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接待客户英语短文范文 第一篇

您好:Every one needs help sometimes :when a child is lost ;when an old man falls down ;when a blindman need to walk across the street ...They are anxious, such situation ,if you give them your helping hand, which may be for you a piece of cake but for them ,it means a lot :they will feel warm from the society and they will help others when they can ,the warm can be passed one by for yourself ,you will also feel warm and happy when you see the others' smile. So helping others means a lot for a person ,for a country ,for a society, let us give the helping hand when the others need help.每个人都有需要帮助的时候:当一个孩子失去了;当一个老人摔倒;当一个盲人需要走在街上,……他们焦虑,这样的情况,如果你告诉他们你的援助之手,这可能是你的一块蛋糕,但对他们来说,这意味着很多:他们将感受到来自社会温暖,他们将帮助别人时,温暖的可以通过一个又一个。和你自己,你也会感到温暖和快乐,当你看到别人的微笑。所以帮助别人意味着很多人,一个*,一个社会,让我们给当别人需要帮助时伸出援助之手希望对您的学习有帮助【满意请采纳】O(∩_∩)O谢谢欢迎追问O(∩_∩)O谢谢祝学习进步~

接待客户英语短文范文 第二篇

Do you do business with Japanese companies? What is the percentage of your business around the world? Excluding America, Europe and Asia, what percentage of frames do you have? Your designer's production quantity, production cycle, minimum order quantity, can you use this material? Can you polish the edge of the glass, can you use acrylic resin instead? What kind of machine do you use? What kind of paint do you use? What kind of paint do you use? You are testing the quality of your products, such as color. You can print our original face paper. We can send printing data with Illustrator data.

You can make 2 mm thick matte paper. What kind of box do you use? In order to visit you again, please Let me know the progress of new product development. We want to know whether the release time of new product is related to the size of the product produced by the factory, how many square meters: the number of workers at the loading port of the factory: what are the main production materials of your factory; what are your three best-selling projects: how many containers are shipped by your factory every month, which you sell directly to the American customers, or you are familiar with Selling through a trading company: does your factory have an export license or work through an export agent: which airport is closest to your factory and which hotel is closest to your factory.


接待客户英语短文范文 第三篇

xxxI saw the starxxx; xxxhe's dyingxxx; xxxhe said,xxx my age has fallen from me like a piece of clothing, and I walked towards the stars when I was a child, oh, my father, now I thank you for opening it often to receive those dear people waiting for me xxx;xxx the stars shine on his grave. xxx.



接待客户英语短文范文 第四篇

Bishop Vaughan was a very hospitable man. Once, when he held a World Congress in London, he invited some local clergy to visit him. Mrs.

Vaughn sat in the living room at the appointed time to receive the gentlemen of color, but no one called. She told the housekeeper that the expected visitors were coming. Butler was pale, maybe they were niggers.

I had been walking around the front door all night. I thought they were beggars.



接待客户英语短文范文 第五篇

One day, Xiao opened his taxi and took an American couple to a hotel. When they got there, the couple got out of the taxi, paid the driver and waved goodbye. On the way, Xiao Zhang found a handbag in the back seat of the car.

He picked up the bag and opened it. He found some US dollars and passports in it. He thought it must be that he drove back to the hotel soon and learned from the receptionist that the couple lived in the room.

He returned the bag to the couple. They were very grateful and praised him for his honesty. One day, the taxi driver Xiao Zhang took an American couple to a hotel.

They paid the fare, got out of the car and waved goodbye to Xiao Zhang. Xiao Zhang drove away for a while. Suddenly, he noticed a handbag on the back seat.

He opened the bag and found some US dollars and passports in it. He thought it must be the American couple's, so he drove back to the hotel as soon as possible The receptionist explained that when they retrieved the bag they were looking for, he knew where the couple lived, Xiao Zhang. They were grateful for his honesty and moved them to tears.





接待客户英语短文范文 第六篇

Mr. Brian Johnathan sun B: Mr. Sun, I'd like you to meet Mr.

Johnathan Mitchell, sales manager of Canada's northern reflections company S: It's nice to finally meet you. Mr. Mitchell has made so many phone calls and faxes.

I'd like you to take my business card. Mitchell J: Thank you very much. Mr.

Sun, please accept my business card (show his own card), please call me Jonathon (look at the card for a few seconds, then put it in your wallet, not in your pocket) if you don't mind, John Nathan, I'd like to check the schedule of the meeting when you and Mr. Sun meet. Johnathan J: of course you have everything, Brian Brian S: (looking at Brian) you'll see that Mr.

taylerbian is a force that can't be ignored in apex tradig (Brian) talyer, Brian apex B: Thank you for your vote of confidence, Mr. Sun. I'll be right back (out of the room) J: he looks like a top-notch young man, and it's hard to find Mr.

Sun's talent and enthusiasm. S: don't I know he's done a good job for us. Please call me Steven J: Steven, can you simply tell me what the retail market is like in Taiwan? Steven s: Well, with the per capita income, it's hard to find With continuous improvement, the growth sector seems to be in a growth period.

J: The retail industry here is developing to the high end, and the growth rate in Taiwan must be faster than I thought. S: Yes, since I was a child, the situation has indeed changed, and we have developed rapidly. J: do you think this trend will continue? S: I don't understand why we do have some problems, but we are still willing to work hard and the salary is not too high.

J: so far, everything I've seen is very impressive and really familiar (our boss met several real estate agents in the golf club, in addition, the new manager has been worried that he is not in charge of the overall situation( a) I don't know you said the discount rate is too low. I don't know Bob told us what happened at the manager's meeting.


BrianJohnathan Sun B先生:孙先生,我想请您见见加拿大Nortern Reflections公司的销售经理Johnathan Mitchell先生(Sun先伸出手来,Mitchell握手)Mitchell先生,Steven Sun先生,Apex Trading Northern Reflections的总经理Jonathan Mitchell,Steven,Apex S:很高兴终于见到您,米切尔先生打了那么多电话和传真(先出示名片)我想让你拿我的名片。米切尔J:非常感谢,孙先生请接受我的名片(出示他自己的名片),请叫我约纳森(两人先看几秒钟名片,然后放在钱包里不要口袋里)如果你不介意的话,约翰纳森,在你和孙先生相识的时候,我想检查一下会面的安排Johnathan J:你当然掌握了一切,Brian Brian S:(看着Brian)你会发现taylerbian先生是Apex Tradig(Brian)Talyer的一支不可忽视的力量,BrianApex B:谢谢你的信任投票,孙先生我马上回来(离开房间)J:他看起来是个一流的年轻人,像孙先生这样的才干和热情很难找到S:难道我不知道他为我们做的很好,请叫我史蒂文·J:史蒂文,你能简单地告诉我台湾零售市场是什么样的吗史蒂文S:嗯,随着人均收入的不断提高,增长部门似乎正处于增长期。J:这里的零售业正在向高端发展,台湾的增长速度肯定比我想象的要快S:是的,从我小时候开始,情况确实发生了变化,我们发展得很快J:你认为这一趋势还会继续吗?S:我不明白为什么我们确实存在一些问题,但我们仍然愿意努力工作,工资也不算太高,J:到目前为止,我所看到的一切都非常令人印象深刻,确实非常熟悉(我们的老板在高尔夫俱乐部里认识了几位房地产经纪人,除此之外,新经理还一直担心自己没有掌握全局(a) 我不知道你说贴现率太低了我不知道鲍勃告诉我们在经理会议上发生了什么(鲍勃增长部门休闲娱乐业在台湾是一个成长性产业。

接待客户英语短文范文 第七篇

New year's Eve is really lively, and the family scrambles to make new year's Eve dinner. The men and women who have both wine and meat are wearing new clothes. Red couplets and good family color paintings are pasted on the door.

On New Year's Eve, the lights are bright and intermittent. There are a lot of people who don't rest day and night. Unless we have to, we must go home to have a reunion dinner, except for children Sleeping, you should stay up late on the first day of new year's Eve.

Different situations: shops are all on boards; firecrackers are set off in front of cardboard last night; men in the whole city are resting in the morning to go to relatives' houses; friends go home for the Spring Festival; women receive guests at home; many temple fairs are held outside the city; vendors selling tea, food and toys are especially fond of visiting the temple in order to have a chance to see the outside In view of the scenery and wild animals, you can ride donkeys, and also buy special horse racing toys for new year goods, as well as the camel race in the temple. These games are not aimed at competing for the second place, but performing horses with better attitude and skills in front of the audience. Most of the camels and riders open in the sixth month, but don't be too busy.

The shop staff can also switch to the temple The Spring Festival has reached the climax of the 10th five year plan. The whole street is decorated like a wedding ceremony. The famous shops and time-honored shops have been hanging for hundreds of light years.

There are always some glass, some constant horns, and some Shaden. Some have painted all the xxxdream of Red Mansionsxxx, or the story of xxxoutlaws of the marshxxx this year The advertisement on a desk lamp allows anyone to visit the candlelight in the store at night. The audience set off all kinds of fireworks bought by young children.

If they don't go to the street, they will make trouble.





