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英文作文备忘录范文 第一篇

Business English Certificate BEC BEC BEC preparatory, BEC Vantage, bec Higherbec / Part 1, (memo or email / Part 2, letter, report or proposal / Part 1, Part 2, BEC test 2, Part 1 BEC you are the general manager of a company with a recent increase in profits, and you would like to write a memo to all the staff for this reward: thank them for their contribution, explain why the profits have increased, and tell them what their returns are (karaoke hard work and long work part 1 Part 2, because, because, because, because, thanks very much, I want to thank you, I thank you very much, I thank you very much Pay rise, X bonus of monthly salary, travel to Hawaii / Athens / Maldives headquarters, September h Q, September schedule, discussion set, discussion a copy has been sent to you, from, date, subject from to: Bill tombill Tom December 1 Britney Spears, Jennifer Aniston gates, m Scofield, J Chou, B spears, J Aniston, Mr Bill Mr. / MS / MS / MS / MS, managing director of gates, art director of Jay Chou, opening punctuation Attn: all staff from: Bill Gates date: December theme: employee awards this month the company's profits increased compared with the same period last year. Due to your hard work and long working hours, I would like to thank you for your long-term service.

The trip to Hawaii has been arranged as a prize next month Enjoy (Cambridge business benchmark BEC Cambridge BEC Vantage (student book with answers) BEC Cambridge BEC Vantage (student book with answers) pass Cambridge BEC Vantage (Student Book) BEC BEC BEC > > > [BBC] BECBEC.


商务英语证书BEC BEC Preparial,BEC Vantage,BEC Higherbec/第一部分,(备忘录或电子邮件/第二部分,信函、报告或提案/第一部分第二部分BEC测试二,第一部分BEC您是一家利润最近增加的公司的总经理,您想为此奖励员工写一份备忘录致全体员工:感谢他们的贡献解释为什么利润增加告诉他们他们的回报是什么写下话BEC阅读计划备忘录写备忘录检查备忘录第一部分管理总监所有员工的增加成本的降低新产品的推出公司tripan工资的增加方)好(卡拉OK努力工作和长时间工作第一部分第二部分,因为,因为,因为,由于,由于非常感谢你,我想谢谢你,我非常感谢你给你加薪,每月工资的X奖金,去夏威夷/雅典/马尔代夫总部旅行,xx月H Q xx月日程安排,讨论集,谈论一份副本已经发送给你,从,日期,主题从,到:Bill TomBillTom(姓氏使用其他名字比尔·盖茨,迈克尔·斯科菲尔德,周杰伦发件人:日期:BEC xx月xx日布兰妮·斯皮尔斯,詹妮弗·安妮斯顿·盖茨,M Scofield,J Chou,B Spears,J AnistonMr Bill Gates常务董事,周杰伦艺术总监开放标点先生/女士/女士/女士收件人:全体员工来自:比尔·盖茨日期:xx月主题:员工奖励本月公司利润较去年同期增长,由于您的辛勤工作和漫长的工作时间,我想感谢您长期以来的服务,夏威夷之旅已安排在下个月作为一个奖品享受(剑桥商务基准BEC剑桥BEC Vantage(学生书有答案)BEC Cambridge BEC Vantage(带答案的学生书)Pass Cambridge BEC Vantage(学生用书)BEC BEC BECBEC>>>[BBC]BECBEC。

英文作文备忘录范文 第二篇

Please look at the memo below and decide how to improve it. Rewrite it in your own words, and compare the rewritten memo with the model in the next memo. Attn: all members of staff, Northern Branch From:KLJ Date One of the reasons for introducing personal computers in the northern branch is to give us feedback before we decide whether to install PCs in other departments.

A report on your experience requested by the board before the end of this week. I talked about it informally with some of you in a brief visit last month. I noticed that a junior member, a senior manager, told me that it was the Secretary's job to use his letters, so that I could write a complete report.

I hope you can tell me what they do with their personal computers, what software they use, and how long they spend using it in practice every day. It will also be helpful to find out how their computers are not experienced And any unexpected use of their computers that they find so that others can benefit from your experience. This is the model for rewriting the memo: to: all staff, North Branch from: klj date: December subject: PC board is pressing for feedback on our PC experience in the northern branch I need to know, for me The purpose of your personal use of your computer and the reason why you do it.

If the work you do is officially done by other employees, please prove what software it is. Please tell us how much time you spend using it in practice every day. Your computer is not up to your expectations.

What unexpected uses do you find in your computer that others may want to share with you on Wednesday, December 13 Fax me directly before 5:00 . if you have any questions, please contact my assistant, Jane Simmonds, who will come to see you on Tuesday, December 12. Thank you for your help to Becker.


请看下面的备忘录,并决定如何改进。完成后用自己的话重写,将重写后的备忘录与下一份备忘录中的模型进行比较,收件人:All members of staff,Northern Branch From:KLJ Date:December,you known,在北方分公司引进个人电脑的原因之一是在我们决定是否在其他部门安装个人电脑之前给我们提供一个反馈。董事会要求我在本周末之前提交一份关于你们的经验的报告。


英文作文备忘录范文 第三篇

Mr. Steve Pincus human relationship with the main street infield, Florida, dear Mr. Pincus: our last discussion convinced me that with my wisdom, experience, innate xxxhuman powerxxx, first-class positioning, negotiation and follow-up skills, I can be a Winfield Medicalcount leads to dramatic results and a steady stream of business.

You see a person with the expertise, courage and talent to succeed hire someone who is as committed to performance as you are from now on to hire John apgood's home phone work phone memo memo subject information memo memorandum Palmer sales director from Jane, regional sales manager date: April subject: Director of investigation required by management, I did a consumer survey of our products. The survey shows that the market potential of our own brand shirts is negligible. Pay attention to clothing and men's wear, women's wear, men's wear, men's wear, men's wear, men's wear, men's wear, men's wear, men's wear, men's wear, men's wear, men's wear, men's clothes, men's clothes, men's clothes, men's clothes, men's clothes, men's clothes, men's clothes, men's clothes, men's clothes, men's clothes, men's clothes, men's clothes, men's clothes, men's clothes, men's clothes, men's clothes, men's clothes, men's clothes, men's clothes Some of us can read poems, some of us can tell stories, and you can also hear wonderful songs and beautiful dances there.

We hope all the senior students can come to our activities. All heads will be invited to participate in our activities. As the representative of teachers, please prepare a performance, because some of you may participate.

I will give us one. Dear XX: I can't go to school tomorrow, because I'm sick now. I need a rest in the hospital.

Can you tell us that I can't go to school. Thank you for your help.


Steve PincusHuman先生关系佛罗里达州主街内场,尊敬的Mr平卡斯:我们的最后一次讨论让我完全相信,凭借我的智慧、经验、先天的“人的力量”、一流的定位、谈判和后续技能,我可以为Winfield MedicalCount带来戏剧性的结果,从而带来源源不断的业务你看到一个拥有专业知识、胆识和才能成功的人雇佣一个像你一样致力于表现的人从现在起雇佣约翰·阿普古德的家庭工作备忘录备忘录备忘录主题信息备忘录备忘录DememotoJames Palmer总监来自Jane,区域经理日期:xx月主题:管理层要求的调查主任,我对我们的产品做了一个消费者调查。调查显示,我们自有品牌衬衫的市场潜力可以忽略不计。注意服装和男装、女装、男装、男装、男装、男装、男装、男装、男装、男装、男装、男装、男装、男装、男装、男装、男装、男装、男装、男装、男装、男装、男装、男装、男装、男装、男装、男装、男装,请注意,到那时我们将在xx月xx日上午在学校图书馆进行有趣的活动,我们中的一些人会读诗,一些人会讲故事,你也可以在那里听到美妙的歌声和美丽的舞蹈。


英文作文备忘录范文 第四篇

Instruct to write a memo about the text to the student service department, ask them to repair a telephone for each dormitory. Your memo should include: your purpose, the reason you sincerely hope, the date of the memo: August to: the leader of the student service department, from: Li Ming subject: repair the telephone. I want to remind you that we need a telephone in each dormitory.

As a college student, we need to In order to cope with the increasing communication with teachers, friends and people outside the school, we need a telephone to obtain and send information, which is very important to us. Although most of us have mobile phones and email addresses, the telephone in the dormitory is the most convenient and inexpensive communication tool. I hope you will pay attention to this problem and solve it as soon as possible.



英文作文备忘录范文 第五篇

Memo due date subject information memo James Palmer sales director Jane, regional sales manager date: April topic: survey requested by the general manager, I conducted a consumer survey on our products, which showed that the market potential of our own brand shirts may be negligible.


备忘录备忘录截止日期主题信息备忘录James Palmer总监Jane,区域经理日期:xx月主题:总经理要求的调查,我做了一个关于我们产品的消费者调查,调查显示我们自己品牌衬衫的市场潜力可能是可以忽略的。



