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托福考试写作范文 第一篇

In the reading passage, the author raises that reading less literature has caused unfortunate effects on the reading public, the cultural general and literature itself. On the contrary, the professor strongly contradicts with it.

To begin with, according to the reading passage, the author mainly talks about reading less literature cannot provide readers with intellectual stimulation. By contrast, the lecturer disagrees with it and she reasons that a book doesn’t have to be literature to be intellectually stimulating. Science books, history and political analysis aren’t literature but they are often of high quality and some of those books are just as creative and well-written as novels and poems. So don’t assume that someone who isn’t reading literature isn’t reading a good book.

To be followed, the reading passage indicates that the culture is in decline. However, the speaker holds the opposite opinion and she says that people are not just spending less time in literature and they are spending less time with books in general. However, today, there are many culturally valuable material that isn’t written such as a brilliant song and good movie. People are not wasting their time when they listen to good songs and watch good movies. Those non-literal activities will not lower the culture. Even some of those creative forms can speak more directly to contemporary concerns than literature does.

Lastly, the writer in the reading part says that it is the readers’ fault to lead to the less support for literature. By comparison, the listening material presents a totally different opinion that it is the authors’ fault because today’s literature is intended to be difficult to understand. So don’t assume the earlier’s generations of readers would read a lot modern literature today.


In 1990, new rules and guidelines were adopted in the United Kingdom that has changed the whole field of Archaeology in that country. The new guidelines improved the situation in all there areas discussed in the passage.

First, the new guidelines state that before any construction project can start, the construction site has to be examined by archaeologists to see whether the site is of archaeological interest or value. If the site is of archaeological interest, the next step is for the builders, archaeologists and local government officials to get together and make a plan for preserving the archaeological artifacts, either by building around them or by excavating and documenting them properly before the construction is allowed to proceed.

Second, an important part of the new guidelines is a rule that any archaeological work done on the construction site will be paid for by the construction company not by the government. The construction company has to pay for the initial examination of the site, and then for all the work carried out under the preservation plan. This is a whole new source of financial support. The funding from construction companies has allowed researchers to study a far greater range of archaeological sites than they could in the past.

Last, the new guidelines provide a lot of paid work for archaeologists, work that didn’t exist before. Expert archaeologists are now hired at all stages of the process to examine the site for archaeological value, then to help draw up the preservation plan to do the research in a professional scientific manner and finally to process the date and write reports and articles. The increased job and career opportunities in Archaeology have increased the number of professional archaeologists in Britain, which is now the highest it’s ever been.

托福考试写作范文 第二篇








托福考试写作范文 第三篇

If a large factory is going to be built near your community, is it good or bad? It’s a quite difficult question to answer. Because there are many aspects to take into your consideration, the advantages and the disadvantages. Let’s talk about that.

First, a large factory, especially a large chemical factory is quite harmful to our environment when it is built near our community. It will affect our daily life a lot. All the chemical factories will produce a lot of waste and most of the wastes are harmful to the environment, including poisonous gas and liquid. Some of them can not be entirely broken down. If they are released into the air or the river, it will affect our health. And also the factory may produce a lot of noise. The environment we want to live in is a quiet and peaceful one, so the noise will be quite boring. And yes, noise also affects our health.

Still one thing, a factory can be very dangerous. Because a fire or a explosion may break out in the factory. If it’s very near our home, it’s quite dangerous.

But in other hand , a factory may be a good news to us. It can provide more jobs for us, especially for the young people in our community. Since the factory is near, it’s so convenient to go to work.. and the factory will get more chances to our area. It will help to develop our area. So if the factory can bring us a lot of chances, we will agree to build one. But the most important things are:

1. Build the factory in a safe distance from our community, not too near.

2. Make sure that the factory can deal with the waste properly. Do not release the poisonous gas

into the air, and not release the waste water into the river nearby.

3. Make sure the security guard in the factory works very well.


I support the idea that a factory to be built near our community. I list my reasons as follows. Firstly, a new factory near our community helps to improve living standard of people in our community. The factory will employ a lot of workers. As a consequence, the unemployment rate will drop significantly. Many people in our community will find a job in the factory. As people's income increases, they will be able to spend more money on their food, clothing and leisure time, and the quality of life will be increased.

Secondly, a new factory will bring prosperity to our community. The tax collected from a factory is an important source of revenue for our town. As people have higher income, income tax collected will also be increased. The town will be able to spend more money on infrastructures and other development. Moreover, in order to accommodate more workers, more homes and stores will be needed. This will boost real estate development in our community.

Some people say that a factory would bring smog and pollution, and destroy the quality of the air and water in town. This is not the truth. Modern technologies have made today's factories technology intensive and brought pollutions to the minimum. There are also worries that the social structure of this community will be changed and the traditional life will be affected. We should understand that society needs to evolve and we cannot always stay in the old time.

Of course, there will be some drawbacks of building a new factory here. But in my opinion, the benefits outweigh the dangers. I strongly support to build a factory here, and hope that others feel the same way.

托福考试写作范文 第四篇

Reading Passage

Main points: The Vessels found which has battery functions are not likely to be used as batteries in ancient times.

Sub point 1: Vessels were not found with metal conductors.

Sub point 2: Similar vessels found in Seleucia were used for holding scrolls.

Sub point 3: Ancient people have no need of electricity.


Attitude: Not convincing.

Sub Point 1: Absence of metal conductors could be caused by people’s lack of experience.

Sub Point 2: Similarity does not necessarily mean vessels were never used as batteries. (Adapt to purpose)

Sub Point 3: Battery can be used for magic or healing.


托福考试写作范文 第五篇

Some people say that computers have made life easier and more convenient. Other people saythat computers have made life more complex and stressful. What is your opinion? Use specificreasons and examples to support your answer.


Some universities require students to choose a variety of subjects; others only require students tospecialize in one subject. I deem the first one as the premier choice. Among countless factors,there are three conspicuous aspects as follows.

The main reason for my propensity that students should take classes in many subjects is that theycan make full use of the abundant resources that a university has to offer. A university has plentyof educational and research resources. It is a very good idea to make full use of these valuableassets while studying in the university. The best way to achieve this is to take a variety of subjectsas much as possible. Through learning these courses, a student can get access to knowledge andresources in different areas. On the contrary, if a student only specializes in one subject, he willnot have a chance to get access to other resources offered by the university.

Another reason can be seen by every person is that by choosing many subjects students can broaden their knowledge and make a solid foundation for their future concentrated study.

Whatever the student will concentrate on in his senior years in college, it is necessary that hechoose a wide range of subjects to build the knowledge foundation. Take the field of BusinessManagement for example, the student has to acquire knowledge in writing, accounting, economicsand human resource management before he can successfully start his major concentration argument I support in the first paragraph is also in a position of advantage because studentscan be more adaptable in their future career if they choose a variety of subjects during theiruniversity study. It is obvious that the development of modern society requires people with inter-disciplinary and comprehensive knowledge. If a student chooses a variety of subjects in hisuniversity study, and gained a breath and width of knowledge, he will be more adaptable to therequirement of the society, and be able to easily adjust to many kinds of jobs. This will benefit hisfuture career.

In a word, taking into account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that studentsshould take classes in many subjects in a university.

托福考试写作范文 第六篇



In the struggle to integrate work with a meaningful, fun, and fulfilling life, many of us findour big dreams colliding with our occupational realities. As much as we'd like to be starting ourown businesses, finishing our novels, selling our albums, or getting out to those casting calls,we feel chained to our chairs, shackled to our spreadsheets, drowned in our dead-end day jobs.

And the prevailing wisdom is that you just have to quit the job, cut the cord, take the leapfrom the job that you tolerate to the work that you love. Unfortunately, following that wisdomhas led far too many people to financial ruin, frustrated ambitions, and unfulfilled 's a better way -- and it doesn't involve quitting your day job to chase your dreams.

托福考试写作范文 第七篇

Please discuss it at the international academic exchange meeting in August, and at the academic exchange meeting on Saturday, when ETS was forced to cancel the October TOEFL test results of the people's Republic of China. You have been informed that you can take another TOEFL test free of charge. You should be aware that there is a long-term policy of the TOEFL program, that is, there is no refund of the examination fee when the examination is cancelled.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you, Russell Webster, executive director of the TOEFL program education examination service.


请各位副教授在8月的国际学术交流会上讨论,请各位副教授在星期六的学术交流会上讨论,当时ETS被迫取消xxx十月托福考试成绩,您已收到通知,您可以免费参加另一个托福考试。您应该知道托福计划有一个长期的政策,即取消考试时不退还考试费用。对于由此给您造成的不便,我们深表歉意,Russell Webster执行董事托福计划教育考试服务。

托福考试写作范文 第八篇

本合集资料抽取了 2021年 8-10 月份的独立口语真题并由我们专业的口语老师给出了高分回答示范,包括文字和音频。



同学们在拿到题目后,首先按照托福考试的要求,准备 15 秒,然后尝试作答 45 秒。这一点很重要,因为自己说出来的口语才记得最牢固。如果能够说好,则目标达成。如果总是说不好,或者根本没有思路,那可以参照示范思路,熟读示范来达到目标。


托福考试写作范文 第九篇

What is the most useful action for people to help environment in their local communities?

1. Plant trees and create parks

2. Persuade local shops to stop providing plastic bags for consumers

3. Increase access to public transportation (such as buses and trains), and reduce the automobiles on roads


With the sense of community becoming much stronger, how to protect the environment of local communities has never failed to attract the attention of the general public. Therefore, when it comes to which is the most feasible measure to help environment, among planting trees and building parks, encouraging local shops to stop using plastic bags, and improving public transportation, people's notions may vary from one to another. Towards such a long-running tug-of-war, I am inclined to claim that the first option is the best.

Firstly, growing trees and constructing parks can definitely help to ameliorate the environment. For one thing, more trees will contribute to the improvement of the air quality of the whole neighborhood. As is common sense, the prosperous industrial development has produced large amounts of waste gas, with the result that the haze and smoggy weather shroud quite frequently the major cities in our country. The current air condition necessitates the planting of trees, which can purify the contaminated air to a large extent. In other words, trees, the lung of the earth, play a vital role in absorbing some harmful gas and producing more fresh air through photosynthesis. For another, the public parks can be helpful to increase the biodiversity of the local community. Accompanying the rapid urbanization, an increasing number of natural lands have been utilized for constructing factories, shopping mall and skyscrapers, which greatly diminishes the natural habitats of animals, such as birds and squirrels. In this case, parks become the only place which can serve as habitats for those animals. Accordingly, the species of animals living here can become more diverse.

In addition, there are certain limitations for the other two options. Admittedly, reducing the use of plastic bags and making public transportation more accessible may also be conducive to the environmental protection in some degrees. To illustrate, if the plastic bags are prohibited, the so-called white pollution will be relieved. Also, easier access to public transportation means less use of private cars, which leads to the reduction of car exhaust. However, in comparison to planting trees and building parks, the above two measures enjoy less popularity among the residents of the community and thus are unlikely to be implemented. The underlying reason is that growing trees and constructing parks can create a more comfortable living environment while the other two choices can bring about more inconvenience. To be more specific, if shops stop the use of plastic shopping bags, the customers have to take a cloth bag while shopping. Also, taking public transportation will take longer time than driving the private cars, which means that commuters have to get up much earlier than before. It is self-evident that whether a policy can be carried out directly determines its effect, which is especially true of the above situation.

Taking what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that the most effective way of protecting environment in local communities is to plant trees and create parks.

托福考试写作范文 第十篇

Note: all professors and assistant professors are invited to attend the college conference room 2: discussion issues and international academic exchanges on Thursday, August 2 Dear lat: as you know, due to unfortunate circumstances, ETS was forced to cancel the TOEFL scores in October. At that time in the people's Republic of China, you were informed that you could take another TOEFL without charge. Through October management, you should know that the TOEFL program has a long-term policy that does not refund examination fees when the administration cancels.

We apologize for the inconvenience it may cause Dear Tom, Tom, Xiao Wang, yours, your students, your friends, Miss Mary Mary, Miss Mary: I'm Joan. Dear Mary, I flew to Beijing from Guangzhou this morning. I came to your office to see you, but you are not here.

I'm flying to America tomorrow morning. I don't know if you want me to bring you something for your parents. I'm staying at peace hotel Please call me after reading the note.

My phone number is yours, goofy.


●注意:请所有教授和助理教授参加8月2日星期四的学院会议室2:讨论问题关注国际学术交流Lat Lat亲爱的考生:如你所知,由于不幸的情况,ETS被迫取消了10月份托福考试成绩xxx当时,您收到通知,您可以参加另一个托福不收费通过十月管理您应该知道托福计划有一个长期的政策,不退还考试费用时,管理取消,我们道歉,这可能造成的不便因为对你来说•亲爱的汤姆,汤姆,小王你的,你的学生,你的朋友玛丽小姐玛丽小姐玛丽小姐:我是琼亲爱的玛丽,我今天早上从广州坐飞机到北京我来你办公室看你,但是你不在我明天早上要飞到美国我不知道你想不想请我帮你带点东西给你父母我住在和平饭店房间请你看完纸条后给我打电话,我的电话号码是你的,高飞。

托福考试写作范文 第十一篇

The reading passage states that the archaeology in Britain faces a variety of challenges. The professor, however, claims the guidelines,which were established in 1990, have changed the whole situation a lot.

The reading mentions that many construction projects destroyed the valuable ancient artifacts. It declares that the increasing population in Britain has posed a threat to the artifacts. The professor believes people can adopt several approaches to protect these priceless artifacts. She says that the construction sites should be examined by the archaeologists before any construction activities and then a plan could be made up to protect them.

The reading then argues that there is no adequate financial support for archaeological research in Britain. It also states that the financial support, which is influenced by the unstable government priority, is fluky. Nevertheless, the professor counters by saying companies, which are responsible for the construction sites, should pay for the archaeological work done on the sites, so archaeologists finally can do a lot of work with the new finance source.

Finally, responding to the claim that people can not find a career in archaeology, the professor declares that lots of jobs are provided from the guidelines. For example, many archaeology experts are hired all stages of the process to examine the archaeology site, and they can process the data and write reports and articles.

托福考试写作范文 第十二篇

For teenagers aged between 15 to 18, what is the most important to the teacher?

1)the ability to help students plan for future

2)the ability to recognize which student needs help and offer that help

3)the ability to encourage students to learn on their own outside of the classroom


Secondary education can be one of the most formative experiences in a person’s life. What qualities make a good high school teacher? People might go for abilities like helping with future planning or encouraging academic autonomy. I, however, believe that the most important factor is the ability to recognize students in need and the willingness to lend a hand.

The first beneficiary is underachievers. More often than not, students who fall behind suffer from a low self-esteem. It is especially true for teenagers who find it a disgrace to lose face in front of their peers. In this case, they would stay under the radar and try to bury their problems in the dark. Nobody would even notice, not to mention offering any help. However, a teacher with a perceptive mind can discover the problem before it gets worse, so that the troubled kid could get proper help. Let’s say a boy whose parents are going through a nasty divorce may show up late at school or miss the deadline for science projects. If the teacher can spot his recent anomaly and reaches out to him, the boy might open up and confide to the teacher. This is the first step on the road to recovery and an attentive teacher makes all the difference.

Moreover, this valuable quality would rub off on students as well. Instead of lecturing them about helping others, teachers set a better example by practicing what they preach. Seeing the teacher shows compassion and kindness to a kid from disadvantaged background, children are more likely to follow suit and learn to empathize. In contrast, if the teacher is always aloof, school bullies will then pick on the troubled kid. It is because when teachers don’t even bother to care, kids would pick up a wrong message that being indifferent is the best policy. What would them turn into when reaching adulthood? Self-centered. Or even worse, mean and bitter. So it takes a sharp mind to spot trouble and a warm heart to get children out of.

Sure, it is not to say other qualities are trivial. Future career planning offers students some insight into job prospects and college majors. And students would better adjust to college life if they are trained to learn on their own outside of the classroom. But I wouldn’t say such qualities assume more power than an empathetic heart. Why? High schoolers aged 15 to 18 have very vague ideas about their interests and aspiration. That’s why people even take a gap year to figure it out. So why bother planning in such early stage of life while so much remains uncovered and unexplored? As for the ability to encourage learning autonomy, let’s face it, children have been doing this all the time! Since the advent of Internet, children have been drawn to a variety of search engines and websites, which stimulate self-governed learning in a way no teacher can possibly compare to. But the ability to relate to troubled students and lead them out of the woods is in high demand and cannot be replaced.

To sum up, to benefit high school students to a greater extent, the teachers have to be able to recognize what’s going wrong and what can be done to make it right. Other characters can be good to have, but also fine to live without.

托福考试写作范文 第十三篇

What is the most important action for the government to take for the protection of environmental problems? Fund researches on new energy sources such as solar and wind power? Protect forests and natural wildlife species? Pass and enforce laws to reduce the pollution.


Taking a panoromic view of human history, we can readily find that the natural environment plays an enormously important role in determing the future of each and every country. Given the great significance of clean environment, the general public as well as the governors begin to wonder which is the most essential action to protect the environment, among funding new energy research, preserving natural habitat or enacting strict laws. Towards such a long-running tug-of-war, I am inclined to argue that national governments should invest financial support in developing new energy sources.

Initially, spending more money in discovering new energy can radically solve the various environmental problems. As is common sense, the deteriorating environment is the result of the overexploitation of fossil fuels, including coal, oil and natural gas. To be specific, numerous chemical plants usually burn the coal to provide power for manufacturing all kinds of goods designed to satisfy the basic needs of the general public. As a result, a large amounts of industrial wastes are discharged to take a toll on the natural environment. Also, an increasing number of petrol-powered automobiles will definitely emit car exhause(. fumes and toxic gas), which can increase the likelihood of the public suffering from respiratory diseases. All the above problems related to environment can be resolved by find new and clean energy like solar energy, wind power and tidal power. Undoubtedly, replacing the traditional energy with the new ones can dramatically decrease the pollution and contamination, thus leading to a better living environment. For example, once the cars uses the electricity instead of petrol, the air quality will improve to a large extent.

Secondly, there are conspicuous limitation of the other two options. As for preserving natural places, the effect of this practice is relatively restricted. To illustrate, the traditional energy sources are usually exploited and discovered in the natural places. Consequently, the preservation of natural places will hinder the access to various energy and thus impede the progress of the whole society. Also, the same logic applies to passing laws to reduce pollution. It is an indisputable fact that across the globe, many countries now are heaviely dependent on the industries and factories which produce pollutions. In other words, once the law of punishing these companies is enforced, these corporation may have to cut down their output and make less profits, even ending up going bankcrupt. Accordingly, the national economy and the living standard of the public will suffer too.

Factoring what has been discussed above, we can conclude that funding research of environmental friendly energy will be more preferable, because finding proper alternative energy is the key to solving the environmental problems comprehensively.

托福考试写作范文 第十四篇

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to travel is in a group ledby a tour guide. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


There are a lot of views whether the best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide. Differentpeople has different viewpoint. In my opinion, a group led by a tour guide is the best way totravel. The argument for this view goes as follows:

In the first place, there are many advantages when people travel in a group. First, people will notfeel boring in a long trip. People can talk, laugh and make joking like a big family. Second, thegroup will help you a lot when you have any emergency. The people in the group could help youfigure out the awkward situation that will be unimaginable when you travel alone. Third, with thegroup discount, such as the discount for airplane ticket, the hotel, and the admission ticket,travelers can save a lot of money when they use the group discount.

In the second place, there are many advantages too when people travel led by a tour guide. Thetour guide will arrange all the details about the trip in advance. The traveler need not worry aboutwhere to find the hotel, where to rent the car, and how to find the direction. It will make the trip a little bit easy. Another advantage is that led by a tour guide will save much time than travelingalone. With the professional knowledge, tour guide will make the smartest schedule. I wouldnever forget that one of my friend, a city tour guide in the Shanghai, China, said that she can leadtraveler to visit the whole city by one day which people should spend two or three days to finishit.

In conclusion, there are many advantages when people travels in a group led by a tour guide, suchas save money, save time, do not feel boring, and is easy to take care of. Therefore, I stronglyagree that the best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide.

托福考试写作范文 第十五篇










托福考试写作范文 第十六篇

Note: professors and associate professors are invited to hold a meeting in the conference room of the college on Saturday and discuss international academic exchanges in the afternoon of August. Candidates: as you know, due to unfortunate circumstances, ETS was forced to cancel the scores of the TOEFL administration of the people's Republic of China. You have been informed that you can take another TOEFL test free of charge.

You should be aware that the TOEFL program has a long-term policy that the examination fee will not be refunded when the examination is cancelled. We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you. Russell Webster Executive Director TOEFL program education examination service.



托福考试写作范文 第十七篇

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Grades (marks) encourage students tolearn. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.


Many people in the world share a belief that grades make students work hard. I agree with theabove statement because I believe that high grades are more helpful in getting a bright future.

One of benefits of the high grade is that it promotes a learner's interest. Interest is the bestmotivation to encourage students to learn. If a learner has a good score in English, he will find thatEnglish is a beautiful language. For example I love to learn math, because it brings me happinesswhen I get a high score in a math exam. When I went to university, I select mach as my second reason is that schools give us a chance to learn knowledge, why not try our best to getit. In our lives these knowledge has important effect on our mind which need be wise by an by. Inaddition, self-credit may be instruct by good marks. It is also important to our life.

A further solid argument for the high grade is that it means a good future career. Many companieswould rather hire students who are with high grades.

As far as I am concerned, I come to the notion that there are main reasons why I support thatgrades encourage students to learn. Firstly, high scores spring learner' interests. Secondly, studentsget self-credit through it. Furthermore, A good job may wait these students who have high marks.

托福考试写作范文 第十八篇

Some people believe that educatingchildren alt**ether will benefit them. Others think intelligent children shouldbe taught separately and given special courses. Discuss both views and giveyour own opinion.


托福考试写作范文 第十九篇

Some people prefer to live in a small town. Others prefer to live in a big city. Which place wouldyou prefer to live in? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

托福作文满分范文:Topic: 9

I grew up in a small town and then moved to a big city, so I have experienced the good and badsides of both. I never thought that I would like living in a big city, but I was wrong. After ten yearsof living in one, I can't imagine ever living in a small town again.

Small towns and big cities both have some problems in terms of transportation. In a small town,you have to own a car to ensure a comfortable living. You can't get around without one becausethere isn't any kind of public transportation. Big cities generally have heavy traffic and expensiveparking, but there you have a choice of taking public transportation. It's not free, but it's oftencheaper than driving when you consider gas and time. Especially if you don't have a car, you'rebetter off in the city.

I love the excitement of big cities. Small towns have a slow pace. Large cities mean you have toadapt to a variety of situations, like finding a new route to work or trying a new restaurant. I enjoythat challenge very much. Another pan of the excitement of city living is the variety of culturalactivities available. There is a wide assortment of theatre, music and dance in big cities. These things are rare in small ones.

The final thing I like about large cities is the diversity of the people. The United States is made upof people of different races, religions, abilities, and interests. However, you seldom find such avariety of people in a smaller town. I think that living in an area where everyone was just like mewould quickly become boring.

Of course, security is a concern, and that's one area where small towns are superior to big , I would rather be a bit more cautious and live in a large city than to feel secure but bored.

托福作文满分范文:Topic: 9

Where should we live? Some may choose to live in big cities, while other like the natural and quietsurroundings in countryside. As far as I am concerned, I would like to live in a big city becauseliving in a big city has more advantages than living in countryside.

To begin with, the city is the symbol of human civilization and there are a many facilities forliving, recreation and health care. Therefore, living there is more convenient than living incountryside. For example, we can find a plenty of malls around our neighborhood, where we canbuy everyday necessities at a low price. Furthermore, people concern more about their health andsafety than other things in their lives. In big cities, medical facilities and emergency services areeasily accessible than in countryside. Big cities also have convenient transportation and utilitysystems. They also offer faster Internet connections. These all make our life easier in big addition, we can take part in a variety of events in big cities. Human being likes to live togetherand need to interact with each other. In a big city, the population density is high therefore thereare always plenty of social activities, sports events and concerts. There are more recreationalplaces in big cities, such as opera houses, movie theatres, clubs, and swimming pools. You willhave many kinds of entertainment in big cities, and meet many people. In countryside, however,the life may be dull and quite, and you may only have a few neighbors. Living alone with fewactivities can easily cause mental diseases.

Some may argue that the pollution in cities makes people sick. However, with automobiles andmodern highways we can easily take a break to expose to fresh air in countryside and sunshine onthe beach.

In conclusion, I strongly hold that living in big cities is much better than living in countrysidebecause of the advanced facilities and social activities in cities. Moreover, the autos and highwaysenable us to enjoy the natural and quiet surroundings in countryside.

托福作文满分范文:Topic: 9

In English, there is a well-known fairy story about a poor country boy, Dick Whittington, whogoes to London because he believes that the streets of that city are “paved with gold”. The storyis a tale of “from rags to riches”. Dick eventually becomes the Lord Mayor of London. Like thehero of that story, I always find wonder and adventure in cities.

Cities contain a great assortment of people. Whenever I walk around a shopping precinct atmidday on a weekend, I am fascinated by all the different types of people hurrying around theshops. Sometimes, I just sit on a public bench and simply watch the variegated streams ofshoppers. Today, in the age of globe-trotting transport and communications, city life is moremixed than it has ever been. Capital cities are not cosmopolitan, and eager to attract foreign tradeand currency. There is a contemporary English joke which tells that “you can never find anEnglishman in London”.

Whether rightly or wrongly, governments and local authorities usually build public amenities inthe big cities. Money is invested in transport, libraries, parks and museums. Often, countries willcompete with each other for the best “show-case” building. Malaysia has built a skyscraper that istaller than is anything in New York. In large countries, region will compete against region: NewYork against Chicago, Shanghai against Hong Kong and Beijing.

All of this is good for the citizen. The magic of the Dick Whittington story is rekindled in me whenI enter a library in a magnificent building. If a person is at university studying art or music, a largecity usually offers galleries and public performances. Even as a teenager, I appreciated the worthof living in a city because two or three times a year there was a rock concert by a favorite is the urban landscape. If a person has an appreciation of architecture, a city can beas visually exciting as the Himalayas. A modern metropolis is a mountain range of height, lightand solidness. And then there are the old buildings: the quaint, unspoiled side-street or shops andhomes from a distant age. If a person lived all of his life in one large city, he would continue todiscover its architectural secrets into his old age.

Man is a 'social animal'. He talks, mixes and creates. Cities offer the libraries, universities and cafebars for him to meet others of his kind.


托福考试写作范文 第二十篇







TOEFL junior

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