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哲学考研英语作文模板范文 第一篇

Basedon a famous “Butterfly EffectTheory”, a casual/ting phenomenon, such as the one in the picture, may end up withhuge bad effects. According to the first drawing, it can be seen that ______, itcan also be concluded from the second picture that _____. As is described in the pictures, ____________.


Apparently,the drawer's real intention is not the drawing itself but to remind us a complicatedand realistic problem in today`s society environmental protection has becominga pressing issue in china。Unfortunately, some people cannot realize theseriousness of the matter and continue to do with no sense of shame. What theyfail to understand is that environmental protection as social responsibility isclosely linked with every citizen. Ignorance of social responsibility may bringdestructive impacts on our nation .Maybe, it is time to ask what can be donefor us but what can be done by us.

画图者的真正意图不是图画本身而是提醒我们去当今社会一个复杂和现实的问题, 已经成为一个严重的问题。不幸的是,一些人并没有意识到问题的严重性而且还无羞耻的在继续。他们不理解 是关乎每个公民的社会责任,漠视社会责任可能会摧毁我们一个民族。或许,现在是时候问问,我们能为别人做什么,而不是别人能为我们做什么。

Forthe sake of achieving the “dream of china” put forward bychairman XI, we should try our best to reverse the tendency. Both of governmentand ordinary citizens should join hands to make this society a better to livein, not only for us but also for future generations. Firstly, relativedepartments should establish stronger and harsher measures, work hard toorganize them and continue working to keep them alive and active, Besides, itis a sensible option for us to lecture the public to enhance the awareness of , although the drive to fight against it is a long -standing andtremendous one, our joint efforts will eventually pay off .I assume that ahappy and brilliant future is awaiting us, Let's struggle for china's greatrevival.


哲学考研英语作文模板范文 第二篇

1. In the first place, . In the second place, .

首先, 。其次, 。

2. First, . Second, .

首先, 。其次, 。

3. To begin with, . Secondly, . Last but not least, .

首先, 。其次, 。最后但并不是最不重要的, 。

4. The first reason is that . The second one is . The third is .

第一个原因是 。第二个原因是 。第三个原因是 。

5. First of all, . Secondly, . Furthermore, .

首先, 。其次, 。另外, 。

6. For one thing, . For another, .

一方面, 。另一方面, 。

7. Firstly, . Secondly, . Thirdly, .

首先, 。其次, 。再次, 。

8. Another reason why I disagree with the above statements is that I believe .

我不同意上述观点的另一个原因是我认为 。



1. The advantages gained in outweigh/are much greater than the advantages we gain from .

从 中获取的优势远远超过我们从 中获取的。

2. bear(s) a close/striking resemblance to .

与 极为相似。

3. On the one hand, . On the other hand, .

一方面, 。另一方面, 。

4. Similarly/Likewise/In the same way, .

与之相似地/同样, 。

5. Although enjoy(s) a distinct advantage, .

尽管 有明显优势,但是 。

6. Many students like . Among them there are two different attitudes to . Some of them think that . Others, however, don't think so. They feel that .

许多学生喜欢 。关于 他们有两种不同的观点。有人认为 。而另外一些则不赞同这种看法。他们认为 。

7. Nothing/Few things can approach/equal/match .

没有什么能与 相似/相等/相比。

8. Indeed, carries more weight than when is concerned.

的确,就 而言, 的重要性要超过 。

9. Serious as the problem may be, it pales in comparison with .

这个问题可能很严重,但与 相比就微不足道了。

10. In comparison/contrast, .

比较而言/对比起来, 。

11. Indeed/Certainly, play(s) a more/less important role when compared with .

的确/当然,与 相比, 的影响要大/小得多。

12. Despite the fact that most of them like , I would like to choose to .

尽管事实是他们中大多数人喜欢 ,我还是倾向于 。

13. When the advantages and disadvantages are compared/weighed, the conclusion/finding is quite obvious/self-evident.


14. There is no consensus among people as to . Some people suggest that , while others argue that . I agree with the latter/former.

人们并未就 达成一致意见。一些人建议 ,而另一些人则认为 。我赞成后者/前者。

15. People differ greatly in their attitudes toward this problem. Some maintain that . Others, on the contrary, hold the opinion that . Personally, I stand on the side of .

人们对于这个问题的态度差异很大。有人认为 。与此相反,另外一些人认为 。就我个人而言,我站在 这一边。

16. For most people today, have/has become their main source of . But as for me, should be regarded as a better source.

如今大多数人将 作为 的主要来源。但就我而言,


17. may be superior to , but it poses problems for those who .

可能比 更好一些,但它会给那些 的人带来问题。

18. Different people have different ideas about . Some people take it for granted that . On the contrary, some other people think .

关于 的观点因人而异。有人想当然地认为 。相反,其他人则认为 。

19. This case has aroused echoes throughout the country with more and more people following its lead, but ideas about it vary widely. Those who oppose/object to/are against it argue/hold that , but people who advocate/support/are for it maintain/assert/claim that .

随着越来越多的人加入它的行列,这一事件已经在全国引起了巨大反响。然而,人们对此的观点却迥然不同。反对者认为 ,但支持者则宣称 。

20. People differ in their opinions on . Some of them believe that , while others deem that .

人们对持有不同的看法。有些人认为 ,而有些人则认为 。

21. Many surveys show that people in increasing numbers are beginning to realize that . Meanwhile, many people still live under the traditional idea that .

许多调查显示,越来越多的人开始意识到 。同时,仍有许多人持传统观点,认为 。



1. From my everyday experience and observation I can list several examples that defend the statement that .

根据我的日常经验和观察,我可以举出几个例子来证明 这一论述。

2. There are many instances supporting my opinion.


3. Perhaps the most important example of is .

有关 的最重要的例子可能是 。

case in point is . 一个恰当的例子是 。

for example. 以 为例。

6. This is a concrete example concerning .

这是一个有关 的具体例子。

7. Nothing could be more obvious/apparent than the evidence that .

再没有比 更明显的例子了。

8. I can think of no better illustration of this idea than the example of .

要说明这个问题, 是我能想到的最好的例子。

9. The latest surveys conducted by show/reveal/demonstrate/indicate that .

由 开展的最新调查显示, 。

10. No one can deny the fact that .

没有人可以否认 的事实。

11. Talking about , the first thing that may occur to you and me seems to be .

说到 ,我们首先想到的似乎就是 。

12. A common example, which is frequently cited, is .

一个被普遍引用的例子是 。

13. Instances of the same sort might be quoted easily, but this will be sufficient to show that .

类似的例子不胜枚举,但这一个就足以说明 。

14. History abounds with the example of .

历史上有许多 方面的例子。

15. The following example best illustrates the idea that .

下面这个例子很好地说明了 。

16. As one writer/scientist/psychologist wrote/commented/pointed out/noted, .

正如一位作家/科学家/心理学家所写/说/指出的, 。

17. It is a commonly accepted fact that .


18. This is a typical/striking/notable illustration/example of .

这是 的典型例子。

19. To the already familiar examples/facts, a few more/a number of other examples/facts can be added.








1. To sum up, can benefit us tremendously if correctly used.

总而言之,如果运用得当, 会让我们受益匪浅。

2. Therefore, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that .

因此,不难得出以下结论: 。

3. Recognizing the fact that will lead us to conclude that .

承认 这一事实,我们能得出以下结论: 。

4. The evidence upon all sides supports/confirms/leads to a conclusion that .

各方面的证据支持/表明/得出这样一个结论: 。

5. From what has been discussed above/Based on the points discussed above, we can draw/arrive at the conclusion that .

综上所述,我们能得出如下结论: 。

6. In summary/conclusion/a word, it is important that we should .

总之,我们应该 ,这一点很重要。



1. The saying has been widely accepted throughout the world.

名言 在世界范围内被普遍接受。

2. “ .” We are used to hearing such words like those.

“ 。”我们常常听到这样的说法。

3. “ .” Such is the opinion of a great man. This remark has been confirmed time and time again by many historical events.

“ 。”这是一位伟大的人物的观点。该言论已经被许多历史事件反复验证。

4. As the proverb goes, .

正如谚语 所说。

5. There is an English proverb which says that .

有一个英语谚语说, 。

6. There is an old saying, “ .” It is the experience of our forefathers, however, it is correct in many cases even today.

古语道:“ 。”这是先辈的经验,但在今天许多情况下也适用。



1. It is time to hear the warnings of some economists.


2. It is time that we put/urged an immediate end to the undesirable situation/tendency of .

该是结束 这种不良情况/趋势的时候了。

3. Therefore, in order to , effective means should be taken to .

所以,为了 ,必须采取有效措施来 。

4. It is high time that . Here are some things that might be taken up immediately.

该是 的时候了。这里有几项措施可以立即着手执行。

5. It is suggested that the government should make efforts to .

人们建议政府应该做出努力去 。

6. In short/In any case, we should/ought to/must .

总之/无论如何,我们应该/必须 。

7. Awareness of the seriousness of the problem is the first step toward the solution.




1. The significance of cannot be overvalued.


2. What will happen to ? Nobody really knows. But one thing is certain: .

会发生什么事情?没有人确切知道。但有一件事可以肯定: 。

3. Following these suggestions may not guarantee success, but the payoff might be worth the effort. It will not only benefit but also benefit .

也许遵循这些建议并不能保证取得成功,但是值得一试。它不但会造福 ,而且也会使 受益。

4. To reverse the trend is not a light task. It requires a good awareness of .

要想扭转这一趋势并非易事。这需要充分意识到 。

5. People are coming to realize the importance of . Some have begun to try their best to . We believe that .

人们开始意识到 的重要性。许多人已经开始竭力 。我们相信 。

6. It is clear/obvious/evident/apparent that . Therefore, the task of

requires/demands .

很显然, 。因此,要完成 的任务需要/必须 。

7. With the improvement of , will prove to hold great superior over .

随着 的改善, 将证明比 更具优越性。

8. There is a growing tendency for people these days to , which I believe will not change in a short time.

现在,人们 的趋势正在增加,而且我认为短时间内这种趋势不会改变。

9. If everyone is willing to contribute himself to the society, it will be better and better.


10. Whether it is positive or negative, one thing is certain that it will undoubtedly .

不管它的作用是积极的还是消极的,可以肯定的是它必将 。

11. Whatever you do, please remember the old saying . If you understand it and apply it to your study or work, you'll necessarily benefit a lot from it.

不管你做什么,请记住这句老话: 。如果你懂得它的意思,并将其应用到学习或工作中,你定将受益匪浅。

12. The influence of is not confined to . It also .

的影响不仅局限于 。它还 。返回搜狐,查看更多

哲学考研英语作文模板范文 第三篇

A story about a Soviet Indian. When I was about seven years old, my grandfather took me to the fish pond on the farm. He asked me to throw a stone into the water.

He asked me to look at the circle formed by the stone. Then he asked me to imagine myself as the stone. xxxYou may make a lot of splashing water in your life, but the waves of those splashes will disturb all your peers He said, xxxremember, you are responsible for what you do in your circle, and this circle will touch many other circles.xxx you need to live in a way that allows the goodness in your circle to bring this kind of peace to others, and the fire generated by anger or jealousy will transmit this feeling to other circles.

xxxThis is the first time I have realized that each People will have inner peace or disharmony, which will flow into the world. If we are full of inner conflict, hatred, doubt or anger, we can't create world peace. We will send out our inner feelings and thoughts.

No matter whether we say these words or not, our internal splash will spread to the world, creating beauty or disharmony with other circles of life.



哲学考研英语作文模板范文 第四篇

Perseverance has all the advantages. I think perseverance plays the most important role in a person's success. Other characteristics, such as intelce, confidence and honesty, are undoubtedly important, but they do not necessarily guarantee success, nor can perseverance guarantee success.

But I believe that this quality provides another chance for success. There are several reasons why persistence often leads to success. First, a person with perseverance will not give up after failure, and he will try again.

Therefore, he will learn from his mistakes. Secondly, a persistent person is usually a person who works hard. Hard work is an important factor in success.

Finally, with perseverance, he will have a certain degree of confidence The confidence that people will succeed in the end.



哲学考研英语作文模板范文 第五篇

It is generally believed that the pragmatism of Peirce and James is fundamentally opposite. This view is supported by the following facts: Peirce deliberately took a new name for his original theory, but Peirce and James are not only lifelong friends, but also lifelong cooperators in a certain extent. Their philosophical methods are really very different, reflecting that they are not Same personality, exhibition with James.


哲学考研英语作文模板范文 第六篇

The cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of persistence. Definitely, no once can deny the importance of it. Persistence can help us carve out a way to success. Although the way to success is bumpy and filled with inevitable setbacks, it is persistence that lead us to the destination we are eager to reach. To further demonstrate the importance of being persistent, I would like to take Thomas Edison as a case in point: how could he, one of the greatest inventor throughout the history of mankind who experienced numerous unsuccessful attempts, invent the first electric lamp without persistence ?

Accordingly, at no time should we overlook the importance of persistence. when coming across hardships and setbacks , we need to grit our teeth and adhere to the faith that our efforts and persistence will be paid off. “Great works are performed not by strength, but by perseverance.” Samuel Johnson once said.



