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患者牙疼医生英语范文初中 第一篇

Speaking of toothache, I was right. I climbed into the refrigerator next to me and reached for the refrigerator. I looked around and quickly took out the candy and chocolate I was eating.

All the candy and chocolate I ate let me know who was in front of me.



患者牙疼医生英语范文初中 第二篇

Dear Mr. / Ms. XXX, I am writing to you because I need to take a day off.

I have a stomachache. My mother took me to see a doctor this morning. The doctor prescribed me some medicine to let me stay at home for one day.

The attachment is the doctor's diagnosis and sick leave certificate. Please see if there is any handout or homework. Can you keep it for me? I will pick up the teacher for you when I go back to school.

I have something to tell you I'm sorry that I can't attend the American history lecture tomorrow afternoon, because I'm going to meet my uncle at the airport. Can you understand that the teacher will have a recording and I'm going to cram school.



患者牙疼医生英语范文初中 第三篇

Now many people do not pay attention to protect their teeth, because of this, most people have toothache and other diseases, therefore, we must do three points of health. First, we can brush our teeth twice, gargle after lunch, we must eat a small amount of sugar and dessert, especially the last, when the teeth are sick, we must see the doctor in time. If we ignore this, we will have a bad impact on our health.



患者牙疼医生英语范文初中 第四篇

Here are some tips when you have a sore throat. First of all, you should drink more water, because water can make your throat clear and comfortable. Better take some medicine and say less.

If it's serious, you should see a doctor. Fruit is always a good food, when you have a stream of saliva, it can make you feel better, it contains a lot of useful vitamins, which keep you away from others, in case of pflu infection, and get rest, rather than go out to make it sick. When you have toothache, you can't eat too much food.

You need to see a doctor and take the right medicine and water to have a good day.




患者牙疼医生英语范文初中 第五篇

He lowered the chair six inches. My sister had a toothache on holiday in San Francisco. When she found herself on the fourth floor of a skyscraper, the two walls of the office were made of glass.

Susan sat on the examining table. When the dentist came in, he held tightly to both sides of the chair and asked, xxxare you always so nervous?xxx.




患者牙疼医生英语范文初中 第六篇

They help the children go to the hospital to see a doctor academically. They help the elder sister to see a doctor in the city park and the street. The reason is to improve their working ability, build up confidence, gain valuable experience, live a happy life full of fun, and make our living environment more beautiful.



患者牙疼医生英语范文初中 第七篇

Dear teacher: because of toothache, I want to ask for leave to see the dentist from December 3 to December 3, so I'm sorry I didn't come to class, especially your interesting class. I will make up for the absence after my illness, XXX.



患者牙疼医生英语范文初中 第八篇

At a terrible birthday party, an official vowed not to kill any living things, but his wife, with a hot temper and a greedy mouth, killed some animals every day to make a delicious dish. Her huand had never eaten these animals. One year, she prepared a grand party for her birthday.

There were pigs, goats, chickens and ducks. All the people were crying because they knew they would die. When the official saw this, he felt very sorry.

He told his wife, xxxtomorrow is your birthday, but all these animals are going to die. You should feel sorry for them and do a good thing.xxx, It made her angry, and she said, xxxyou mean we should all be Buddhists and swear that if everyone does, we won't kill animals. In a few years, there will be animals everywhere, and I won't buy them.xxx The next day, when the first pig was dragged out and stabbed her soul, she was happy to wait for her party to begin.

She felt the knife stab her body, and then a goat was killed. She could feel the goat feeling slaughtered. Then it was the chicken's turn.

Her soul entered the chicken's body, and she felt her neck twisted. She never knew that every time an animal was killed, everything would hurt so much. She knew she had done something wrong.

She told the cooks to stop killing the animals and let them go. Since then, she has never eaten it again. She tells you how painful animals are when they are slaughtered, and how unfair it is to kill dumb animals for food because of her kindness and kindness.

She lived a long time.





患者牙疼医生英语范文初中 第九篇

Seeing a doctor is well known. Our quality of life is getting better and better. We are more concerned about our health.

Therefore, it is acceptable that people have recently spent more money on treatment than before. We know that a patient living in a northern city spent million dollars during six days in hospital, and about the high profits of drugs and seeking medical treatment from patients There are more and more reports on health. No matter where or who I am, people are complaining that my treatment cost is too high.

I also think it is too expensive to see a doctor. Therefore, I suggest that the government should take some measures to control the situation and give us a good result.



患者牙疼医生英语范文初中 第十篇

Dear Jim, thank you for your invitation. I'm sorry that I can't listen to music with you this week. I'm very busy on Monday.

I'm going to see the dentist because I have a toothache from Tuesday to Wednesday. I'm going to visit my cousin and sister because my aunt, uncle and my parents are going out on Thursday. I'm going to central park with me.

Brothers and sisters on Friday, I have to do my homework. Can you go to central park with me? Don't forget, I hope you have a good time listening to sumic's songs. Your friend, Mike.





