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申请成为老师英语作文范文 第一篇






申请成为老师英语作文范文 第二篇







申请成为老师英语作文范文 第三篇

dear teacher:

this is a special

day, we have presented a bouquet of flowers, gifts to the world of your peaches and

plums, spectrum a ode to joy, for your eyes flicker disperse tired, for you loosen

the amount of wrinkled patterns.

the singing is a

blessing: teacher, happy holidays! insatiable in learning, be tireless in teaching,

peaches and plumsfanwen/ fragrance, their music is happy and harmonious. i wish you

a happy holiday! not only in the teachers day today, there is a tomorrow, the day

after tomorrow, tai houtian, i wish your life every day, every minutes, every second,

the surface is always the same smile.

the singing is

concerned about: the teacher, you worked hard! your use of sweat, nurturing the tender

shoots of spring have just ground-breaking. your care is like the genial spring, warm

our hearts and minds. let us protect your healthy growth, formed in the autumn fruit.

lifes journey,

you shine our light of hope, eich our minds, adding to our intelligence.

thank you,

teacher! i wish you healthy forever! happy! happiness!








因为我的爸爸、爷爷、叔公都是医生,所以我家的书柜里有一大堆医书。什么《伤寒论 湿病学》《临床医学问答》,应有尽有。而我*时闲得没事,就会把这些书拿出来翻一翻、看一看。一开始我还是看着玩玩,不过,看久了,我就沉浸在了医学的世 界里。一次我看到了如何分辨舌质,还跑到镜子前,伸出舌头,按照医书上的方法,;看看自己是不是有得病。

不过,最让我有想当上医生的欲望的事,还是那一次,我生病时,医生、护士对我的关爱: 那是 一个烈日当头的午后,医院里挤满了病人,而我也是病人中的一个。妈妈正抱着我坐在椅子上等待治疗。“130号,陈文慧。”一听到我的名字,我就像一支离了 弦的箭一般,挣脱开妈妈的怀抱,想快一点摆脱病魔的揪缠。一坐在病房的椅子上,医生就带着体温计走了过来,十分亲切地对我说:“小朋友,生病了吧,那滋味可不好受,来把手臂举起来,让姐姐看看你发烧到了几度,好吗?”我点点了点头,自觉地举起了手臂,医生缓缓地将体温计夹在了我的腋下, 那冰凉的仪器,不禁让我颤抖了一下。过了一会儿,医生将体温计拔了出来,,摇了摇,定眼一看,,之后带着忧伤的微笑,说道:“38c°9呢!挺高的,要打 针。”哦,打针嘛,小意思,不对!打针!天哪!上一次打针的经历,我还历历在目呢,我那撕心裂肺的哭喊声,还在我耳边久久回荡。


当我泪眼汪汪地走出病房,无力地坐上了椅子,嘴里丝丝苦味,咦?怎么不是甜味,啊糖!没吃到.也是,医生和我无亲无故,干嘛要帮我买糖,哎,白打 了。正当我起身准备和妈妈一起去开药时,突然听见一阵气喘嘘嘘的声音:“小朋友,别走,糖还没有给你吃呢!”我惊讶地扭头一看,只见一抹白色慢慢放大,直 到变成了一个人的样子。啊!是刚才的那个医生,她给我送糖来了!我的眼泪又一次不争气地流了下来。



























医生的职责就是救人性命,必要时我可随时为危重病人献血。流星虽然迅速划过,却能 永远留在人们心中;献血虽是小事,却能救活一条鲜活的生命。我们要在有限的时间内创造出永恒的价值。






























20xx年8月,第一次跨入狮小的校园,正如你们一样,感受到的是浓浓的温馨,那一刻我的心无比的踏实,我想这就是我梦想绽放的地方。20xx年9月,怀着无限的憧憬,开始了我的教师生涯,但面对这份神圣、圣洁的工作,兴奋之余不免有些不知所措。初为人师,紧张而忙碌的教学节奏让我应接不暇,接踵而至的各项活动让我*不暇暖,让我真正体会到了教师的不易。如今一路走来,感叹万千,如果要用几个词去总结,我想那就是 xxx充实xxx、xxx温馨xxx.






狮小的温馨在于人的热情。QQ群里热闹非凡,连续不断的鼓励与祝福, 让我倍感动力;办公室氛围其乐融融,一句嘘寒问暖,让我浑身充满斗志;师傅循循善诱,从不吝啬对我的赞扬,让我始终在自信中笑对风雨;校领导对我关爱有加,创机会,设*台,让我有机会去磨练、去成长;学校的其它老师更是对我慷慨相助,为我修改论文、指点迷津。在这样其乐融融的大家庭里,我的脚步或许略显匆忙,但走出的每一步都有xxx狮小人xxx的热情相伴,都凝聚着xxx狮小人xxx的无私相助,所以这一路累并快乐着。












申请成为老师英语作文范文 第四篇

Of all the subjects, I like Chinese best because I have a good Chinese teacher. Though she has been teaching us for only three years, I respect and love her very much.

My Chinese teacher is thirty-six years old and she is neither tall nor short.

Ms Sun works very hard. She is always the first to come and the last to leave her office. She tries to make her classes lively and interesting. And we enjoy her lessons very much.

Ms Sun is very kind and friendly to us. And we're getting on well with each other. But she is very strict with us in our studies.

Ms Sun teaches us so well that we all enjoy learning Chinese. All the students think she is one of the most popular teachers in our school.






申请成为老师英语作文范文 第五篇

I thought a lot attending the lecture about follow is what I want to speak to you. I would like to thank you for all the help you gave me during this past semester.

You were alway so patient when I asked you questions. You listened to them carefully and explained everything so thoroughly. You showed me different ways to practice and remember new words and usage. I felt so encouraged and became more comfortable in speaking made the excercise so interesting that I was always very eager to participate and practice.

My English has improved so much. How could I thank you enough! I cannot wait to take your class next semester and keep working on my English.

申请成为老师英语作文范文 第六篇

Mr. Wang is my PE teacher. He is very tall and strong. He’s a bit fat. His skin is swarthy,but it looks has a round face. There are two big eyes on his always wears a pair of glasses. I think Mr. Wang is very handsome。

Our PE lessons are very interesting,because Mr. Wang is very humor。

He always plays games with us. Sometimes he makes jokes with us. We feel very happy in PE all like .

申请成为老师英语作文范文 第七篇





申请成为老师英语作文范文 第八篇

I want to be ateacher in the future, because I think teacher is a good job.

My teachers arevery good. Some of them are gentle, but some of them are not. But I think theyall care for students very much. I want to be a good teacher like them. I thinkI will be strict to my students in the class. But after class, I want to betheir friend and help them in study and life. Besides, it can help me to keep ayoung heart to stay with young students. I must work hard for my dream.

申请成为老师英语作文范文 第九篇

Teacher, is everybody envy and respect of people, the social status is very high. From elementary school in grade one, I had this dream.

I want to be a gentle and useful teacher. Some teachers when the students didn't finish the homework, indiscriminate began to beat and scold students, even xxxexport into a dirtyxxx! If I were a teacher, the student if you don't write my homework, I'll ask clear reason, never temper tantrum. The students won't do topic, or have a difficult problem, I will answer one by one patient to the students.

In school there will be some competition, as a teacher, I will not require students to take first place each race I only ask them to finish the race, a clear conscience. Won the affirmation is welcome, lost it doesn't matter, as long as they try to land, inputs to finished the race.

As a teacher, must be selfless. Some male classmate always say eccentric teacher female students, female students didn't finish homework, the teacher let them fill up; And male students didn't finish homework have to suffer corporal punishment, they feel very fed up about it. Now I'm going to change the classmates to the teacher's view, even if the monitor made a mistake, also more common student punishment is no different. Even the male students didn't finish homework, also won't suffer corporal punishment, if male classmates repeatedly don't hand in your homework, I'm sure I will be angry, so called to tell their parents let parents to solve.

申请成为老师英语作文范文 第十篇

I really want to be a Chinese teacher, even in my dreams I dreamed that I was giving Chinese lessons to my second-grade classmates!

After dinner one day, I put the mirror in front of me and said to me in the mirror, xxxStudents, today the teacher will give you a composition tutorial class.xxx Then, I followed the teacher's way and started talking about composition writing. Request: xxxLet's write an essay today...xxx I couldn't stop saying to me in the mirror: xxxWrite! Don't talk, keep your head up!xxx After speaking, I lowered my head and started writing. After a while, the composition was finished, and I picked up the red pen again and marked 100 points in the notebook, and said, xxxWriting is really good! Writing is really good!xxx

I am very happy, because I have given a Chinese class to me in the mirror. Being a teacher is so fun!

申请成为老师英语作文范文 第十一篇

Teaching is the greatest profession under the sun, because nothing is more important than education to a nation. Sometimes, it seems easy to be a teacher, but I always find its difficult, because only knowledge cant make us a good teacher.

As teachers, we must not only have a wide range of knowledge, but also have comprehensive skills and positive attitudes. For one thing, we must be equal to every student. Dont judge the students by their grades and behaviors. Our duty is to educate them, not to criticize them. For another, we are no longer the candles, but the matches. We shouldnt do the presentation work all the time in class. We must give the classes to the students. For example, we should make a real atmosphere to attract the students interests. Since most students like doing things with their hands, we can assign them some tasks to do. Sometimes we can also do some activities with them. I believe the students will learn best when they are happy.

申请成为老师英语作文范文 第十二篇

I have a wish since I was a child. I want to be a teacher. I want to be with the children.

I want to play games with children. We fly kites together, kick shuttlecock together and play the game of Eagle catching chicken together... How happy I had with the children! We ran and jumped, and the children and my laughter flew into the sky. The white clouds also heard it. The white clouds are floating around in the sky, cheering for us.

I want to teach children knowledge and build a better motherland when I grow up.




申请成为老师英语作文范文 第十三篇







申请成为老师英语作文范文 第十四篇








申请成为老师英语作文范文 第十五篇

Whenever the beloved teacher explains the key points and difficulties to us on the podium, when the podium is waving the pointer in high spirits, and when correcting the homework under the weak light, an idea will emerge in my heart - being a teacher. .

Think about how good it is to be a teacher. You can stand in front of the blackboard and write to your heart's content. Students who do wrong can be punished and educated. The most enjoyable thing is to enjoy the air conditioner in the office in summer. It's really cool.

Of course, wanting to be a teacher is not as simple as talking about it, so from now on I have to study hard every day to xxxhave no cavitiesxxx. What's the matter with cavities? (wondering--)

Closer to home, if I really became a teacher at that time, I would like to introduce the beautiful and beautiful mountains and rivers of our motherland to the students vividly, so that they know that there are some scenery in foreign countries and there are also in China, so that my students can also see us. The beauty of the motherland...

Look how cool it is to be a teacher!

申请成为老师英语作文范文 第十六篇

I want to be a glorious people's teacher when I grow up.

Because every time I don’t know what to do, I will ask the teacher, and the teacher will explain it to me in detail. So I know that being a teacher should have a lot of knowledge and teach well. Another time, a classmate accidentally fell, and a teacher rushed over to help him up and asked him if he had any pain from the fall. This thing made me know that as a teacher, you should care about your classmates.

If I become a teacher, I will teach them seriously. Accompany them to read some extracurricular books and let them spend every day in the ocean of books; if I become a teacher, I will play happily with them and make them feel that I am their sister; if I am a teacher Teacher, I will...

So, in order to realize my dream, from now on, I have to study hard!

申请成为老师英语作文范文 第十七篇

雏鸟躲在母亲强而有力的羽翼之后,却不甘心仅仅如此,他们内心深处仿佛在叫喊着:“天空!天空!”他们真想直冲云飞,与风较量 。小溪居住在安宁寂静的环境可是他却在内心叫喊着:“大海!大海i!”渺小如我,却无比渴望能够成为一名教师。

假如我是一名教师,我将会向渴望知识的学子传授知识。假如我是一名教师,我将会向我的学生传授道理,让他们将来成为社会的支柱。假如我是一名教师,我会关爱我的学生,让他们懂得关爱他人 。





申请成为老师英语作文范文 第十八篇

Since I was a little boy/girl,I had a dream deep in my mind which is to become a teacher in the future,and I have several reasons for that.

First of all,teacher is the career which is called the engineer of human's 'd like to spend the rest of my life to help more people realizing themselves as well as following the steps of our ancestors,in morallity and in technics.

Secondly,I always have a favor of share my experience with I had a chance to be a teacher,I'd like to share my study experience with my students to help them to study more easily,and I am in chance of becoming a friend of them,which will make me like this job more.

Finally,there exists another attraction that teachers always have then,I can have more time to be with my family,and I always believe that family is important.

According to what I have said above,I have the dream of becoming a teacher.

申请成为老师英语作文范文 第十九篇





申请成为老师英语作文范文 第二十篇

I had many xxxif...xxx But now, I want to be a teacher.

If I were a teacher, I will not keep a straight face all day, let the students be afraid of me. Although is a strict teacher I, but I don't want to too. But also cannot too friendly, cannot let them run amok. Kind that two beings become one and five points and five points, can not only become a good friend of the students, and can become an excellent teacher.

If I were a teacher, I must've shackled won't leave a lot of homework. Because, these simple repetitive work does not make sense, for the students.

If I were a teacher, I must let the students to know learning is a happy thing. Class, I use vivid humorous discourse interpretation of the text. Look! The platform, the pairs of small eyes desire knowledge was intently staring at me!

If I were a teacher, I will bring the students into the classroom of nature. Spring, I take them fly a kite and catch butterflies. Summer, I with they rowed the boat, catch dragonflies; In autumn, I take them pick the fruit, collect leaves; In winter, I take them snowball fights, make a snowman. I don't believe it, this kind of life, students write a composition will be nothing to write. I don't believe that childhood life, students will easily forget.

Ah! How I want to be a popular teacher.

申请成为老师英语作文范文 第二十一篇

To be a teacher is always my goal, when I go to school, I was so admired the teachers, they not only taught us with all kinds of knowledge from the books, but also taught us how to be a good person。 While to be a good teacher is not easy, I must learn to respect the students and care about them, in this way, I can do the good job。


To be a good teacher, first, I must learn to respect my students。 As the students are under mature, they have no idea what is wrong and what is right, so they will make mistakes all the time, at that time, I must deal with their mistakes carefully。 I should respect them and then talk to them instead of judging them。


Second, I should care about my students。 I am not only teach them knowledge, but also their friend, so I should talk to them often, trying to get to know their situations and learn to know the changes happen in them。


To be a good teacher is not easy, so I work hard on it, I believe I can be a good teacher。


申请成为老师英语作文范文 第二十二篇

A teacher is a diligent gardener to nourish us; a teacher is a key to open the door of our wisdom; a teacher is a beacon to guide us to success.

The profession of a teacher is sacred, noble, hard, and beloved. Teachers teach us knowledge, and teachers accompany us to grow.

In the eyes of classmates, the teacher is like a ferocious tiger, slandering the teacher, scolds the teacher, and nicknames the teacher. Very disrespectful to teachers. In my eyes, teachers are like our second mother. Carefully and patiently teach us knowledge and tell us legal knowledge. very great.

I want to be a teacher because I also want to teach all the knowledge I know to my classmates, so that they also have a wealth of knowledge, so that they also have a thinking brain, so that they become fond of reading, so that they can develop good habits .

When I grow up, I will definitely achieve this goal, and I will do it well. I will definitely work hard!

申请成为老师英语作文范文 第二十三篇






申请成为老师英语作文范文 第二十四篇

One day, I saw a article about called partners in class, I feel very interesting. And assembling together several neighbor kid, to give them here to have a math class.

I prepared a piece of chalk, a stick of studies and a bell. Ding poison poison I knock up a small bell, began to give my neighbor friends in class. I use a strange voice-processed-sounding garble tone said: xxxthe classmates, I am your teacher today.xxx You call me teacher Lin, say that finish, I will write on the blackboard to 1-12 of Arabic letters, turn sound to partners, said: xxxthis is ten Arabic letters, read with me.xxx Say that finish xxxstudentsxxx was bobbing to read with me. My name is they write the letters in the paper, they write down. Finally, naughty and fangfang was obviously speak to me with pointer snapped knocked at the table, pretend said angrily: xxxwho is talking there?xxx Companions laughed, can't I still pretend to solemnly to knock up a small bell. Brimming with smile said.

Class is over!

So interesting lesson, ended in the laughter.

申请成为老师英语作文范文 第二十五篇

What a noble profession, teacher! Some say the teacher is a gardener, others say that the teacher is the engineer of the human soul. From that moment on, I wanted to be an excellent teacher.

If I grow up to be a teacher, I will education my every student, all learn to be a person, learn to be a real person. In class, I want them to study happily. I try to impart knowledge to them in some easy-to-understand language so that every student can understand it. Next class, I want to chat with students together face to face, communication, listen carefully and learn them each and every one of advice for me, want to make friends with them, went into the inner world of the children, help them solve difficulties. I will try to arrange the homework as little as possible every night, so that they can go home and adjust their brain. Before the exam, I will try to say a few words less, not to give students too much pressure, because only relax the mood, the exam will be able to play well. What is more important to pay attention to students' every move, if it is found that they have bad habits, I will help them to correct in a timely manner, and ensure that each and every one of my students, don't let students bully them.

申请成为老师英语作文范文 第二十六篇

I Want To A Teacher

If anyone asks me what will I want to be in the future? I will say a teacher without any thinking. In my mind, being a teacher is a great job. Its responsibility is very heavy, but it is full of achievability. I like the job with achievability. I also like children. I want to develop them into the people who are useful to the society. In my mind, no job can compare with teacher.



申请成为老师英语作文范文 第二十七篇

Teacher, what a sacred profession, it can teach students a lot of knowledge and teach them the truth of life. So, I want to be a teacher.

In class, if I catch my students doing little things or saying little things, I don't get mad. I would ask the whole class: xxxStudents, parents work hard to make money for us to go to school. So we must listen carefully in class, study hard, and repay parents with excellent grades.xxx Actually, I said this mainly to warn classmate. If he doesn't listen and is still talking about petty tricks, I'll call him in public and let him remember that he can't do this again in the future.

Ten minutes between classes, I would hang out with the students so I could be their friend.

When I found out that one of my students was in a bad mood, I would offer him two pieces of candy and tell him some funny jokes. In this way, his mood will naturally be better.

If I want to be a teacher, I have to work hard from now on. Only in this way can I become a good teacher who will be loved by my students when I grow up.

申请成为老师英语作文范文 第二十八篇

今天一放学,我就直奔爷爷家,却不见爷爷的身影。我问奶奶:“奶奶,爷爷去哪里了?” “他大清早就到市场卖菜,现在又到农田里除草去了,也不睡个午觉。”奶奶望着阴暗的天空说道。 “爷爷年纪大了,也不知道享享清福。”我站起来,坐在熟悉的门槛上,回想起十年前的那个场景:在去往海边山地的路上有一老一小,爷爷骑着一辆三轮车,“嘎吱嘎吱”一路唱响,我则在后面望着那个熟悉的背影。那时,爷爷的背影是那么高大,充满着活力。有时我兴趣来了,爷爷会坐到后面让我过过骑车瘾。爷爷的三轮车是我的最爱,小时候我学骑自行车,老是骑不稳,学了好几都学不会,而三轮车有三个轮,骑起来甚是轻松。好几次,从爷爷家到地里的路都由我来“驾驶”。清晨,我们爷孙俩,小的驾驶,老的在后面指挥,一老一小,常常引来路人好奇的目光。 爷爷家对面便是菜市场。每到傍晚,爷爷总会在那里吆喝着卖菜,而我总喜欢去爷爷卖菜的地方。隔着老远,我就能看到爷爷的背影,此时,爷爷是忙碌不停的。他弯下腰,先把箩筐里的菜放到水桶里洗一洗,然后在石台上铺一个塑料袋,把洗好的菜摆在上面,再把一个装钱的木盒放在菜的后边。爷爷还教我算术,顾客付了菜钱,我就负责把零头找出来,有时候我半天都找不出,这时,爷爷总会耐心地教我用减法计算出该找的零钱数额,算对了,我就把钱一张张地数好,再递给顾客。 爷爷家的老屋是一间水泥屋,屋后是一望无际的农田。我总喜欢拿着小锄头在爷爷的菜地上挥舞,但那玩意儿对那时候的我来说实在太重了,而爷

爷只是轻松一挥,不一会就把一块地给整平了,那时爷爷的背影是那样清晰和硬朗。 整完地之后,爷爷就开始拔杂草,我也不甘示弱,与爷爷比赛谁拔得快,不过最后总是爷爷赢。我想,那是因为爷爷除草有经验,而且能熟练地使用工具的缘故吧。 记得爷爷家的地里种了许多橘树。秋天橘子熟了,爷爷便邀请我的小伙伴们去摘橘子吃。中午,大家拿着爷爷的竹筐,便开始摘橘子了。跟我一般大的孩子都是淘气鬼,一边摘一边吃,地上全是橘子皮,最后我们都撑得坐在田埂边上,直不起腰来。等肚子有些空了,我们又开始在橘子园里跑来跑去,非常快乐,背后不断传来爷爷慈爱的叫喊声:“慢点儿,慢点儿!” 一次,天空下着毛毛雨,我和爷爷蹬着三轮车到丝瓜地里去,爷爷把丝瓜收割好,放到附近的湖边,蹲下身,用刀把丝瓜皮削去,那时候的'我还不知道削了皮的丝瓜能有什么用,后来才知道可以用来做浴球。爷爷喜欢把脱皮的丝瓜晒在院子里,一排排靠墙摆好,像列队的士兵一样整齐。丝瓜晒好后,总有一大堆丝瓜籽留在地上,一粒一粒白色的,比西瓜籽大得多,次年春天,在墙角还会钻出一两株碧绿的丝瓜茁呢! 爷爷家的地特别肥沃,土里藏着很多蚯蚓。爷爷喜欢和我一起捉蚯蚓,我们常常把捉到的蚯蚓带回家喂小鸭子。 十年过去了,我和爷爷的故事仍历历在目,爷爷的背影依旧硬朗,但却多了几分沧桑。 晨雾笼罩下的清晨,一片弥漫着艾草清香的农田,一辆停放在田边的老式j轮车,一身青灰色的布衣,一顶黑色的帽子,一双解放牌旧军鞋,一张布满皱纹的脸,一个坚毅不屈的背影,一切都是那样熟悉、亲切。只是在爷爷的身后,少了那个屁颠屁颠跟随着他的小孙子。

申请成为老师英语作文范文 第二十九篇

I want to be a English teacher in the I can help students with English.This dream is from one the summer,the weather was all of students were in the were drank English teacher wasn’t drank was taught us English at all thought the English teacher was very I want to be a great English teacher.I have to study English hard for this I look for become a English teacher.

申请成为老师英语作文范文 第三十篇

Believe that everyone has a dream of desire, I am no exception. When a teacher is my wish. Why is that? Because you can let the children learn a lot of rich knowledge, let the children to the next level grow up when the pillars of the motherland

One day, the children dressed in clean school uniforms to school. But there are a lot of people do not have to wear red scarf, I will punish them standing at the door for 10 minutes and told them many things. Every student dare not speak harsh words, because they are very respect me, think I scold them is right. In the morning, I once again check in. As a result, there is no one who so so.

I be a teacher is a very fair, who can't be good to me, I give you on duty cadres. When making the class cadre report every day, of course, some people bad things but I don't feel bored, but to listen earnestly.

I not only teach students seriously, but also the class management in good order, no mistakes.

I know that when a teacher, not easy. So, I will good good study, day day up. Grew up to finish I want to be a teacher's dream.

申请成为老师英语作文范文 第三十一篇

I believe everyone has a dream, and I am no exception. When a teacher is my wish. Why is that? Because the children can learn a lot of knowledge, let the children go up a floor to grow up and become the backbone of the motherland

One day, the children go to school in clean school uniforms. But there are a lot of people who don't wear red scarves, and I have to stand outside the door for 10 minutes and tell them a lot of things. Every student wouldn't dare to utter half a harsh words, because they all respect me and feel that I was right to scold them. The next morning, I checked my clothes again. As a result, no one is as tiger as a horse.

I'm fair to be a teacher, and I'm not going to be the class leader. Of course, I don't get tired of reporting bad things to some people every day when I'm a class leader, but I really listen to them.

Not only did I carefully teach my students, but I also managed my class in perfect order.

I know it's not that easy to be a teacher. So, I want to study hard, day day up. When I grow up, I want to be a teacher.

申请成为老师英语作文范文 第三十二篇

I want to be a teacher in the future, because I think teacher is a good job. My teachers are very good. Some of them are gentle, but some of them are not. But I think they all care for students very much. I want to be a good teacher like them. I think I will be strict to my students in the class. But after class, I want to be their friend and help them in study and life. Besides, it can help me to keep a young heart to stay with young students. I must work hard for my dream.


申请成为老师英语作文范文 第三十三篇





申请成为老师英语作文范文 第三十四篇

Dear teacher,

How are you? I am very well miss you very much and I am sorry for not having phoned you.

Do you konw that I am in HEFEI Univesity of Tecnology now? In my eyes ,you are the best teacher I have ever are a very good math still remember clearly that you taught us to learn geometry. You always showed various ways to help us to slove the same math time in the class you always taught us patiently just like our mother. Outside the class ,as our headmaster, you took good care of your help , many students in our class have been to their ideal universities.

Thank you my dear teacher ,I don't kown how to express my love to you. Thank you my dear teacher, you are the candle in my life lighting my future. Thank you my dear teacher, you are the spring watering you my dear teacher,you are the sun warmming us. You show all teachers' noble characters.

I take pride of that you have brought up many college students.

Do trust me. I will do my best in my study to make myself as a useful person for our country.

申请成为老师英语作文范文 第三十五篇








申请成为老师英语作文范文 第三十六篇







申请成为老师英语作文范文 第三十七篇

My Idea of Becoming a Teacher

In my opinion, becoming a secondary teacher means another big challenge in the new century. A secondary teacher in the future is required to have many different kinds of abilities. He may have to learn a lot. As is known to all of us, society develops very fast. With the development, many changes take place. In order to adapt to the changes, students are required to learn something new and have more skills. As a secondary teacher, he must know a lot and have a good knowledge of many new aspects. So, first of all, a secondary teacher in the future has to keep pace with the development of society and have a good knowledge.

Second, as we all know, nowadays, a successful person is not only good at subjects, study, but also thought. Only a helpful, kind person can succeed. So a secondary teacher in the future should not only teach students something in class, but also something in life. Above these, the teacher should also do well in communicating with students. As a secondary student, he has grown up and has his own idea, even though his idea is different from the teacher’s. A secondary teacher should not only be a teacher, but also a friend of the students. He should often talk with the students and know what they think. Only in this way they should get well with each other. In a word, becoming a secondary teacher in the future means a big challenge. But I want to face this big challenge. And I would like to be a secondary teacher in the future.



申请成为老师英语作文范文 第三十八篇

Our English Teacher

Do you know our English teacher? Look! There is a young man standing over there. He isn't tall, and looks very thin. Who is he? He is our English teacher. His name is Sun Feng.

Our teacher is strict not only with himself but also with us. We all like him, because he is a good teacher and often helps us with our English.

My classmate Wang Haiyan was not good at Eng-lish at first. He often thought: xxxMy English is poor, what can I do?xxx Mr Sun knew it and said to him: xxxDon't be disappointed, keep up with your classmates! I believe, you can. xxx With the help of our teacher, he decided to catch up with his classmates. So he began to put his heart into English and did better in English. At last, he took part in the English contest and got a prize.

Our English teacher works hard and he is as busy as a bee. He often prepares lessons and studies until late at night. In Grade three, we often have tests and have more English homework. Mr Sun always goes over it carefully.

Mr Sun gets on well with us. He likes singing very much. One day before classes began, he said to us: xxxNow, let me teach you an English song. xxx

We all like our English teacher. He is not only teacher but also our good friend. Don't you think so?

申请成为老师英语作文范文 第三十九篇

Growing up, taught my teacher has a lot of, some with the passage of memory has been forgotten, but there is a teacher I will never forget, she is my teacher Chen.

Age teachers with small eyes, wearing eyes, eyes above long curved eyebrows, high bridge of the nose, tall. She saw a man is always a smile, a look at will know that she is a kind teacher.

Chen teacher is very concerned about our study.

Every time in class, the teacher always let us Chen read aloud again and again to our analysis of the text, to find, you don't understand place patiently explain to everybody, let's read the text words over and over again in the end. At the next class, practice the new words and read the text aloud, so learn things don't forget.

Miss Chen is not only concerned about our study, also care about our life.

申请成为老师英语作文范文 第四十篇






申请成为老师英语作文范文 第四十一篇

Everyone in this world should have their own dreams. Of course, I also have my own dreams. When I grow up, I want to be a teacher!

I want to be a teacher because I want to contribute to the school and the motherland just like the teachers in our school. I can cultivate talents who can contribute to the motherland, and I will teach all my knowledge to my students.

If some students fight, I will not fight them, but I will talk to them calmly. Make them realize their mistakes and apologize to each other. If some students make mistakes that cannot be made, I will let them realize their mistakes in time and correct their mistakes.

A dream is not just a word, but a goal that we need to strive for. On the road of pursuing your dreams, don't be afraid of hardships and fulfill your dreams. Let's work hard together!

申请成为老师英语作文范文 第四十二篇


There is a teacher younger than Miss Qi in our class. She is always so kind to us. Everyone calls her Miss Xiao Li.


For our healthy growth, Miss Li comes and leaves early and late every day. Its hard to help Miss Qi.


In the morning, Mr. Li came to the school first, drew the water, and the students came. If some students finish writing their own content early, like No. 1 new word Pinyin Daquan Mr. Li gave all the corrections in time. By noon, Mr. Li would give us a meal first, and he would always eat last. In the afternoon, if you have any questions, please ask Mr. Li. Mr. Li can help us to explain. After school, we left. Mr. Li starts to clean up, which is to make tomorrow have a good environment. Mr. Li always leaves last.


Miss Li, you have worked hard. I love you, Miss Li!

申请成为老师英语作文范文 第四十三篇

Teaching is the greatest profession under the sun, because nothing is more important than education to a nation. Sometimes, it seems easy to be a teacher, but I always find its difficult, because only knowledge cant make us a good teacher.


As teachers, we must not only have a wide range of knowledge, but also have comprehensive skills and positive attitudes. For one thing, we must be equal to every student. Dont judge the students by their grades and behaviors. Our duty is to educate them, not to criticize them. For another, we are no longer the candles, but the matches. We shouldnt do the presentation work all the time in class. We must give the classes to the students. For example, we should make a real atmosphere to attract the students interests. Since most students like doing things with their hands, we can assign them some tasks to do. Sometimes we can also do some activities with them. I believe the students will learn best when they are happy.


申请成为老师英语作文范文 第四十四篇

I want to be a teacher in the future, because I think teacher is a good job. My teachers are very good. Some of them are gentle, but some of them are not. But I think they all care for students very much. I want to be a good teacher like them. I think I will be strict to my students in the class. But after class, I want to betheir friend and help them in study and life. Besides, it can help me to keep a young heart to stay with young students. I must work hard for my dream.


申请成为老师英语作文范文 第四十五篇

My English teacher appears very beautiful and she looks about 40 years has a English teacher is very strict with us,and sometimes,she is very friendly and kind to is also the April Fools' Day,she said to us,xxxyou are going to have a holiday this afternoonxxx.Many students thought it true.

Many students dare not talk,because she is very are afraid that we cannot pass the exam,because the teacher will criticise us if we don't doesn't give us too much homework,and she doesn't give us too much like our Engllish teacher.

申请成为老师英语作文范文 第四十六篇







申请成为老师英语作文范文 第四十七篇

Miss Hou is my English teacher, she is 28, we all like her. My English is really bad at first, I am afraid of having Miss Hou’s class, when she finds this, she doesn’t blame me, she tells me that the only way I can learn English well is to fall in love with English, she asks me to watch English movie, it works.

Miss Hou is my favorite teacher.



申请成为老师英语作文范文 第四十八篇






申请成为老师英语作文范文 第四十九篇

If I grew up as a teacher, I'll education each and every one of my students, learning life, learn to be human. In class, I want to let them learn happily; I try to impart knowledge to them with some easy to understand language, ensure that every student can understand you. Next class, I want to chat with students together face to face, communication, listen carefully and learn them each and every one of advice for me, want to make friends with them, went into the inner world of the children, help them solve difficulties. Homework every night I will decorate some less as far as possible, let they came home in the evening to regulate the brain. Before the exam, I'll say a few words less as far as possible, don't make too much pressure to students, because only the relaxed mood, the exam will be able to play well. What is more important to pay attention to students' every move, if it is found that they have bad habits, I will help them to correct in a timely manner, and ensure that each and every one of my students, don't let students bully them.

In order to make I can realize the dream, I set the following goals for yourself:

First: to have a good thought personal character.

When a good teacher, you should have a good thought personal character. Now I am going to respect teachers, and students get along, mutual help, don't I want to help solve the problem of others, don't say dirty words, foul language, more can't hit people, call names, see the uncivilized phenomenon to stop in time.

Second, study hard, solid groundwork.

To do a teacher, first of all should have rich knowledge. Now I will listen carefully in class, the class assignments seriously, not questions ask others modestly, have excellent grades in all the subjects, achieve all-round development.

申请成为老师英语作文范文 第五十篇

dear teacher:

this is a special day, we have presented a bouquet of flowers, gifts to the worldof your peaches and plums, spectrum a ode to joy, for your eyes flicker disperse tired,for you loosen the amount of wrinkled patterns.

the singing is a blessing: teacher, happy holidays! insatiable in learning, betireless in teaching, peaches and plums fragrance, their music is happy and harmonious.

i wish you a happy holiday! not only in the teachers day today, there is a tomorrow,the day after tomorrow, tai houtian, i wish your life every day, every minutes, every

second, the surface is always the same singing is concerned about: the teacher, you worked hard! your use of sweat, nurturing the tender shoots of spring have just ground-breaking. your care is like the genial spring, warm our hearts and minds. let us protect your healthy growth, formed in the autumn fruit. lifes journey, you shine our light of hope, eich our minds, adding to our intelligence.

thank you,

teacher! i wish you healthy forever! happy! happiness!

这是一个特别的日子, 我们献上一束鲜花,赠予桃李天下的您,谱上一曲欢乐颂,为您驱散














申请成为老师英语作文范文 第五十一篇

Dear teacher,


How times flies! I have to say goodbye to you now. Thank you, my dear teacher.


You’re one of the best teachers in our school. You teach us so well. You often help me with my studies. When I’m in trouble, you always give good advice. With your help, I’ve made much progress in my studies. I’m lucky to be your student.

你是我们学校最好的老师之一。你教我们这么好。你经常帮我学习。当我遇到麻烦时,你总是给我好建议。有了你的帮助,我在学习上取得了很大进步。我很幸运能成为你的学生。I’ll never forget you. No matter where I’m going, we’ll be together forever.


Best wishes






申请成为老师英语作文范文 第五十二篇

这个假期的英语学习中,手机给我带来了非常大的帮助,真不愧是我的良师益友! 一切还得从上个暑假说起。那时,妈妈为了充实我的假期生活,特地买了一套《新概念英语》,供我学习。但是,妈妈工作繁忙,没有足够的时间陪我学习。“病急乱投医”,我请教了“度娘”,果然找到了解决办法。我在手机上下载了一款名叫《省心英语》的软件,里面可以在线学习英语。但面对眼前的这款软件,我又犹豫起来。前几年妈妈曾帮我下载过一款识字软件,它不仅要收费,而且功能甚少,枯燥乏味。我担心眼前的这款软件将如出一辙。但为了有更好的效果,我只好半信半疑地开始了学习。 实践,很快令我消除了顾虑。我不得不佩服开发这款软件的人,因为这款软件实在是面面俱到。初次使用,软件自动弹出了学习方法。我细细阅读了一遍,便迫不及待开始了学习。首先,是听音部分。我边听录音,边看注释,结合自己以往所学的知识,对英语发音似乎又有了新的认识。其次,是跟读部分。我听完标准的录音后,对着手机模仿。系统的评分功能令我大开眼界,我一有出错,分数就开始降低,而当我改正后,分数又提高起来。学英语怎么能不背单词呢?我发出了疑问。但很快我就发现了新功能:在屏幕下方,有一个“听写” 的按钮。我好奇地点开,进入听写界面。软件自动朗读单词,我就在相应的地方输入正确的单词,完成听写。最后,就是在看完“课文详解”后进行小测。里面的知识繁多,令人眼花缭乱,但通过小测,又能让人加深记忆。在学完了一天的任务后,可以通过这款软件和手机进行英语互动,还可以做一些小游戏。劳逸结合的学习方式,让人欲罢不能。此外,这款软件还有复习、英/美音切换、语音调速等功能。无需纸笔,仅凭一部手机,就能有效学习英语,我不禁为祖国科技的飞速发展发出了自豪的赞叹。 有人说,手机给人们带来的只有伤害。在我的眼中,手机却是我的良师益友,它助我学习,让我在学习中收获快乐。手机啊,你真是我的好老师!

申请成为老师英语作文范文 第五十三篇






申请成为老师英语作文范文 第五十四篇

Teacher is a noble and sacred profession. I wanted to be a teacher since I was a child, and I often wondered: If I really became a teacher, what kind of teacher would I be? I think, if I really become a teacher, I will be a teacher who makes students feel approachable. I think, if I really become a teacher, I will be a teacher who gets along with my classmates.

I think, if I really become a teacher, I will become a close friend of my classmates. As long as I have time, I will talk to my classmates, and just like a friend, I will speak out what is hidden in my heart.

I think, if I really become a teacher, I will be a teacher that students like. During class time, I will teach my students in different ways. In an interesting class, students will actively raise their hands to speak, and students will not feel boring in class, which can also make students enjoy class more. I think, if I really become a teacher, I will give clear rewards and punishments. If a classmate makes progress, I will reward him with some small stationery and encourage him to make persistent efforts. He reflects on his own mistakes.

申请成为老师英语作文范文 第五十五篇









申请成为老师英语作文范文 第五十六篇








申请成为老师英语作文范文 第五十七篇







申请成为老师英语作文范文 第五十八篇

Today, Mr Zhu gave me a special task, let me be a little computer teacher, my heart is very excited, of course, also a little nervous.

At first I hesitated dare not into the computer room, but in the end I still went into the computer room. Everyone looked at me with strange eyes, seems to be talking about: it teaches us how is he today? I get up the courage to go to the front of the podium to clear the ins and outs of this matter had students understand, loud noise.

When zhu teacher came in, everyone was quiet. Mr Zhu and explained the situation to students, instruct the students to listen to me, also charged me to teach the students well, and then turn left. I began to practise divination on.

I talked about the first three lessons this morning, let the students have a goal, and then I told the students to practise divination seriously.

I open the classmates, please first drawing board dashan, then said: please click on the first curve tool in the toolbar, and then draw a straight line on the drawing board, use the mouse to drag it to move up... I said, also demonstrate on the blackboard, trying to make the students can understand you. Say that finish, I walked down the platform, one by one check in the past, can see if the students have really operate. After you have read, I saw my classmates will operate, can not help but smiled a smile on his face.

申请成为老师英语作文范文 第五十九篇

Teaching is the greatest profession under the sun, because nothing is more important than education to a nation. Sometimes, it seems easy to be a teacher, but I always find it’s difficult, because only knowledge can’t make us a good teacher.

As teachers, we must not only have a wide range of knowledge, but also have comprehensive skills and positive attitudes. For one thing, we must be equal to every student. Don’t judge the students by their grades and behaviors. Our duty is to educate them, not to criticize them. For another, we are no longer the candles, but the matches. We shouldn't do the presentation work all the time in class. We must give the classes to the students. For example, we should make a real atmosphere to attract the students’ interests. Since most students like doing things with their hands, we can assign them some tasks to do. Sometimes we can also do some activities with them. I believe the students will learn best when they are happy.

Sometimes, we may be troubled by some naughty students. Therefore, we must have patience. We have to lead them in the right way. However, if they don’t pay attention to us, we ought to be strict with them, until they are well-behaved.

These are my personal ideas. Maybe they are correct in a way, while they are not enough for us. So I will devote more diligence to my work and get more experience from teaching.

申请成为老师英语作文范文 第六十篇

Everyone has their own dreams, some are scientists, some are doctors, and my dream is to be a teacher.

A teacher is a sacred profession. She is like a candle, burning herself to illuminate others. When I have questions that I don’t know or don’t understand, I will ask the teacher for help. The teacher will always be very patient to help me answer my questions and help me summarize my shortcomings.

To clarify my problem-solving ideas, let me improve myself step by step.

I also want to become a teacher and try my best to help every student, which is also a very happy thing. Maybe I am not so perfect now, but I will definitely work hard in this direction and strive to realize my dream as soon as possible!

申请成为老师英语作文范文 第六十一篇

I have had a dream since I was a child, that is to be a teacher. Because I saw that the teacher in our class is with us every day, it's not us, but in the teacher's heart, it's the children. I feel that sometimes the teacher is very happy, and sometimes very angry. Happy because the obedient child makes the teacher happy, or the disobedient child makes progress. The teacher was also very happy, and was angry because someone did something bad or did not listen to the lecture and spoke in class. Every day comes to work with a different mood, to teach us knowledge. And the teachers in our class are very beautiful, very beautiful. I have one more thing to say; I must be grateful to teachers when I grow up, thank teachers. So I want to be a teacher when I grow up.

申请成为老师英语作文范文 第六十二篇






申请成为老师英语作文范文 第六十三篇

dear teacher ,

i am writing to

you to express my thanks for your help in learning english and speaking english.

during these days

in your class, i have learned much from you and it is very helpful to me. firstly,

you let me know what is the west thinking pattern—straight thinking pattern. and,

i think, it is very important to understand the west’s thoughts. as you know, this

can help me with my examination and interaction with foreigners. secondly, i have

got enough confidence in speaking in english from your class and it took me a long

time to gain this confidence. now, i

always express

my ideas in english as possible as i can. it’s great to do that. the last not the

least, i find that learning english is not an boring thing as before and i’m

interested in studying

good luck!

申请成为老师英语作文范文 第六十四篇









申请成为老师英语作文范文 第六十五篇

In my opinion, becoming a secondary teacher means another big challenge in the new century. A secondary teacher in the future is required to have many different kinds of abilities. He may have to learn a lot. As is known to all of us, society develops very fast. With the development, many changes take place. In order to adapt to the changes, students are required to learn something new and have more skills. As a secondary teacher, he must know a lot and have a good knowledge of many new aspects. So, first of all, a secondary teacher in the future has to keep pace with the development of society and have a good knowledge.

Second, as we all know, nowadays, a successful person is not only good at subjects, study, but also thought. Only a helpful, kind person can succeed. So a secondary teacher in the future should not only teach students something in class, but also something in life. Above these, the teacher should also do well in communicating with students. As a secondary student, he has grown up and has his own idea, even though his idea is different from the teacher’s. A secondary teacher should not only be a teacher, but also a friend of the students. He should often talk with the students and know what they think. Only in this way they should get well with each other. In a word, becoming a secondary teacher in the future means a big challenge. But I want to face this big challenge. And I would like to be a secondary teacher in the future.

申请成为老师英语作文范文 第六十六篇

I want to be a teacher, because the teacher's salary is very high, the status is also high in the minds of students, and it can attract the attention of many people.

However, the school stipulates that teachers cannot eat snacks and play game consoles during work hours. But when I became a teacher, when I was in class, I rummaged through the schoolbags of those naughty classmates, took their game consoles and snacks, and then slipped back to the office to share with my colleagues, playing Honor of Kings with the new game console while eating Beef jerky, drinking Coke. If the principal came, I would immediately hide these and pretend to be preparing lessons and checking materials seriously. Wait for the principal to leave and continue playing. If the classmates whose things were confiscated came to me, I would say: What? I am your superior, your superior, and I am your superior, so you can't control me.

But I observed that every teacher around me is not like me. They prepare lessons carefully, go to bed at twelve o'clock every night, wake up at five in the morning, and rush to school to prepare lessons. He also has to deal with big and small things with two big dark circles under his eyes. Meeting naughty students like me is enough for them. The sweat of teachers is enough to exchange for so much salary, so we must respect the good teachers around us!

申请成为老师英语作文范文 第六十七篇

She was born for teaching and does a great jib. In her class, she can get her students involved in learning and doing exercises. They are attracted by the topics she gives and this makes her class lively. As a result, most students like to be in her class.

Li Xin is a good teacher not only because she has a good way of teaching, but also because she loves her students and never spoil them. She is kind and considerate, and is ready to help her students who meet with difficulties.

My teacher, Li Xin, is not only our good teacher, but also our best friend. We all like her and will remember her forever.






申请成为老师英语作文范文 第六十八篇

I teach because I like the pace of the academic calendar. June, July, and August offer an opportunity for reflection, research and writing.

I teach because teaching is a profession built on change. When the material is the same, I change--and, more important, my students change.

I teach because I like the freedom to make my own mistakes, to learn my own lessons, to stimulate myself and my students. As a teacher, I'm my own boss. If I want my freshmen to learn to write by

creating their own textbook, who is to say I can' t? Such courses may be huge failures, but we can all learn from failures.

I teach because I like to ask questions that students must struggle to answer. The world is full'of right answers to bad questions. While teaching, I sometimes find good questions.

So teaching gives me pace and variety, and challenge,and the opportunity to keep on learning.

However, the most important reasons why I teach are that my students grow up and change in front of me. Some have become doctoral students with excellent success and found good jobs; some have become

interested in the urban poor and served as civil rights lawyers; some have decided to finish high school and go to college.

But teaching offers something besides money and offers love. Not only the love of learning and of books and ideas, but also the love that a teacher feels for that rare student who walks into a

teacher's life and begins to love is the wrong word., magic might be better.

I teach because, being around people who are beginning to breathe, I occasionally find myself catching my breath with them.

申请成为老师英语作文范文 第六十九篇

I have a dream about my career. I want to be a teacher, because I think teacher is a good job. Generally speaking, teachers have much knowledge. They can help students to enrich their knowledge. Besides, teachers can communicate with students all the time. It helps teachers keep young at heart. Finally, teachers have two long holidays a year. In the free time, I can do many things I like. And I have time to travel. It makes me exciting. I must work hard to realize my dream. 我有一个职业梦想。我想成为一名老师,因为我觉得教师是一份好工作。一般来说,老师懂得很多知识。他们可以帮助学生丰富他们的知识。此外,老师可以随时可以与学生沟通,这有助于老师保持年轻的心态。最后,老师一年有两个长假。在空闲时间,我还可以做很多我喜欢的事。而且我也有时间去旅游,这使我感到兴奋。我必须努力实现我的梦想。

申请成为老师英语作文范文 第七十篇






申请成为老师英语作文范文 第七十一篇

Teacher, the most glorious profession under the sun, is the engineer of the human soul. I adore teachers and yearn for this profession even more. I believe that my wish will be fulfilled in the near future.

At that time, I had a ponytail and was wearing a well-fitting teacher's uniform.

At that time, I was neither a model nor a singer, but an excellent teacher who was loved by students.

At that time, when I was in class, I stood on the podium and devoted myself to talking about what the students should know in this class; when I was out of class, I discussed problems with other teachers and corrected my homework; After school, I prepare lessons at home, and I work hard for 8 hours a day. And I want to be serious in get out of class, kind after class, and actively integrate into the student body.

At that time, I was a teacher. If the students needed me, I would not hesitate to help and support me. Because Hua'er understands the selflessness of spring rain best, and Yue'er understands the generosity of sunshine best, so I can understand the teacher's love best. Kindness is love, strictness is love, and hopeful love, but it is the teacher's selfless care for students. .

申请成为老师英语作文范文 第七十二篇

I want to be a teacher in the future, because I think teacher is a good job. My teachers are very good. Some of them are gentle, but some of them are not. But I think they all care for students very much. I want to be a good teacher like them. I think I will be strict to my students in the class. But after class, I want to betheir friend and help them in study and life. Besides, it can help me to keep ayoung heart to stay with young must work hard for my dream.



