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中国名校简介范文英语 第一篇

Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It celebrates the lunar new year in the evening before the Spring Festival. In many places, people get together to have a big meal.

People like to set off firecrackers. Dumplings are the most traditional food. Children like this festival very much because they can eat delicious food and wear new clothes.

They can also get some money from their parents. These money is good luck for children People stick New Year scrolls on the walls to pray for good luck. The Spring Festival lasts for about a few days.

People visit relatives and friends with xxxhave all your wishesxxx.



中国名校简介范文英语 第二篇

The summer vacation this year was the happiest. I spent 15 days helping my grandparents do farm work in the countryside. There, I saw the mountains and fields covered with green plants.

Sometimes I go swimming in the river west of the village. The river is clear to the bottom. In addition to doing farm work every day, I also keep a diary.

The children in the neighborhood are very interested in English. They read and write very well, but they can hardly understand English. So I spend two hours every morning to help them improve their listening and speaking.

They have made great progress. Their parents think highly of me. Now we should realize that the countryside needs knowledge very much.




中国名校简介范文英语 第三篇

In 1911, Establishment of xxxTsinghua Xue Tangxxx, later changed to xxxTsinghua Schoolxxx (preparatory school for students to study in the USA).


In 1925, the university section was instituted and undergraduate students were then enrolled.


In 1928, the name xxxNational Tsinghua Universityxxx was adopted with 16 deparments in four schools: Liberal Arts, Law, Sciences, and Engineering.

1928年更名为国立清华大学,有文、法、理、工4个学院, 16个系。

In 1937, Tsinghua University moved to Changsha City and merged with Peking University and Nankai University to form xxxChangsha Temporary Universityxxx .


In 1938, National Temporary University of Changsha moved to Kunming and was renamed the National Southwestern Associated University.


In 1946, it returned to original campus - xxxQing Hua Yuanxxx in Beijing, with 26 departments in five schools: Liberal Arts, Law, Sciencesxxx Engineering , and Agriculture and 26 departments.

1946年迁回北京清华园复校,有文、法、理、工、农5个学院, 26个系。

In 1952, anationwide restructuring of institutes of higher education was initiated, and Tsinghua University became a multidisciplinary polytechnic university.


In 1984, the graduate school was formed and it was the first one in universities of the country.


In 1999, Tsinghua established the School of Arts and Design by merging with the Central Academy of Arts and Design.


In 2003, Huaxin Hospital and Yuquan Hospital which had belonged to the Ministry of Information and Industry merged to form the first accessorial hospital and the second accessorial hospital of the university.


中国名校简介范文英语 第四篇


shanghai Jiaotong University(SJTU),directly subordinate to the Ministry of Education,is a icey university in China,jointly run by the Ministry and Shanghai Jiaotong University,formerly the Nan Yang Public School,was founded in 1896 by Mr. Sheng Xuanhuai. it is one of the oldest universifies in University,through its century-long history,has nurtured large numbers of outstanding figures and made signifiicant contributions to the thriving and prosperity of the nation and the development of science and technology.


Its famous alumniinclude Jiang Zemin,Lu Dingyi,Wang Daohan,Qian Xuesen,Wu Wenjun,ZouTaofen,Mao Yisheng,Cai Er,Huang Yanpei,Shao Lizi,Wang An and so all the academicians of China's Academy of Sciences and Academy of Engineering,more than 200 are the alumni of Jiao Tong University.

上海交通大学校园风景秀丽,.彗地总面积200多公顷。学校图书馆由徐汇校区包兆龙图书馆、阂行校区包玉刚图书馆、和七宝校区图书馆组成,总面积54400平方米,阅览座位4 997座;至2005年年底,馆藏文献333万余册(件)外文科技类现刊6 000余种,53万册电子图书,外文电子期刊近11 000种,中文电子期刊17000余种。

SJTU has beautiful campuses,occupying an area of more than 200 hectares in university's library system now consists of three parts:Pao Sui-Long on Xu Hui Campus,Pao Yue-Kong on Min Hang Campus and Library on Qi Bao Campus with a total addition of over 54 400 square meters of space and more than 4997 reading seats. The total collection reaches to million volumes,over 6000 kinds of Chinese and foreign languages current periodicals,S30 000 E-books,nearly 11 000 full-text E-journal titles of foreign languages and more than 17 000 of Chinese.

目前学校有20个学院、2个直属系和12个附属医院。有一级学科博士学位授权点22个,二级学科博士授权点143个,硕士授权点179个,博士后流动站23个,国家重点学科22个,国家重点实验室6个,国家工程研究中心4个,国家技术转移中心一个,世界卫生组织合作中心2个。学校现有专任教师2 800余名,其中中国科学院院士15人、工程院院士20人,xxx973xxx首席科学家7人,国家“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授31人、讲座教授4人,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者33人;有博士学位的教师占50%。

Today SJTU boasts 20 academic schools,2 directly affiliated departments and 12 affiliated hospitals. It offers 22 doctoral programs at the first-level,143 doctoral programs at the second-level,179 master's programs and 23 post-doctoral research stations. What is more,there are 22 state key disciplines,6 state key laboratories,4 national engineering and research centers,1 national technology transfer center and 2 cooperation centers of World Health has a total of 2 800 fatuity members,including 15 academicians rrf Chinese Academy of Sciences,20 academicians of Chinese Academy of Engineering,7 chief scientists of“973 Projectxxx 31 specially-invited professors of“Cheungkong Scholars Program”,lecture professors of“Cheungkong Scholars Program”and 33 recipients of National Outstanding Youth percent of the teaching staff has obtained doctoral degrees.

现有全日制在校学生约3 8 000人,其中本科生18 000余人,硕博研究生18 100多人,留学生2 000人。上海交通大学的发展目标是建成一所综合性、研究型、国际化的世界知名高水平大学,进而建成世界一流大学。

Its total enrollment of full-time students amounts to 38 000. There are 18 000 undergraduates,18 100 candidates for Master's Degree and Doctor's Degree and 2 000 overseas students In the new century,SJlxxxU has formulated a g;and blueprint for future development and is determined to make continued efforts to build itself into a first class research-oriented comprehensive university in the world

中国名校简介范文英语 第五篇

China's secondary education is carried out by two kinds of schools: middle school and high school. Of course, some people prefer to call them junior high school and high school. Each school has its own grade, from to grade in middle school, and to grade belongs to graduation certificate of senior high school.

For qualified students, according to the timetable, most schools start the first class in the morning and end the last class in the afternoon. However, according to the regulations of the China Education Bureau, each student can enjoy one month's summer vacation and winter vacation respectively.



中国名校简介范文英语 第六篇


1896一1904 Nan Yang Public School


1905一1906 Imperial Polytechnic College of the Commerce Ministry.


1906一1911 Shanghai Industrial College of the Ministry of Posts and Telegraphs


1911一1912 Nan Yang College.


1912一1921 Government Institute of Technology of the Communications Ministry.


1921一1922 Nan Yang College of Chiao Tung.


1922一1927 Nan Yang University of the Communications Ministry.


1927一1928 First Chiao Tung University of the Communications Ministry.


1928一1942 National Chiao Tung University Main Campus in Shanghai.


1942一1946 National Chiao Tung University(Main Campus in Chong Qi


1946一1949 National Chiao Tung University


1949一1957 Jiaotong University.


1957一1959 Jiaotong University(Shanghai Campus).


1959一now Shanghai Jiaotong University.

中国名校简介范文英语 第七篇

Tsinghua University is one of the most famous universities in in the northwestern suburbs of Beijing——the capitla city of China, Tsinghua University was bulit on the site of xxxTsinghua Yuanxxx,a former royal garden of Qing Dynasty, with on area of hectares. Tsinghua University is also one of the state xxxProject 211xxx universities. Tsinghua University is a national key comprehensive research-orientated university with science, engineering, literoture,liberal arts, history , philosophy, economics, administration, low, education and medicine.

清华大学是中国著名高等学府,坐落于北京西北郊风景秀丽的清华园——清朝的皇室花园,占地达 公顷。清华大学是国家xxx211工程xxx建设的高校,是一所具有理学、工学、文学、艺术学、历史学、哲学、经济学、管理学、法学、教育学和医学等学科的综合性、研究型大学。

Tsinghua University was established in 1911 originally as xxxTsinghua Xuetang ,xxx a preparatory school for students who would be sent by the government to study in universities in the United States. The school wos renamed xxxTsinghua Schoolxxx in 1912. The university section was instituted in 1925 and undergraduate students were then enrolled. The name xxxNational Tsinghua Universityxxx was adopted in 1928, and in 1929 the Research Institute was set up.

清华大学的前身是清华学堂,成立于1911年,当初是清政府建立的留美预备学校。1912年更名为清华学校。1925年设立大学部,同年开办研究院(国学门) ,1928 年更名为xxx国立清华大学xxx。

The university currently has over 7100 faculty and staff, with 34 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and 31 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 77 special professors of xxxCheungkong Scholars programxxx, 5 teaching masters, 94 outstanding youth receiving national scientific fund , over 900 full professors and 1200 associate professors (including 938 doctoral supervisors). Tsinghua University has a total enrolment of 26934 students of all kinds, including 13709 undergraduates, 6467master candidates,4997 doctoral candidates and 1761 foreign students. The university comprises 13 colleges with 54 departments, 0ver 130 institutes (research centers) , 11 state key labs and 4 state engineering research centers. It has 60 specialties for undergraduates, 1 specialty for the second Bachelor's degree, 26 doctorate or master programs in first-level disciplines, 1 single master program in first-level discipline, 17 doctorate or master programs in second-level disciplines, 38 single master program in second-level discipline, 170 specialties for master candidates and 128 specialties for doctoral candidates, 49 state key disciplines and 30 post-doctor research stations.

清华大学现有教职工7100余人,其中中国科学院院士34名、中国工程院院士31名、长江特聘教授77人、教学名师5人、国家杰出青年科学基金94人、900余名教授、1200余名副教授(其中博士生导师938名)。清华大学有26934名各类在校学生,其中普通本科学生13709人、硕士生6467人、博士生4997人、1761名留学生,共有13个学院54个系、130多个研究所(中心)、11个国家重点实验室、4个国家工程研究中心;60个本科专业,一个第二学士学位专业,博士、硕士学位授权的一级学科26个,有硕士学位授予权的一级学科一个。有博士、硕士学位授予权的二级学科17个,有硕士学位授权的二级学科38个, 170个硕士点,128个博士点, 49个全国重点学科, 30个博士后流动站。

Tsinghua University Library consists of 4 professional libraries, namely library of humanities, library of economy and administration, library of architecture, library of art. It has a collection of more than 4 million books.


To fully implement the xxxChina Education Reform and Development Programxxx ,Tsinghua University has set new development targets for the next 15 years. Educational quality and effectiveness will be improved and disciplinary structure will be adjusted. Based on our strength in engineering, the university will promote the development of science and management departments. Humanities and social sciences will stress particular areas with high academic standards.


In less than 100 years, Tsinghua University has witnessed and shared the hardships and glories of the nation. The university's motto of xxxSelf-discipline and Social Commitmentxxx has inspired many generations of Tsinghua teachers and students to struggle for the prosperity of China. Now, striving to build Tsinghua University into a world-class university by its 100th anniversary in 2011 has become the objective of each member of the teaching staff and the student body.




