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考研作文英语真题范文 第一篇


第一阶段(预备阶段):1月至2月 对考研有一个基本的概念,渐入考研备战状态。

第二阶段(基础阶段):3月至7月 主要夯实基础,着重在词汇、阅读和长难句的理解


第三阶段(强化阶段):7月至11月 复习单词、做单项练习、练习写作、做20xx年-20xx年真题三遍

(2)、9月至11月 继续巩固背单词(每天每周要有复习的量)、每周至少写一篇大作文、每两周至少写一篇小作文,每两天或每三天做一套真题(要求一天做整套,剩下的一天或两天用同样的考试时间认真总结哪里错了、为什么错、怎样能不犯同样的错误)。建议大家根据老师给出的例句改写成适合自己的模板,运用之前阅读中学到的一些好的表达,形成有自己特色的写作风格。



(2)、12月后半月至1月初 至少每隔一天下午按照考试时间做一套题(距离考前还有半个月的时候可以做几套模拟题,但是距离考试不到半个月了就一定要做真题,把20xx年至20xx年的真题严格按照考试时间来做,保持考试的状态)。做完之后进行核对,查漏补缺,有不认识的重要单词要记下来,不断重复背诵。模拟做套题要当作正式考试来做,正式考试时当作模拟来做。最后,建议大家放松心情、增加自信,因为我们按计划一步一步扎扎实实地走过来,考试时只要像平时模拟那样做题就没问题!


考研作文英语真题范文 第二篇

The picture above presents to us a scene that a boy is dozing off when an actress dressed in Chinese traditional costume is trying to impress her audience by special tone and symbolic gesture, but an old man is absorbed in her performance. On the face of it, the actress’ endeavor is differently received, but on closer observation and further consideration, we can learn from the picture that the contrasting attitudes towards the Chinese drama performance is a miniature of the current situation of Chinese traditional culture.

The picture reflects a noteworthy trend that Chinese traditional culture is facing an unprecedented challenge, because it is losing its appeal for the young generation. Two reasons can be concluded about the phenomenon. In the first place, the fact that more and more foreign cultural products flock into our country, and we are surrounded with varieties of entertainments puts many forms of Chinese traditional culture at the risk that many people may have little use for them. In the second place, all of us, especially the school education and the media, didn’t attach enough importance to the popularization and promotion of Chinese traditional culture, which aggravates the worrying situation.

In my opinion, we must reverse the worrisome trend, because a nation’s traditional culture is spiritual bonds between people, and plays a key role in a nation’s development of society. Many examples all over the world are living proofs that a nation’s traditional culture is a prerequisite for its societal development, so it’s no exaggeration to say that without the traditional culture, we would lose many valuable things that should be preserved and cherished. But the revitalization of our traditional culture needs our joint efforts. I hope we can see our prosperous culture in the near future.

(Seemingly the Chinese traditional culture is in a losing battle with other entertainments and foreign cultural products, but it still has a fighting chance if we join our efforts to retrieve the situation. However, to revitalize our traditional culture entails our media’s popularization, our government’s promotion and everyone’s endeavor. We should bear in mind that only when everyone knows the importance of traditional culture protection can our nation’s culture enjoy prosperity in the future.)

考研作文英语真题范文 第三篇






























考研作文英语真题范文 第四篇

January 16, 2010

An international conference on globalization, which would attract 200 leaders of famous corporations from all over the world, will be held next month. And 150 volunteers are needed for the preparation and organization of the conference. The basic requirements of volunteers include excellent mastery of English and familiarity with globalization. Those who have proficient computer skills and outstanding communication ability are preferred. If you have the qualifications stated above and intend to join in this program, please send your resume to abc@. We will notify you of our decision in two days.

Postgraduate Association

考研作文英语真题范文 第五篇

Dear Sir or madam,

I am the chairman of the Student Union of Tsinghua University, and our union is organizing a social survey project on Chinese history. So it’s necessary for us to have a visit to your historical exhibition to get some material about the local tradition. I would be grateful if you could supply me with the following information.

Firstly, I need detailed information concerning the contents of the exhibition, for example, what’s the theme of the exhibition? Secondly, I would also like to inquire if there is any discount available on the entrance tickets for students. About 100 students will take part in the visit, and I would appreciate it if you could give us discount.

Thank you for your time and consideration, and I am looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming

考研作文英语真题范文 第六篇

考研英语写作这一题型诞生于1991年,最初的几年还都是命题式作文,此后历经几次演变,才逐渐 形成了现在的考察模式:大小作文各考1篇;英语一大作文考图画作文,小作文考应用文;英语二大作 文考图表作文,小作文也考应用文。除此之外,还有一些规律性的内容可以总结。











考研作文英语真题范文 第七篇

Dear Lily,

Last week, you said you propose to do a part-time job in the coming summer vacation. And now, here is a surprise for you.

After having my dinner this noon, I found a notice posted on the billboard that a private English tutor is needed to guide the advertiser’s daughter though GRE. I strongly recommended it to you, because I know you took and passed the test last year. This experience certainly has equipped you with the skills necessary to get through the test, not to mention your acknowledged proficient mastery of English. Incidentally, the reward seems considerably handsome according to the notice. In short, I think no other part-time jobs will be better than this, and I hope you can take this opening into consideration.

I’m looking forward to your reply.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming

考研作文英语真题范文 第八篇



一背诵:选择历年真题的范文和一些与真题作文相近的文章狂背!背不能只是懵懂的瞎背,要有重点, 背文章框架、精彩句构和点睛的文笔,考研英语作文突击战。时而可以拿一些外语原著(散文)名篇来读背,加强自己的语感,使自己的表达地道化。





3、开门见山!!! 题目要求你写什么的,开篇就点题!






考研作文英语真题范文 第九篇

The bar chart clearly indicates the turnover of online shopping and its growth rate in China from 2001 to 2008. During that period, there was a dramatic increase from billion to 125 billion in its turnover. Meanwhile, the growth rate decreased from 200% to at the same time.

Why dose this phenomenon take placeThere are generally three factors accounting for it. First and foremost, due to the fast economic and social development, people enjoy a sharp improvement in their living standards. Accordingly, they can afford to buy computers and mobile phones: the common tools for shopping online. Besides, e-shopping is extremely convenient and efficient. It is available 7/24 and this means people can buy what they want anytime without going out. Last but not least, the price of the goods online is much lower than those in the stores, which greatly caters to the consumer’s needs.

From what has been discussed above, we can predict that the turnover of online shopping will continue to increase at an alarming rate and it will give a huge boost to our national economy. However, we should also be aware of its drawbacks, such as fake commodities, personal financial security, illegal ads and so on. Thereby, we should take a reasonable and scientific attitude towards it.

考研作文英语真题范文 第十篇

The picture above presents to us a soothing scene that a seriously sick old man is on a young man’s back, who volunteer to send him to the hospital. The young guy is running and sweating, saying that “Grandpa, let me take you to the hospital”. It seems that they are relatives, but the dialogue between them reminds us that they barely know each other before.

The purpose of the picture is to eulogize the practice of selfless offering help to those in need, and to call on us to follow the man’s example. Unfortunately, the reality about the good deeds seems to be a little paradoxical and a bit worrisome. It’s not difficult to find in the TV programmes and newspapers that many people announce that they will render assistance without taking any reward if seeing someone in need. When asked why, they may answer: “it’s an acknowledged virtue that should be preserved.” However, it’s also not difficult to find in today’s society fueled by money and self-interest that many people pursue their fame and wealth in the name of devotion, not to mention the ruthless passers-by who turn a blind eye to Wang Yue, a two-year-old girl who has just suffered a hit-and-run accident. The status quo arouses our puzzlement and worry about the discrepancy between intention and action.

In my opinion, a harmonious society is based on sound and mutual-trusting relationships among common folk, and such relationships depend on our practice of mutual aid. To promote the virtue, what’s the most important is that school education should help children establish a notion of offering favors to each other, and should urge them to put the spirit conveyed in the picture into practice. Accordingly, we should bear in mind that only when mutual aid becomes a habit shared by all Chinese, especially the youngsters, can we have a better place to live in.

(According to a survey conducted by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, a high proportion of people polled (about 80%) hold the opinion that they will render assistance without taking any reward if seeing someone in need.)

(According to a report of Nan Fang Daily last year, a high proportion of people interviewed (about 80%) hold the opinion that they will render assistance without taking any reward if seeing someone in need.)

考研作文英语真题范文 第十一篇







考研作文英语真题范文 第十二篇

Dear Sir or Madam,

As a faithful reader of your newspaper, I would like to express my gratitude for your endeavor to promote the development of our city. And now, I want to discuss the phenomenon about the restriction on the use of plastic bags.

As we all know, the plastic bags cannot be used for free now, but I find that there are still some shops offering free plastic bags to their customers without charging any fees. Seeing that the plastic bag is the main cause of white pollution, it’s imperative to take stricter measures to implement the restriction. First, more severe punishment should be imposed on the shops if they violate the regulation. Secondly, our newspaper’s publicity of the concept of environmental protection will be an effective way to stop the worrying situation.

I would be grateful if you can take my suggestion into consideration, and I hope we will have a clean city in the near future.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming

考研作文英语真题范文 第十三篇

To Whom It May Concern,

I have read your recruitment announcement for volunteers and decided to apply for the position. The World Exposition is a platform for all the countries all over the world to show mankind’s achievements in technology, economy and culture. As a Chinese, I glory in the fact that the World Expo can be held in China, and I will be proud if I can be accepted as a volunteer.

Having served the Student Union of my university for three years, I have rich experience to assist you to prepare and organize the World Expo, even a small part of work I can do. In addition, my proficiency in computer and familiarity with Chinese culture fit me for the volunteer position. The attached resume gives details of my study and work experience, and I can say with certainty that all of that will qualify me for the position.

I really hope to have a chance to contribute to the World Expo, and I look forward to your decision and reply. You can call me at 66667777, or email me via abc@.

Sincerely yours.

Li Ming

考研作文英语真题范文 第十四篇

This cartoon depicts an ironic scene: a man is walking dangerously on a wire with a pole in his hand. On one end of the pole hangs a box which is named xxxthe convenience of jobsxxx while on the other end hangs a box which is labelledxxxillegal profitsxxx. The man is trying hard to reach the end of the wire, where a piece of papar is attached which says xxxyou should be responsible for what you have done. xxx However, the man believes that he will not be blamed since he has taken just a little. The sobering aspect of this cartoon is corruption always happens on those who think they are the lucky ones.

Human nature being what it is, most people have a kind of fluke mind that they may not be punished since the amount they take illegally is small. However, this idea could not be more wrong in our contemporary society. Let's assume that all the government officials in China hold this idea. If this assumption comes true, it will definitely exert a butterfly effect: the appetite of these officials will become even bigger. The amount of money they take may end up as astronomical figures. One day their behavior will be revealed as severe crime and they will spend the rest of their lives in jail.

So it can be justified without any exaggeration that when we look at the consequences of curruption, we may find it very difficult to assess the costs. But these costs can be very considerable and may even hurl the whole society system into a occurs to many that the most effective solution is to appeal to the authorities, or to take legal means. But that is just a passive wayand only works on extreme cases. Therefore, I recommend that massive media, school education and family cultivation should be activated to call for self-discipline on this matter.




考研作文英语真题范文 第十五篇

The cartoon is simple but thought-provoking. As is vividly shown in the picture, there are two passengers sitting in a bus. One of them is a male, who is sitting cross-legged and smoking. The whole bus is filled with the black smoke. While the other one is a female, who is sitting in front of the man and covering her nose with a tissue to prevent the harm of the secondhand smoke. There is no doubt that the picture implies that the secondhand smoke exists everywhere and it is hazardous.

This phenomenon has an undesirable impact on our daily life. Firstly, it does harm to and sacrifices our physical and mental health. What’s worse, it is the main cause of lung cancer and about 10% people die of it every year. In addition, our environment and ecosystem will be severely polluted and thus it hinders our sustainable and scientific development. Were the situation to continue, we would pay a high price.

Accordingly, it is imperative for us to take drastic and effective measures to control this situation. Firstly, we should appeal to the government to make strict laws and regulations to ban smoking in public places. As for ourselves, we should take practical actions to stop smoking and protect our living environment. Only in this way can we have opportunities to expect a beautiful world and a bright future to come.

考研作文英语真题范文 第十六篇

The Significance of the Immaterial Culture Heritage Education in Improving University Students’ National Spirit

Immaterial culture heritage refers to various forms of traditional culture including traditional performance, folk activities, and a lot of national ceremony and celebration, which is close related to the life of common people and passed on from generation to generation. Against the background that China’s traditional culture is facing an unprecedented challenge propelled by and modernization, it’s imperative to educate graduates with China’s immaterial culture heritage to strengthen their national spirit and national identity. Firstly, being a part of the conveyors of immaterial culture heritage, university students will naturally be proud of their nationality. Secondly, such education can motivate them to love their history, culture motherland and compatriots. Finally, university students can bring innovative spirit into the process of learning and strengthen their national spirit in practice.

考研作文英语真题范文 第十七篇

on university tuition system in china

directions: it is reported that many universities in china have begun to charge students for tuition. should university students in china pay their own tuition ? state two opposite opinions and illustrate them in detail. write an essay of about 200 words within 40 minutes.

tuition system has become one of the hottest topics in china since it was put into effect. reports on this topic are published in a variety of newspapers and magazines. people differ greatly in their opinions on it.

some people think that there is no university in the world which is open to students without tuition. as far as china is concerned, it is a developing country with the largest population in the world. the government is unable to allocate enough funds to pay for various teaching facilities and many different kinds of expenses. one of the ways to relieve the problem is for students to pay tuition. the money raised in this way can be used to improve the conditions for running schools.

others, however, are opposed to the tuition system. they argue that the living standard of the chinese people, especially of those in the poor rural areas, is still low, compared with that in the western world. the university tuition will certainly add to the already heavy burden of the parents, who live on their salaries or wages. moreover, tuition may become an obstacle to the development of china’s higher education. this is because it hinders some talented people from entering the university just on account of their poverty. (210 words)

考研作文英语真题范文 第十八篇

Dear John,

Six months have elapsed since our last meet. How have you been these days?

Seeing that all of us have finished our final examinations and have leisure time now, I think it’s necessary to hold a party to relax and to gather together, sharing our joy and hardship in the past several months.

The party will be held in my home next Sunday, from 6pm to 10pm, in which you may see Peter, Mary and our many friends. The activities in the party include having a dinner, watching an Oscar-winning movie and a surprise in store for you that I couldn’t tell you now. I’m confident that we will have a good time next Sunday evening.

If you don’t have any prior appointment that day, I hope you can come. I’m looking forward to your reply.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming

考研作文英语真题范文 第十九篇

Dear my friend,

With the development of our society and economy, the number of vehicles in our city is soaring, which not only results in heavy traffic congestion and air pollution, but also brings much inconvenience to us. Everyone need desirable living environment, and it’s imperative for us to get moving to make us live better now.

Seeing that the more and more private cars is the main cause of such problems, the shift from you private cars to the public transport, such as the bus and subway, is the most effective means to ease the troublesome situation. So, let’s make our joint efforts to build a better city.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming

考研作文英语真题范文 第二十篇

the cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of confidence. definitely, no once can deny the importance of it. confidence enables us to achieve our objectives more smoothly and realize our dreams more rapidly. by being confident. we are more likely to win others’ trust and support, discover our potentials and overcome those seemingly-invincible and formidable setbacks. to further illustrate the importance of being confident, i would like to take jeremy lin as a case in point: how could he, once and ordinary and obscure basketball player at harvard university, achieve unprecedented success in nba?

accordingly, at no time should we underestimate the power of confidence. furthermore, when coming with setbacks and bottlenecks, instead of giving up easily, what we must do is to face it with confidence and fight against it without courage. “confident people never get hurt.” abraham lincoln also once said.

考研作文英语真题范文 第二十一篇



我开始投身于考研的时间应该是11年的8月,我的英语复习安排是从9月份开始,我每天就是进行单词的记忆,花了20天的时间将考研词汇背了下来。接下 来,我就直接做的历年的考研真题,从05年到11年的,并不是单纯考试找范文就那样的做题,而是先对每一部分通读,做了答案之后,反过来再对短文逐字逐句的进行理 解,标记出单词句子,并对他们进行仔细地注解,对文章整体翻译,重新理解答题项,审视自己的思路与出题者的异同所在,在不断的思考与磨合中,努力使自己的 理解思路向出题者的靠拢。这个复习阶段持续的时间很长,一直到十一月中旬了,在这之间可以根据自己的情况安排进度。在后面一个阶段,我开始在复习的过程中 加入了写作的部分,之前的那一阶段,我每做一套真题会对后面的作文例文进行学习,对佳句等进行摘抄,在这个阶段,我就对之前研究真题是做的笔记以及一些写 作的佳句进行了回顾,每天温习一下,培养自己的感觉。同时,我开始做模拟题了,在规定的时间内,做模拟题,隔两到三天做一套吧。再后来,我就将作文再次整 理了一下,确定了我想在考试中用的作文模板,最后就是准备研究生考试的到来了。当然,在这段时间的心态比较重要,没有必要过多的演练模拟题了,这会给自己 带来过多的压力,反而影响发挥。我比较习惯的是,在考试之前将自己之前复习时做的那些笔记拿出来翻一下,并不是说这些东西考试的时候一定能用上,只是觉得 考试前做这些轻松的事儿感觉比较好吧,看看觉得考试找前自己还是做了挺多吧,心理上给自己打一下气。


考研作文英语真题范文 第二十二篇


Dear my friends,

I am writing this letter to welcome you to our university. I expect you to arrive here with increasing joy as well as excitement. It is of great pleasure to anticipate your coming soon.

As foreign students, you will find everything on our campus quite different, fresh and alien. Therefore, after arriving, you can take full advantage of every opportunity to communicate with us directly to bridge the gap. To be more specific, the climate in Beijing is considerably different from your hometown, but you will soon get accustomed to living here. Finally, I hope to accompany you and introduce some special or unique campus characteristics and cultures to you so as to let you better understand our college life.

We shall strive to make your visit as pleasant as possible by providing the best service as well as support for you. All of our students are looking forward to your early coming eagerly.

Students’ union ?





考研作文英语真题范文 第二十三篇

This bar chart indicates different market shares of automobiles of three types of brand affiliations between 2008 and 2009.

In 2008,cars with Japanese brands topped the three types of vehicles,accounting for 35% of the total market. What follows is the cars with Chinese brands,hitting 25% of the auto market,with the share of American brand bottomed out at 15%. In 2009,some developments are noticeable in that the cars with the largest share became those of Chinese brands,which occupied roughly 32% of the market,while cars with Japanese and American brands took 25% and 15% of the whole market respectively.

It is observed that between 2008 and 2009,cars of Chinese and Japanese brands took turns to be the in terms of market share while those with American brands ranked the last in both years. And the share of Chinese-brand cars witnessed a mild increase and that of the Japanese-brand cars saw a moderate decrease,while the American-brand cars stayed the same.

From this graph,we can come to the safe conclusion that the Chinese automakers are doing a good job in outcompeting their Japanese and American counterparts in 2009,but the gap is not so significant and if no efforts were made from the part of the Chinese auto industry,the distribution map might be rewritten in the future.

考研作文英语真题范文 第二十四篇

In the pictures above are a father and her beloved son. In the left cartoon, smoking a cigarette and sitting in a sofa comfortably, the father is watching a football match on TV and shouting, “Son, study hard for me!” On the contrary, in the left portrayal, at 9 . , the father is studying together with his son, both totally absorbed in their books. The caption indicates, “Instead of merely making a request, setting an example.”

The purpose of the pictures is to show us that utmost significance should be attached to practicing what you preach. On the one hand, parents teach much more by their actions, than by their words. Some of them may say to their children, “don’t say nasty things about so and so”, and then the children will hear them criticize their friends and neighbors. On the other hand, parenting is such a crucial responsibility, yet there are no required courses to prepare one to undertake this role in life. The only learning is the example from one’s own parents.

To sum up, parents are the best teachers.

Obviously, if parents’ actions don’t conflict their own words, they would have the opportunity to be outstanding examples of their children. Just as an old saying goes, “Action speak louder than words.”





考研作文英语真题范文 第二十五篇

Dear Sir or Madam,

I’ve read your letter and given it some serious considerations. I understand that the crowded condition of our dining hall has caused you much trouble, and we’re sorry for the inconvenience we have brought to you.

To solve the problem, we have decided that we will open more service windows and offer more tables in our canteen soon. And a new school restaurant of us, Hollywood Fast Food, will begin business next month. I think it will relieve the crowdedness in the canteen, and I hope you can patronize our restaurant. Besides, I also suggest that you come to our dining hall to have meals with the E-card during the off-peak hours. At that time, you will enjoy a relatively comfortable environment.

We appreciate your comments on our dining hall, and we also hope that our canteen can provide comfort and convenience for you. Please let me know if you have any other proposal or question about our canteen.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming

考研作文英语真题范文 第二十六篇

Dear Sir or Madam,

As I am preparing for the GRE, I am writing now to place an order of a reference book named The Merriam-Webster Dictionary from your bookstore with the consideration of the high quality of your books. When I browsed in your bookstore one week ago, I saw it on the second shelf.

I wonder if it’s convenient for you to send the book to me by FedEx tomorrow to Renmin University, and I would pay for the cost. Besides, I know the FedEx has the service that allows me to pay money on receipt of the goods, and I would be grateful if you accept the means of payment.

I would appreciate it if you could take my request into consideration, and I look forward to seeing my book.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming

考研作文英语真题范文 第二十七篇

part a


restrictions on the use of plastic bags have not been so successful in some regions. xxxwhite pollution xxxis still going on. write a letter to the editor(s) of your local newspaper to

give your opinions briefly and

make two or three suggestions

you should write about 100 words. do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. use xxxli mingxxx instead. you do not need to write the address.


dear editor:

i am writing this letter to draw your attention to the deteriorating situation of “white pollution” in some regions despite the implementation of restrictions on the use of plastic bags.

in order to put an effective stop to the wide spread of “white pollution”,i would like to make the following suggestions . firstly,the price of plastic bags should be further raised; secondly,special government departments should be established to supervise the making and using of plastic bags to ensure they are used when really needed.

i hope my suggestions would be of help and thank you for your attention.

考研作文英语真题范文 第二十八篇

This picture is really thought provoking. As is vividly shown in the above picture, a book is lying above the grass and beautiful flowers. Beside it, there is a topic thatsays:“reading”. There is no denying that the picture implies that reading is of utmost importance to us.

Considering every aspect of it, we may attribute its significance to three factors. First of all, reading can broaden our horizon, widen our knowledge and eich our experience. Besides, reading is to success what water is to a fish. It can put us in a favorable position in the job market. Last but not least, if all of us are willing to read more and extensively, our society will be more progressive and prosperous.

From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw a conclusion that reading is indispensable in our daily life. Therefore, the mass media, such as

television, Internet and radio, should try best to propaganda and advocate it. As

for ourselves, we should take practical actions to enhance our awareness of reading. Then, we have every reason to be convinced that we can have a bright future and a beautiful world.

考研作文英语真题范文 第二十九篇

January 15, 2011

Our English Club has attracted more than 2000 students since it was established in 2000. Its aim is to provide a platform for all the students not only to enhance the English skill, but also to improve a range of ability.

Now, it’s time to recruit new members, and we hope you can join us. The activities to be held next semester include staging musical dramas, holding group discussions, watching Oscar-winning movies, and so on. These after-class activities can ensure you ample opportunities to strengthen your sense of responsibility and manage interpersonal relations, as well as raise your level of proficiency in English. All of these will be sure to empower you to enjoy competitive edge over your peers.

You can file a written application to our staff office or email us via abc@. The deadline for entries is January 22. Come on, join us now!

考研作文英语真题范文 第三十篇

There is going to be a lecture, titled “Across Cultures: Communication and Digital Media”, in the meeting room of the Chinese Literature Department from 9:00am to 11:00am on January 12, 2012. The lecture will be given by Professor Robert Neon, who is from the Department of English Literature of University of Columbia. Professor Neon is known for his unique probing into the connection between culture and information technology, and he will present his latest research discoveries to us, from which you will certainly benefit a lot.

If you are interested in the topic and intend to attend, please send your application via abc@. All the teachers and students are welcome to attend this lecture.

Chinese Literature Department

考研作文英语真题范文 第三十一篇

Dear John,

I have just heard the news that you propose to organize an end-to-the-term party. I support your plan, because after a term of painstaking study, we deserve and need a recreation to relax and to gather together, sharing our joy and hardship in the past several months.

However, seeing that to hold a satisfying party is not an easy task, I think it’s necessary for me to help you. Having served the Student Union for three years, I have enough experience to help you prepare and organize the party, and I will do my best to offer my help. If you think it necessary, I will assist you in arranging the party according to the program I made last year when our Student Union held a similar party, and I will help you rent the classroom we need.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming

考研作文英语真题范文 第三十二篇

This picture is simple but significant. As is vividly shown in the picture, wearing traditional Chinese costume, a foreigner is saying “Happy New Year” to a Chinese girl in Chinese, even though his pronunciation is not accurate enough. There is no doubt that the picture implies that a growing number of foreigners are starting to be interested in Chinese culture in this day and age.

Why should this phenomenon take placeThere are generally three factors accounting for it. First of all, due to the fast economic and social development, the world is becoming smaller and smaller. Accordingly, international cultural exchange is becoming increasingly frequent. Besides, learning traditional Chinese culture, which is priceless spiritual treasure, can give those foreign friends a new perspective of the outside world. Last but not least, this kind of cultural exchange is beneficial for both our Chinese and foreign friends to broaden our horizons, widen our knowledge, and eich our experience.

From what has been discussed above, we may come to a conclusion that our traditional culture is popular among the whole world and should be preserved and cherished. Therefore, the mass media, such as television, radio and Internet should try best to propaganda and advocate it. As for ourselves, we should cultivate the awareness of learning national culture. Only in this way can we have opportunities to expect a more vigorous and prosperous world to come.

考研作文英语真题范文 第三十三篇












考研作文英语真题范文 第三十四篇

To Whom It May Concern,

As a student of our university living in the dormitory, I am very grateful for the accommodation provided by our university. Generally speaking, the living environment is good, but now I have to express my dissatisfaction.

Now I share a room with another student, but it’s for this reason I feel rather inconvenient, because my roommate constantly invite his friends to visit our dorm, making great noise. The situation is so disturbing that I cannot concentrate on my study and work. I wonder if you could arrange a single room for me next semester, as I prefer to live alone to get a favorable living condition to study.

I would appreciate it if you could take my request into consideration, and I am looking forward to you reply.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming

考研作文英语真题范文 第三十五篇



比如,最简单的一个单词address,大家都知道是xxx地址xxx的意思,看到address a problem就蒙了,address作为动词,意思为开始解决问题。这个简单的例子就解释了为什么单词都认识就是读不明白文章的原因,大家的单词没xxx背明白xxx。

























考研作文英语真题范文 第三十六篇

The bar chart clearly shows the situation of outdoor activities of both Chinese and American college students. To be specific, the number of American and Chinese college students who attend outdoor activities several times a year is fairly large, but the number of students attending once a month, once a week or once a day is falling gradually. Meanwhile, for the students taking part in outdoor activities several times a year, there are more Chinese than Americans, but in the other three cases, there are much fewer Chinese.

Why should this phenomenon take placeThere are two factors accounting for it. To start with, the students’ poor sense of health makes them neglect the physical exercise, so a large number of students take outdoor activities just out of their interest. In addition, the reason why American students do more exercises than Chinese students may be that Chinese students’ workload is relatively heavy. Facing the pressure of schoolwork, they have to study harder and have no time to do sports.

From what has been discussed above, I hold that we should enhance our awareness of health and take practical actions to take part in more outdoor activities.

考研作文英语真题范文 第三十七篇

This picture is simple but significant. As is shown in the picture above, rising up his head, a young boy is holding a glorious sun with his firm hand. The caption indicates that, “ with dreams, our hearts can fly high; with flight, our dreams will not be far away.”

Why are dreams so importantWe may attribute its significance to three factors. First and foremost, dreams can give us courage and strength to overcome all the difficulties in our lives. Besides, having dreams is beneficial for us to be confident, passionate and energetic, and it may put us in a favorable position in our life journey. On the contrary, were there no dreams, our life will be dull and meaningless. Last but not least, if all of us have dreams, our society will be more vigorous and harmonious.

Considering every aspect of this positive issue, we should bear in mind that dreams are of great significance to both our society and , the mass media, such as television, Internet and radio, should try best to propaganda and advocate it. As for ourselves, we should take practical actions to cherish our precious dreams and let them be realized. Then, we have every reason to be convinced that we can have a bright future if we have dreams.

考研作文英语真题范文 第三十八篇

For over a decade, the craze of Chinese college graduates taking qualifying examinations to become civil servants has remained unabated. An important proportion of graduates view civil service as their top priority in job selection and they spare no efforts in preparing for those examinations, sometimes years before their graduation.

To some extent, this craze is a modern revival of the ancient notion that “those who excel in academics end up in officialdom.” In the present-day China, however, there are complicated reasons underlying this phenomenon. The jobs in sectors other than civil service are insecure and unstable, and employees have to work under greater stress faced with growing competitions in the workplace and the industry. Some government departments are related to monopolized industries and civil servants can enjoy unusually high salaries and welfare benefits. Finally, government officials are usually regarded as occupying the highest rung of the social hierarchy and a student who succeeds in becoming government official is considered the pride of the family, adding prestige and glory to the entire clan.

For all the apparent attractions of the officialdom, the craze of entering the civil service is a distorted one. In the United States, truly ambitious students enter the industry instead of civil departments, where they apply their individual initiative to achieve personal success. It has already been pointed out that, with so many best minds of the nation fighting their way into the civil sectors, the consequences are catastrophic. The civil servants system, with its inherent bureaucracy and rigid rules, would inevitably turn the otherwise energetic and aggressive young people into docile followers of their superiors’ instructions and dutiful but mediocre implementers of executive orders. This will considerably undermine the vitality of a whole generation and the competitiveness of the entire country in the international arena. All forms of craze are accompanied by elements of irrationality and abnormality and, the sooner this craze vanishes, the better.

考研作文英语真题范文 第三十九篇

Dear Bob,

I am writing this letter to make an apology to you. When I arrived at Peking yesterday evening, I found a music CD of yours, whose name is Madonna Live Concert, in my luggage. Much to my regret, I forgot to return it to you before my departure from Canada.

Being in such an embarrassing situation, I am very regretful, but I also feel a necessity to find a method to solve the problem as soon as possible. I wonder if I could send the CD to you by FedEx tomorrow, and I will pay for the cost.

I feel terribly sorry for the inconvenience my carelessness has caused, and I hope my proposed solution could ease your displeasure and my guilt. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely Yours

Li Ming

考研作文英语真题范文 第四十篇

Dear David,

I have arrived in my hometown last night, and when I got up this morning, I found the vacation is so relaxing. I know you are fond of sightseeing tour, so I wonder if you are interested in having a visit to my home town in a few days.

You know my hometown is Hua Yin, where Mountain Hua is situated. If you can come, I will conduct you around the famous tourist attractions and introduce local dishes to you. By the way, I think it’s necessary for me to tell you how to get to Hua Yin. You can buy a train ticket direct to Hua Yin, or fly to Xi’an, and I will drive to Xi’an airport to meet you.

Please inform me of your decision, and I’m confident that you will have a good time in Hua Yin if you can come.

Sincerely Yours,

Li Ming

考研作文英语真题范文 第四十一篇


[参考主题]1。合作 2。和而不同 3。实践出真知4。全员决策


















① 全员决策可以提升企业文化凝聚力。

② 全员决策可以增强企业的辨识力,从而获得企业发展的正确方向。

③ 企业组织中的各个层级不同、员工的组织化程度不同、素质差异与利益诉求多元化,因此会存在很多不同的声音,势必会给企业带来新的难题。


① 在全员决策中建立相应的保障机制。

② 在全员决策过程中摆脱传统的、以控制为核心的管理化过程。

③ 建立及时、全面的沟通机制。





























