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英语作文关于劳动范文初中 第一篇

At the end of the five-day busy study day, we ushered in the long-awaited xxxMay Dayxxx. We gently put down our heavy schoolbag. My father and I took advantage of this beautiful time to get out of the noisy County, enter the countryside and fall into the embrace of nature.

We drove a car and came to an unknown small village along Hanlin Road. In front of the village, there was a small river, which looked like a light green streamer from a distance. There are trees on both sides of the river. Some are tall and straight, some are low and curved, and some have sharp thorns. I'm afraid you'll pick every leaf of it. There are green grass around the river, with colorful wild flowers in the middle. Standing by the river, you can also see many fish swimming freely in the river. At this time, I feel that the world is so beautiful: the sun is so bright, the breeze is so warm, the birds sing so sweetly, the air is so fresh and the mood is so happy!

There are many people fishing leisurely by the river. One of the villagers smiled, patted his father on the shoulder and said, xxxLao Chen, how's it going? Isn't the scenery good?xxx Dad nodded and said, xxxgood!xxx

xxxLook, I caught a big fish!xxx We went looking for prestige. A man in a yellow shirt was showing off his big fish. xxxWow, this fish is so big! It weighs two or three kilograms!xxx The onlookers praised one after another. xxxIt all depends on the good bait on the hook!xxx The man said proudly. Then he hung a piece of bait on the hook and threw it into the river. Then sit on the stool and wait quietly with the fishing rod. After a while, there was a movement on the river. The man immediately stood up and pulled back. People came to see the xxxfishing kingxxx and praised his good luck.

This year's xxxMay Dayxxx, I had a full and happy time. In the beautiful nature, my body and mind have been completely relaxed, and I have more spirit to welcome tomorrow's study!

英语作文关于劳动范文初中 第二篇

Labor Day is coming soon. I originally planned to play with my mother at this time, but my mother said there were a lot of housework waiting to be done, so I had to give up. Bored, I suddenly had an idea. Why don't I help my mother with the housework! Do what you say.

I secretly drew a basin of water, took a rag and came to my parents' room. First of all, tidy up the clothes here, put the small sundries in the cabinet in order, and choose a prominent seat for the photo album. After almost done, soak the towel, wring it dry, and wipe the floor, cabinet and computer table of the room. Finally, I'll fold the quilt and dry it. Wow, I didn't even think that I could create such a beautiful room through labor, which was very warm in my heart. With a sense of pride, I repeated the above actions to clean my room. Ha ha ~ really, I don't know if I don't do it. I'll be surprised if I do it.

In fact, if you really work, you won't feel so upset, but you will get a lot of insights in your work. If you complain like this, please think about your parents. My mother does so much housework every day, and my father goes out early and returns late. Aren't they more tired!

Look at those model workers. Do they get anything from their work? No, they think that labor is very happy and happy. They think that only the results of their own labor are the most beautiful!

I realized the hardships of labor on May Day. Labor is Guan Rong's. students, you can also help your parents do something during the May Day holiday! You know, they do these things every day for 365 days.

英语作文关于劳动范文初中 第三篇





英语作文关于劳动范文初中 第四篇

Today is the labor day I have been looking forward to for a long time. I came to grandma's house with joy. As soon as I entered the door, I saw grandma, her amiable face, lowering her head and concentrating on sweeping the floor. Seeing me coming, he raised his head with a smile and asked me something about me.

I saw a few drops of sweat on Grandma's head running down grandma's cheek. At this moment, I quickly took grandma's broom and said, xxxgrandma, let me help you sweep it.xxx grandma said, xxxit doesn't matter. Nephew, let's do his homework!xxx But I must insist: xxxtoday is labor day, let me have a chance to show!xxx While asking grandma to rest, I carefully swept the floor. Where's grandma? Sitting on the sofa, looking at me, It seems to say, xxxChen Kan has grown up! It's not in vain for us to raise him. After doing this, I did another job. Grandma couldn't close her mouth with laughter. Although cleaning is hard work, my heart has always been sweet. After that, on my way home, the sky seemed bluer and the flowers more energetic. A white cloud floated from the sky, like a smiling face, as if saying to me: xxxHelp others, good boy, help others, good boy.xxx I heard it from my mouth to my heart.

Ah! This may day is so meaningful. It let me know a truth - labor is happy, so we should all work well! Although I have only done some trivial work, labor has brought me unparalleled happiness.

英语作文关于劳动范文初中 第五篇

With the spring breeze blowing slowly in May, the annual labor day has also come. Labor has created mankind and the world. Our family also plans to hold a small activity on this festival.

On May Day, our family made a plan overnight and finally decided to climb Nanshan Mountain and pick up garbage. It's good to exercise and beautify the environment! At night, when I think of tomorrow's action, I am so excited that I can't sleep. The next morning, we came to Nanshan. Because in the morning, Nanshan, which is usually busy, became very calm today. Only a few cars came and went occasionally. I put on my gloves, picked up the big bag and headed for Nanshan with my parents.

As soon as I got to the first platform, the garbage can be seen everywhere and I can't get busy at all. Our figures shuttle here. Every time I pick up a garbage, my waist bends. After a long time, my waist can't eat and feel very sore, but there is no garbage at all, but I'm too tired to take a break. At this time, a man came up from the foot of the mountain and threw down the beverage bottle in his hand. Just as he was about to speak, the man suddenly accelerated his speed, as if he wanted to get rid of me on purpose. I had no choice but to turn anger into strength. I quickened my pace, regardless of the pain in my waist, gritting my teeth and holding on. Finally, we cleaned up the garbage of this platform. At this time, I was sweating. Looking at the clean platform, I am not happy at all. If everyone is like the person just now, when will the day of green and environmental protection come?

Labor is glorious. If everyone can organize and pick up garbage, the day without garbage will no longer be a dream!

英语作文关于劳动范文初中 第六篇





英语作文关于劳动范文初中 第七篇








英语作文关于劳动范文初中 第八篇

In the annual labor day again, I'm going to do one thing, to experience the hard labor.

My grandpa at home there is a mountain, the spring is bamboo shoots growth season, he went up into the mountain to dig bamboo shoots every day. I want to experience of work, three dig bamboo shoots. In the morning I carry a small hoe grandpa and up the hill. Later in the mountain, my grandfather began to dig, I also can't wait to picking up a small hoe. Very hard but the mountain soil, hoe and very heavy, I was too tired to full head big sweat without digging for a minute. So I sat down to rest.

I saw grandpa also rest for a while in the full head big sweat, I quickly took the grandpa towel to wipe the sweat, and then handed over tea. Grandpa looked at me and smiled happily. I realized work hard today, also know each work hard!




英语作文关于劳动范文初中 第九篇


爸爸说:“我们先来分工吧!”“好!”我和妈妈异口同声。“整理家、洗衣服我来干!”妈妈先自告奋勇地举起了手。“那我就擦桌子、洗碗!”我也毫不示弱。“那我就只好拖地、扫地了!”爸爸 最后才说话。“那我们就开始‘战斗’吧!”我斗志高昂地说。

家务劳动开始了!我找来一块儿抹布,并沾了点儿水,开始了我的第一项“战斗”。我往桌子喷了喷洗涤灵,又使劲擦了几下。嘿!还别说,这桌子被我一擦,变得比以前更亮,更干净了。我又彻彻底 底地把桌子擦了一遍。现在这桌子的模样只能用4个字来形容:焕然一新。我的自信心涨到了百分之百。

第二项任务当然是洗碗。来到厨房,看着眼前的碗,我不禁倒吸一口冷气:全都是油的油,脏的脏。这时,这在扫地的爸爸来到了厨房。看到我的样子,爸爸好像看透了我的心思:“怎么了?碗太脏不 愿意洗了?”“不是不愿意洗,只是……”我指了指面前的碗。“碗不脏用你洗呀!”爸爸带着嘲笑的眼神说。我立即看到了他的眼神,并马上接受了他的“挑战”。“等着瞧,我一定会比你干得好, 比你干得快!”我说。此时的我已经不管三七二十一了,抓起一只碗就开始洗。才过了不到10分钟,我就搞定了所有的碗。胜利的笑容在我的面颊绽放。




