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关于措施的雅思写作范文 第一篇

Over packaging in recent years, we have seen a bad social phenomenon, more and more goods are packaged, luxury packaging has attracted the attention of the public. There are three possible reasons for this phenomenon. First of all, more and more people choose goods just to be beautiful and luxurious as a necessary gift, ignoring the real value of the goods.

Sometimes the cost of packaging is more expensive than the goods themselves, which makes us feel ridiculous. Moreover, manufacturers have a wrong idea that they want to use the beautiful packaging of the goods instead of the quality to complete with others. Third, they want to use the beautiful packaging of the goods instead of the quality to complete with others The government's commercial apartments lack measures to control this phenomenon.

In my opinion, it is important to take measures to avoid this phenomenon. Among these solutions, changing consumers' values is something that the government should also help to do. As long as consumers, manufacturers and the government work together to properly solve the problem, it is not far away.




关于措施的雅思写作范文 第二篇

A the government should control the amount of violence in movies and TV programs in order to reduce the level of violent crimes in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree with Simon, and with the progress of technology, people watch TV or movies more frequently than ever before. Some people can't help asking whether the rise in crime rate is the result of violence depicted in movies or TV plays, whether the government should intervene in the people and oppose any form of control that the government may sue for .

Their view is that as long as people have the right to do what they want to do and as long as they do not interfere with others, they may also argue that the media are free to broadcast movies or TV dramas related to violence and crime, as long as there is no concrete evidence that the crimes depicted in the fictional world are directly related to the rise in crime rates. However, this view does not stand up to scrutiny, even if most criminals must have been exposed to a lot of violence in the movies before committing crimes in these films. It is not common sense that some people have learned to use fake ID cards so that it is difficult for the police to crack them down.

In other words, even if the crime is not a direct result of violent crime movies, the media is an indirect cause Therefore, children are particularly vulnerable to the influence of these criminal plots in movies, and they are not able to distinguish between right and wrong. They can even imitate whatever they see in the movies. The serious consequences of violent crime on society also need to take strict measures.

Every country in the world has spent a lot of money to eliminate crime. The mental trauma caused by criminals to the victims is not available Compensated. Finally, I agree with this view that the government should take measures to control violence in movies or television, because these films do have a negative impact on the public, and the serious consequences of crime make it necessary for the government to take measures.




关于措施的雅思写作范文 第三篇

First, second, last thing. On the one hand, on the other hand, effective measures can be taken to protect our natural resources. On the other hand, we should carry out campaigns to make people realize the urgency of environmental protection and formulate strict laws to control commercial fishing (Yasser).



关于措施的雅思写作范文 第四篇


关于措施的雅思写作范文 第五篇

Recent years have witnessed an increasing number of people going abroad for academic or business reasons. Many of them experience culture shock, or the difficulty to adjust to a new culture that differs from their own. In this essay, an endeavor is made to probe into the causes and effects of this shock and render some suggestions to minimize it.

In a multi-cultural context, culture shock, as the psychological (and sometimes physical) discomfort, is usually caused by unsuccessful encounters with the members of another culture. Many factors contribute to it- smells, sounds, flavors, the very feeling of the air one is breathing. Of course, the natives' unfamiliar language, behavior and different rules of social interaction trigger it as well. It is true that once outside of their own culture, the vast majority of cross-cultural visitors may begin to realize that there is a common uncertainty among them, as foreigners. Subsequently, this uncertainty and shock can sometimes affect their emotional, behavioral and psychological ability to think and function, possibly leading to unpleasantness, frustration, loneliness and insularity along with the confusion and disorientation.

As culture shock is caused by multifaceted factors and potentially harmful to a person's wellbeing, its effects can be mitigated properly. Here are a few remedies that work for most people. Firstly, you should prepare for international travel by learning cultural values, customs, traits and the new language before hand.Secondly, find common interest within the new culture and develop an active hobby (tennis, volleyball ping pong) that will offer an outlet to release the feelings of disorientation, frustration and confusion. In addition, try to travel around to historical sites or familiar places within the culture in order to establish contact with local people or tourists.

In conclusion, it is clear that because of the different thinking style and lifestyle, going abroad is easy to make international travelers suffer culture shock. If left untreated, it can lead a xxxculture crosserxxx to reject the inhabitants of the new country and isolate him or her from contact with locals. Therefore, people should be fully culturally prepared to deal with the perils of culture shock before setting foot on a different land.



关于措施的雅思写作范文 第六篇

As the world grows smaller, ever-increasing numbers of people travel, work or study abroad. Entering a new culture is an exciting and mind- expanding experience, but it is also a frightening and depressing one. Most people have difficulty adjusting to a new culture, which is referred to as culture shock.

What do you think are the causes of cultural shock and what suggestions can you give to cope with it?

Topic: Culture Shock

Task: causes and solutions

关于措施的雅思写作范文 第七篇

措施类雅思作文,雅思写作task2措施类问题的应对方法一篇文章,一篇文章中有三个问题,其中有一个问题是,我们要做哪些准备? 首先,我们先来看一下什么是雅思作文? 雅思写作分为两部分,前两部分是议论文,后三部分是议论文,前两部分是议论文。前四项是议论文,后四部分是议论文,后四部分是论文。前四项是议论文。这四项,最后五项是议论文。我们先来看看雅思官方对此的评分标准。雅思官方对这四项,我们要求的分数是:taskresponse-taskresponse-,lexicalresource-lexicalresource--accuracy-pronunciation。

关于措施的雅思写作范文 第八篇

First, second, last thing. On the one hand, on the other hand, we can take effective measures to protect our natural resources. On the other hand, we should carry out campaigns to make people realize the urgency of environmental protection, and we should formulate strict laws to control commercial fishing.



关于措施的雅思写作范文 第九篇

Today, the quality of our natural environment has become an important issue. The world's population is growing so fast that the world has become overcrowded. If we continue to do so, we are consuming our natural resources and polluting our environment with erous chemicals.

Life on earth cannot survive. People have made some progress in environmental protection The government of the country has made laws to protect the air, forest and marine resources, stop environmental pollution, and more measures should be taken to solve environmental problems. People should further educate people to recognize the importance of the problem, use modern birth control methods, protect our natural resources and recycle our products.

We believe that we can have a better future and cleaner place.



关于措施的雅思写作范文 第十篇

With the development of industry and agriculture, environmental problems around the world are becoming more and more serious. Cars make a lot of noise and emit poisonous gases. The trees on the mountain were cut down, and the waste water poured into the river.

In addition, no matter where we go today, we will find that garbage is being disposed of at will. The whole ecological balance of the earth is changing. The large-scale destruction of the environment has brought negative impact on human survival, and even poses a great threat.

We must face the reality, take action to solve our environmental problems, and we must strictly control industrial pollution through new laws Pollution, the public must accept the education of pollution hazards. We hope that all these measures can work and restore a healthy environment as soon as possible. One of the most serious problems for many years is the serious pollution of air, water and soil.

The polluted air has caused great harm to people's health, and the polluted water will lead to diseases and deaths. With the rapid development of modern cities, vegetation has become a major problem Many governments have taken many legislative measures to control air pollution, protect forest and marine resources, and stop any environmental pollution. Therefore, the government plays the most important role in today's environmental protection.

In my opinion, the government must take more specific measures to protect the environment. First of all, people should be fully aware of environmental protection through education Secondly, we should make greater efforts to implement the population planning policy, because the more population, the more serious the pollution will be. Those who deliberately damage the environment should be severely punished.

We should let them know that destroying the environment is destroying human beings themselves.





