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古诗英语翻译范文初中 第一篇






It drizzles thick and fast on the Pure Brightness Day,

I travel with my heart lost in dismay。

xxxIs there a public house somewhere, cowboy?xxx

He points at Apricot Village faraway。


A drizzling rain falls like tears on the Mourning Day;

The mourner's heart is going to break on his way。

Where can a wineshop be found to drown his sad hours?

A cowherd points to a cot 'mid apricot flowers。


The rain falls thick and fast on All Souls' Day,

The men and women sadly move along the way。

They ask where wineshops can be found or where to rest ----

And there the herdboy's fingers Almond-Town suggest。


Upon the Clear-and-Bright Feast of spring, the rain drizzleth down in spray。

Pedestrians on countryside ways, in gloom are pinning away。

When asked xxxWhere a tavern fair for rest, is hereabouts to be foundxxx,

The shepherd boy the Apricot Bloom Vill, doth point to afar and say。

杨宪益、戴乃迭英译《清明》((无韵译法) (古诗苑汉英译丛《唐诗》,外文出版社,2001)

It drizzles endless during the rainy season in spring,

Travelers along the road look gloomy and miserable。

When I ask a shepherd boy where I can find a tavern,

He points at a distant hamlet nestling amidst apricot blossoms。


The ceaseless drizzle drips all the dismal day,

So broken-hearted fares the traveler on the way。

When asked where could be found a tavern bower,

A cowboy points to yonder village of the apricot flower。

古诗英语翻译范文初中 第二篇

Ballads Of Four Seasons: Spring

秦地罗敷女The lovely LuoFu of the western land

采桑绿水边Plucks mulberry leaves by the green waterside.

素手青条上Across the green boughs stretches out her white hand;

红妆白日鲜In golden sunshine her rosy robe is dyed.

蚕饥妾欲去xxxmy silkworms are hungry, I cannot stay.

五马莫留连Tarry not with your five-horse cab, I pray.xxx

张继 枫桥夜泊

A Night-Mooring Near Maple Bridge

月落乌啼霜满天Moon going down, Crow cawing, frost filling all over the sky,

江枫渔火对愁眠Maple-trees near the river and torch in the fisher opposite the sleeping anxiety.

姑苏城外寒山寺From the temple on Cold Mountain out of Suzhou,

夜半钟声到客船The midnight ding touches my boat.

王翰 凉州词

A Song of LiangZhou

葡萄美酒夜光杯Enjoying beautiful grape wine of moonlight cups,

欲饮琵琶马上催Want to drink lute but hurried on the horseback.

醉卧沙场君莫笑Don't laugh when fall asleep drunk on the battlefield

古来征战几人回How many soldiers ever come back home?

岑参 逢入京使

On Meeting A Messenger to The Capital

故园东望路漫漫It's a long way home, a long way east.

双袖龙钟泪不干I am old and my sleeve is wet with tears.

马上相逢无纸笔Meeting on horseback,no means of writing.

凭君传语报平安Tell them three words: xxxHe is safe.xxx

古诗英语翻译范文初中 第三篇





Spring’s rosy color fades from forest flowers,Too soon,too soon,

How can they bear cold morning showers,And winds at noon!

Your rouged tears like crimson rain intoxicate my heart,When shall we meet again?

As water eastward flows,so shall we part.






With wine of grapes the cups of jade would glow at night,

Drinking to pipa songs we are summoned to fight.

Don’t laugh if we lay drunken on the battleground!

How many warriors ever came back safe and sound?

古诗英语翻译范文初中 第四篇

王维 九月九日忆山东兄弟

Thinking Of My Brothers On Mountain-climbing Day.

独在异乡为异客All alone in a foreign land,

每逢佳节倍思亲I am twice as homesick on this day

遥知兄弟登高处When brothers carry dogwood up the mountain,

遍插茱萸少一人Each of them a branch but my branch missing.

李白 关山月

The Moon At The Fortified Pass

明月出天山The bright moon lifts from the Mountain of Heaven

苍茫云海间In an infinite haze of cloud and sea,

长风几万里And the wind, that has come a thousand miles,

吹度玉门关Beats at the Jade Pass battlements....

汉下白登道China marches its men down Baideng Road

胡窥青海湾While Tartar troops peer across blue waters of the bay....

由来征战地And since not one battle famous in history

不见有人还Sent all its fighters back again,

戍客望边色The soldiers turn round, looking toward the border,

思归多苦颜And think of home, with wistful eyes,

高楼当此夜And of those tonight in the upper chambers

叹息未应闲Who toss and sigh and cannot rest.

李白 子夜四时歌 春歌

Ballads Of Four Seasons: Spring

秦地罗敷女The lovely LuoFu of the western land

采桑绿水边Plucks mulberry leaves by the green waterside.

素手青条上Across the green boughs stretches out her white hand;

红妆白日鲜In golden sunshine her rosy robe is dyed.

蚕饥妾欲去xxxmy silkworms are hungry, I cannot stay.

五马莫留连Tarry not with your five-horse cab, I pray.xxx

张继 枫桥夜泊

A Night-Mooring Near Maple Bridge

月落乌啼霜满天Moon going down, Crow cawing, frost filling all over the sky,

江枫渔火对愁眠Maple-trees near the river and torch in the fisher opposite the sleeping anxiety.

姑苏城外寒山寺From the temple on Cold Mountain out of Suzhou,

夜半钟声到客船The midnight ding touches my boat.

王翰 凉州词

A Song of LiangZhou

葡萄美酒夜光杯Enjoying beautiful grape wine of moonlight cups,

欲饮琵琶马上催Want to drink lute but hurried on the horseback.

醉卧沙场君莫笑Don't laugh when fall asleep drunk on the battlefield

古来征战几人回How many soldiers ever come back home?

岑参 逢入京使

On Meeting A Messenger to The Capital

故园东望路漫漫It's a long way home, a long way east.

双袖龙钟泪不干I am old and my sleeve is wet with tears.

马上相逢无纸笔Meeting on horseback,no means of writing.

凭君传语报平安Tell them three words: xxxHe is safe.xxx

古诗英语翻译范文初中 第五篇

杜牧 《清明》





The Mourning Day

Du Mu

A drizzling rain falls like tears on the Mourning Day;

The mourner's heart is going to break on the way.

Where can a wineshop be found to drown his sad hours?

A cowherd points to a cot amid apricot flowers.



