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标点符号英文作文范文 第一篇

+The difference is equal to ∩ the ∩ s ∩ s ∩ s ∩ s ∩ s ≌ s ≌ is equal to or approximately equal to ∩ approximately equal to ≌ approximately equal to ≌ approximately equal to ≌ approximately equal to ≌ the ≌ the ≌ s ≌ the ∩ s ∩ the ∩ s ∩ the ∩ the ∩ s ∩ the ∩ s ???? the ∩ the ∩ s so ∵ is equal to ∵ so ∷ equals (scale) ∪ angle ∪ semicircle ∪, left brace, right brace, right brace (left bracket, left bracket) right bracket, right bracket / bracket [left bracket] right bracket period, dot | vertical line, vertical line and and sign, as well as, reference, asterisk, multiplication, star, pointer / slash, division, slash / / slash, comment point, backslash, sometimes escape tilde, period, comma : colon semicolon question mark exclamation point exclamation mark 'apostrophe hyphen Dash / ellipsis xxxsingle quotation markxxx xxxdouble quotation mark ∥ parallel sum sign = and swing dash section division → arrow.



标点符号英文作文范文 第二篇

+The difference is equal to ∩ the ∩ s ∩ s ∩ s ∩ s ∩ s ≌ s ≌ is equal to or approximately equal to ∩ approximately equal to ≌ approximately equal to ≌ approximately equal to ≌ approximately equal to ≌ the ≌ the ≌ s ≌ the ∩ s ∩ the ∩ s ∩ the ∩ the ∩ s ∩ the ∩ s ???? the ∩ the ∩ s so ∵ is equal to ∵ so ∷ equals (scale) ∪ angle ∪ semicircle ∪, left brace, right brace, right brace (left bracket, left bracket) right bracket, right bracket / bracket [left bracket] right bracket period, dot | vertical line, vertical line and and sign, as well as, reference, asterisk, multiplication, star, pointer / slash, division, slash / / slash, comment point, backslash, sometimes escape tilde, period, comma : colon semicolon question mark exction point exction mark 'apostrophe hyphen Dash / ellipsis xxxsingle quotation markxxx xxxdouble quotation mark ∥ parallel sum sign = and swing dash section division → arrow.



标点符号英文作文范文 第三篇

+Addition and subtraction ± addition or subtraction × times △ divided by = = equal to ≠ not equal to ∠ equal to or approximately equal to ≈ approximately equal to < less than > greater than ≠ not greater than ≤ less than or equal to ≥ greater than or equal to% ‰ / mill ∞ infinity ∞ varies with √ (Square) root ∵ because ∵ therefore ∷ equals, as (proportion) ∵ angle ⊙ circle ⊙ circle ≌ circle ≌ circle ≌ ⊥ vertical ∪ and ∩ intersection ∫ integral ∑ (σ) ° degree ′ minute ″ s ∑ (sigma) summation open bracket, bloom tight bracket, closed curl (open bracket, left bracket) right bracket, right bracket / round bracket [left bracket] right bracket, period, dot | vertical line, vertical line and and sign, reference, asterisk, multiplication, star, pointer / slash, division, slash / / slash, comment point, backslash, sometimes escape Tilde, full stop, comma: colon, semicolon, question mark, exction point, apostrophe, hyphen, Dash / ellipsis, single quotation mark, double quotation mark, parallel sum sign = and swing dash section split → arrow. Period comma colon semicolon exction mark question mark ~ hyphen 'apostrophe dash single quotation mark double quotation mark () bracket [] square bracket French quotation mark ellipsis series colon xxxdittoxxx parallel / virtual & sum sign = and swing dash? Segmentation → arrow + plus minus ± plus or minus × times △ divide by = equal to ≠ not equal to ∠ equivalent to ≌ equal to ≌ approximately equal to ≌ less than ﹥ greater than ≌ not greater than ≤ If (proportion) ∩ angle ∩ half circle ∩ half circle ∩ half circle ∩ half circle ∩ circle ∩ circle ∩ circle ∩ circle ∩ circumference 8745∩ and ∩ and ∩ ∩ ∩ and ∩ ∩ ∩ several degrees centigrade .



标点符号英文作文范文 第四篇

There's a famous old story about an optimist and a pessimist / a glass and a half of water is put in front of them for inspection / they are asked to describe what they see / I see the optimist happily saying that the cup is half full / I see the pessimist sigh and say a half empty cup, there is an optimist and a pessimist in front of them Put a glass and a half of water, let them describe what they saw, the optimist said happily, a half full cup I saw, the pessimist sighed, a half empty glass I saw, the optimist happily said, half full glass 1 (1) she moved the box slowly, carefully and deliberately, she moved the box slowly, carefully and deliberately (1) Shakespeare's plays / boys' books; 2. The teacher has only four A's in his class; 3) let's (= let us) / I have (= I have (2) hyphens (1) world famous ② colleagues ③ ④ B Er / or / ingc D legendlegende alonealone F If you don't mind.


有一个著名的古老故事,讲的是一个乐观主义者和一个悲观主义者/一杯半杯水摆在他们面前让他们检查/他们被要求描述他们看到了什么/我看到乐观者高兴地说半满的杯子/我看到悲观者叹了一口气说了一个半空的杯子有一个关于乐观主义者和悲观主义者在他们面前放了一杯半杯水,让他们描述一下他们看到了什么,乐观者高兴地说,一杯半满的杯子我看到了,悲观者叹了一口气说,一杯半空的杯子我看到了,乐观者高兴地说,半满的玻璃杯1⑴她慢慢地,小心地,故意地移动盒子,她慢慢地,小心地,故意地移动盒子⑵(哈姆雷特/哈姆雷特·温特的故事/冬天的故事/⑶⑷⒉⑴撇号('①莎士比亚的戏剧/男孩的书②老师在他的班上只有四个a③ 让我们(=让我们)/我已经(=我有(2)连字符(①世界著名的②同事③③④b er/或/ingc d legendlegende alonealone f DPEARY令人心痛的)VirguleSlash(/可能是给教职工和/或学生的床/床/3)⑴⑵如果你不介意的话(①②①②②)。

标点符号英文作文范文 第五篇

用于准确引用另一个人的话,无论是写的还是说的。例:John said, xxxWe are going shopping.xxx

注意We的首字母大写。除非引用的话是句子里的一个成分,而且在它后面还有内容,否则引用内容的首字母都应当大写。例:John said xxxwe are going shoppingxxx because they had go mild. 注意在这种情况下从句前面逗号的省略。

如果你是在引用别人引用另一个人的话,就要用上单引号。例:John said, xxxMy neighbor yelled at me today! He said 'get off my lawn!' xxx

如果引用内容是放在一个完整句子后面,在这个句子之后用冒号,而不应当用逗号。例:As explains, xxxThe gesture used for greeting others differ greatly from one culture to another.xxx (非完整句) / explains cultural differences in greeting customs: xxxTouching is not a universal sign of greeting. (完整句)

引号也可以用来表示某一个表达有讽刺的涵义,或用来引起对这个说法不寻常的地方的注意。例:The great march of xxxprogressxxx has left millions impoverished and hungry.


引用内容中原有的标点应置于引号之内,若是与整个句子相关的标点,置于引号之外。例:Philip asked, xxxDo you need this book?xxx /Does Dr. Lim always say to her students, xxxYou must work harderxxx?

冒号和分号总是放在引号外面;除非紧接着有一个括号,否则在结束引号之前要用逗号或句号。例:He said, xxxImay forget your name, but I never remember a face.xxx /Mullen, criticizing the apparent inaction, writes, xxxDonahue's policy was to do nothingxxx (27).

标点符号英文作文范文 第六篇

For students, the most important thing is to pass the oral test. I like apples, pears and many other fruits. We play the technician.

Mr. Lin, Mr. Yao, we play the technician.

Mr. Lin and Mr. Yao play the role of Mr.

Lin and Mr. Yao. Pakistanis, like the Australians before them, have exposed the shortcomings of the British style Pakistan style batting order in Australia before them When it comes to eating, people in Asia have different tastes when the car is finally delivered.

Three months ago, she decided not to want it any more. The president (and his aides) are expected to arrive in the morning.



标点符号英文作文范文 第七篇

Hockey is a popular sport in Canada. The federal government in Ottawa is a West Coast Province. Dr.

Bethune is a Canadian company working in China in Bay, torrento ST is now the PM question mark in Halifax. How many provincial teachers in Canada asked the class a question. Don't ask me why the exclamation point we won the Stanley Cup.

The forest caught fire. Therefore, we should write to the prime minister. I can come to her today, but tomorrow is not vatario.

Quebec and British Columbia are the three largest provinces and half Karl. He was born in one A great painter's apostrophe ['] this is Davis computer. These are player's things.

Note: These are player's things. I don't know how to fix the quotation marks [xxx] the prime minister said, we will win the election. I can come today, but not tomorrow.

Cologne [:] hockey has three positions: goalkeeper, defender and forward. The prime minister said: we will Columbia - Vancouver - Vancouver, Canada - the next time we visit Vancouver, Vancouver, Canada, the weather is very mild, Vancouver, Canada, the next time the weather won't be popular with our kids from Vancouver, Canada- Going to the shops - most Canadians - but not all of them - the women who voted in the last election said, I want to ask - when the earthquake started shaking the room, it smelled good and fire-resistant.


曲棍球在加拿大是一项受欢迎的运动联邦政府在渥太华是一个位于西海岸的省份白求恩博士是一个在中国工作的加拿大人公司位于托伦托的Bay St现在是哈利法克斯的pm问号加拿大有多少个省老师问了全班同学一个问题不要问我为什么感叹号我们赢得了斯坦利杯森林着火了逗号因此,我们应该写信给首相我今天可以来她说,但明天不是瓦塔里奥,魁北克和不列颠哥伦比亚是三个最大的省半卡尔,他出生在一个伟大的画家撇号[']这是戴维斯电脑这些是球员的东西(属于球员的东西)注意:这些是球员的东西(属于球员的东西)我不知道怎么修好引号[“]首相说,我们会赢得选举我今天可以来,但不是明天科隆[:]曲棍球有三个位置:守门员、后卫和前锋首相说:我们会战斗我们不会放弃我们会赢得下一次选举分号[]这个节日非常受欢迎来自世界各地的人每年访问加拿大的三大城市是多伦多,安大略蒙特利尔,魁北克和温哥华,不列颠哥伦比亚省-温哥华-温和,潮湿,多云-这是凡库弗的天气特点-孩子们-皮埃尔,xxx,和阿什利-去商店-大多数加拿大人-但不是所有人-在上一次选举投票的妇女说,我想问-当地震开始震动房间的时候,这个房间闻起来很香,防火性能很好。



