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送礼物相关范文英语 第一篇

Today is white valentine's day. In European countries, white is regarded as a festival of innocence, purity and spirit. Just like westerners who wear white wedding dress when they get married gradually, xxxwhitexxx represents hope and happiness, which is the blessing of love.

This has become one of the most important sources of the coming White Valentine's day. Valentine's Day is very popular in Japan, Taiwan and other regions Is the continuation of Western Valentine's day. The two Valentine's Day gifts are very different in gifts: Chinese mainland, Britain, the United States and Canada, boys will give gifts to girls in February 4th.

In Japan and Taiwan, most gifts on Valentine's day are roses or chocolates, whereas in Japan, women who usually want to express their love will give gifts to men on Valentine's Day (of course, men return to them on March. In some parts of Asia, he will only give gifts to the people he likes. Young people will also celebrate this festival.

All lovers, I wish you a happy day.



送礼物相关范文英语 第二篇

Linda's birthday is her best friend. I'd like to give her a gift to celebrate. First of all, I want to make a book a gift, but it's too common to be a gift.

I also don't think a CD is appropriate because it's too expensive for me to buy. Finally, I came up with the idea of a magazine about pop music, because Linda likes pop music very much. She always talks about pop music with me in her spare time.

I think she will like it.




送礼物相关范文英语 第三篇

Robert, the most exciting time for us to give gifts to each other is when we sing, dance and play s. Our English teacher told a story that made us all laugh. Everyone was very happy.

I think this wonderful party will always be in my mind if you have such a party, please write as soon as possible.


罗伯特,我们互相赠送礼物最激动人心的时刻是我们唱歌、跳舞、玩游戏的时候,我们的英语老师讲了一个让我们都笑的故事每个人都很高兴我想这个美妙的聚会永远都在我的脑海中 你有这样的聚会请尽快写信。

送礼物相关范文英语 第四篇

My mother's birthday is coming. I want to give her a birthday present, but I don't have much money. I don't want to ask my parents for more money.

I decided to buy her a comb because it was not expensive and useful. My mother has a beautiful long hair. She can make her hair neat and fashionable with a comb every day.

I hope my little gift can help my mother stay charming forever.



送礼物相关范文英语 第五篇

Brady gifron is my closest friend. Our friendship began to ride a bicycle to Qingcheng Mountain in college. As a result, I slipped, fell and hurt my leg.

After graduation, he carried me back to the hospital. We worked in the escour group and cooperated very well. He is the kind of person who thinks about others.

A few days ago, I always said, I want to buy him a pair of shoes In return for his help over the years, but I can't believe last Friday was a good day for me. When I got home, he gave me a bear hug. xxxOh, sorry, I almost forgot your birthday present.xxx he pointed to his new shoes and said, xxxthis is your British Day gift.xxx xxxI don't understand why my bitday gift is on your feet.xxx I asked him and said, xxxI know you Want to buy me new shoes, but we're not a million dollars.

We have to work hard and get a poor salary. Money is very important to us. I do this, and you can get the gift I've prepared for you, I can buy a new pair of shoes.

You don't think it's a good idea. xxxToday's my mother's birthday present. My father and I want to give her a surprise birthday present.

In the morning, we went to the store and bought a big cake. Then we went to the market and bought some food that mom loved. When we got home, we started to prepare presents.

Dad went into the kitchen and prepared a big meal, And I went into my room to make a birthday card. I drew three rabbits. The biggest one was eating grass, and the other two were playing happily under the big tree.

To tell you the truth, this is my family, because we were all born in the year of rabbit. It's almost time to order. The delicious food on the table makes my mouth water.

Everything is ready. We sit at the table, waiting for mother, when we hear the sound of opening the door When we hid behind the door, we cheered, xxxhappy birthday.xxx as soon as mom came in, mom sat at the table. I showed her the presents.

She said with a smile, xxxtry the delicious food made by Dad himself.xxx I said Mom looked at me and Dad, picked up chopsticks, how happy we were.


布莱迪·吉夫伦是我最亲密的朋友,我们的友谊开始在大学时代骑自行车去青城山,结果我滑了一跤,摔了一跤,伤了腿,毕业后他背着我回了医院,我们在埃斯库尔集团工作,工作上配合得很好,他就是那种为别人着想的人,前几天我总是说,我想给他买一双鞋,以回报他这些年来的帮助,但我没法相信上周五是我的好日子,当我回到家时,他给了我一个熊抱“哦对不起,我几乎忘了你的生日礼物”,他指着他的新鞋说:“这是你的英国日礼物”“我不明白,为什么我的比特日礼物放在你的脚上”我问他,说“我知道你想给我买新鞋,但我们不是百万美元,我们必须努力工作,得到可怜的薪水钱对我们很重要我这样做了,你可以得到我为你准备的礼物, 我可以买一双新鞋你觉得这不是个好主意“给我妈生日礼物今天是我妈生日我爸爸和我想给她一个惊喜的生日礼物早上我们去商店买了一个大蛋糕然后我们去市场买了一些妈妈很喜欢的食物回到家里,我们开始准备礼物爸爸走进厨房准备一顿丰盛的饭菜,而我走进我的房间做生日贺卡我画了三只兔子,最大的一只在吃草,另外两只在大树下快乐地玩耍,告诉你,这是我的家人,因为我们都是兔年出生的,快到点了,桌上的美味让我口水直流,一切都准备好了,我们坐在桌边,等着妈妈,当我们听到开门的声音时,我们躲在门后欢呼,“生日快乐”妈妈一进来,妈妈就坐在桌旁,我给她看了看礼物,她笑着说:“尝尝爸爸亲手做的美味。”我说妈妈看着我和爸爸,拿起筷子,我们是多么幸福。

送礼物相关范文英语 第六篇

Presents Elizabeth Chen presents gifts Elizabeth Hello, Chen Merry Christmas, Xiaochen Merry Christmas, Elizabeth, this is a small gift for you, Elizabeth Oh, thank you so much, I can open it now, Xiao Chen is sure I hope you like it (after opening the gift) Elisabeth my God, what a beautiful bamboo basket it is, and that's what I like about you, Thank you, Xiao Chen. Happy Christmas.



送礼物相关范文英语 第七篇

I'm excited because I'm going to my friend's birthday party soon, but one thing I'm confused about is a gift for my dear friend. Maybe he / she would rather give him / her something of value instead of his / her wish. I thought for a long time, oh, yes, does he / she like swimming? I will buy him / her a swimsuit of high quality/ She must be much ier in this dress, oh, come on, let it attack our eyes, although he / she already has a strong and y body, it's a good idea just do it happy birthday swim sorry.





