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舞蹈俱乐部英文范文初一 第一篇

Cristiano Ronaldo personal information full name: Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos avero date of birth: February (age: Birthplace: Madeira, Portugal) match position: right wing, forward club information current number of Manchester United clubs Youth Club CF andorranha CD national team sports CP senior club sports CP - United Nations Home team Portugal his favorite movie: sixth sense his favorite actress: Angelina Jolie his favorite colors: white and red ristiano Ronaldo personal information full name: Coca Cola hair /: Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos avero date of birth: FIFA Germany World Cup (mini) TV series: Alma a Vero and Cartier avello uncle: Alex avello car: white and red his favorite number red Ferrari ad league goal against Middlesbrough FCT smog, Madeira why not's eyes (age, birthplace: right wing player himself, Manchester United: play like a champion (V) movie: Jose Diniz aviro London: Funchal, September brothers, former Front club information current club Manchester United number youth club -CF Andorra -CD nationality sports CP senior club sports CP- Manchester united national team Portugal his favorite film: light Brown /: his favorite coke: Christian Catholic mother Brown Religion: appeared in multiple Nike ads, appeared in SUZUKI TV ads: sixth sense his favorite In Portugal, height: Maria Dolores dos Santos aviro father's goal for Manchester United: Hugo avello sisters m FT in) position: Angelina Jolie his favorite color: February: Silver Porsche.


克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多个人信息全名:克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多·多斯桑托斯·阿韦罗出生日期:二月(年龄:出生地:葡萄牙马德拉,本查尔)比赛位置:右翼,前锋俱乐部信息当前曼联俱乐部数量青年俱乐部-CF安道林哈-CD国家队-体育CP高级俱乐部-体育CP-曼联国家队-葡萄牙他最喜欢的电影:第六感他最喜欢的女演员:安吉丽娜朱莉他最喜欢的颜色:白色和红色里斯蒂亚诺罗纳尔多个人信息全名:可口可乐头发/:克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多·多斯桑托斯·阿韦罗出生日期:国际足联德国世界杯(mini)电视连续剧:艾尔玛·阿维罗和卡蒂亚·阿维罗叔叔:亚历克斯·阿维罗汽车:白色和红色他最喜欢的数字红色法拉利广告联赛进球对阵米德尔斯堡FCt烟雾,马德拉-何不的眼睛(年龄出生地:右翼球员自己曼联:像冠军一样踢球(V)电影:何塞·迪尼兹·阿维罗-伦敦:Funchal,九月兄弟,前锋俱乐部信息当前俱乐部曼联数量青年俱乐部-CF安道林哈-CD民族-体育CP高级俱乐部-体育CP-曼彻斯特联合国家队-葡萄牙他最喜欢的电影:浅棕色/:他最喜欢的可乐:基督教xxx母亲布朗宗教:曾出现在多个耐克广告中,曾出现在铃木电视广告中:第六感他最喜欢的女演员,葡萄牙身高:玛丽亚·多洛丽丝·多斯桑托斯·阿维罗父亲为曼联进球:雨果·阿维罗姐妹m ft in)比赛位置:安吉丽娜·朱莉他最喜欢的颜色:二月:银色保时捷。

舞蹈俱乐部英文范文初一 第二篇

Wait, wait, wait, wait, Louis Armstrong, what a wonderful world! Many people don't like this song because it's sad, Franz Fanon's black skin and white mask.


等一下,等一下,等一下,路易斯·阿姆斯特朗,多么美妙的世界啊!体育俱乐部体育俱乐部体育运动俱乐部学生体育运动俱乐部CruzChanning Tatum(美国梦帮派RapN N N“为什么你没有工作一小时的钱不会喂我的狗”很多人不喜欢这首歌因为它很悲伤弗兰茨·法农黑色的皮肤,白色的面具。

舞蹈俱乐部英文范文初一 第三篇

My favorite subject Hello, my favorite subject is art, I like art very much, because I think art is a kind of relaxation, it makes me feel happy, because I can draw a lot of beautiful pictures, sports is my favorite subject tool, such as sports, I am no exception, I can play basketball, table tennis and volleyball, often watch on TV, I every day Do sports I want to join the art and sports club about your dear XXX, Hello, I'm XXXI, I want to join the music club and dance club, singing and dancing are very good, I can also play the guitar, I think it's very difficult, but the interesting thing is that I can play the violin, but I can't play it. OK, let me have a happy new year with you, XXX.



舞蹈俱乐部英文范文初一 第四篇

There was a girl who wanted to be a dancer in the future because it was fun and beautiful. She thinks she can make a lot of money when she becomes a dancer, so she participates in many dance classes and clubs. She hopes her dream will come true one day.



舞蹈俱乐部英文范文初一 第五篇

Hi, I'm Jane. I had a good time yesterday morning. I learned China.

My Chinese teacher is Miss Li. She is very kind. She always helps me learn Chinese.

She taught me Chinese history, and I really like China. When I took a few pictures with my pet dog coco, I sang and danced in the art club, and then I climbed up. My parents and I ate a lot of delicious food on the top of the mountain.

During the day, I had a good time. I felt tired, but I felt very happy.





