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考研英语必须背范文么 第一篇
























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考研英语必须背范文么 第二篇














考研英语必须背范文么 第三篇

in almost every form of media, including television, newspapers and magazines, a great deal of attention is paid to the personal lives of celebrities. it seems that the public cannot get enough of this kind of news. however, i believe that the media have a responsibility to present a balanced view of the world, as well as respect the lives of public figures. therefore, i believe that the media pay too much attention to the personal lives of famous people.

for people who are fascinated with the lives of public figures there are some forms of media devoted exclusively to this topic. they can satisfy their curiosity by buying fan magazines and watching tv shows devoted to entertainment news. the general media should present all types of information because people have different interests. furthermore, the practice of dwelling on the private lives of celebrities can lead people to pay more attention to these matters than they otherwise would. perhaps most importantly, the media should respect the privacy of every individual, including public figures. they may have chosen to be in the public eye, but that does not give the public the right to know everything about them. moreover, many stories about celebrities are untrue; they are only gossip reported to increase sales of magazines and other media. they are unfair to the famous and mislead the public.

考研英语必背范文:human activity and the earth

there is no doubt that human activity has an effect on the planet. we see the evidence of mankind’s endeavors all around us. while some of man’s accomplishments, such as the building of transportation systems and the consistent supply of potable water, have made earth a better place for people to live, they have not come without cost. overall, it seems that human activity harms the earth more than it benefits it.

for example, the transportation systems that benefit mankind also create pollution and use up valuable energy resources. while we cannot do without transportation these days, we cannot ignore the fact that it has an adverse effect on the planet. furthermore, those advances that benefit people do not benefit al the life on earth. deforestation endangers many animals, and mankind’s great thirst for water and other resources leads to the extinction of many plant forms. in addition, accomplishments such as the supply of potable water to a community are only response to problems that mankind created in the past. it was man that made the water unfit to drink in the first place. finally, the damage that human activity causes will eventually have a negative effect on people. they will also suffer the effects of pollution and diminishing natural resources.

考研英语必须背范文么 第四篇

Step1 押题:







Step2 模拟考试:




考研英语必须背范文么 第五篇




1. 单图题:有动作、有⼼理活动、有很多静物和选项

⼈的重点动作与⼼理、东⻄多时要分类、分类要注意可否并列 如:选课进⾏时(18年)、⼤学毕业的选择(13 )、⽂化的⽕锅 (10年)

2. ⼀图双主体题:态度的不⼀样

分别写左右,每个要带⼀个细节,注意直接/间接引语写:乐观:左右⼈对同⼀瓶⽔撒的不同态度 (12年)

3. 双图题: 对⽐不同、或同现象两个⻆度

如:有书不如读书(17年)、相携 (14年)




Graphically/Explicitly/Satirically depicted in the cartoon is a young man/three young men/a group of college students, who (with +表情、内⼼活动, ) is/are doing sth. In front of/Behind him/them is/are , which include/indicate/used to/…. or are X totally different . On his left hand side is A, which…..; on his right, …….(It is obvious that he is going to…./It seems that he is bewildered about…). Under the cartoon is a caption: ‘…’.

⭕双图题/⼀图双主体:实质⼀样,只是左右图⽤in, 左右边⽤on

Upon seeing the set of caricatures above, what arrests my attention most is A(名词加后置定语):the drastic differences/moving and warm love/crazy scene of attitudes/states of mind/ways of doing sth

between/of/among parents/young men/college students when they are doing sth./ B (that后加完整句⼦):modern people have totally different attitudes/states of mind/ways of doing sth when they are doing sth. In the left cartoon is a man/woman/kid, who, with a 表情/细节, is doing/does sth adv. However/Similarly, in the right one, another does sth/is doing sth adv, and he/she/they intends to/decides that…

Under the cartoon is a caption: ‘…’



中⼼句:图的⽬的是为了告诉我们,为了。。。,我们得。。。神来⼀转: 可是事实却不是这个样⼦。

具体化:很多很多⼈都。。。。(事实的样⼦) 上逻辑: 两个原因分析他们为什么这个样⼦


①The cartoon(s), simple as it(they) seems(seem), transmits (transmit )a

thought-provoking message that in order to find high paying jobs/achieve our

desired goals/score a success in our life/realize our dreams/construct a harmonious society/prompt mutual development of the whole world, ought to do , (although this task is challenging/daunting).

②But sadly, the reality

is not the case.

③Currently, a mass of young people/parents/some countries

just do sth/ fail to realize the significance of

④ This is partly due to the fact that …(如:numerous young people come from wealthy family, thereby

lacking motivation/only caring about ), but also because+另⼀原因(如:

they are facing numerous temptations, such as A, B, C, which distract them from…). ⑤ But if this trend continues/ no measures are to be taken to../ people keep turning a blind eye to this phenomenon,chances are high that+不好的后果. ( ⽆法很好地融⼊社会、会在激烈的竞争中被淘汰、整个社会的发展将失去动⼒、⼤⾃然会惩罚我们、我们的传统价值和社会稳定将会被严重破坏).


The cartoon(s), simple as it(they) seems(seem), transmits (transmit )a thought-provoking message that in order to find high paying jobs/achieve our desired goals/score a success in our life/realize our dreams, ought to do develop sth/attach more importance to doing sth. Such habit/virtue counts in almost every stage of our life. Firstly, students who master/show/own…generally have better academic performance, because they usually study more efficiently. Moreover, in the workplace, if an employee …., he can definitely

create a good impression on his colleagues and superiors, thereby moving up the ladder more quickly. Besides, this quality/virtue helps a lot in our daily life, too. Those who have such personality are charming and attractive, and people around them are absolutely fond of making friends with them.



Therefore, measures have to be taken immediately to stop this trend/ prevent this problem from worsening/ guide kids to do sth in a more reasonable way. A should do sth, because 好处.Moreover, it is high time that B did sth .


In all, some measures should be taken to guide students to choose the right courses. In order to achieve this goal, I believe universities, teachers, and parents should make joint efforts.


Doing sth, to sum up, is so important that it not only enables sb to , but also does sth/ but we can(our society can…)






Dear Professor Smith/Jack/Mr Chan/Sir or Madam/fellow students/experts,



How's everything going?/ hope you are doing great!

第一句 :

情况一-I felt thrilled to know that you would.../ felt delighted when I received your letter, (熟) in which you mentioned that you would...Congratulations on doing sth/ am

grateful that you invited me../ feel so sorry to tell you that I have to...

情况二-My name is Li Ming, who is one of the students(staff)in./the coordinator of../ a (不熟) frequent customer(visitor)... or I am delighted that you appointed me to.


情况一-I am writing this letter to make recommendations(suggestions) about../share

with you my ideas on how to.../introduce to you sth, which.../ feel so sorry to (熟) tell you that I have to cancel/postpone...

情况二-The main purpose(s) of this letter/email/notice is to invite you to attend.../provide

you with the details about../inform you that../introduce to you sth.., which... (不熟) explain for.../inquire about../answer your inquiry regarding.../report to you the

progress of the preparation work regarding.../Here are the details about..



◾建议型 第二段:往往第一段结尾就说了该信的目的是给建议,所以第二段上来直接写Firstly+内容即可。

◾原因型 第二段:往往第一段结尾是给别人一个提议、一个你的推荐、你的结论;那么第二段则需要中心句:The reasons for../why...are as follows.


a.一般一段末就已经是中心句了: The main purpose of this notice is to provide you with the details about ./the relevant information regarding... or to answer your

inquiry about....


C.要有结尾: xxx若有任何疑问,请联系我。



◾欢迎来麻烦我:Should you have any question, feel free to contact me. / If you have further inquires, do not hesitate to send me an email. / If you need more information, please let me know . 如果是notice,要有邮箱: send an email to liming@*com.

◾表示期待与祝愿: I am looking forward to your arrival, and wish you a fantastic trip in China ◾再次感谢或致歉: I would like to express my sincere appreciation/apology again. I hope that...

◾等待回复:Thank you for your time, and I am looking forward to your reply.




