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小学清明英语朗诵稿范文 第一篇

Good Morning, everyone! Wu Gang branch of our Wu family gathered in xx town, xx county, to solemnly pay homage to our Wu ancestors, remember their great achievements, make friends with present peoples family and friendship, and seek common development of the Wu family.

We are extremely proud and honored. Confucius said, xxxBe careful to pursue the future, and the virtue will be thick.xxx

Dont forget ancestors, remember ancestors, for future generations to be more prosperous, and for the clan to be more brilliant. Dear clan members, the development of the Wu clan tells us that only by constantly striving for self-improvement can we grasp our destiny, only by keeping pace with the times can we keep up with the times, only by hard work and courage can we achieve great achievements, and only by hard work can we prosper our family! xxxMo Dao will be exhausted this spring, and the spring scenery will be redoubled next yearxxx.

Lets join hands, warmly cheer for the arrival of another spring in the development history of the Wu family, and make unremitting efforts for us Chinese Wu clan people to live a happier and more dignified life!

小学清明英语朗诵稿范文 第二篇

Tomb-sweeping day we the earth five children in the kindergarten (MengYuXin Huang Wenxuan Yuan Ruize, Lu Chen her and me) to the martyrs cemetery to honor the soldiers, my mother-in-law home has an old red army man also went to the upstairs, but I didnt see him. Then a young uncle approached me with a microphone and gave me a serious interview. He asked me, xxxwhat do you want to be when you grow up, little boy? xxxI answered him:xxx soldier. xxx

Because I saw a lot of soldiers in the war with their own lives to change back to our happy and beautiful home and life, so I hope to grow up to be a soldier to protect their homeland.

小学清明英语朗诵稿范文 第三篇

During the qingming season, the rain falls, and the people on the road want to be broken. To ask where the wine house is, the shepherd boy means the village of apricot. Everyone knows this is an ancient poem written by du mu. Today is Friday, and my father said early in the morning, xxxthe qingming festival is here. It is our custom to worship the graves.xxx I said proudly: xxxwho doesnt know! Like you know.xxx My mother and I were so scared that dad could not say a word.

We three people came to the front of the graves, we first take out a cigarette lighter, and then took the strings of small firecrackers fly, at first, I will hide in the arms of mom and dad, even head all dare not to look at the outside, dad said: xxxthe children dont be afraid of, set off firecrackers theres nothing to be afraid of.xxx Mother said, xxxyes, dont be afraid to set off firecrackers.xxx I say: xxxI am afraid, I am afraid very!xxx I used to be a firecracker, but why are you so scared now? If this all blame a small firecracker, that was when I was six years old, when I play again to a small firecracker, I put it to the, but its explosion speed too fast, smacked just to listen to, my hand was bombed out of the blood, and I was crying in pain......

小学清明英语朗诵稿范文 第四篇

qing ming, which means clear and bright in chinese, falls on april5th this year. it is both the fifth term in the traditional lunar calendar and a festival to hold memorial ceremony for the dead. it is a time to express onexxxs grief for his lost relatives. an ancient elegiac poem, which described a grievous woman, was read that vines tangled in vain and weeds crept in the graveyard, and her husband slept there lonely. it was so difficult to endure for her as if summer in the day and winter at night. and her only wish was to reunite with him after death.

people often go to sweep and weed graves with whole family and take a walk in the countryside as well. in tang dynasty, the habit of taking an excursion on this day was developed. at this time, spring returns and dominates the earth again. the feel of growing life is in the air, with sap ascending in trees and buds bursting. and the willow branches ed on each gate add vigor and vitality to the surroundings. but it actually means more than that. this custom can be traced back to over one thousand years ago.

during the period of spring and autumn in the jin kingdom, one of the kingxxxs sons was called chong er. jealous of his talent, a concubine falsely accused him of rebellion to make her son the crown prince. he had no choice but to flee and with him were some officials. they hid themselves in a mountain and went hungry for quite some time. an official named jie zitui took great pain to cut some flesh from his thigh and cooked it for chong er. when the fact was known the young master was moved to tears and knelt down in gratitude. and jie replied his best repayment should be a just king. they lived a life of hunger and cold for three years until the evil concubine died. many soldiers were sent to look for him and to escort him back home. going into the carriage, he saw an official packed an old mat onto a horse, he said laughingly, xxxwhat on earth is the use of that? throw it away!xxx jie zitui heard it and sighed, xxxit is hardship that can be shared with his majesty but not prosperity.xxx so he went away quietly and lived in seclusion with his old mother.

as chong er became king, he rewarded many people but he forgot jie zitui. he did not realize it until was reminded. however his invitation was refused and he flared up. soldiers were ordered to burn up the mountain to force jie to come out. finally they found jie and his mother scorched under a willow. he would rather die than yield to the power. chong er was so overwhelmed with regret that he ordered people hold memorial ceremony for jie. so every year on that day folks mourned for him and the day before ate cold meals, which avoided making fire. later the custom of ing willow branches on gates was also added.

小学清明英语朗诵稿范文 第五篇

Another year of Qingming Festival, the teachers and children of our kindergarten preschool came to the Martyrs Tower to sweep the grave with deep feelings, remembering the great achievements of the martyrs. Martyrs, its you who gave your head and shed your blood in exchange for our happy life today.

Heroes, its you who gave yourself up for others in exchange for social harmony and peace. Our children should love learning from childhood, and be little helpers at home who are filial to their parents, caring for others and loving labor.

Be a small pacesetter who loves the motherland, is civilized, polite and law-abiding; Be a United, friendly, helpful and cooperative partner at school. Martyrs, your spirit inspires us, and we will never forget you! Martyrs, rest in peace!

小学清明英语朗诵稿范文 第六篇

Remembering the martyrs, let us never forget how brilliant the red flag above us is.

In the splendid grandeur, there is the strong body standing out in the rain of bullets, the loud roar in the smoke, the gunfire rumbling in the Sino-Japanese War of 1894, the September 18th Incident, the Dadu River and Huaihai battlefield, the fearless spirit of Guan Tianpei, Deng Shichang, Yang Jingyu and Dong Cunrui, and the xxxman called heroxxx writing immortal historical poems like knives.

On Qingming Day, we remember the martyrs, look back on heroic deeds, listen to the music of eternal life and spirit, and interpret the pride of throwing our heads and shedding blood ... A monument of national spirit stands proudly in our hearts! When Qingming comes, do you remember the ancestors who gave you life and the martyrs who gave you your country in your heart? Is there a long memory that arouses a sense of life responsibility called xxxfilial pietyxxx and xxxrighteousnessxxx in your heart? Thank you all!

小学清明英语朗诵稿范文 第七篇

Today is tomb-sweeping day. My parents and I go back to our hometown to visit the tomb. On the way to sweep the grave, our car passed all the flat, wide roads. When we get to the cemetery and see the sea of people there, we all carry forward the fine tradition of our Chinese nation—— sweep the grave. When we got to my ancestral grave, I thought people were burning paper, but I didnt smell a cigarette. Once more, people were planting a beautiful flower on the grave. After a while, the sweep was over. We said goodbye to our grandparents and went back to yancheng. The first feeling after returning home is: the change in the countryside is too big!

In the past, my grandfathers generation had been walking on dirt roads, riding bicycles and getting into trouble on rainy days. It was not a bicycle, but a xxxcyclistxxx. And on the sweep of the burning paper burning on the agricultural smoke billow, using our current term: white pollution. And now, it was the car, the flat road, the tomb sweeping the flowers. And today, people do not forget our countrys fine tradition, everyone respect old love young.

Today, although we have improved our living standards, we must still remember our fine traditions.



