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雅思口语话题题库范文模板 第一篇

随着手机拍照的流行,大家应该都已经快忘记可以冲洗的照片的珍贵了吧,偏偏我们的最新雅思口语机经中出现了这样的话题卡,为了防止大家在回答雅思口语的过程中说“跑偏”到手机内存中的照片,我们可以在开头的介绍中就提到相框 frame,胶卷film, 悬挂hang 这类的词。这样给考官的最初印象就是你完全理解了题目的要求。


For the favorite picture I have in my room is the one with my boy friend and I smiling in front of the Disneyland Park. It is put right on the wall facing my bed so every time I lie down I can remember those moments.

The memories still come to me that the photo was taken on a rainy night when everything seemed dim in the distance and noises were replaced by the profound serenity of raindrops.

We had a great time at the Carousel with many other couples taking photos of each other. And minute upon minute, note upon note, the little horses would go up and down.

When the music faded out and the fantastic tour came to its end, the dark night sky was kindled by fireworks rising behind the Disney castle where all fairy tales dwelled in. Those dancing images of mascots were projected on the castle, reviving the happy moments although the fact that the park was closing soon made us a little sad.

But at least we still have the photo. It is always reminiscent of that lovely time at the park and I believe there are more happy moments to be filmed with us together.


1. Dim: (light) not bright

Ie: This light is too dim to read by

2. serenity:the quality of being calm and peaceful

Ie: The hotel offers a haven of peace and serenity away from the bustle of the city

3. Fade out: to become less clear or quieter

Ie: Fade out the music at the end fo the scene

4. Reminiscent: remind you of somebody/something

Ie: The way he laughed was strongly reminiscent of his father.

雅思口语话题题库范文模板 第二篇

Well, everyday there are new buildings being constructed. No matter in what styles they are built, as long as they are using the modern techniques and modern materials, they are modern buildings. Here, I’d like to talk about the Hangzhou grand theater, a very special modern building. Made of steel and galss, golden in color, it looks like a sun resting on the earth.

Designed by internationally known Canadian architect, Hangzhou Grand Theatre covers 100,000 square meters with a total construction area of 55,000 square meters. It consists of an opera house, a concert hall, a multifunction hall, an open air stage and a culture square.

The silky titanium roof symbolizes the pearl; the slant surface made of the double curved glass curtain wall represents the moon; a pool of over 6000 square meters in front of Hangzhou Grand Theatre stands for the beautiful West Lake.

Located in the center of the building and looking like a U shape, the Opera House has altogether 1600 seats with red color as its basic tune. Designed as a classical shoe box, the concert hall has totally 600 seats with blue color as its basic tune. Breaking through the traditional mode, with 400 seats, lifts and chairs that can be turned up and down, the Multifunction Hall can achieve the flexibility of space arrangement according to specific requirements.

With the performing stage surrounded by the seats, and the whole stage surrounded by a water-pool with a total accommodation of 1000 people, the Open Air Stage imitated ancient Roman classical style of architecture.

Hangzhou grand theater is really a modern building, and a very special one.

雅思口语话题题库范文模板 第三篇

1. Who is your favourite celebrity in China?

Off the top of my head, I guess I would have to say it’s Jack Ma. I’m not sure if you’ve heard of him, but he’s the founder of Alibaba, and one of the most successful businessmen in the country. And I basically admire him for everything that he’s achieved, especially as I think he had to deal with a lot of rejection early on in his career. So yeah, I’d say he’s probably my favourite celebrity here in China.

从我的头顶,我想我得说是Jack Ma。我不确定你是否听说过他,但他是阿里巴巴的创始人,也是该国最成功的商人之一。我基本上钦佩他所取得的一切,尤其是我认为他在职业生涯早期必须面对很多拒绝。是的,我想他可能是我在中国最喜欢的名人。

2. Would you want to be a celebrity in the future?

I don’t know actually, because obviously it would be nice to be adored everywhere you go, and have lots of VIP treatment travelling around the world. That would be quite nice! But I think there would be a lot of downsides as well, for example lack of privacy, the paparazzi. So I think all things considered, I probably wouldn’t want to be a celebrity.


3. Do you like reading about celebrities?

Yeah I do, but it also depends on the content, because I mean, pointless stuff about what they get up toin their private life doesn’t really interest me that much. But what does interest me is reading about how they became good at what they do, because I think there’s a lot that can be learnt from them.


4. Have you ever met a celebrity?

Um… I don’t actually think I have. It would be nice to, but up to now I can’t say that I’ve had the pleasure of meeting any! I mean, I’ve been to a few pop concerts and seen some famous singers perform, but I don’t think really counts, as I’ve never actually met a celebrity up close or shaken their hand or anything.


5. Do you think we should protect famous people’s privacy?

Yeah, without a doubt, cos I think privacy is something that everyone should have, regardless of who they are. So just because someone’s famous, I don’t think that gives us the right to go intruding into their private life!


6. How do celebrities influence their fans in China?

I’m not really that sure to be honest with you – I’ve never really thought about it! But I suppose one aspect could be the clothes they wear, you know, that’s probably likely to influence their fans choice of clothes to some extent. And uh... what else? Um.. oh yeah, I guess their general behavior may also have some kind of influence on their fans. So for example, if a celebrity conducts himself well, then it’s probably gonna rub off on his fans and have a positive effect on them, and vice versa.


雅思口语话题题库范文模板 第四篇

as long as……, it’s fine – 只要……就行

a long length of time= a long period of time

I don’t really know how to put it, - 我不知道怎样表达

I suppose what I’m basically trying to say is …… - 我想说的基本上就是……

Ponder - 沉思

reflect - 反思

it can get quite depressing– 会令我沮丧

pretty much every day – 差不多每天

…or so – 左右

I generally prefer… – 我一般更喜欢…

But that’s not to say… - 但这并不是说…

Sociable - 好交际的

By nature - 天生地, 就其本质而言

being in the company of others= being with others, 跟别人在一起

on the whole – 总的来说

discomforting -令人不安的

gets rid of -去掉


雅思口语话题题库范文模板 第五篇






首先:Firstly, First of all, What I want to mention firstly is that…, To start with, To begin with, For one thing, My first point is that…

其次:Secondly, In the next place, Moreover, My second point (reason) is that….

第三:Thirdly, furthermore, Besides

最后:In the end, Finally, Lastly, In the end, My last point (reason) is that…, Last but not the least


最简单的就是so, because, 如果想避免重复,使自己的回答更加出彩,我们还可以使用这些:due to, because of, owing to, thanks to, as a result of, inconsequence of, on account of, in view of, hence, therefore, thus, accordingly和consequently.


Although, though, regardless of, even if, even though, as long as, despite, however, in spite of, instead, nevertheless, on the contrary, otherwise, though, while, yet.


not only…but also, as well(as), at the same time, besides, furthermore, in addition(to), like wise, moreover, worse still.


On the other hand, while, whereas, in contrast, on the contrary.

我们一起来看一道例题: Do men and women like the same hobbies?


No, I think men and women like different hobbies.

Men like playing computer games, or doing sports activities such as football and basketball. Women like watching TV, shopping, going to a karaoke bar and chatting on line.


Well, certainly there are a few differences.

The first difference is the outdoor activities. I mean, men are fond of doing sports activities like football and basketball. In contrast, women prefer going shopping for clothes and shoes.

Another distinction is the TV programs they watch. For instance, men are quite into action movies. By comparison, women are more likely to watch soap operas.

用了the first, another这样的并列关系词和in contrast, by comparison这样的对比关系词,整个答案的结构和逻辑性都清晰了很多,口语分数自然会提高。



比如:Well, certainly there are a few differences.

The first difference is the outdoor activities. I mean, men are fond of doing sports activities like football and basketball. In contrast, women prefer going shopping for clothes and shoes.

Another distinction is the TV programs they watch. For instance, men are quite into action movies. By comparison, women are more likely to watch soap operas.

我们还是来看这个修改过的高分答案,表达“喜欢、喜爱”这个意思,我们没有使用单调的like, love, 而是使用be fond of, prefer, be quite into这样相对高级但也很常用的表达, 表达可能性使用了be likely to…的结构,这样的替换结构可以让口语不那么千篇 一律,体现出你对语言灵活的掌握!





. enable(s) sb. to do

. The smartphone enables us to contact with our friends.

2. Sth. allow(s) sb. to do

. The smartphone allows us to contact with our friends.

3. With the help of sth...we can...

. With the help of smartphone, we can freely contact with our friends.

4. Sth. help(s) sb. (to) do

. The smartphone helps us to contact with our friends whenever we want.



. I heard her voice.

2. I hear of /about (hear of/about 表听说)

. We frequently hear about these types of reports.

3. Sound

. This sounds impossible.

4. Sound like

. However, I do not want to sound like a Hollywood actor accepting an award.


2. Look like (it looks like...形容轮廓或外观)

3. I noticed that....

. I noticed that most academics were writing papers during the summer.


1. I think / believe / suppose....

2. Think of

. What do you think of her?


is + adj. + for sb to do sth

. It is a great pleasure for me to attend this meeting.

2. It is + adj. + that + 句子

. It is impossible that she brings a gift to you.


am not satisfied with...

2. I am dissatisfied with…

. I am dissatisfied with the current solution.

3. I am unhappy with…

4. I don’t think it is a good idea to

. I don’t think it is a good idea to say it is good or bad.


can’t wait to do sth

. I can’t wait to join the football team.

2. I am looking forward to doing sth

. I am looking forward to joining the football team.



▪ 为了使自己的内容不要听起来过于苍白,我们可以加一些例子使自己的内容听起来更加丰富,常见的举例方法有:like, such as, take...for example, in some cases, and stuff like that, and things like that, or something like that.

▪ 停顿的时候,用well, eh, um, 或者you know,占位。当你需要转移话题,或转换一个角度,或者遇上难题,需要一点思考时间又不想冷场的时候,试试这些表达“谈及、谈到、关于”的词组:speaking of, talking about, when it comes to, as far as s concerned, as regards, regarding.

▪ 用 flick/flicks 代替film/movie.

▪ 用“a smash hit”代替popular表达“某东西很火”,smash作动词用是打碎的意思,这个比较常考,但在口语中经常用到它形容词词义,表示极为成功的。

▪ the name of the game 问题的实质;最为重要的方面;事情的根本目标”。


Describe a useful website that you like to visit.

Ok, well the first website that came to mind when I saw this topic was Taobao, which is the Chinese equivalent of . There's a huge range of stuff you can buy on this website. One of the best things about this website is that the prices are generally a lot cheaper than in the shops. I mainly go on it to buy things like clothes…

I know that shopping online can be quite risky, because the product often isn't as good as it looks on the website, but if you do enough research, such as read the customer reviews of the product you're thinking of buying, then I think you can avoid this kind of thing happening to you, because you’ll be able to get an idea of how reliable the supplier is.

在这个答案中,我们使用了well, stuff等地道又口语化的表达,同时也用到了很多连接词如one of, but, such as, because等,让整个回答听起来更有层次和逻辑性。A huge range of, get an idea of 等这些高分替换表达也是回答中的亮点!

雅思口语话题题库范文模板 第六篇

1. Do you like being alone?

Yeah, I don’t mind being alone. I guess as long as it’s not, like, for a really long length of time, it’s fine. You know, it’s kind of um… I don’t really know how to put it, but I suppose what I’m basically trying to say is that it feels kind of relaxing being alone. You know, it gives me the chance to ponder and reflecton certain stuff. So um… yeah, I find it quite enjoyable, but if I’m alone for a long length of time, then I guess it can get quite depressing.


2. What do you do when you’re alone?

I would say, on the whole, I mainly like to read when I’m alone. That’s one of the things I most enjoy doing, you know, sitting down with a book. It’s just a really relaxing way to pass the time! And apart from that, um.. what else do I like doing on my own…? Uh… Sometimes I might watch a bit of TV, because if it’s too quiet around me it can feel a bit discomforting, if you know what I mean, it just adds to the loneliness. So if I’ve got the TV on, it feels kind of nice having some sound around me, which in a way, gets rid of the loneliness to some extent.


3. Do you prefer to spend time with your friends or just stay at home alone?

Um… thinking about it, I’d say I generally prefer to spend time with my friends, simply because I always have a good time whenever I’m with them. But that’s not to say I don’t like being on my own at home, it’s just that it’s not as fun! You know, I’m quite a sociable person by nature, so I tend to preferbeing in the company of others.


4. When was the last time you were alone?

Um… I suppose it really depends for how long. Because I mean, pretty much every day I’m alone for some parts of the day, although it may just be for a very short period of time. But um…let me see……the last time I was alone was yesterday in fact, when I was doing some reading in my room. And I was on my own for about two or three hours or so.


雅思口语话题题库范文模板 第七篇

Many young people are fans of popular music. They go to their favorite singer’s live performances, they buy their latest singing albums. They are just crazy about their idols and beloved music.

The reasons why they like popular music may be as the following shows. First, compared with classical music, popular music expresses the ideas that are characteristic of the era and hence closer to people. They may find in popular music the most expression of their thoughts. Second, with melodious tune and colloquial expressions, popular songs are easy to remember and quick to learn. Third, to understand popular music does not need much of high learning or profound knowledge. It suits common people.

Though there is rarely listened to classical music, there are many well-known popular songs. Enjoy what is enjoyable in popular music, and you will find this music is beautiful, too.

雅思口语话题题库范文模板 第八篇

There are several advertisements that we see in TV daily and some of them are very boring and others are average while some are very interesting and creative. One such advertisement that I really liked was regarding the unmatched contributions of mothers for their kids which I saw few months back. The advertisement was broadcasted for the 'Mother's Day' and it was not for any product. The ministry of child & mother care of health department was the sponsor of this ad and I saw it 3-4 days before the last 'Mother's Day'.

This ad was a very creative one and it was not like the most other ads that publicize the advertize their products. Rather it was an advertisement dedicated to the mothers and it reminded us that the toughest job of the world is the job done by mothers. They take care of their kids with the utmost care and dedication. They sacrifice their own wished and will to properly bring up the kids.

I saw this ad in the (...say a channel name..) UR TV channel. This was a creative ad that effectively delivered the message it intended to. It has shown some successful person in the history at the end and before that it showed how mothers are taking care and inspiring their kids to do good things and in the end it shows the tribute to the mothers of the world for their valuable and second to none contribution.

雅思口语话题题库范文模板 第九篇


1 ”So he wouldn't even tell you who's supposed to be plotting all this stuff?“ “


2 Half an hour later, Ron arrived, nursing his right arm and bringing a strong smell of polish into the darkened room.

一小时后,罗恩揉着右胳膊进来了,给黑暗的房间里带来一股去污光亮剂的气味。(nurse 揉着)

3 Harry elbowed Ron hard to make him shut up.


4 but the blade sank deeply into the grass and, thoughhe pulled with all his might, he couldn't get it out again.


5 Harry was sure they were cooking up their own versionof how Malfoy had been injured.


6 ”Madam Pomfrey can mend anything. She regrew half my bones last Malfoy to milk it for all it's worth.““


7 'And you framed him, didn't you? “


8 Harry's brain seemed to have jammed.哈利的脑子似乎僵住了。(脑袋僵住jam)

9 Harry said, while Ron egged him on with vigorous nods. ”If you said I could go --xxx

哈利说,罗恩在一边使劲点着头鼓励他。“如果您说我可以去... ”(使劲怂恿,鼓动egg )

10 It was skirting the edge of the forest now... It wasn't the Grim at all ... it was a cat....他现在它正在禁林边缘潜行..根本不是那不祥..是只猫..(skirt 沿着边缘走)

雅思口语话题题库范文模板 第十篇




雅思口语考试中,有很多所谓的“雷区”,如果你不幸踩雷,雅思考官可是会分分钟让你go die的哦~




在这里明确告诉大家,不要“装作听懂的样子” 闷头凭感觉作答,因为理解错了问题导致不小心答错,比让考官重复一遍严!重!得!多!

在这里你可以说Sorry, I didn’t get the question. Could you say it again please?

或者类似 What do you mean exactly please? 的语句让考官rephrase他的问题。



扫雷Tips:如果你想气氛尴尬的话就只用说Yes或者No好了。或者直接跟考官说”Sorry, I don’t know“. 还想跟考官继续聊下去吗?


就比如一个最基础的问题,“Where are you from?” 你肯定不能只说:“I come from Beijing.” 你也至少跟考官介绍一下你的家乡美食,风土人情神马的~


扫雷Tips:多说多拓展展现自己丰富的词汇量是好事,但是咱们也得紧跟标题。如果考官问你最喜欢的水果是神马,你要是能扯到水果姐Katy Perry也是醉了...


雅思口语话题题库范文模板 第十一篇

































雅思口语话题题库范文模板 第十二篇

Off the top of my head– implies that my opinion is without careful thought; 不经过仔细思考

So for example – 就比如说

Conduct – v. behave in a specified way

Rub off on… - 对 产生影响

Vice versa - 反过来也一样

Regardless of who they are– 不管他是谁

Intruding – 侵入

I don’t really think that counts– 我觉得这个不太算

Up close - at close range (at a close distance)

Content - 内容

Pointless - having little use or purpose

Get up to - do

Downside - 负面

Privacy - 隐私

Paparazzi - 狗仔队

All things considered - 从俄方面考虑


Describe a magazine or newspaper that you like to read.

You should say:

what magazine or newspaper it is

what the magazine or newspaper is about

how often you read it

and explain why you like to read it.

Ok then, I'm going to describe a newspaper that I like reading, and it's actually one of Hangzhou's local papers called the Morning Express. The reason I started reading this particular paper is basically because it came free with my digital TV subscription, so it would be a bit of a waste if I didn't read it!


Anyway, as for what the newspaper is about, well, it actually covers quite a range of news, such as current affairs, business, sports, local and national news, you name it! But I'd say it essentially focuses on regional news, because after all, it is just a local paper, which, as far as I know, is only circulated in and around Hangzhou.


And with regard to how often I read it, well, I guess pretty much every day actually, although to be precise, I hardly ever read it in its entirety, as it would be far too time-consuming, especially as I'm not that fast a reader, so I normally just flick through and read only the interesting-looking articles.


So finally, as to why I like this paper, well first of all, I would say it's really informative, and it helps me keep up-to-date with what's going on around me, otherwise I wouldn't have much of a clue, to be honest with you! And I guess another thing worth mentioning is that the newspaper is generally very well-written, because the articles, on the whole, are concise and not too wordy, unlike many other newspapers I've read in the past!


Ok, I think that's just about everything, so thanks very much for listening.


雅思口语话题题库范文模板 第十三篇

I’d like to talk about a hotpot restaurant, called super hot, in my hometown. I like hotpot very much. My friend told me about the restaurant, so I went there with my sister.

The food there is very delicious. After eating there many times, I recommended it to my friends and most of them liked it too. I think the manager is very creative. Since the business is very good, sometimes customers have to wait for the tables. The manager make this waiting time more rewarding. When the costumers have to wait for more than five minutes, they can have three plates of vegetables for free. Sometimes we feel happy if we have to wait, which is very different from the experiences in other restaurants. If you eat there, you can enjoy your drinks for a low price and you get your refills for free. I think it is very economic.

It became a very famous restaurant in my city. Now a lot of chain restaurants opened in my hometown. I think the business of this restaurant will be even better. Maybe soon, we will be able to find it in hangzhou.

雅思口语话题题库范文模板 第十四篇

I went to the park with my friend the other day. She was my good friend in high school and we haven’t seen each other for almost a year. As we were both having our semester break, we wanted to meet and catch up over dinner.

We actually planned to meet each other at the park and then decide on where to go later, but my friend got there pretty late so we ended up staying there. We got two takeout milk tea glasses and kebabs from a small street vendor and found a comfortable corner to enjoy ourselves. We sat there watching people passing by, talking about random things that came up. The weather that day was pretty nice actually. It was raining in the evening all week, so we were worried that we might have to go home early. But it turned out to be a fine evening.

I guess what makes the day special was the fact that, despite having to wait for my friend to show up and then not going anywhere like we originally planned to, we still had a lot more fun than I had expected. We updated each other on what was going on in our lives and discussed our plans for the future. It was a nice feeling to know even though we couldn’t meet and talk frequently, we could still bond easily over milk tea and kebabs. It made me realize that sometimes we only need good company and good conversations to make something memorable.

雅思口语话题题库范文模板 第十五篇

其实雅思口语找到一个专业的外教进行练习还是很有必要的。分享一下我在用的app:口语侠,可以随时和世界各地的Native Speaker进行一对一的口语对练,里面有很多专业的雅思外教可以选择,而且还有前雅思高级考官,强烈建议考试前跟雅思考官模拟测试一下。这个软件用起来就跟打微信语音/视频电话一样,质量很清晰。这个是最让我感到意外且性价比超级高的一个APP了。我长期练习的一个外教陪练是英国的Leila,她不仅口音纯正,而且人超级nice,她本人还是一个摄影师,我也经常跟她交流摄影方面的技巧。下载注册口语侠app后,一定要输入我的推荐码:ZXN0GT,可以免费获得10分钟的练习时长。不过大家在跟外国人练习雅思口语的时候,我有2个建议:1是提前准备一个话题,带着话题去跟他们练习能让你学到很多地道的表达;2.是不一定非要选择欧美的老外,像有些南非、菲律宾的也很专业,练习口语也不错。

雅思口语话题题库范文模板 第十六篇

Describe a game show or a quiz program you watched on TV or online

You should say:

Where you watched it

What it was like

How often you watched it

How you liked it

And explain why you liked/disliked it





雅思口语话题题库范文模板 第十七篇



My name is ________. I am graduate from ________ senior high school and major in ________. There are ________ people in my family. My father works in a computer company. And my mother is a housewife. I am the youngest one in my family.

In my spare time, I like to read novels. I think reading could enlarge my knowledge. As for novels, I could imagine whatever I like such as a well-known scientist or a kung-fu master. In addition to reading, I also like to play PC games. A lot of grownups think playing PC games hinders the students from learning. But I think PC games could motivate me to learn something such as English or favorite course is English because I think it is interesting to say one thing via different sounds. I wish my English could be improved in the next four years and be able to speak fluent English in the future.



I am . I was born in . I graduate from senior high school and major in English. I started learning English since I was 12 years old. My parents have a lot of American friends. That’s why I have no problem communicating with Americans or others by speaking English.

In my spare time, I like to do anything relating to English such as listening to English songs, watching English movies or TV programs, or even attending the activities held by some English clubs or institutes. I used to go abroad for a short- term English study. During that time, I learned a lot of daily life English and saw a lot of different things.

I think language is very interesting. I could express one substance by using different sounds. So I wish I could study and read more English literatures and enlarge my knowledge.


My name is . I am from . There are people in my family. My father works in a computer company. He is a computer engineer. My mother works in a international trade company. She is also a busy woman. I have a older sister and a younger brother. My sister is a junior in National Taiwan University. She majors in English. My brother is an elementary school student. He is 8 years old.

Because of my father, I love surfing the Internet very much. I play the on-line game for about 2 hours every day. I wish I could be a computer program designer in the future. And that is why I am applying for the electronics program in your school.


From a middle class family, I was born in Hsin Ying, Tainan on October 10th, 1965. My father is a civil official at Tainan City Government. My mother is a house wife good at cooking. Although I am the only child of my parents, I am by no mans a spoiled one. On the contrary, I have been expected to be a successful man with advanced education. I study hard at school. Besides texts knowledge, journalism is my favorite; whenever reading, my heart is filled with great joy and interesting.

“Being good is must; successful, however, is plus.” Father adopts the idea of his father. Especially in military service, I realized it more precisely. People said: Military service makes a boy to man, I agree that.

I realized the importance of English and began to study diligently when I was eighteen. I did not start in my early age, but I hope that I could pass the test of General English Proficiency Test. And this is my best wish at the moment.


After completing my military service, I have been looking for a challenging goal for me to achieve. And I found that the Intermediate of General English Proficiency Test fits my new achievement properly.

I graduated from Taipei Commercial Junior College, majored in business administration. Instead of spending much time in playing, I devoted myself to my studies and paid attention to all meaningful things happened in daily life. By the way, I learned a lot from Mr. Wang, the professor of my business class. He is my good friend till now an often gives some appropriate suggestions toward my problem confusion.

My father is, in the same way, a good consultant to me. As he said: I am in poor education, little for you; to clarify, what he have given is far beyond his words, I do think so. I was born in a country of Ping Tung Country, farming is our career of generations. There are four people in my family, Mother is housewife and my brother is a student of an Agriculture College.

I am optimistic and active, and I am confident that I can pass the test. Thank you for your precious to read my autobiography.

雅思口语话题题库范文模板 第十八篇

You should say:

- what kind of job it was

- where did you learn about it

- what kind of training/ skills are needed for that job

and explain why it was your dream job.

雅思口语part 2范文

When I was young, I wanted to work for a major aviation company as a pilot. In fact, becoming a pilot, who flies commercial aeroplanes, was my dream in my childhood.

I have heard about this job from my teachers and relatives in my childhood and then I had a superficial idea about this job. When I was 15 or 16 years old, I saw a documentary on the tasks the pilots do in Discovery channel that gave me a clear idea of the jobs of a commercial aeroplane pilot.

Working as a pilot requires a very comprehensive training and to become a good pilot one needs very good quality and skill sets. Usually, the commercial airline companies hire the candidates and then give them comprehensive training, both theoretical and practical, and after particular hours of flawless flying records, the candidates are sent to work for their jobs. The theoretical parts teach them the different aspects of flying, route, safety and process guidelines where the practical parts allow them to actually fly a real aeroplane. They need to prove that they have gained sufficient skills to fly a commercial plane before they are appointed to do the job.

I was a fascination on flying the aero plane in the sky. It was a thrilling job to me when I was a young. Since different people of the family members started giving me the idea of good careers and what I would become in the future, I started speculating my own idea and I found the job of a pilot very exciting and prestigious. I knew that being a pilot would allow me to visit different countries across our boundaries and would allow me to meet different people and these 2 ideas also attracted me toward this job. For all those reasons it was my dream job when I was young.

雅思口语part 3相关问题

Which jobs would you say are most respected in your country?

If I were asked what the most respected jobs in the country are, I would have to say it would be professional careers such as the fields of law, medicine and engineering. It is the “mainstream choice” and common understanding of parents what they would likely have as a career for their children, simply because of its high projected income and career growth.

Some people say it’s better to work for yourself than be employed by a company. What’s your view?

I would have to say that I agree with the Chinese billionaire Jack Ma. For young people, it is wise to go to a small company because in a big company you are working as part of a system and you are doing specialized repetitive tasks. But when you go to a small company, you’ll learn the passion, the dreams and you’ll learn to do a lot of things at one time.

As you grow, focus on learning and in gathering and developing your skills. When you think you have learned enough, that is the time when you have to think clearly – if you want to be an entrepreneur and to work for yourself.

What changes in employment have there been in recent years in your country?

There has been a rejuvenation of the “entrepreneurial spirit” in our country; more and more people are involved in starting their own businesses. The “start-up” community is now more alive than ever, even college students launch their start-up businesses while in a university. Even though there is a high failing rate of start-up businesses; still, people are starting to take risk and put their ideas into creation.



Worldwide /global (adj)

Involve (v)

Come up with

Financial reward

Have heart set on +Ving

Integral part

Can't stand+Ving

Crave for


Over the moon

Extraordinary heart

Make a difference

get promotion:someone who got promotion is given a more more important job in the same organization


blue-collar worker

relating to manual workers

Workplace automation has eliminated many of the jobs that enabled blue-collar workers to join the middle class.

white-collar worker

relating to those who work in an office

White-collar workers are evaluated based on performance.

to take time off

to stop working for a short time

Paid absence from work specifically to recover from illness.

Sick leave is usually 1- 1 1/2 days per month.

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give'

雅思口语话题题库范文模板 第十九篇



如:描述一件衣服It's medium sized, blueish-gray, striped and made from silk. It has three buttons down the front in front. 是中等大小的,青灰色的,有条纹的,丝绸的,前面有三个纽扣的马甲。

形容词:stunning 惊艳的;enormous 硕大的;tiny细小的;


图案:striped 有条纹的;checked 格子花纹的;tartan苏格兰格子;spotted有斑点的;

材质:nylon尼龙;polyester聚酯纤维;leather皮革;silk 丝绸;


具体类物品如:Describe a book you read、a gift you received from others、a wild animal、a handicraft、an electrical appliance that is useful to you、an important letter that you received、a game you played in your childhood等;

抽象类物品如:Describe an interesting news、a useful website、 a performance you saw、a organization、your future job、your future plan、something that you don't know but would like to learn等。



雅思考场具体案例解析:仍以gift为例:Describe a gift you sent to others


Arts and crafts工艺品;Charm护身符;Cross stitch 十字绣;Knitting 编织品;Shell craft 贝壳制品;Mug 杯子;Multi Purpose Tools 多功能工具


Think out of the box有创意的;User-friendly方便使用的;Durable耐用的;Decent不错的;Portable便于携带的……


1)The monetary value of the gift is not relevant, it‘s the meaning that is more important. 礼物的价值不在于它的价格而在于它的真情实意。

2) Charm bracelets(幸运手链) are supposed attract wealth, health, or good xxx(好运) to the person wearing it.



Describe an item you bought but do not often use.

You should say:

When you bought it

Where you bought it

Why you bought it

And explain why you didn’t often use it

Part 3:

Are you an impulsive customer?

Do you care about the pollution caused by packaging?

Do you pay attention to environmental protection?

Do people in your country care about waste classification?

How do you deal with items you don’t use anymore?


考官的录音机(笔),在他/她核对了我们的身份之后,他们会打开录音机,并说一句标明录音内容的话,如“Interviewee WuMengQiQi,ID number 123456789011111”,然后他/她就开始第一部分的问答了。其实考官对我们的评估在他/她见到我们的那一刻就开始了,不论是他们开门来招呼坐在门口等的我们,还是我们推门进去问候坐在桌子后面的他们,这见面的第一刹那就是我们雅思口试真正开始的时间。




等待时,度分如年,考试时,时光飞逝。一转眼,听到对面的考官对着他/她的录音设备说“This is the end of the test。”我们如释重负。可是,我们在这个时候还是处于考官的视线中,还是必须对考官的各种行为(提问、道别、祝福等)给予反应,所以,直到我们走出考试室,轻轻关上那扇我们之前等待的时候注视许久的门,这一刻,才是考官对我们评价结束的时刻。




