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国际学校考试作文范文 第一篇



Too much emphasis is placed on the development of reading skills in elementary school. Many students who are discouraged by the lonely activity of reading turn away from schoolwork merely because they are poor readers. But books recorded on audiocassette tape provide an important alternative for students at this crucial stage in their education, one the school board should not reject merely because of the expense involved. After all, many studies attest to the value of allowing students to hear books read aloud; there is even evidence that students whose parents read to them are even more likely to become able readers. Thus, hearing books on tape can only make students more eager to read and to learn. Therefore, the school board should encourage schools to buy books on tape and to use them in elementary education.

In this argument, the writer claims that elementary schools place too much emphasis on the development of reading skills; therefore books on audiocassette should be provided as an alternative method of learning. The arguer attempts to substantiate the conclusion by citing studies that show the value of allowing students to hear books read aloud; including evidence that students whose parents read to them are even more likely to become better readers. This argument ultimately fails as it suffers from several critical fallacies.

First of all, the writer flatly states, without any supporting evidence whatsoever, that many students are discouraged by the lonely activity of reading, then continues on in the same sentence to state that students turn away from schoolwork solely because they are poor readers. Students often read to themselves or to the other students in a classroom situation - hardly a lonely activity. Additionally, this argument puts the effect before the cause - inviting the circular logic that students stop trying to learn to read because they are poor readers. Following this argument to its logical conclusion, because they are poor readers, they should not try to learn how to improve their reading. This absurd argument is analogous to saying that a new student should never start to learn in the first place, because he or she knows nothing.

国际学校考试作文范文 第二篇




我是11:00的考试,不过10:00不到就出门了,我家离上外很近,骑车不要5分钟.到了那发现这个南侧平房真是不起眼阿,我也去过很多次上外了,很难想象会把考试放在这么一 幢破旧的.矮房里. 一进门就感觉有点幽暗,当然也很安静,几个都是女老师,说话很亲切 但总体感觉就是压抑, 考试的房间主色调也是暗色的, 这更是让原来觉得没什么的我 添了几分紧张. 人不多,所以进门就开始进入预定程序了. 一些前面的抄誓词,拍照片 这类的程序就不赘言了. 10:26我就坐到座位上,我没要耳塞,事实上周围很静人又少我 还是坐在最旁边,周围的键盘敲击声只是偶尔传来而且很轻根本没什么影响.

端详了一下键盘,发觉并没有传说中的那么好, 不仅破旧而且有点小,还不如自己家里的,唉,就凑合着用吧.


99In any realm of lifewhether academic, social, business, or political-the only way to succeed is to take a practical, rather than an idealistic, point of view. Pragmatic behavior guarantees survival, whereas idealistic views tend to be superceded by simpler, more immediate options. 在生活的各个领域,不管是学术、社会还是政治,要想成功,只能靠实际的观点而并非空想。程序化的行为保证了基本的生存,而空想只会被更简单、更急迫的选择取代

国际学校考试作文范文 第三篇

nothing short of

英文解释:almost or equal to


例句:His accusation is nothing short of slander and has no value.

英文解释:used to emphasize a situation, quality, or type of behavior.


例句:The party was nothing short of a

disaster as it ended early and people went home unhappy.

GRE考试必备短语:keep something at bay

keep something at bay

英文解释:prevent someone or something from approaching or having an effect.


例句:If we can keep the rabbits at bay, we should have a good crop of vegetables in the garden.

国际学校考试作文范文 第四篇

on top of that

英文解释:Also,in addition to, especially in describing something unpleasant


例句:We missed our flight, and on top of that we had to wait seven hours for the next one.

dublous distinction

英文解释:describe something bad or undesirable as if it were an honor or achievement.


例句:He is the lawyer with the dubious honor of having lost the most cases in the firm.

charge somebody with something/charge somebody with doing something

英文解释1:to accuse someone of something, esp. to officially accuse someine of a crime.


例句:He was charged with resisting arrest when he was approached by the police and ran.

英文解释2:to give somebody a responsibility or task.


例句:The governing body is charged with managing the school within its budget.

accuse somebody of doing

英文解释:When you say or tell someone that you believe they did something wrong or dishonest.


例句:He accused his assistant of theft in the office.

substitute A for B

英文解释:to use someone or something instead of another person or thing


例句:You can substitute oil for butter in this cookie recipe.

on a par with

英文解释:equal in importance or quality to; on an equal level with


例句:This home cooking is on a par with the best restaurant cuisine in the world.

国际学校考试作文范文 第五篇


Discuss how well reasoned you find this argument.

The following is from an editorial in the Midvale Observer, a local newspaper.

Ever since the 1950s, when television sets began to appear in the average home, the rate of crimes committed by teenagers in the country of Alta has steadily increased. This increase in teenage crime parallels the increase in violence shown on television. According to several national studies, even very young children who watch a great number of television shows featuring violent scenes display more violent behavior within their home environment than do children who do not watch violent shows. Furthermore, in a survey conducted by the Observer, over 90 percent of the respondents were parents who indicated that prime-time televisionprograms that are shown between 7 . and 9 show less violence. Therefore, in order to lower the rate of teenage crime in Alta, television viewers should demand that television programmers reduce the amount of violence shown during prime time.

The following appeared in the editorial section of a health and fitness magazine.

In a study of the effects of exercise on longevity, medical researchers tracked 500 middle-aged men over a 20-year period. The subjects represented a variety of occupations in several different parts of the country and responded to an annual survey in which they were asked: How often and how strenuously do you exercise? Of those who responded, the men who reported that they engaged in vigorous outdoor exercise nearly every day lived longer than the men who reported that they exercised mildly only once or twice a week. Given the clear link that this study establishes between longevity and exercise, doctors should not recommend moderate exercise to their patients but should instead encourage vigorous outdoor exercise on a daily basis.

国际学校考试作文范文 第六篇






国际学校考试作文范文 第七篇

Nowadays, society, schools, families and even students themselves put too much pressure on high school students. In order to improve learning efficiency and live a positive life style, it is very important to eliminate the pressure. We need something to distract.

This is our hobby in our spare time. I like to take part in some aerobic sports, such as playing tennis, jogging or playing basketball. Listening to music is also a good choice.

The soft and soft melody made me feel relaxed and almost forgot the troubles that bothered me. This is a very interesting thing.



国际学校考试作文范文 第八篇


14. Actually, persons in status societies who are secure in their niches (适当的位置)are allowed more eccentricity than Americans, who rely heavily on signals that other people like them.

15. When half the population goes to college, one cannot expect the colleges to maintain the same standards as in countries where only the elite attend.

16. Just as not every Japanese is hardworking and deferential to superiors (长者、上司), not every Chinese is devoted to family, not every American is ambitious or patriotic – or even unsophisticated.

17. No one could seriously think that anyone who grows up poor, lives in a bad neighborhood, and attends an inferior school has an opportunity equal to that of someone more favored.

18. Americans may not have achieved equality, but at least they aspire to it, which is more than many other nations can claim.

19. In many countries, when jobs become available for young people in distant cities, when television begins to dominate home life, when ready – made foods appear in the markets, the culture appears more “American” – although the resemblance could be entirely superficial.

21. When the demand for something is greater than its supply, producers and suppliers will sense the possibility of making a profit – the excess of revenues over expenses is the profit.

22. As the case illustrates, competition takes four general forms: pure competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition, and oligopoly(少数制造商对市场的控制).

23. The classic example of pure competition occurs with a commodity, like wheat or corn, that has so many producers that no one of them can control its selling price.

24. A monopoly occurs when one company alone offers a particular food or service and therefore controls the market and price for it.

25. Private restaurants serve gourmet food for $70 per person; incentives boosted agricultural production 25 percent and industrial output 80 percent in just three years; farmers are encouraged to raise as much as they can on their own plots, and some become almost rich in the process.(注意本句中分号的使用)

26. All these changes in China’s economic life have brought changes in China’s social and cultural life as well, many of which unwanted.

国际学校考试作文范文 第九篇







国际学校考试作文范文 第十篇




This argument concludes/recommends/argues that…


To support this conclusion the writer cites…/points out that…


However, this argument suffers from several critical flaws and is therefore unconvincing/ unpersuasive as it stands.


One problem with the argument is that, the editorial observes a correlation between… and …, then concludes that the former is the cause of the latter. However, the editorial fails to rule out other possible explanations for…For example,… Any of these factors, or other social, political or economic factors, might lead to…Without ruling out all other such factors it is unfair to conclude that…


国际学校考试作文范文 第十一篇


The following is a letter to the editor of an environmental magazine

The decline in the numbers of amphibians worldwide clearly indicates the global pollution of water and air. Two studies of amphibians in Yosemite National Park in California confirm my conclusion. In 1915 there were seven species of amphibians in the park, and there were abundant numbers of each species. However, in 1992 there were only four species of amphibians observed in the park, and the numbers of each species were drastically reduced. The decline in Yosemite has been blamed on the introduction of trout into the parks waters, which began in 1920 . But the introduction of trout cannot be the real reason for the Yosemite decline because it does not explain the worldwide decline.

Sample Essay

In this argument, the writer of the letter concludes that global pollution of water and air has caused a decline in the number of amphibians worldwide. To support his or her conclusion, the writer cites the results of two studies, seventy-five years apart, that purportedly show that the number of amphibians in one park in California, Yosemite National Park, have drastically declined. Additionally, the writer casts aside a given reason for the decline, stating that the introduction of trout to the park does not explain the worldwide decline in the number of amphibians. This argument defies simple logic and suffers from several critical fallacies.

国际学校考试作文范文 第十二篇

Invitation and reply Mr. / MS, we would like to invite you to attend the international fair to be held at the above address from April to May. All details of the exhibition will be sent out within one week.

We look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. We hope you can attend faithfully / Dear Mr. / Ms.

thank you for your letter in March inviting our company to participate in the international exposition. We are very happy to accept it and plan to show our electrical products as usual. Mr.

Li will come to your city in April to make specific arrangements. Thank you very much for your assistance, Mr. / Ms.

and for inviting us to participate in the international exposition, because we are going to open a repair shop in your city at that time. I'm sorry we can't come. I hope to see you in the future/.



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