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英文段落摘抄范文精选 第一篇

John and Bobby joined a wholesale company togther just after graduation from college the same year. Both worked very hard. After several years, however, the boss promoted Bobby to theposotion of manager but John remained an ordinary employee. John could not take it anymore, tendered his resignation to the boss and complained the boss did not know how to delegate and did not value hard working staff, but only promoted those who flattered him.

The boss knew that John worked very hard for the years. He thought a moment and said, xxxThank you for your criticism, but I have a request. I hope you will do one more thing for our company before you leave. Perhaps you will change your decision and take back your resignation.xxx


John agreed. The boss asked him to go and find out anyone selling watermelon in the market. John went and returned soon. He said he had found out a man selling watermelon. The boss asked how much per kg? John shook his head and went back to the market to ask and returned to inform the boss $ per kg.

约翰答应了。 老板让他去市场找到一个卖西瓜的人。约翰去了并很快回来。他说他找到了一个卖西瓜的人。老板问他每公斤多少钱?约翰摇摇头,回到市场去问,然后又回来告诉老板每公斤美元。

Boss told John to wait a second, and he called Bobby to come to his office. He asked Bobby to go and find anyone seling watermelon in the market. Bobby went, returned and said, boss, only one person selling watermelon. $ per kg, $10 for 10kg, he has inventory of 340 melons. On the table 58 melons, every melon weights about 2 kg, bought from the South two days ago, they are fresh and red, good quality.

John was very impresed and realized the difference between himself and Bobby. He decided not to resign but to learn from Bobby.


My dear friends, a more successful person is more observant, thinks more and explores in depth. Chances exists in the daily details. For the same matter, a more successful person sees more and farther so that he can find out an opportunity and catch it to realize his aim. If a person sees one year ahead, while another sees only tomorrow. The difference between a year and a day is 365times, how could you win?

英文段落摘抄范文精选 第二篇

Freda Bright says, xxxOnly in opera do people die of love.xxx It's true. You really can't love somebody to death. I've known people to die from no love, but I've never known anyone to be loved to death. We just can't love one another enough.

A heart-warming story tells of a woman who finally decided to ask her boss for a raise in salary. All day she felt nervous and apprehensive. Late in the afternoon she summoned the courage to approach her employer. To her delight, the boss agreed to a raise.

The woman arrived home that evening to a beautiful table set with their best dishes. Candles were softly glowing. Her husband had come home early and prepared a festive meal. She wondered if someone from the office had tipped him off, or did he just somehow know that she would not get turned down?

She found him in the kitchen and told him the good news. They embraced and kissed, then sat down to the wonderful meal. Next to her plate the woman found a beautifully lettered note. It read, xxxCongratulations, darling! I knew you'd get the raise! These things will tell you how much I love you.xxx

Following the supper, her husband went into the kitchen to clean up. She noticed that a second card had fallen from his pocket. Picking it off the floor, she read, xxxDon't worry about not getting the raise! You deserve it anyway! These things will tell you how much I love you.xxx

Someone has said that the measure of love is when you love without measure. What this man feels for his spouse is total acceptance and love, whether she succeeds or fails. His love celebrates her victories and soothes her wounds. He stands with her, no matter what life throws in their direction.

Upon receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, Mother Teresa said, xxxWhat can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family.xxx And love your friends. Love them without measure.

英文段落摘抄范文精选 第三篇

I was living in Atlanta at the time and arranged my first signing at The Phoenix and Dragon, the largest inspirational bookstore in the city. The store was celebrating its 15th anniversary and had authors scheduled to appear throughout the three-day event. I was scheduled Sunday at 5pm, the last day and time slot of the celebration.

英文段落摘抄范文精选 第四篇

Different people have different opinions about what a good friend shouldbe. My classmates think that good friends are supposed to share happiness andhelp each other. However, not everyone can share sadness with you. Those peopleare not real friends.

I think good friends can consider things while standing in your shoes. Theyalso think about other people. They put other people as priority instead ofthemselves. Good friends should be honest, kind and have a sense ofresponsibility. Without honesty, people cannot trust each other and they can'tshare their deepest thoughts or secrets. Good friends should also be goodlisteners. They can hear your sadness and help you go through the bad can always trust your good friends.

In short, I think good friends should be kind and honest. They should alsobe willing to help you and share your sadness.

英文段落摘抄范文精选 第五篇

That must be the story of innumerable couples,and the pattern of lifeof life it offers has a homely reminds you of a placid rivulet,meandering smoohtly through green pastures and shaded by pleasant trees,till at last it falls into the vasty sea;but the sea is so calm,so silent,so infifferent,that you are troubled suddently by a vague it is only by a kink in my nature,strong in me even in those days,that i felt in such an existence,the share of the great majority,something amiss.

I recognized its social saw its ordered happiness,but a fever in my blood asked for a wilder seemed to me something alarming in such easy my heart was desire to live more dangerously.

I was not unprepared for jagged rocks and treacherous,shoals it I could only have change-change and the exicitement of unforeseen.

英文段落摘抄范文精选 第六篇

Ladies and gentlemen, your attention, please! Our bus will arrive at Lake Park in a few minutes. You can feel the comfortable cool air coming from the lake. This is the favourite place for tourists in the summer afternoon like today. This lake is one of the great wonders of nature. No one knows when or how it was formed. But people began to build houses around the lake a hundred years ago, so in this park you can have a special view of houses of all shapes and styles and colors. It is like an architecture show. In late autumn and winter, this park is the best place for bird watching. School teachers like to bring children here and they just love it.

Now our bus is driving around the lake. You can sit back and enjoy the beauty of everything here. The bus will take us to a good spot, where you can take the most wonderful photos you have ever taken.

Here we are. Please get off and watch your step. Return to the bus in twenty minutes. Thank you!

英文段落摘抄范文精选 第七篇

When that guy ghosts you after three great dates,it stings.

You think,What did I do wrong Trust me — it's him. He has issues that he will feel the need to share with you three years later. Sigh. Men.


英文段落摘抄范文精选 第八篇

Life is full of confusing and disordering Particular time, a particular location, Do the arranged thing of ten million time in the brain, Step by step , the life is hard to avoid delicacy and stiffness No enthusiasm forever, No unexpected happening of surprising and pleasing So, only silently ask myself in mind: Next happiness, when will come?

英文段落摘抄范文精选 第九篇

Everybody needs love,especially for those who dont deserve it.


Dont give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory.


Will we at last forget ourselves result from the continuous affectation.


Paper plane fly farther take away my heart


Thinking too much of others makes you nothing in their eyes.


The past is all happy is the top priority.


Something is out of our control, so we have to command ourselves.


The strongest man in the world is the man who stands alone.


I have a quartz heart, but they thought that it is glass


I in this world, stop from time to time, search, is meets for and you.


You can go wherever you like but its the inside you cannot leave

天涯海角,你可以去任何想去的地方。 但在内心深处,从未曾离开

Time will abandon those funny oath, until we also agree.


Keep me in your memory, leave out all the rest.


英文段落摘抄范文精选 第十篇

At the Backs of King’s College there is a memorial stone in white marble commemorating an alumnus of the College, renowned Chinese poet Xu Zhimo. Moving to the UK in 1921, Zhimo spent a year studying at King’s, where he fell in love not only with the romantic poetry of English poets like John Keats, but also with Cambridge itself.


His poem, 再别康桥 (variously translated as Second Farewell to Cambridge), is arguably his most famous poem, and is now a compulsory text on Chinese literature syllabuses, learnt by millions of school children across the country every year. The poem paints an idyllic portrait of King’s and the River Cam, and serves as a reminder of Xu Zhimo’s fondness for his time in Cambridge.


While the poem has been set to music many times before, King’s has commissioned the first musical setting of the text by a mainstream classical composer. The new piece, by renowned English composer John Rutter, has been written and recorded in celebration of the near 100-year link between King’s College and Xu Zhimo, and has been released on 26 January 2018 on a new album on the King’s College Record Label.

虽然这首诗已多次被配乐演绎,但国王学院委托了主流古典作曲家根据诗的文字进行创作。新作品由著名的英国作曲家约翰.卢特(John Rutter)担纲,以铭记国王学院和徐志摩之间近100年的不解之缘,并已由国王学院的唱片公司于2018年1月26日发布。

“Many intellectual transformations happened for him while he was here and in some ways the whole seed of his development as a person who became an intellectual poet, through the medium of poetry, all sort of connected up with his visit to Cambridge and the people we met.”

“国王学院极大程度帮助徐志摩拓展了学识,并种下了日后成为一名才华横溢的诗人的种子,”国王学院副院长史蒂文.切力(Steve Cherry)表示,“通过对这首诗的音乐创作,我们把学院的美丽点滴和徐志摩本人在这里的美好体验结合起来,重新带给因他而寻访的中国人民。”

“John Rutter is a very resourceful composer, and I was delighted with the way he conceived of doing this, presenting most of the text through the tenor voice for which we engage the Chinese tenor. Well, I wanted to have a go myself at making an arrangement of it which would express something of what we do at King’s.”

“很荣幸能够邀请到约翰.卢特(John Rutter)来为我们作曲。他是个经验丰富的作曲家,这次也通过与一名中国男高音歌唱家的合作充分体现了我们想表达的主题。其实我一直希望能够做出一首表达出国王学院气质的作品”,负责这首《再别康桥》曲目的编曲家,同时也担任国王学院合唱团总指挥的史蒂芬.克劳伯里(Stephen Cleobury)说。

“The inspiration I think came from the poem which is on the tablet by the bridge by the river camp here in the college. Apart from the tourist self and the words, which of course are quite big elements in it, it’s not specifically intended to be a Chinese piece. It’s the sort of arrangement I would make for something like that, and it’s a very beautiful melody.”


英文段落摘抄范文精选 第十一篇

The dust receives insult and in return offers her flowers.


God is ashamed when the prosperous boasts of his special favour.


Not hammer-strokes, but dance of the water sings the pebbles into perfection.


Gods great power is in the gentle breeze, not in the storm.


By plucking her petals you do not gather the beauty of the flower.


The great walks with the small without fear。 The middling keeps aloof.


The learned say that your lights will one day be no more. said the firefly to the stars made no answer.


The pet dog suspects the universe for scheming to take its place.


God loves mans lamp-lights better than his own great stars.


Praise shames me, for I secretly beg for it.


Life has become richer by the love that has been lost.


英文段落摘抄范文精选 第十二篇

It took something powerfully transformative in my life to make me wake up. Wake up to some fundamental truths of life is a gift if you want to accept it. No matter what the obstacle, you can make your life abundant with joy and you can live authentically.


Not a day goes by when I don’t miss my father’s huge character or my beloved sister’s gentle brown eyes, but I know that I will be with them one day for an eternity. What I have now is so precious and so fleeting that I must grasp the joy in every moment I can, and treat it as the gift that it is.


英文段落摘抄范文精选 第十三篇

I have a good friend. She is a beautiful girl. She has long black hair, two big black eyes and a red mouth. Her voice is better. She is good at singing.

She is a clever girl. She likes reading books, playing computer games and chess. She is also nice. She often helps us. Our classmates like her very much.

英文段落摘抄范文精选 第十四篇

Always insisting. Use iron scoop is too cold; Use porcelain scoop is too weak; A wood scoop,engraved veins safely,engraved sky's wasteland and glebe's old.

Just as happiness born in the years,not insolent,the every act and move blooms quietly

一直坚持着。用铁勺太冰冷;用瓷勺又太脆弱; 一只只木勺,刻出了纹理安然,刻出了天荒地老。 一如岁月中隐忍着的幸福,不张狂,举手投足间悄然绽放

英文段落摘抄范文精选 第十五篇


On Saturday afternoon, it was clear. I haven't skated for months,


So I want to go skating. As soon as I got my skates, I rushed out of the house and ran to the basketball court. I put on my skates, slowly stand up, then put my feet in xxxeight charactersxxx, then bend down, take a big step forward with my right foot, and slide hard. A cool wind blows in front of me. It's very comfortable. When I skated faster, I suddenly found that the pulley was on and the trees and buildings on both sides moved back quickly.


I don't think skating is easy to learn, so I need to learn more, practice more and have courage to improve my skating level.


Skating is fun!

英文段落摘抄范文精选 第十六篇

Present Tense Messages

You may find yourself daunted by the many things you need to do in order to reach your goals.

It just seems overwhelming to become the success that you secretly desire for.

Your mind gets caught up in an endless stream of worry.

What may be helpful is to concentrate on steps you can take in the present.

If you find yourself becoming stuck, stop and say, “What can I do right now?” Change your internal talk from a future anxiety ridden one to one that is about the more manageable present.

You cannot control what will happen in the future but you can take the necessary steps now that will build a better tomorrow.

Taking the necessary steps require you to focus your thoughts and inner talk on Now.

英文段落摘抄范文精选 第十七篇

So it's a Monday night,you have your wine,Twitter is open and you are live-tweeting The Bachelor thinking to yourself,xxxWhere is my rosexxx Let me tell you,Neely,once you are married,these Bachelor nights will not look much different.

Only instead of wine,you'll be eating dinner with your husband,still live-tweeting.


英文段落摘抄范文精选 第十八篇

You may find yourself daunted by the many things you need to do in order to reach your goals. It just seems overwhelming to become the success that you secretly desire for. Your mind gets caught up in an endless stream of worry.

What may be helpful is to concentrate on steps you can take in the present. If you find yourself becoming stuck, stop and say, xxxWhat can I do right now?xxx Change your internal talk from a future anxiety ridden one to one that is about the more manageable present. You cannot control what will happen in the future but you can take the necessary steps now that will build a better tomorrow. Taking the necessary steps require you to focus your thoughts and inner talk on Now.

英文段落摘抄范文精选 第十九篇

Our campus is very big and beautiful. Through the school gate, there is a big playground on the left. There are lots of trees around the playground. On the right, there is a teaching building. Walk along the road we can see a swimming pool in front of the dinning hall. In summer, we like swimming in the pool.

There are more than one hundred teachers in our school. Our teachers are very friendly. But sometimes they are strict to us. So we want to try our best to learn well. We spend much time on studying. In our spare time, we can join some activities. We can do some sports too. The activities of our campus are rich and colorful. I like studying here. It’s just like my home.






