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英语旅游询价函范文 第一篇

Please let us know your best price and the minimum quantity of each order. Please let us have your quotation for hand-made leather gloves CIF Hong Kong. Please quote us FOB New York.

We have made an inquiry for your products. Please make an offer before the end of this month. Make an inquiry for this kind of leather bag.



英语旅游询价函范文 第二篇

Inquiry general inquiry catalog price list or quotation sample illustration photo print specific inquiry commodity name specification quantity unit price FOB time of delivery payment terms email subject inquiry dear sir, we are interested in purchasing a large number of steel screws. We would appreciate it if you could give us an offer per kilogram C & F Liverpool, UK. If you can send us samples and price list, we used to buy these products from other places, we may be more willing to buy from you now, because we understand that you can supply more products in larger quantities at attractive prices.

In addition, we are confident in the quality of your products. We are looking forward to receiving your reply, sincere XXX XXX, can you tell us whether your price is FOB or CIF, and the validity / validity / validity period of your offer tell us what your payment terms are? Offer us within this month, as we have already made an inquiry for your products, please quote us the best price via the Internet, stating the payment terms and the time of shipment. If you can provide us with the price, quality, quantity and other relevant details Thank you very much.


英语旅游询价函范文 第三篇





以密封形式于201X年XX月XX日XX:XX 时至XX月XX日XX:XX时正(北京时间)递交












英语旅游询价函范文 第四篇

Dear Sir,

We are interested in buying large quantities of steel screws in all sizes.

We would be obliged if you would give us a quotation per kilogram C&F Liverpool, England. It would also be appreciated if you could forward samples and your price-list to us.

We used to purchase these products from other sources. We may now prefer to buy from your company because we understand that you are able to supply larger quantities at more attractive prices. In addition, we have confidence in the quality of your products.

We look forward to hearing from you by return E-mail.



英语旅游询价函范文 第五篇

在国际贸易活动中,使用英文Email及电话询价最为普遍,通常在询问过程中常会有几个需求 :

1.提出疑问In particular, we would like to know how defective merchandise will be dealing with. 特别是,我们想知道有缺陷的商品将如何处理。

2.考虑下单We are currently considering placing an order for your Lawnmowers.我们正在考虑订购你们的割草机。

3.是否可提供折扣Is there any way we could negotiate a discount? 我们有没有办法谈折扣?

4.回复表示愿意提供折扣As far as a discount is concerned, we are willing to negotiate.至于折扣,我们愿意协商。

Dear Mr. Abrams,

We are currently considering placing an order for your Lawnmowers. I have looked at the prices listed on your website. Is there any way we could negotiate a discount?

There is one other concern as well. What assurances can you provide against defects? Quality assurance is a big concern of ours. In particular, we would like to know how defective merchandise will be dealt with. Will you provide a refund or will they need to be returned and replaced? In such cases, who will pay for return shipping costs?

Sincerely,Peter Wang



英语旅游询价函范文 第六篇

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to request more information about your line of earthenware products. Specifical,I am interested in your flatware and dining sets. Would it be possible to get a quotation for these products based on an order of 500 units?

Thank you very much,

Jason Cole

英语旅游询价函范文 第七篇


标题 函的标题是全要素标题,即包括发文单位、事由及文种。其中事由应是对正文主要内容的标准而精炼的概括。

正文 函的正文是文件的主要部分。强调就事论事,应直陈其事。第一部分是叙述事项,第二部分说明希望和要求。去函的正文先写商洽、请求、询问或告知的事项,然后提出希望、请求或要求。最后明确提出“以上意见可否,请函复”,“敬请函复”,“特此函告”等。“事项”部分基本是叙述和说明的写法,是什么就写什么,应简单扼要,又要交待清楚。“要求”部分可多可少,如果事项很简单,而且没有过多要求就同事项写在一起,一气呵成;如果事项复杂些,或要求多些可以单列一段来写,甚至分条列项来写,而且无论是哪一种内容,也不论是对哪一级,要求的口气都是谦和的。复函正文的一般结构是:先引述来函,可引来函的文件名称、发文字号、主要内容。如“贵厂*字*号文悉”这样的格式,也可以直接写“电悉”“函悉”,然后写答复的主要事项,所答复的内容要围绕来函,要准确表达本机关的意见,态度要鲜明。复函的结尾一般可写上“此复”“特此函复”等话语。在复函中要针对来函中提出的问题予以答复:同意或不同意,同意将怎么办;不同意是什么原因或应该怎么办,不应该怎么办等。文中用语应言简意赅。

落款与日期 函的正文写完之后,最后要有签署和日期,并要加盖公章。

英语旅游询价函范文 第八篇

Dear Mr. Smith,

We purchased a large quantity of your products a few months ago and found them very satisfactory.

Currently, we are in need of the same quantity of the item and would like to consider ordering them from your company again, this being subject to provided terms and conditions that could be more favorable than our previous order.

As you are probably aware, due to the import from third countries, the price for steel products has been going down since this year and up to now has not reached the same level that of last year. Provided that you can provide us with the same quality products,

we would be extremely pleased to have your firm offer and samples sent to us. We look forward to having a good cooperation with you.

Yours Sincerely,

Zhang San



