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人格特征分析范文英语作文 第一篇

*a:b:c ab a: Hello, we are going to travel to Southeast Asian cities. The budget is RMB. In addition to four-star hotels, it also includes several days' expenses.

B: Oh, let's have a look at the detailed cost list of the whole trip. A: OK, take your time. B: we know that the actual price of the trip you mentioned may be a little higher than yours.

A: Hey, how much is it? B: the tour teams in Southeast Asian cities include We need RMB per person to stay in a four-star hotel. It's too expensive. It's beyond our budget.

Can we apply for a discount? B: how many people do you join the team? A: B: please wait. (b) fortunately, our manager promised to reduce the budget to RMB. A: OK, Book B: OK.

We will send you a detailed itinerary to your email address a: A: OK sinojackie@sinacom Company B: Is everything all right? Will another member of our staff call you to make arrangements? A: B: I see. Our guide will contact you tomorrow afternoon. A: Hello, is that a speaking? A: Yes, C: Hi, I'm a staff member of travel agency B.

He will take you to the place where you are going to travel. I have recorded the information of all members of your team. I will wait for you at the gate of travel agency B.

It's afternoon, i Wait for you here. When you come, we'll get to the destination as soon as possible. Then a: OK, we'll get there as soon as possible.



*a:b:c ab a:您好,我们准备去东南亚的城市旅游,其预算是人民币,除了四星级酒店外,还包括几天的费用b:哦,让我们看看整个行程的详细费用清单,请稍等,a:好的,慢慢来b:我们知道了,你所说的旅行的实际可能比你的高一点a:嘿,多少钱b:东南亚城市的旅行队包括住四星酒店,每人需要人民币元:太贵了,超出了我们的预算,我们可以申请折扣吗b:您有多少人参加团队a:b:请稍候(b)幸运的是,我们的经理承诺将预算降低到RMB怎么样a:好的,预订b:好的,我们会把详细的行程安排表发送到您的邮箱,你的电子邮件是a: sinojackie@sinacom公司b: 一切都好我们的另一个工作人员会打给你安排一下吗a:b:明白了,我们的导游明天下午会和你联系a:你好,是a讲话吗a:是的c:嗨,我是b旅行社的工作人员,他会带你去你准备旅行的地方,我已经记录了你团队所有人的信息,我会在b旅行社门口等你现在是下午,我在这里等你,等你们来了,我们会尽快到达目的地然后a:好的,我们会尽快到达的。再见。

人格特征分析范文英语作文 第二篇

Diversity of personality there are all kinds of people in the world, but everyone has his own personality, so the personality is also different. For example, some people are always happy no matter what happens. They are generous and helpful.

They are welcome wherever they go, because they can bring happiness to others. People are a kind of nuisance. They are weak in character and easy to be disappointed when in trouble.

They are easy to be hurt by other people's words. They are often angry with other people's feelings because of their eccentric character, no matter where they appear, even if the air changes We all live in the same sky and under the same sun. We all hope that there will be more friendship and more smiles between us.

So let's improve our character, so our life will become more happy.



人格特征分析范文英语作文 第三篇

I sincerely hope to live a healthy and prosperous life in the future. From my ability tendency and personality characteristics, my ideal life is to be a scientist, to study, to give lectures and to write books, because I come from a farmer's family. I especially like to be close to the earth.

If I can afford to live in the countryside, I will feel that in terms of social life, simplicity is what I want to pursue, so I really don't need too many friends if I have nothing to do now Everything to achieve my goals, these are just empty talk, I must pay attention to exercise my body and mind, this is a competitive society, everyone is eager to get ahead. This is not only a competition of physical and mental strength, but also a marathon of patience, faith and perseverance. Life is not all roses, but with the top teachers in this elite school, I should have a good future.





人格特征分析范文英语作文 第四篇

From my ability tendency and personality characteristics, I sincerely hope to live a healthy and rich life in the future. My ideal life is to be a scientist, do research, give lectures and write books, because I am a farmer's son. If I can afford the rural life in the countryside, I especially like to be close to the earth.

As far as social life is concerned, I will feel happy and is what I want to pursue, so I really don't need too many friends. If I'm free to achieve my goal now, all these are only It's empty talk. I have to pay attention to exercise my body and mind.

This is a highly competitive society, in which everyone is eager to get ahead. This is not only a competition of physical and mental strength, but also a marathon of patience, faith and perseverance. Life is not all roses, but the school I have which is equipped by the top teachers of these elites.

I should have a good future.




人格特征分析范文英语作文 第五篇

Dear manager, a few days ago, when I was surfing the Internet, I accidentally clicked on your company's homepage, and was attracted by a recruitment. I applied for a job as a secretary and turned my wish into action. My name is XXX.

I graduated from XXX University in China. When I was a student, my major was journalism and communication. I read extensively in my spare time and tried to improve me As a graduate, I can speak fluent Chinese, and lack of work experience is almost inevitable.

Therefore, I actively participate in social activities and internships. Different positions give me the opportunity to understand the different aspects of my personality. I always believe that life is beautiful, I should cherish every day, because every day is the first day of the rest of your life, so I choose a satiactory way to enjoy my life.

On the other hand, I am very strict with myself. I always hope that things can be completed as soon as possible. I really feel good when the task is completed.

If I am lucky enough to be your secretary, you will feel very relaxed. Not only will I finish mine perfectly If you need further discussion or meeting, please call XXXXXXXX or email to XXX@com I am waiting for your reply, your sincere XXX.


人格特征分析范文英语作文 第六篇

When researchers talk about 'personality,' they mean a 'characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling and behaving that is consistent over time and across situations,' says Christopher Soto, a research psychologist and director of the Colby Personality Lab at Colby University in Waterville, Maine, who was the researcher on the happiness study. Personality is about 50% innate and 50% learned, he says.

五步改变你的性格专家们表示,改变性格与减肥很像。要想有所改变,就需要有意识地坚持一些行为,让它们最终形成习惯。这一过程可能痛苦而尴尬,但却是心理成熟的必由之路。1. 弄清楚改变哪些性格特征对你最有利。在你的职业生涯或个人生活中,是否存在一种冲突模式或负面反馈?2.尝试领悟你在这种模式中所扮演的角色,从你自己的行为着手。辨别在你看来给你造成最多麻烦的行为,并努力改变这种行为。3.从一点一滴做起。改变始于一个行为,因此,先驾驭一项行为,再尝试改变另一项行为。别指望能在一天、一周、一个月甚至一年之内彻底改变你的性格。4.持之以恒。回顾你的取得的进展,为自己提供积极的心理强化。有一些退步是很正常的。如果出现一些小问题,不要过分纠结于此。继续为你的目标而努力就好。5. 在你的新行为形成习惯之后,再找出一个新的、更重要的领域进行改进。缅因州沃特维尔(Waterville)科尔比学院(Colby College)心理学研究员、科尔比人格实验室(Colby Personality Lab)负责人克里斯托弗·索托(Christopher Soto)参与了这项有关幸福感的研究,他表示,研究人员所说的“性格”是指“在不同时间和场合下始终保持一致的思维、感觉和行为特征模式”。他说,性格50%是天生的,50%取决于后天。

According to the Big Five personality model, developed by several sets of researchers starting in the 1940s, the human personality can be divided into five broad categories or domains -- openness, conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism and extroversion (also spelled extraversion).

根据大五性格模型(Big Five personality model),人的性格可划分为五大类别或范畴,分别是开放性、尽责性、亲和性、神经质和外向性。该模型是几批研究者从上世纪40年代开始建立起来的。

Within each category are specific traits and behaviors. Extroversion, for example, encompasses traits such as gregariousness and warmth. Neuroticism includes anger, anxiety and vulnerability.


Some personality types are more successful than others, experts say. People who are more conscientious tend to do better in the workplace and school, Dr. Soto says. People who score high on agreeableness and low on neuroticism tend to have more satisfying and stable relationships. Extroverts do better in social and entrepreneurial occupations.




