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act范文多语言环境 第一篇


Dear :

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of Shenzhen Trading are holding a dinner party at Hilton Hotel in Shenzhen from 7:00 9:30 Saturday,June 6th.

You are cordially welcome to the party so that we can express our sincere appreciation for your generous your information,the party will be attended by other business elite such as Hong and Li Peng from Beijing believe that this may offer many of us an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with each other.

We do hope that you will be able to join us on this occasion,and look forward to meeting you at the party.

Sincerely yours,

act范文多语言环境 第二篇

Sample 1


Dear :

Thank you very much for giving so much help to our Sales Manager Adam Francis while he was in San Francisco.

must have already written to you to express his gratitude,but I would like to thank you on behalf o the whole information you provided and the contacts you helped him to establish are most useful to our efforts in the Bay wish to have more help from you in the future.

If I can offer you any similar service,please feel free to contact me.

Yours Sincerely

act范文多语言环境 第三篇














act范文多语言环境 第四篇















act范文多语言环境 第五篇

The Senior Itch—the incurable chaffing we all crave to scratch. The cure? Graduation. As we progress through our high school years growing with wisdom and maturity, we all yearn for freedom. Yet what we desire most is not always what is best for us. Although most won't want to admit it, extending our high school career to five years would make an important and beneficial impact on our future. With the four years that are currently provided, there is not enough time for motivated students to accomplish their goals before college. Merely being accepted by a selective college or university requires much pre-planned effort that is literally unavailable to students already concerned with grades and other activities. Colleges look most thoroughly at how an applicant used his or her four years of high school. Leadership roles, a dedication to an organization, and a well-rounded, involved student is appealing to the most elite educational institutions. Often, students desire leadership positions in numerous extra-curricular organizations, but face limiting regulations on the number of offices they may hold at one time. Even if a school doesn't limit students' involvement, students eventually reach the limits of what a 24-hour day can hold. Too often, students cannot participate

as much as they want in as many extra-curriculars as they want because there just isn't time. With an extra year of high school, those involved in more than one activity could successfully find the time to contribute to and to lead each one. Colleges would see a longer, more developed individual's resume that included a time for each of their interests. The organizations would benefit from stronger student participation and the students would be recognized for their true efforts as well. Because they struggle to gain leadership roles and become the well-rounded students colleges desire, the task of maintaining a respectable grade-point-average during high school is a struggle for many students. It is difficult to be involved in activities of interest while still keeping high grades. However, colleges don't consider this when they seek applicants with high grade-point-averages in their admissions pool. Elongating the span of high school would allow more students with both grades and activities on their agenda to spend more time focusing on each separate interest. Rather than feeling forced to crunch a large block of xxxweightedxxx classes together in hopes of elevating their GPA, students would find more time to spread out their difficult classes and make the most of every single year. With less pressure and more time, grades would improve for all dedicated


act范文多语言环境 第六篇

Sample 1


Dear :

Please accept my warmest congratulations on your promotion to general manager! We have just learned that you have been appointed to this came as no surprise to us in view of your unusual deserve the position after years of service in the experience in this field will surely bring in more profits for your are sending you our best wishes for the future.

Through 3 years of working with you,many of us know clearly how much you have contributed to building the relationship between our two also have come to know us well during the past 3 years,and we are ready to offer you the same service in the days ahead.

We look forward to the continuing growth of your company under your enlightened leadership.

Sincerely Yours,

David Parker

Sample 2


Dear Michael:

Congratulations on the birth of your son!How happy and proud you must be at this hope your son grow up healthy,wealthy and wise.

My best wishes to all three of you!

Truly yours,

Joe Wisdom

act范文多语言环境 第七篇



Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics.


Taking a brief glance at history of human existence, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that technology, defined as the application of science and knowledge, has played an important role in bringing transformation and improvement to society. I agree with the above saying in the topic that technology should be regarded as a determinative factor which not only influences but also, and more importantly,determines the social custom and ethics.

People, generally speaking, would not doubt the perspective that technology exercises enormous influence on the custom and ethics of mankind. Before the Industrial Revolution, women in Britain were not allowed to work outside apart from some comparatively enlightened places; yet waves of women went into spinneries as cotton spinner after the jenny were universally utilized around Europe. The reason why factories preferred women rather than men in the Industrial Revolution lies in the development of technology, which decreased the physical weakness of women, raised the social awareness of the advantage of women worker such as more carefulness and patience, changed the traditional industrial configuration in the proportion of females and males, therefore transformed the cliche ban of women's outside working. Same analysis could be applied on feminism campaign. With the purpose of sexual equality and personality liberation, feminism campaign is based on the development and betterment of the equipment from this point of view. In a word, all these changes in social custom and ethics owe to the development of technology.

But why, someone may ask, should technology be mentioned as the determinate factor,not merely an infective ingredient? The answer comes from the difference between quantity of effects that influence and determination separately raise. As dictionary refers, the effect of influence is indirect and comparatively weaker; while that of determination is direct, basic and strong. From the examples given in the above paragraph, agreement may not be difficult to reach that the impact of technology on social custom is direct and enormous. Without technology in medical, people today might still hold the belief that spread of plague is the punishment from God and the sick are unforgivable sinners; in industry, the popular concept of global village and the social consciousness of racial equality might never exist; in sociology, women cannot get the opportunity to realize their own values as an independent individual through working. To sum up, technology is the determinative factor to change the social custom and ethics.

act范文多语言环境 第八篇













act范文多语言环境 第九篇






act范文多语言环境 第十篇

Advances in technology have become so widely accepted in today’s culture that very few people are willing to pause to consider the consequences. People get so excited about what new technologies can offer that they forget to question whether there might be any negative effects. Without caution and deliberation, replacing the natural with the mechanical would undoubtedly be disasterous.

The economic implications of the potential mechanical takeover alone should be enough to dissuade anyone from moving too fast. In the event the robots are more widely used in the workplace, humans would surely be replaced. At first, businesses would benefit from the efficiency of robots, but eventually a depressed job market would lead to a population that struggles just to feed themselves and their families, let alone purchase the products these robots make. In the long run, society will suffer if it does not take care to prevent the economic consequences of giving everything over to machines.

Our careless use of automation has already taken a toll on our culture. People have been interacting with automation in nearly every aspect of their lives, whether it be shopping, banking, or the use of a telephone. The effect of this is obvious: basic respect for our fellow man is all but absent today because of increased interaction with automation. Why treat a machine with kindness? It suffers no emotional or psychological damage. In a culture saturated with automation, we get used to treating machines rudely, and we begin to treat each other rudely. This of course leads to all sorts of issues, like intolerence and incivility, and in the long run, results in the complete degradation of culture.

Even in the face of these obstacles, some people argue that the increasing intelligence of today’s machines is a good thing. After all, machine power can decrease the human work load. Computer processers double in power and ability every year. Computers are projected to reach human intelligence by as soon as 20xx. The implications of this shift are unknown, but one thing is for certain. We are moving into this change too fast to anticipate and prevent damage to the human species. We are approaching this change too quickly for any sort of safety net to be built. Because of this, it is important that we as a species slow down our technological development so that we might consider all the implications of a change this big. We must figure out how to handle negative societal and cultural consequences before we embrace total integration of automated, intelligent machines.

Decreasing the speed with which we incorporate mechanical influence is important because of the potential dangers that lurk in blind acceptance. Not only does the preference of the mechanical over the natural interfere with the job market and the economy, but its use also has the potential to seriously degrade our culture as a whole. In combination with the uncertainty surrounding the increasing intelligence of machines, it is most assuredly better for the human species that technological progress be slowed so that we can, if necessary, prevent additional damage.

act范文多语言环境 第十一篇
















act范文多语言环境 第十二篇





act范文多语言环境 第十三篇



think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below.

a mistakenly cynical view of human behavior holds that people are primarily driven by selfish motives: the desire for wealth, fo power, or for fame. yet history gives us many examples of individuals who have sacrificed their own welfare for a cause or a principle that they regarded as more important than their own powerful inner voice that tells us what is right and what is wrong-can be a more compelling force than money, power, or fame.



