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飞机失事吊唁信英文范文 第一篇


It was with a great sense of loss when weI heard of ( name) death.

WeI wanted to let you know that you have ourmy greatest sympathy, and ourmy heart(s) areis truly saddened.

( name) was more than just a wonderful person; heshe was always so kind and considerate to us that we always weled seeing himher at every opportunity.

And, we know that hisher passing will not only leave a void in our lives, but in the hearts of all those who knew himher.

( name) will always remain within our hearts, and we have included ( name) and you in our daily prayers. May God give you strength.

If there is anything that we can do to help you in anyway, please do not hesitate to call us at anytime. You can phone either of us at ( area code and phone number) even if it is only to talk.

Our sincere thoughts and prayers are with you.

With our deepest sympathy,

飞机失事吊唁信英文范文 第二篇

When the Lancaster bomber crashed, it was not much damaged, but the island was so remote that the plane had not been disturbed for more than 20 years. Some fanatics in France who are planning to repair the plane are very happy that they only need to rebuild three of them, because the fourth engine is in beeswax, which is still sweet, just like honierses teiff went into Kituro's mouth, where he could see the boiling red center and the ash, where he was in great er because the rock was almost going to hit him. He took the picture and went back to his camp because there was a dentist she knew very well nearby.

Elizabeth decided to go there to explain what happened to Nigel in the waiting room. Elizabeth talked to the dentist and he told her to leave at once through another door. After Elizabeth left, the dentist went into the waiting room and asked Nigel if he wanted to have his teeth examined three months later.

Ames appeared in his fourth driving test. He was told to stop. He stopped.

The examiner was thrown in front of him. But the child's life was saved. Ames passed the test, but the examiner said, xxxyou almost killed me this time.xxx when the man was awake, he said, xxxyou almost killed me.xxx It is possible to find out his identity.

He is Domingo Cordoba, a great bullfighter in his youth, but because of his failure in the ring, he began to drink. He changed so much that no one recognized him.




飞机失事吊唁信英文范文 第三篇

Dear Mr. Forrest,

Word of the recent death of your brother has just e to me, and I hasten to offer condolences.

I had the privilege of knowing your brother in years past, and I realize your great loss. He was a fine and brilliant man, and he will not be forgotten by the many who admired and respected him.

Please convey my sympathy and my warm personal regards to all your family.

飞机失事吊唁信英文范文 第四篇

On the first flight, Mr. Johnson had never been on a plane before. He had read many books about air crash.

So one day, when a friend offered to take him for a ride in his own small plane, Mr. Johnson was very worried about whether he could accept it. However, his friend convinced him that the plane was very safe, so Mr.

Johnson boarded the plane driven by his friend Mr. a heard that the most erous part of the plane was taking off and landing. He was very afraid.

After a minute or two, he closed his eyes. He opened his eyes again, looked out of the window, and said to his friend, xxxlook at the people below. They look like ants, aren't they?xxx those are ants, xxxhis friend replied,xxx we're still on the ground.




飞机失事吊唁信英文范文 第五篇

Dear Tom,

I just can’t tell you how sorry I was to learn of your accident. Your family tells me that your are progressing nicely, and that you’ll be out of the hospital in about ten days, I’m certainly relieved to know that!

In the next day or so you’ll receive a little package from Margaret and me. I hope you like it, and that it will help to pass the time more pleasantly.

With every good wish for your swift recovery.






