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英语花体字范文 第一篇











(7)小写字母f g j p q y的下端抵第四线。





英语花体字范文 第二篇

Before the reform and opening up, the majority of people lived in poverty, the necessities of life were scarce, and the housing conditions were poor. After the reform and opening up, there was a serious shortage. The people's living standards were significantly improved.

All kinds of commodities, everything, high-rise buildings and people's housing problems were solved. Only through reform and opening up can China flourish in China.




英语花体字范文 第三篇

In recent years, China's iron and steel industry has been booming. China's crude steel output has increased from. 200000 tons per year to.

1. tons per year, which accounts for% of the world's total steel output. It does not mean that China is a powerful steel trading country. For a long time, China has been a big steel importing country, and even the largest steel product importing country in the world However, great changes have taken place in China's iron and steel industry.

China's crude steel output increased from. 200000 tons per year to 10000 tons in, accounting for% of the world's total iron and steel output. It does not mean that China is a powerful iron and steel trade country.

For a long time, China has been a big steel importing country, and even the largest steel products importing country in the world Great changes have taken place. %This studies the reasons for the rapid development of China's steel export trade from both international factors and domestic factors. Considering the remarkable development of China's steel products export trade, this forecasts the development prospects of China's export trade in the future.

Finally, it concludes that the vigorous development of China's steel products export is a long-term and inevitable process, and the inevitable result of world industrial adjustment and reform Economic integration. Key words ysis of China's steel export trade in the future may face risks. Fourth, China's total steel exports have reached million tons, becoming China's largest export country of steel products.

In, China's steel products export trade has undergone historical changes. This studies the export trade of China's steel products, and looks at China's steel export trade from historical changes. Firstly, based on the introduction of the basic situation of China's iron and steel industry, the main characteristics of export trade are yzed.




英语花体字范文 第四篇

如图2113: 花体英文是一种英文字体类别5261,这种类别为国内书法,国4102外并没有这种字体分类。

1653一般认为是copperplate字体、圆体字或者斯宾塞体,多见于电影书信和封面装饰。Jason Stoneheart考据称,花体是“ornamental penmanship”的不当翻译,英文本意为装饰性强的写法,应并不特指一种字体。

但在历史使用中“ornamental penmanship”常被用来指称“斯宾塞”体与其变体。“铜板体”和“斯宾塞体”是两种相似的字体,都运用了装饰性的写法。

“ornamental penmanship”一词传入中国时,因其概念并不明确,翻译为花体而其所指范围比“ornamental penmanship”范围更大。在中国,花体常被用来指称“铜板体”和“斯宾塞体”。

因“圆体”(English Round)在国外亦有时指称“铜板体”而铜板体事实上则是copperplate体,故花体与“圆体”亦有概念竞合之处。

英语花体字范文 第五篇

Before the reform and opening up, the majority of people lived in poverty, the necessities of life were scarce, and the housing conditions were poor. After the reform and opening up, there was a serious shortage. The people's living standards were significantly improved.

All kinds of commodities, everything, high-rise buildings and people's housing problems were solved. Only through reform and opening up can China flourish in China.





