your head national emblem alone, sitting on the highest stage of the court, to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil, give a kind person with justice, to the offender to severe punishment! Also, similar to judges, and politicians. Politician in protecting the interests of the state, to ensure the prosperity of the country, also in the countries in the world to establish friendly countries. So, a politician is a respectable and admirable. Therefore, I also want to be a politician, participate in national political discussion, attention to state affairs, for the country's prosperity, make the country become prosperous and flourishing. And establish friendly relations between countries in the world, promoting national unity, the development of trade. Make the country's economic, cultural, political, military, import and export trade and other aspects are powerful push forward, make contributions to national prosperity.

梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第十篇

My ideal is to be a teacher.

I like the teacher, how great, loving heart, how much knowledge! Slowly, I began to fall in love with love from teachers, teacher that line of work. I want to become a glorious teachers. The teacher to teach students knowledge, teach students the truth in life, to encourage the students to grow, so many stars, professors, experts and leaders, are teachers trained. See our school teachers working hard, he warmly care for us, and we learn together, work, the teacher is just like our parents.

I think I will achieve the ideal.




梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第十一篇

My dream is to be a glorious people's teacher

When the teacher needs to have abundant knowledge and enough patience, you also need to have a selfless love. Our teacher in charge teacher Chen has these. Whenever the students learning state is abnormal, she will talk with us in time. And during the summer and winter vacation or at ordinary times many times to come to visit, understand the students' family situation, to communicate with their parents. To help students through individual learning situation.

Our teacher has enough knowledge. Every time we put forward a variety of problems, they can be easily answered. When we were puzzled, they very patient according to their own teaching experience, from our point of view, speaks bother to pass through.

My dream is to become a good teacher. To be a teacher because I think is happy. When you see my students leave school, on each post show of his own life; When saw them set up their own career success: when they have a harmonious family; When she saw her students in their respective field, pieces gain honor... It feels like to see their own orchard, fruit trees blossom, _plum full world_ this is when the teacher happiness. This is the reason I determined to want to be a teacher.

In order to complete the dream, I want to be in a good learning at the same time, a lot of reading various books, increase his knowledge. And I want to participate all kinds of public welfare activities, and cultivate their patience and love. In order to this dream, I decided to start from now.

梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第十二篇

An ideal teacher must be should not teach anything he is not interested should be good at his subject,and take pride in his work,though he may make should be a little bit of an actor,and he should not be afraid of showing his feelings and expressing his likes and dislikes.

He must like his students and respect should have an understanding of his students and be able to relate to should regard his students as individuals and acknowledge their must know how to encourage self?development and the growth of each student.

All in all,an ideal teacher is one who is kind,encouraging and helpful to his grows,learns,and improves himself along with his students.

梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第十三篇



升入三年级,开始学英语,教我们英语的是一个女老师。短头发,大眼睛,脸上写满了笑容,一脸的和蔼可亲。我看着就特喜欢,一高兴,嘴里就禁不住哼唱起来。老师听见了,走下讲台向我走来,全班同学们的眼光也齐刷刷地射向了我,我这才意识到,上着课呢!我停止了哼唱,低下了头,心里慌张起来,不知道老师会怎样处置我。我偷偷地朝老师望去,发现,老师的脸上仍然是知容灿烂,没有一丝生气的样子。等走近了,老师轻声说:“你唱地真好听?你叫什么名字?”望着满是笑容的脸,听着老师甜甜的声音,我忘记了害怕,大声回答:“报告老师,我叫赵梦玥!”“你就是梦幻中的美丽神珠,多有诗意的名啊,你的歌声和你的名子一样好听!请大声给我们再唱一首好吗!”“当然可以!”老师把请我请上讲台,我就一首接一首地唱起来,每唱完一首,老师都带头给我鼓掌!那一节课,是我最兴奋的一节课,那一天,是我最幸福的一天。从此以后,我就喜欢上了我们英语老师,我也喜欢上了英语,每节课,老师都会让我朗读、领读,上台表演!每次老师都会说:“Would you please……please?”每次我也都响亮地回答“Certainly Miss wang!”在英语老师的引领下,我不但喜欢上了英语,也喜欢上了语文、数学,爱上了学习,用一句广告语说就是:“妈妈再也不用担心我的学习了!”我也了班里数一数二的优等生!



梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第十四篇

I have a dream from childhood: to grow up to be a teacher. Our knowledge of the teachers every day, we are like them, so I want to like the teacher, after to have my own students, teach them knowledge. Teachers are very great, we should respect them. Now I taught the future I will for the next generation of teachers.

This I lofty ideals of an extraordinary career.




梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第十五篇

I have a dream. When I grow up, I want to be a scientist. I want to make a robot by myself. It can help my mother to do the housework, help my father to drive his car, and help me to walk my dog. I think my parents will like it very much.


梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第十六篇






梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第十七篇

TVs, telephone, fridges, cars, planes, computers and many other things are important inventions. They have greatly changed our life. Many people have their ideas and wishes. They want to invent some new things for the world. I am one of them. I want to be an inventor in the future, Inventions can bring fun and happiness to our life and make our daily life more convenient. Our life will become better and better. Now I am a high school student. I will try my best to work hard at my lessons to make my dream come true.


梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第十八篇

City life is monotonous and boring, I think of the forest in the mountains, stretch and breathe the fresh air.

Then, walk to the woods, I smoked a few fresh air greedily. At this time, I did not notice the bees flying among the flowers, is hard to the aroma of pollen. At this moment, I think I also became a bee, attend to their big honey. Picking honey, a invaders came into our home, so, we unite as one, immediately put the invaders out of our home.

Looking up at the sky, I have to think of myself as an eagle hovering in the sky. I fly in the sky slowly, to protect your territory. At this time, a rabbit entered my management areas, tracking all the way, I came to a broad area. I a aim, with a robot, the rabbit turned into my delicious dishes. I take it home, give me the hungry children eat a long time, they ate with relish, I saw, in the mind very happy.

When finished the eagle, I again came to the desert, when a horse has a rich experience in the desert camel, if I'm hungry, I will bring out the food on the hump, taste slowly. I can be a guide in the desert, and can forecast the sandstorm, if sandstorm comes, I can keep it, to help people avoid a catastrophe.

I jump into the sea again and became a colorful tropical fish, I swim to the whale, ate it parasites, sit bus free of charge. At this moment, I saw the beautiful coral colour, I came to their side, they are very hospitable, meet for the first time, they offer my favorite things - parasites, I am very happy. And I came to the shark's side, close to the body is full of murderous look animals, for the first time I come to after a few steps, and left in a hurry.

I again into a lion. When my teeth are very sharp, we eat, the always from big to small, sometimes the other lion to aggression, we lead the lion will play war and inevitably wounded in battle, but we have a thick skin and brown on the neck can protect us. We eat is also very big, when hungry, can eat more than 20 kilograms of food. After the meal, even if a few days do not eat, are also okay.

There's a big, wide world out there, I also want to be a lot of animal, fly freely in the sky, running on the prairie, swimming in the water...








梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第十九篇

His left hand dribbling, sudden acceleration, behind the defenders, a variable to open another player, then, a ball, the ball to the ambush in the vicinity of the three-point line teammates, as if Jordan possessed, ball, jump, perfect arc, the ball into the.。. On the basketball court can often see such a scene, even if the weather is hot again, also cannot reduce their love of basketball,_

The pursuit of dream, is a kind of consciousness, the source of power. Dream is for the good things of a kind of human vision and desire, sometimes dream is unrealistic, but there is no doubt that dream is the most naive and innocent human desire the most beautiful and the most lovely. In the long life on the road and everyone has their own dreams, I am no exception, my dream is to become a basketball player, fight for the country's honor.

Back when you're playing for the first time, my action is very heavy, can't even dribble, although the technology is not so good, but the developed an interest in this sport. As I practice playing basketball, I more and more obsessed with basketball, like it bring me joy and pleasure. Play every time, my mood is very happy, happy, my heart is full of happiness and joy everywhere, in my opinion, every breakthrough is a symbol of the dexterous and vitality, every dunk is a symbol of passion and power, every block is a symbol of ambition and strong. Then play became my expertise, I hope in the movement, is my dream to become a basketball player.

I started through various channels to understand basketball, when I see the NBA, see the Olympic Games, I was completely renewed enthusiasm for basketball, I hope to play in one of my favorite Chicago bulls, and I want to help China beat the world hegemony the United States.

Although, my this dream seem out of reach, but I am going to put it into reality, remember _aspirants, have what_ this simple truth! Let's dream to struggle together.

梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第二十篇

I have a wonderful dream in my heart. It's to speak English very well. Since English is everything for me. English is my best friend. English is my soul. English is my power. Without English, I'm nothing at all. Nothing. Now, I can think in English, speak in English, and write in English. Some people think I'm an Indian. Some people regard I'm a Pakistan. And some people even consider that I'm an Egyptian. But if I could speak English as good as an American, my future would be brilliant. So I work very hard.


梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第二十一篇

I am studying in a middle school now, it is my second year. If you ask me what my occupation is, I will answer you that my occupation is student. I have studied for many years, many students don’t like being a student, but I am not of them, I enjoy being a student. For me, I don’t have to worry about the money issue, I can go to play with my friends, the most important thing is, I like reading all kinds of books. I especially like to read the books about travel. I have a dream, when I earn enough money, I must travel around the world. So I must work hard to realize my dream.

梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第二十二篇

When I grow up, I'm going to do what I want to do. I'm going to move somewhere interesting. Paris sounds like a city that I could enjoy. There are lots of art exhibitions there. I want to be an artist . So how am I going to do it? Firstly, I'm going to find a part-time job for a year or two and save some money. Then I'm going to be a student at an art school in Paris.


梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第二十三篇







梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第二十四篇

Different people have different ambitions Stone want to be engineers or doctors in the future Still others want to be teachers or lawyers Unlike most people, I choose to be a farmer in the future and make contributions to development of agriculture Without it there won't be grains on which people survive I determine to challenge the traditional idea and contribute to changing this situation A modern farmer must be equipped with a variety of knowledge such as chemlstry, biology and meteorology I believe only a man with scientific knowledge can meet the challenge of the 21st century and assume the task of modernizing _.

梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第二十五篇

Recently we did a survey in our class in order to learn about students’ ideal jobs. Here’s a report about my group members’ ideas.

Mary wants to be a fashion designer because she likes beautiful clothes and is good at drawing. Kate wants to be a gardener, she lives plants, and she wants to make the cities better. Mike would like to be a writer. He’d like to share his wonderful stories with others. Tom would like to be a cook. He’d like to cook delicious food for others. I would like to be a policeman. I want to protect the people safe.

Hopefully everyone can realize their dreams in the future.





梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第二十六篇

After graduating from, college, I found a job as a teacher. Although I was very busy with teaching, I never gave up my goal. I read a lot of books to get more knowledge.

I made experiments to practise and ap* what I had learnt from the books. Sometimes, I was so dee* indulged in my research that I forgot my meals and time. Now I have made great progress. Several of my research papers have been published.

The methods proposed in my papers have been proven to be valuable for the solution of some problems. I am very happy. The ladder of becoming a scientist is still far ahead, but I have climbed the first rung anyway.

——我的梦想英语作文初中 (菁选2篇)

梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第二十七篇

Dream is a beautiful word. I like it very much. I think everyone has a eternal use dream is important for us.

My dream is to be a teacher. Because teacher can teach students. And teach themknowledge. When I see their smile, I will be happy. Our teacher are kind to us. So Iwill be kind to my students. Our teacher often and we make fun of. We loved to playjokes on our teacher, too .I think teacher is a good job. Because it’s very I want to be a teacher when I grow up, I must study hard. I often read Englishbooks. And in all the subject, I like English the best. So I am becoming an Englishteacher.

This is my dream. Although it’s very small and impossible, I believe as long as Iwork hard at it, I will be realized. Then what is your dream?

梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第二十八篇

I have a wonderful dream in my heart. Its to speak English very well. Since English is everything for me. English is my best friend. English is my soul. English is my power. Without English,Im nothing at all. Nothing. Now,I can think in English,speak in English,and write in English. Some people think Im an Indian. Some people regard Im a Pakistan. And some people even consider that Im an Egyptian. But if I could speak English as good as an American,my future would be brilliant. So I work very hard.

梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第二十九篇

Everyone has his own dream, and each are not identical. My dream is to be a glorious peoples teacher, use white chalk to impart knowledge, to take care of students with broad mind.

I am the students and teacher in the study, but in life I is of concern to their friends.

I in to the students in the class, must be combined with the content of the textbook, told them one after another interesting story, to fill the whole classroom with laughter. Next class, I will be on time class is over, let the students make full use of the recess this precious ten minutes, to play, go to bask in the sun, let them in a more full spirit to meet the next class.

After class, I rarely few homework, get the kids to recall the knowledge that the day will be ready to go out to play. Let them play in learning, play high school.

I also want to lead the students to observe the secrets of nature in nature: watching ants and how to communication between the ants; See how insects crawling; Take a look what the grass can blossom, which cant... Let the students into life, understand the nature.

In order to this dream, I must study hard, do a admirable good teacher in the future.







梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第三十篇

I have a dream from childhood: to grow up to be a teacher。 Our knowledge of the teachers every day, we are like them, so I want to like the teacher, after to have my own students, teach them knowledge。 Teachers are very great, we should respect them。 Now I taught the future I will for the next generation of teachers。

This I lofty ideals of an extraordinary career。





梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第三十一篇

Everyone has a lot of dreams. Some people want to be rich, dreaming of becoming millionaires overnight. Others want to be famous, dreaming of suddenly jumping to great fame.

I have a lot of dreams,too. When I was a young girl, I dreamed of becoming a scientist like Hua Imogen in future.

However, I knew very well that I could not succeed without painstaking efforts. So I studied hard in the middle school and college in order to attain my goal.

梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第三十二篇






梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第三十三篇

A DreamPeter: Oh, I can't believe it. I am now in London in England. I see the Big Ben. Big Ben is not the the name of a man. It is a very big clock…. Oh, I am so : How are you?Peter: I'm fine, thank : How was your holiday?Peter: It was : Where did you go?Peter: I went to : How did you go there?Peter: I went by : What did you do and what did you see?Peter: I saw the Big Ben. The hands are four meters long. And I bought presents for you!Happy: Oh, thank you. Did you take any pictures?Peter: Yes. Er…Where did I put my pictures? ...Peter: Oh, it's a dream!

梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第三十四篇

Everyone has a lot of people want to become wealthy overnight; some people want to become well-known in the world have a lot of dreams, I was a girl, I dreamed of becoming a scientist like Hua Luogeng one I know, plum flower. So I studied hard and hard for my dream when I was in high school and college.

After graduating from college, I became a teacher. Although I was busy every day, I didn't forget my dream. I still kepIn the knowledge on the road constantly groping forward, and. Now, I have made great achievements, and many of my research papers have been published, and the research results also have a very high application am so happy。 Although the goal of becoming a scientist is far from it, I am still moving forward.

梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第三十五篇






——我的梦想作文英语100字 (菁选2篇)

梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第三十六篇

I have a dream about my career. I want to be a teacher, because I think teacher is a good job. Generally speaking, teachers have much knowledge. They can help students to eich their knowledge. Besides, teachers can communicate with students all the time. It helps teachers keep young at heart. Finally, teachers have two long holidays a year. In the free time, I can do many things I like. And I have time to travel. It makes me exciting. I must work hard to realize my dream.


梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第三十七篇

I have a dream from childhood: to grow up to be a teacher. Our knowledge of the teachers every day, we are like them, so I want to like the teacher, after to have my own students, teach them knowledge. Teachers are very great, we should respect them. Now I taught the future I will for the next generation of teachers.

This I lofty ideals of an extraordinary career.

梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第三十八篇

My dream is to be a glorious people's teacher.

When the teacher needs to have abundant knowledge and enough patience, you also need to have a selfless love. Our teacher in charge teacher Chen has these. Whenever the students learning state is abnormal, she will talk with us in time. And during the summer and winter vacation or at ordinary times many times to come to visit, understand the students' family situation, to communicate with their parents. To help students through individual learning situation.

Our teacher has enough knowledge. Every time we put forward a variety of problems, they can be easily answered. When we were puzzled, they very patient according to their own teaching experience, from our point of view, speaks bother to pass through.

My dream is to become a good teacher. To be a teacher because I think is happy. When you see my students leave school, on each post show of his own life; When saw them set up their own career success: when they have a harmonious family; When she saw her students in their respective field, pieces gain honor.。. It feels like to see their own orchard, fruit trees blossom, _plum full world_ this is when the teacher happiness. This is the reason I determined to want to be a teacher.

In order to complete the dream, I want to be in a good learning at the same time, a lot of reading various books, increase his knowledge. And I want to participate all kinds of public welfare activities, and cultivate their patience and love. In order to this dream, I decided to start from now.

梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第三十九篇

Just like a text we learned, the power of dreams is powerful and great!

I like music very much and love music very much. My dream is to be a singer when I grow up. I can't live without music.

Let's talk about my childhood in recent years! Whether doing homework or working, music is my indispensable _companion_. Before going to bed, I also want to review the taste of music! I remember a summer vacation two years ago. I finished all my homework and started school in two weeks. I was idle and bored, so I asked my father to plug the wire of a microphone into the TV with the music accompaniment of a disc. I sang every day. As a result, the throat became hoarse after singing for a few days······

This year, I became addicted to the music program of a music channel and watched the replay on time every Saturday. The songs sung by those singers were so beautiful that I was intoxicated. I thought: how good it would be if I could stand on such a big stage in the future!

Over the years, whenever a classmate asks me: what is your dream? I would say without hesitation, _my dream is to be a singer!_ Some students said that my dream was very good, supported me and said that I would realize it in the future. Whenever the students say so, I feel one step closer to my dream!

If you want to realize your dream, you should strive for it and never miss every beneficial opportunity. However, during this period, the support and refueling of partners and parents are indispensable. Because these supports are also one of the sources to help realize your dreams!

——英语作文我的梦想 (菁选3篇)

梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第四十篇

I have a dream,and I hope one day it will come dream that I have a harmonious dream that my parents wouldn't scold me when I make mistakes,instead they patiently teach me how correct dream that there were no quarrels or fightings in my the family members argue,they smile and understand and respect each dream that every one in my family is healthy,and they never suffer from dream that all the people in the family have their job that they love very much,they work but never is my dream,I will work hard to realize it.




梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第四十一篇

Perhaps I'll become a volunteer teacher. If I become a volunteer teacher, I can't live with my family. But I will help some poor children to study. And I will teach them all kinds of cultures.

Maybe I'll be a doctor without borders. If I become a doctor without borders, I'll help sick people in poor areas. And I can experience different cultures, different languages, different people. But the job must make me very tired.

After I thought over and over again, I decided to be a doctor without borders.

梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第四十二篇

A recent survey shows that some people prefer the higher-paying job even though it requests a longer hours than those low-paying job, especially among the young. They consider that they should spare no effort to earn money and improve their life standard when they are still young.


However, others hold diverse view that they would rather choose lower-paying jobs and earn less money than do longer hours jobs. What they consider is that they should accompany their family and friends as much as possible even though they are busy. Moreover, they think they need to enjoy their lives while they are making their living, in that life is limited and money is not everything.


If I had a chance to choose my job, I would be inclined to choose the latter one. In my opinion, many things are more important than money even though money can solve many problems, such as our family, affection and friendship. In addition, we also need to take our personal preference and conditions into consideration when choosing jobs. Only in this way can we real enjoy our jobs.


梦想职业英语作文高考范文 第四十三篇

The time of middle school is short and precious, but for some students, they sit in the class and don't show any passion to learn knowledge. They like to do something that is against what teachers tell them to do. Such as when the teacher is presenting knowledge, they choose to read novel, or when it is the time for them to do some exercise, they sleep. They don't care about study. It is so negative for them to treat study. We are young and should be full of energy. It is the best time for us to gain knowledge. What we learn today will help us to realize our dreams, so let's fight for our goals.




