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神话英语作文初三范文 第一篇

NvWaBuTian introduction to the storyIn the conceptions of time,the water nymph gong gong and fire ravaged by quarrels and fights,the last beat gong gong,ravaged by water nymph gong gong due to lost ashamed and resentful toward the west island not hit,which don't know that island is hold the pillars of heaven not island split,hold a big pillar broken beeen heaven and earth,day fell down half,there was a big hole,the land was turned into great a crack,mountain forest to burn up the fire,spewing out from under the ground,the flood dragon of snake came out to eat is faced with an unprecedented saw the human being is so strange,feel very painful,so determined to fill days,to terminate the chooses a variety of colored stones,fiery they melt into pulp,with this kind of stone slurry will be inplete hole fill in the day,then cut off a big turtle four feet,as the four pillars collapsed up half the killed also tackled a destroying people's black dragon,stopped a snake in order to block the flood我是英国人,

When talk to the chinese story,I will choose 'Kuafu follow after the sun'.It is about an old character in antient follow the sun and won't take a stop to have a rest until he is thirsty to teaches us a kind of spirit that never stop your step on the way of seeking show us courage,insistent and is character among our race always drop their dreams,stop half way where they seek some won't be that kind of people should learn from him of his spirit.

神话英语作文初三范文 第二篇

Peter Dickinson small beer by Peter Dickinson small beer Many modern fantasies draw on mythology and folklore, but few writers can fully enter into the surprising and novel mythological logic. In this wonderful collection of stories, Peter Dickinson recreates Beowulf and Orpheus, investigates the stories of the earth elves, explains the shoes of mercury, and explains the survival of the Christian Byzantine Athena owl Li's story, according to our critics, xxxdeserves to be a classic of this genre.xxx Patrick Flannery returned to South Africa and began to write a biography of Claire Wald, a world-famous novelist. Claire Wald himself was writing a fictional memoir about her life in the era of apartheid, so Patrick Flannery started a novel about South Africa The humanized and moving narratives of the past and the present, through an American, a novelist, in the eyes of our critics, perfectly occupy a country xxxnow more closely integrated with the rest of the world, but it is still its own trouble spotxxx; (Sam lerux · (Claire Wald the son of the orphan master (the son of the orphan master ) )Bai jundao is an ordinary Korean: a spy soldier, a diplomat.

Our commentators conclude that as a political prisoner, Adam Johnson's xxxjourney of forcexxx hovers between absurdity and brutality, a tradition from Kafka to Kafka Zamiatin goes all the way to Orwell and Huxley, and it really describes this, and our commentators conclude, xxxthe whole country follows the fictional story of rotation by the dictator (Pak Jun do - Kafka Zamyatin Orwell Huxley).


神话英语作文初三范文 第三篇

April Fool's day, sometimes called April Fool's day, is one of the most relaxed and happy days of the year. Its origin is still uncertain. Some people think it is a celebration related to the change of seasons, while others believe that it originated from the new calendar adopted many years ago.

Many countries around the world celebrate April Fool's day. The origin of April Fool's Day is still unclear, but we can clearly see that the tradition of April Fool's day has ancient roots when we look back on the past The French calendar reform became the first country to change from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar, which means that the beginning of the year moved from the end of March to January. If someone does not keep up with the changes and continues to celebrate the new year from March 4 to April 1, people will make all kinds of jokes on him May be able to explain why April 1 has become the root of modern festival mythology.

Many people try to provide mythological explanations for the rise of April Fool's day. The first story can be traced back to Roman mythology, especially the ancient Roman myth of the valley God (Valley God and harvest goddess) and prosepina. Pluto kidnapped prosepina and took her to live with him in the underworld, Prosepina asked her mother Ceres for help, but Ceres could only hear her daughter's voice.

The futile search for her daughter was carried out during the cerellian festival in Rome. Some people think this is the myth prelude to the fool's cheating on April 1.



神话英语作文初三范文 第四篇

There was a man named Kuafu who was so confident that he believed that he was able to chase the sun. But a problem raising unexpectedly while he was still running after the sun, he felt badly thirsty. As a consequence, he dried the Huanghe River and the Weihe River to ease the pain from severe thirsty. However, even those o great rivers were not enough to serve his urgent purpose. So our big hero decided to get to a great lake in the North, totally believing in his strong frame. Yet, unfortunately, he failed in the end, dying of the lethal thirsty, heroic and idealistic as well....

神话英语作文初三范文 第五篇

The discordant Apple Athena is the goddess of wisdom, but once she did a very stupid thing, she competed with Hera and Venus for a beautiful prize, and the result was like this: at the wedding of pereus and Tethys, all gods except Eris were invited, or because of her exclusion and angry discord, the goddess threw a golden apple to the guests It says xxxfor the most beautiful personxxx. Hera, Venus and Athena each claimed that the apple was Zeus. Zeus didn't want to make a decision on such a delicate matter.

So they sent the goddesses to Mount Ida. Paris, the beautiful shepherd, was herding sheep there. The goddesses gave him the decision.

So Hera appeared in front of him and promised him power and wealth. Athena was in the war Venus is the most beautiful woman in his wife. Everyone tries to make his decision in favor of himself.

Paris decides to favor Venus and give her a golden apple, so that the other two goddesses become his enemies under the protection of Venus. Paris drives to Greece and is warmly received by Menelaus, king of Sparta. Now, Menelaus's wife, Helen, is the woman Venus was destined to go to Paris.

She was the most beautiful of her gender. She was married by countless suitors. Before her decision was announced, they were all under the advice of Ulysses.

She vowed that they would protect her from any harm and avenge her career if necessary. She chose Menelaus. With the help of Venus, Paris became their guest, persuaded her to elope with him and took her to Troy, where the famous Trojan War peleustis appeared.



神话英语作文初三范文 第六篇

The Chinese believe that in the Chinese solar term week, ten suns appear in the sky in turn every day. The ten suns will go to the optical valley in the East with their mother Xihe goddess. Xihe will wash the children in the lake, and then put them on the branches of a huge mulberry tree.

From the tree, only one sun will fly to the sky to travel for a day. In order to get to Yanzu mountain in the Far West, the ten suns decide to appear together and join together In order to prevent the destruction of the earth, Emperor Yao asked Dijun, the father of ten suns, to persuade his children to appear one at a time. They did not listen to him.

So Di Jun sent archers, Yi, with a magic bow and ten arrows to frighten the disobedient sun. However, Yi shot nine suns. Only the sun we see today remains in the sky.

Di Jun was very angry at the death of his nine children, and he condemned Yi Jianlian for surviving as a mortal.






