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校园运动高考英语作文范文 第一篇





校园运动高考英语作文范文 第二篇

Our school had a sports meeting last week. Eleven classes took part in it. The weather was sunny and warm, and the whole playground was quite exciting.

In the boys' relay race, Class 6 fell behind at first. But the second runner Li Lei ran faster than any other runner. Then he caught up with others little by little.

At last, their classmate, Wang Lin passed the finishing line first. Besides, Li Lin from Class 7 broke the school record for 100-meter race and Class 11 won the team title. The headmaster gave the prizes to the winners.




校园运动高考英语作文范文 第三篇

When autumn comes, I feel so excited, because the sports meeting comes. I like sports so much. When I was very small, my father took me to watch the basketball match, in the long time, sports have become part of my life. When I started to come to school, I join the basketball team, I had the great time to practice with my friends. Though high school life is very busy and I have to learn so many subjects, I still keep taking exercise everyday. Sports meeting time is my favorite time in the semester.

I can take part in many activities, such as basketball and high jump. I am full of energy, I just want to enjoy the moment of taking exercise. Sports meeting indeed brings students many energy and make the students become active. They can also exercise their bodies.

校园运动高考英语作文范文 第四篇

Come on. Come on. There were shouts and cheers from the basketball court. The voice of the Pifu, ushered in our school once a year the tug of war.

When the teacher led us to the basketball court, the stadium was crowded with people. I saw each class players eager for a fight, eager. It is our turn, we were with a tense heart go, with a fist sized rope, ready to listen to the teacher with a B, the game began. I saw our class forest Weiming pull rope, red face, pull backwards, therefore, we won the first. In the second game, maybe we were too proud and lax, and in less than a few minutes, the other team won.

A decisive start, one of the boys in our class hard to pull backwards, girls back hard, will not resigned to playing second fiddle, his face turned red, like a ripe apple like, very cute! A rope for a while to the left, while right, the outcome is not divided, the teacher and the cheerleaders like ants on a hot pan head turn, bean big sweat from the cheeks out had resorted to secret weapon: cheer. Come on. Come on. The sound was deafening, so that the students confidence, strength, and only listen to the teacher B a sound, we stopped and shouted: _we won!_! We win! Everyone jumped up and sang happily. The sound could not be quiet for a long time, everyone was so happy, so happy

In the tug of war, I learned a truth: unity and strength. This game, let us set up confidence in overcoming difficulties, we will never forget the tug of war.

校园运动高考英语作文范文 第五篇

Every year, my school holds sports meeting in aboutOctober, I am very exciting about it, I can watch thewonderful game and don't have class.

My school's sports meeting lasts three days, the classis suspended, all the students go to the play groundto watch the game.

As an audience, I am so nervous and yell out _come on_ to my classmate, watching they get tothe final line, I am so proud of them.

The part I like most is relay race, that is so exciting, all the students yell loudly, the athleteschase one by one, nobody can be sure who is the champion until the last minute.

Sports meeting bring me so many beautiful memories.

校园运动高考英语作文范文 第六篇









校园运动高考英语作文范文 第七篇

With the cheerful and melodious sports March, all the teachers and students gathered on the playground. The first grade children who are tired but sitting on the chair. Then I heard the announcer shouting, _please get ready for the relay race in grade two._._ Just a station on the runway, I was very nervous, _bang_ a shot in front of me, students quickly rushed forward, 21 classmates behind us chase, when we run the Jingqi gold class, his speed is too slow as a snail, so our class backward the. I think: it's time for me. If I run too slowly, our class will definitely lose. I was nervous _thump_ jump straight. I took the baton and held it tight with my hand, lest it should fall to the ground carelessly. I bit my teeth, swung my arms, and overtook the 21 team at the fastest pace and overtook him. I quickly put the baton to another person, he is like an arrow ran. Ears constantly echoed our cheerleading passion, high spirits refueling shouting. When I returned to our class, the students all thumbs up and praised me, and the teacher smiled at me. On the field, every relay player in our class runs faster and faster. In the end, our class won the final victory, and I was very happy.

I like sports because I can challenge myself at the sports meeting.

校园运动高考英语作文范文 第八篇

Today's weather is sunny, cloudless blue sky. In the afternoon we will hold the opening ceremony of the annual spring games.

The opening ceremony began in the afternoon. The first step was the four sister of the flag bearer who took the bright five star red flag and walked into the meeting with a strong pace. Followed by each team, a team, bunting team, garland flower drum team. Then from the beginning of the first grade class, the class of the team in order to walk into the room. We are also anxious to wait for the game.

Finally it's our turn. _Two years and four classes, fighting bravely, working together, fighting for the first._ With a loud slogan, we walked through the platform with a neat step.

We also see some wonderful performances, a drum, Lara gymnastics, Tai chi.

Each team in order to leave the venue after the opening ceremony. Tomorrow, our athletes will be here to fight first, and we will shout and cheer for them.

校园运动高考英语作文范文 第九篇







校园运动高考英语作文范文 第十篇






校园运动高考英语作文范文 第十一篇









校园运动高考英语作文范文 第十二篇


The sports meet of our university was held on a charming spring stand around the playground was packed with came the parade of the opening walked into the field in orderly the opening address was delivered,the athletes there was a performance of group callisthenics.

The contests and races of track and field events were runners of 100 metre race dashed to the terminal winner took the lead only by a small fraction of boy athlete gave a javelin a lorceful shot across the sky and arrived at a point far ahead of the former girl athlete,in a long distance race,stumbled over the foot of another athlete and fell rose to her feet,clenched her teeth,and continued her most attractive is the relay race that was so intense that all spectators cheered,hailed and applaused.

The sports meet was athletes not only gained a good harvest of prizes,but also strengthened their body and tempered their will.

在迷人的'春季我们学校举行了一场运动会,操场上挤满了观众,首先举行的是开幕式典礼。运动员们井然有序的在操场上排着队列, 开幕词发表之后运动员退出,团体操表演随之进行。



校园运动高考英语作文范文 第十三篇








校园运动高考英语作文范文 第十四篇

My name is Lin Fengyi. I have a family. My mother is a teacher.

She works in the school near our home. She loves her students very much. Some students say that my mother is just like their own mother.

My father is a doctor. He works in a big hospital. He comes home late every day.

He loves his work. I love them. What do they love me? For us, healthy food is meat, fish, meat Chicken and eggs.

Of course, we should eat good food, but we can't just eat this meat every day, because good food contains a lot of fat. If we eat too much, we will get fatter and stink. We will become different.

Food and vegetables are healthy food. They are good for our health. In our daily life, we should eat all kinds of food and drink all kinds of drinks.

Dear Zhang Hong, would you like to go to Yuetan park with me on Sunday? It opens in the morning and closes in the afternoon. It's close to our restaurant. We need to walk there.

Please come home with me for dinner this afternoon. We usually have dinner with my father and drive you home in the evening.




校园运动高考英语作文范文 第十五篇

The marathon was NOT an event of the ancient Olympic games. The marathon is a modern event that was first introduced in the Modern Olympic Games of 1896 in Athens, a race from Marathon northeast of Athens to the Olympic Stadium, a distance of 40 kilometers.

The race commemorates the run of Pheidippides, an ancient _day-runner_ who carried the news of the Persian landing at Marathon of 490 . to Sparta (a distance of 149 miles) in order to enlist help for the battle.

According to the fifth century Greek historian Herodotus, Pheidippides delivered the news to the Spartans the next day. The distance of the modern marathon was standardized as 26 miles 385 yards or km. in 1908 when the Olympic Games were held in London.

The distance was the exact measurement between Windsor Castle, the start of the race, and the finish line inside White City Stadium.

校园运动高考英语作文范文 第十六篇


Dear boys and girls,

This is Li Hua, a host of the school’s English radio station. The following is a brief introduction to the station.

The station, set up recently, is on air from 8 . till 5 ., every weekday. Its listeners are never supposed to be bored while listening to 8 different programs and 12 hosts. In the programs, you can listen to popular English songs, enjoy excellent articles, know about the latest English movies and be taught better ways of learning English with great fun. We’ll try our best to make the programs interesting and instructive. The English radio station spares and will spare no effort to educate and entertain its listeners.

Studying English well while having fun is the goal of our station as well as the reason why you choose to listen to us. Every listener is welcome. Please join us soon!

校园运动高考英语作文范文 第十七篇






校园运动高考英语作文范文 第十八篇










校园运动高考英语作文范文 第十九篇

Every year, my school holds sports meeting in about October, I am very exciting about it, I can watch the wonderful game and don’t have class. My school’s sports meeting lasts three days, the class is suspended, all the students go to the play ground to watch the game.

As an audience, I am so nervous and yell out “come on” to my classmate, watching they get to the final line, I am so proud of them. The part I like most is relay race, that is so exciting, all the students yell loudly, the athletes chase one by one, nobody can be sure who is the champion until the last minute. Sports meeting bring me so many beautiful memories.

校园运动高考英语作文范文 第二十篇

The importance of sports is good for us in many ways. There is no doubt that in basketball, volleyball, football and other collective sports, exercise can enhance our physical strength. While participating in sports competitions, we will learn the importance of cooperation.

We will try our best to win the game and stimulate our competitive spirit. Sports can also help us relax after a period of tiredness. However, as the saying goes, _everything has two sides._ ”Sports are no exception.

If we are not careful when we take part in sports activities, we may hurt other athletes or ourselves. In addition, excessive or intense training will be harmful to our health. I take part in sports and tell me that sports can make us physically and mentally healthy.

It is also a good way for people to understand each other and promote friendship between people as long as we are Be careful enough. Sports are only good for us.



校园运动高考英语作文范文 第二十一篇







校园运动高考英语作文范文 第二十二篇

The sports meet of our university was held on a charming spring stand around the playground was packed with came the parade of the opening etes walked into the field in orderly r the opening address was delivered,the athletes there was a performance of group callisthenics.

The contests and races of track and field events were runners of 100 metre race dashed to the terminal winner took the lead only by a small fraction of boy athlete gave a javelin a lorceful shot across the sky and arrived at a point far ahead of the former girl athlete,in a long distance race,stumbled over the foot of another athlete and fell rose to her feet,clenched her teeth,and continued her most attractive is the relay race that was so intense that all spectators cheered,hailed and applaused.

The sports meet was athletes not only gained a good harvest of prizes,but also strengthened their body and tempered their will.

校园运动高考英语作文范文 第二十三篇



这天,校园内插满彩旗,宽阔的运动场上更是花团锦簇。主席上方,挂着  这天,校园内插满彩旗,宽阔的运动场上更是花团锦簇。主席上方,挂着“横街学校首届运动会”巨幅,主席台下是校运动会会徽。校园里,操场上,喜气洋洋,一派节日景象。






校园运动高考英语作文范文 第二十四篇

The Olynpic Games The Olympic Games, first held in 776BC, has a history of more than one thousand yiars. The Games is held every four years. Many countries try their best to bid forhosting the Olympic Games. And every country does its best to get more medals in the Games. In 2000, the city of Sidney held the 27th Olympic Games. Over one hundred countries all over the world took part in it.

We won 28gold medals that year. China, a major sport country, will hold the 29th Olympic Games in 2008. People from all walks of life are participating in various activities and making good preparations for it. There are five rings on the Olympic flag, which are considered to symbolize, the five continents: Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and America. The Olympic motto is: _Swifter, higher, stronger._ The Games can promote the understanding and friendship among different peoples and different nations.

校园运动高考英语作文范文 第二十五篇

I'm very happy to have a sports meeting today. I'm an athlete and I'm going to compete in two projects.

The sports meeting begins, first of all the opening ceremony. The athletes in our class walked behind the instructor. We are dancing in front of a big sister in garland, with big sister behind the drum team, they have some drums, trumpet, drums, gongs is really ah!

The game started, first of all was the one or two grade running race, and their game was finished in our class. At this time, I was very nervous, afraid that I can not run well, to the venue, God! I am on the last runway, why is God so unfair to me? Finally, I got a fifth.

In the afternoon, I also have a project to throw the solid ball. The first ball throws the ball. The second ball throws the first. I think I will get the first time this time. I am very happy. But third balls make me unexpected, alas! Only second.

This movement will make me sad is bittersweet, the running performance is not ideal; the joy is after throwing solid ball has a good ranking.

校园运动高考英语作文范文 第二十六篇

This afternoon, our school held the first and second grade sports meeting. The students are wearing their school uniform and red scarf around the playground.

The first was the sandbag contest. The students in the competition took sandbags and put them into the iron ring quickly and accurately. They put them very seriously and attentively. Then there is the running competition. The athletes are like the light swallows, chasing after each other. In particular, my class Lv Qiuyu students, the fastest, far away, won the first place.

We cheered and shouted come on! Come on! Although I didnt take part in the competition, I must take good exercise and strive for my presence in the next sports field.

校园运动高考英语作文范文 第二十七篇

My name is David. I live in Guangzhou, China. I live in no middle school.

I have many hobbies, such as basketball, football and table tennis. I often play basketball with my father in the basketball court near my home. I like to play football with my classmates after class.

Table tennis is very interesting and also my interest. I like watching table tennis on TV. Wang Hao is my favorite I like to do sports.

It can make my body strong.



校园运动高考英语作文范文 第二十八篇

School is our home, we are all living and studying here. In order to make ourselves safe, as a student, we should obey the school rules, we should go to school on time and be never late. We should not chase each other in the hallway and in the campus. We should get on well with others and should not fight with others. We should not eat the food that goes bad and some junk food.

When you have any questions to ask, you may ask the teachers for help. Especially, when you meet someone asking for money, you neednt be afraid, you can report it to the teacher at once. We are required to say goodbye to bad habits and be polite to others.

校园运动高考英语作文范文 第二十九篇









校园运动高考英语作文范文 第三十篇

The long - awaited Spring Festival was finally driving the carriage, and the passion of the students was in touch.

As the bright five star red flag slowly rises in the campus, the surrounding air is solidified. The scene was so solemn and solemn!

The beginning of the game, the audience is shouting the students, I as an athlete, in the face of this scene, my heart is like jumping out from the body exploded, I was running in the four hundred meters on the runway, thought only of _faster, faster, just a quick step, hopes of victory can be realized, work hard! End point in front of us!_ although my mouth dry smoke, but they are going to give up, the teacher heard my cry, I am unable to restrain the emotions of speed speed, although I only had third, but I have been satisfied, because this is my efforts the results of.

I know from this competition that personal success can not be separated from the encouragement and support of everyone.

校园运动高考英语作文范文 第三十一篇

On the afternoon of November 18, we had the opening Sports Festival. Each class gave a wonderful performance. The next day, we had an exciting sports meeting. Many players were in it. All the others just watched them. Some were busy writing articles about it. The boys and girls 1500 metres races were the most exciting games. The relay races were exciting, too. Everyone cheered for the competitions. They did their best. When they scored for their own class, everyone was so excited that they jumped to their feet. The sports meeting didn’t end until four in the afternoon. We were tired but we were so happy.

校园运动高考英语作文范文 第三十二篇

Campus activities have been organized in many universities and colleges. These activities range from academic to recreational, such as academic reports, social consulting services, speech contests, poet’s club, painting clubs, singing and dancing groups, etc.

These activities provide students with two major advantages. First of all, they play a positive role in improving students’ studies. Due to their heavy schedules, students are often busy themselves with textbooks and seldom expose themselves to a colorful life. But the variety of the activities provides opportunities for them to relax themselves and enrich their minds and knowledge. In addition, the activities also serve students living in the “ivory tower” have little chance to get in touch with society. Now the activities open the door for participants to leave their classrooms and get to know society.

All this offers an important means for students to broaden their horizons. They believe with the right kind of guidance and help campus activities will continue to grow and flourish.

校园运动高考英语作文范文 第三十三篇







校园运动高考英语作文范文 第三十四篇

Early in senior high school, we longed to be enrolled in a university. Now the dream has come true. But how do we college students like our campus life?

Certainly, some relish it, finding it colorful and rewarding. Besides study, they spend considerable amount of time improving themselves in various aspect. Yet others do not think much of their college life, thus do not benefit as much. In their eyes, the university is just a bigger high school. The only difference is that they have more time at their disposal without parents looking over their shoulder.

As to me, college life is ideal if only I have abundant books to read, some bosom friends to keep me company, a couple of conscientious professors to instruct me.

校园运动高考英语作文范文 第三十五篇

Dear boys and girls,

This is Li Hua, a host of the school’s English radio station. The following is a brief introduction to the station.

The station, set up recently, is on air from 8 . till 5 ., every weekday. Its listeners are never supposed to be bored while listening to 8 different programs and 12 hosts. In the programs, you can listen to popular English songs, enjoy excellent articles, know about the latest English movies and be taught better ways of learning English with great fun. We’ll try our best to make the programs interesting and instructive. The English radio station spares and will spare no effort to educate and entertain its listeners.

Studying English well while having fun is the goal of our station as well as the reason why you choose to listen to us. Every listener is welcome. Please join us soon!

校园运动高考英语作文范文 第三十六篇


1、Some people hold that natural scenes, especially at dawn, are the most beautiful on the campus while others believe that it is in the afternoon when the playgrounds are flooded with students taking part in my opinion, the best scene on the campus is during the rush hour when thousands of students rush towards the canteen.

2、At precisely the same time as the bell rings, some students dash from the chairs, rushing to the canteen. They set the prelude to the most attractive scene of the whole day.

3、. If you want to realize your expectations, you must be armed with skills and knowledge, use time and resources efficiently and the most importantly, have a healthy body.

美丽校园 Beauty on the Campus

It is believed in common that beauty exists everywhere on the campus as long as you have an eye for it. Some people hold that natural scenes, especially at dawn, are the most beautiful on the campus while others believe that it is in the afternoon when the playgrounds are flooded with students taking part in my opinion, the best scene on the campus is during the rush hour when thousands of students rush towards the canteen.

At precisely the same time as the bell rings, some students dash from the chairs, rushing to the canteen. They set the prelude to the most attractive scene of the whole day.

Within a few minutes, all the classrooms become empty and everyone starts their journey for lunch, on foot or by bike. It gives people the impression that lunch is the most important thing in the world. Most of the students move at the same speed,with the exception of several excellent cyclists. They shuttle smoothly in the crowds just like fish swimming freely in the sea.

On the way to the canteen, everyone looks anxious. But once inside, a look of pride and triumph takes over. Sometimes,it bubbles up in my mind that the rush hour hustle and bustle is the epitome of the intense competition in real life. If you want to realize your expectations, you must be armed with skills and knowledge, use time and resources efficiently and the most importantly, have a healthy body.

校园运动高考英语作文范文 第三十七篇

We had a very interesting sports meeting, first throwing competition, then Johnny throwing, and then the meter dash. I got the second place, Peter in the class got the first place, and then the meter run. After I finished the sprint, I ran first.

I went to ask Michelle to try the long jump, but Jennifer jumped farther than her. Michelle, Peter jumped farther than these two. Finally, I jumped farther.

The next one was the relay race. We had eight people in the race. I was the first, so I could run as fast as I could.

Other people tried to run as well as I could, so I was proud of me, In the end we only finished sixth, but I'm glad we did our best. This is an interesting sports meeting that I will never forget.



校园运动高考英语作文范文 第三十八篇

As we all know, some of us have to play basketball for an hour on the playground. I like this activity very much. I also hope that there will be more and more sunshine sports in our life after school, which not only makes us happy, but also makes us healthier.



校园运动高考英语作文范文 第三十九篇






校园运动高考英语作文范文 第四十篇

Every year in October, our school will have the tradition to hold a sports meeting. It is the biggest event of the year, so all the students will practise very hard to win the biggest honor. Relay race is the most important match, because it involves so many students to take part in, showing the unity of a team. Last year, our class won the second place. We lagged behind the champion just a little distance, so we hoped to defeated them this time and won the first prize.

We have practised very hard, and every student in the team wanted to make the breakthrough. When the match finally began, we ran very fast and kept our space. Even though other team tried to disturbed us, we focused our attention. The moment when our team first crossed the line, we cheer and cried. We made it.

校园运动高考英语作文范文 第四十一篇

My every year the school held a sports meeting. This year it was the turn of this session we have is the twelfth session. I am very excited and nervous. I very happy can compete with the classmates happy running. But I am still very worry about no place. So I try to prepare.

The game was soon to. I was very nervous at the beginning,until the start of the relay race. The relay has been the most spectacular game,embodies the classes representing classes. I was the last one stick. In the face of all the encouragement,I must not give up. In front of us is not divided with other class under. That is to say I this stick is to determine the outcome of a stick. I'm trying sprinted for the line. This two hundred meter for me,is very important for the class as a whole. I have to run. The final end of this sports meeting.

I succeed. I laugh,and everyone together took a certificate.

校园运动高考英语作文范文 第四十二篇

Last week we had the school sports meet on our school sports ground. All my classmates took active parts in it. Sometimes we watched the sports games we gave loud cheers to the sports members.

John took a part in 1500-metre race. He was the fastest runner in the race and won the first place. Lisa did not do well in high-jump, so we said “come on” to cheer her up. I took part in 200-metre running race. As soon as I heard the starting PANG, I tried my best to run faster than others. As I was running I could hear “Come on! Come on!”from my gave me great strenth. Finally I was the first person to get to the finishing was number one.

As a result, my class won the first prize in the sports meet. How proud we were! It was really an exciting day.

校园运动高考英语作文范文 第四十三篇




happy english happy life










校园运动高考英语作文范文 第四十四篇

Campus activities have been organized in many universities and colleges.

These activities range from academie to recreational,such as academic

reports, speech contests, poet’s club, painting clubs、singing and dancing groups, etc.

These activities provide students with two major advantages. First of all, they play a positive role in improving students’ studies. Due to their heavy schedules, students are often buried in textbooks and seldom expose themselves to a colorful life. But the various activities provide opportunities for them to relax themselves and enrich their minds. In addition, the activities also serve students living in the “ivory tower” more chances to get in touch with society. From these activities, the participants have to leave the classroom and get to know the society.

All these offer an important means for students to broaden their horizons. By .participating in campus activities, they have fulfilled university life and in turn help campus activities to .grow and flourish.

校园活动巳在多所大学如火如荼地展开。这些活动从学术到娱乐, 内容丰富,例如学术报告、演讲比赛、诗人倶乐部、美术倶乐部、歌舞团等。

这些活动使学生具有两大优势。首先,它们在提高学生的学习方面 起到了积极作用。由于繁重的课业,学生们常常被埋在课本堆中,很少 让自己接触丰富多彩的.生活。但各种各样的活动为他们提供了放松身心 和丰富思想的机会。此外,各种活动也使生活在“象牙塔”中的学生获 得更多接触社会的机会。参加这些活动,参与者们必须离开教室,熟悉 社会。

所有的这些都为学生们拓宽视野提供了一个重要的途径。通过参与 校园活动,他们拥有充实的校园生活,这反过来也促进了校园活动的发 展和繁荣。

校园运动高考英语作文范文 第四十五篇

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our school. Now let me introduce the changes that have taken place in our class. We used to listen and take notes in class, but because we were not interested in the course and did not have time to think, we often felt sleepy when listening after school.

We have to finish a lot of homework, but we can't do it. However, with some sports activities and now with the help of computers, the situation is different. The course is very lively and interesting.

Students actively answer questions instead of falling asleep. As a result, we have made a lot of progress than before. Although we spend less time doing homework, we can enjoy a good time after class.

Teaching methods are very popular. We will study hard and work harder. thank you.






