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雅思小作文范文150字 第一篇

1. 剑桥雅思真题

剑桥真题集答案部分是有官方范文(MODEL ANSWER)跟学生写的文章(就是之类的,就是学生写的)


2. 前雅思考官Simon 整理的范文




3. 顾家北手把手教你写雅思写作



雅思小作文范文150字 第二篇

I am writing to inform you that the microwave oven in your kitchen is broken. I am so sorry and it was all my fault.

This morning, when I was cooking my breakfast, I put the utensil which is made from metal into the machine. Unfortunately, after few seconds, I saw sparks flying off and heard two or three loud bangs. I was too scared to cut off the electricity immediately. While I opened the oven, there were some holes in the internal surface and the bulb was smashed. Obviously, it can not work any longer.

I was so hurry for work at that time that I forgot the notice of how to use the microwave oven appropriately. I made a sincere apology to you for my mistake and hope you could contact with the workers who can repair the damage. I promise I would pay for the maintenance costs.

雅思小作文范文150字 第三篇

Most people have dreams of one day becoming rich. But does the average person have the ability to make a lot of money? Think about this question. Then write about 250 words describing your thoughts.

When lack of money prevents us from having something we want very much, it is tempting to dream of being rich. It is hard to keep in mind that Americans are already wealthy compared with people in many other parts of the world. Our modern conveniences would have been the envy of kings in times past. Just the same, most people would like a larger. Whether most people are capable of making a lot of money is another question.

People in average circumstances can often get ahead through education, hard work, and careful money management. But getting ahead is not the same as actually becoming rich.

Only a small percentage of Americans could be called truly wealthy. Some people joined this group from ordinary beginnings. Usually they have done it by carefully riding some major development in the economy on its way up. In the past, great fortunes have been made in oil, steel, and railroads. Recently, some people have made millions in computers and real estate.

Usually, though, it takes money to make money. Big investors often start rich and then get richer. Most of us cannot strike oil or start the next new technical breakthrough. Most people are not born into wealthy families, either. In America it certainly is possible to become more prosperous. But unless someone wins the lottery, real wealth is not very likely to come along.

雅思小作文范文150字 第四篇

On Arbor Day, particular attention is drawn to the part trees play in our lives. It's not just a day to plant trees and then forget the gesture for another twelve months.

Planting a tree one day is no credit to us if, during the rest of the year, we neglect to care for it and those already growing. Our thought on Arbor Day should be an expression of enduring feeling, thought and action and not just one single, isolated flame of interest.

In schools and other community groups, this day can be celebrated in many different ways.

By planting trees or shrubs in school grounds, along neighbouring streets or in civic parks.

By 'adopting' a patch of bush, with the landowner's consent, and caring for it by removal of weeds, rubbish, etc, by preparing firebreaks and by fencing and making paths to reduce trampling.

By presenting a play or mime about trees in the history of Australia.

By completing a project about certain types of trees (eg. jarrah, boab, karri) or a famous tree like the Gloucester Tree near Pemberton.

As a class activity or common interest group go on a visit to a bush area with a spokesperson to explain the characteristics of plant species and their niche in the natural environment.

Collect some tree seeds, germinate them in a classroom, and plant out the seedling.

Carry out identification of trees in a specific part of your school or neighbourhood. A tree labelling ceremony could also be arranged.

Compile a list of everyday objects that are made of wood or wood-based materials, and find out how the wood was processed, where it came from and whatever else you can.

Trees and shrubs, whether native or introduced to WA, provide opportunities for the interest and study by the whole community, and when we walk around our own neighbourhood or drive through the countryside, we can appreciate the importance of such a diversity of plants to the well being of humanity.

雅思小作文范文150字 第五篇

Air transport is commonly used to move fruits and vegetables to places where those farm products can’t grow or are out of season. The benefits of such business are obvious, but air transport also creates a number of problems.

Transport of fruits and vegetables by air enables consumers to enjoy a wider variety of fresh and in-season farm products from all over the world. Not only is air transport good for consumers, it is also a blessing for farmers because the market is no longer restricted by regions. As a result, air transport increases the sale volume by selling more products in more places.

Moreover, air transport of food has now become a major resource of incomes for air companies. In the past, air companies’ business mainly came from serving passengers. However, facing an increasingly tough market, air companies need to expand their share of market to serve a wider range of customers in order to stay in the game and make a profit. With a booming economy and more money to spend, people create a great potential for food transport business and good margin for air companies.

In spite of such benefits, air transport is not free of problems. One major issue is high cost. Air transport is probably the most expensive way of transport. Higher costs entail high prices, which in turn deprive people with less money the opportunities to enjoy such privileges. So air transported food is now for the rich, a fact that is unfair for poor people.

In addition, it is not the best option to solve problems by transporting food from outside for places where certain kinds of fruits does not grow. The most optimal way, it seems to me, is that we should change the environment required by such plants using scientific and biological methods such as creating suitable soil and temperature. Such solutions will be proven to be ultimately cost-effective and fundamental.

More importantly, research indicates that air transport pollutes the environment. For example, Britain transports half its food by air. However one kilo New Zealand fruit emits five kilo warm house gas on its way to destination. Therefore, some environmental groups and books advocate people to distinguish local fruit and air-transported fruit in an effort to cut the pollution from food consumption.

In conclusion, air transport has many benefits for consumers and farmers, but it also has problems such as high cost and pollution. More effective and environmental friendly solution should be found to address such problems.

雅思小作文范文150字 第六篇

The Hawaiian island chain, in the centre of the Pacific Ocean, is approximately 2,700 km in length. It is formed of volcanoes and the active ones are at the south-east tip of the archipelago, where Hawaii itself is located.

It is believed that the chain began to form nearly 80 million years ago. Each island started to evolve after an eruption on the sea floor. First, a `hot spot' existed on the ocean bed, which let out a plume of material called magma. This magma may originate as deep as 2,883km below the ocean bed. Next, further eruptions took place, which built up the volcano. Eventually, it emerged above the surface of the ocean.

Since that time, the spume of magma has remained static as the Pacific tectonic plate moves in a north-west direction across it at a speed of 7-9cm per year. As it moves, a volcano forms as it passes over the hotspot and then become inactive when it has passed it.

雅思小作文范文150字 第七篇

Advertising is the life of trade as suppliers want to sell things in quantity; however, the success or failure of every advertisement eventually depends on the quality of a product or service. It may be said that a bad investment is going for quantity over quality, without being aware that customers are becoming more careful with their wallets, especially with the sluggish economy right now. While quality sounds hard to define, you know that it is quality rather than quantity that matters.

The greatest thing to be achieved in advertising is believability, and nothing is more believable than the product itself. So, the most powerful element in advertising is the truth, not half lying. For example, a huge advertising campaign will make a bad product fail faster because it will certainly get more people to know that it is bad. In comparison, good advertising can not only circulate information, but it can also penetrate the public mind with belief along with desires. This means that quality is self-evident and that every advertisement should be thought of as a complex symbol which is the brand image. That is probably why word of mouth is the best medium of all. In short, it is advisable for suppliers to always upgrade quality before any attempt to boost sales through advertising.

Although advertising is the most effective way to encourage mass consumption, particularly if the goods are cheap and worthless, the bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the sweetness of low pricing is forgotten. In a certain way, quality is like cooking, and you cannot fake good quality any more than you can fake a good meal. Therefore, quality in a product is not what the supplier puts in; rather, it is what the customer gets out and is willing to pay for. That is to say, a product is not quality simply because it is difficult to make and costs a lot of money in advertising. It is better to think that customers only pay for what is of use to them and give them great value for right price. As can be expected, the advertising strategy to increase popular consumption is likely to result in incompetence since nothing else than the product itself constitutes quality.

In conclusion, just because quality is more important than quantity, it does not mean that advertising does not play a decisive role in influencing the public mind. The point is that consumers have now become more prudent in spending behaviors and hence are no longer as penny-wise and quality-foolish as before. In all events, suppliers should continue investing in advertising their quality products because, if they stop advertising to save money, it would be as stupid as stopping the clock to save time. (Essay created by Jeenn Lee Hsieh)

雅思小作文范文150字 第八篇

should spend about 20 minutes on thistask.

You are studying at a university in England. Your passport was stolentwo days ago. Write to your embassy in London, giving details of what happenedand asking what you should do next

Dear Sir/Madam,

am writing to repotthe loss of my passport and to request a new one. I lost my passport two daysago at about 8:30 in the evening when I bought three dictionaries at MBCbookstore. By accident, I left my passport at the shop. When I realized what Ihad done, I telephoned the shop, but the shop assistants there could not findit.

I would be grateful if you could tell me what documents I need to sendyou in order to be issued with a new passport. Do you require any passportphotographs, and if so how many? How much will a new passport cost and in whichcurrency would you like me to pay?

I must apologize for any inconveniencecaused and look forward to hearing from you. I'm looking forward to yourreply.

Yours sincerely,

Xiao Ming

雅思小作文范文150字 第九篇

Panda is one of the scarcest animals. People in the world like it very much. there used to be many pandas in China long ago. As the balance of nature was destroyed and the weather was getting warmer and warmer, pandas became less. But at present, the number of pandas is increasing year by year. there are now so many pandas that some are being sent to other countries so that people there can enjoy them. Nowadays, the biggest nature park for panda in China is in Sichuan. there is a research centre for nature and wild life there. Scientists hope that one day they will have enough pandas to be set free and let them live in the wild again.

雅思小作文范文150字 第十篇

The chart below shows the total number of Olympic medals won by twelve different countries.

The bar chart compares twelve countries in terms of the overall number of medals that they have won at the Olympic Games.

It is clear that the USA is by far the most successful Olympic medal winning nation. It is also noticeable that the figures for gold, silver and bronze medals won by any particular country tend to be fairly similar.

The USA has won a total of around 2,300 Olympic medals, including approximately 900 gold medals, 750 silver and 650 bronze. In second place on the all-time medals chart is the Soviet Union, with just over 1,000 medals. Again, the number of gold medals won by this country is slightly higher than the number of silver or bronze medals.

Only four other countries - the UK, France, Germany and Italy - have won more than 500 Olympic medals, all with similar proportions of each medal colour. Apart from the USA and the Soviet Union, China is the only other country with a noticeably higher proportion of gold medals (about 200) compared to silver and bronze (about 100 each).

雅思小作文范文150字 第十一篇

You should spend about 20 minutes on this areorganizing a trip to the Snowy Mountains in New South Wales for a group ofstudents from Perth in Western Australia. Write to the manager of Student HostelServices and explain when you want to visit the Snowy Mountains, how long youwill stay, how many students are in your party, and what accommodation you willrequire.

You should write at least 150 words.

Dear Sir /Madam,

I am writing to seek accommodation in the Snowy Mountains for agroup of students from Perth.

We expect to be the Snowy Mountains betweenJune 1 and June 12. There are fourteen people in our group, five men and sevenwomen, and a married couple. The five men will accept dormitory accommodation,and the women are happy to share rooms, but the married couple would like adouble room. We hope to keep our expenses as low as possible.

Please tellme about recreational services in the area. The group will bring their own bootsfor bushwalking, but we are hoping to hire equipment for other sports, likeskiing. Some of our group will want to hire geological picks and otherequipment, if possible. We also need to know about access to caves and otherinteresting geological features in the area.

I am looking forward toreceiving information about the Student Hostel Services and otherfacilities.

Yours sincerely,

Xiao Ming

雅思小作文范文150字 第十二篇

Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing to inform you that I wish to movesintosa new room next term. I would prefer a single room, as I find the present sharing arrangement inconvenient.

I must explain that the reason for my dissatisfaction is my room-mate’s inconsiderate behavior. For one thing, his friends are constantly visiting him; for another, he regularly holds noisy parties. In addition, he sometimes borrows my things without asking me. In these circumstances. I find it difficult to concentrate on my studies, and I am falling behind in my assignments.

I am sure you will agree that the only solution is for me to molesintosa room of my own,swheresI will be free from such distractions. Therefore, I would be grateful if you could find a single room for me, preferably not in the same building but as near to the college campus as possible.

Yours sincerely.

雅思小作文范文150字 第十三篇

Every year, millions of animals undergo painful suffering or death as a result of scientific research into the effects of drugs, food additives, cosmetics and other chemical products. While most people think animal testing is necessary, others are upset by what they see as needless suffering. This essay looks at some of the positive and negative aspects of animal testing.

Many medical treatments and procedures have been developed from experiments on animals. Since animals share many features with humans, scientists use animals to test the safety and effectiveness of newly developed drugs before pilot testing on small groups of patients. Medical teams practice new operating techniques such as transplants on animals. Without animal testing, many procedures or new drugs would be extremely unsafe.

However, many people are concerned that animals are suffering unnecessarily and cruelly. They do not believe that every new drug needs to be tested on animals, especially with the huge database of knowledge and modern computer models. They also are worried that many animal tests are ineffective, pointing out that any drugs have had to be withdrawn from the market despite extensive testing. They particularly feel that animal testing should not be used for non-essential products such as cosmetics, shampoos, soaps, and cleaning products. Furthermore, some campaigners would like to see certain tests replaced and more humane methods used.

雅思小作文范文150字 第十四篇

The pie charts compare visitors’ responses to a survey about customer service at the Parkway Hotel in 2005 and in 2010.

It is clear that overall customer satisfaction increased considerably from 2005 to 2010. While most hotel guests rated customer service as satisfactory or poor in 2005, a clear majority described the hotel’s service as good or excellent in 2010.

Looking at the positive responses first, in 2005 only 5% of the hotel’s visitors rated its customer service as excellent, but this figure rose to 28% in 2010. Furthermore, while only 14% of guests described customer service in the hotel as good in 2005, almost three times as many people gave this rating five years later.

With regard to negative feedback, the proportion of guests who considered the hotel’s customer service to be poor fell from 21% in 2005 to only 12% in 2010. Similarly, the proportion of people who thought customer service was very poor dropped from 15% to only 4% over the 5-year period. Finally, a fall in the number of ‘satisfactory’ ratings in 2010 reflects the fact that more people gave positive responses to the survey in that year.

雅思小作文范文150字 第十五篇

It is true that our tiny individual actions often seem to the scale and complexity of global environmental problems such as pollution, deforestation and depletion of natural resources. But that does not relieve our duty as individuals to do as much as we can to deal with these problems.

Individual actions, small as they may be, can sometimes prove more effective than we realize. We can avoid driving the car, and take public transit, walk, or bicycle instead. This will reduce the use of fossil fuels and cut pollution. Saving energy at home, like turning on the air conditioner only when we have to, or turning water heater down a few degrees, is also ultimately good for the environment. Individual actions can also turn into united powers when, for example, the whole neighborhood is mobilized to participate in a local campaignto oppose environmentally damaging policies.

There are, however, obstacles that stand in the way of individual action towards environmental conservation. The first obstacle is the lack of professional knowledge needed to cope with serious environmental issues like soil erosion and salinity, which requires a significant amount of investigation and research. Another obstacle which makes individual action almost impossible is when an environmental emergency or accident happens, . an oil spill or a nuclear leakage near the border line, which would engagement or even international coordination.

So, in conclusion, when it comes to environmental problems, individual actions are indispensable in the problem solving process. But the most pressing and complicatedproblems go far beyond an individual’s capability and so require the concerted effort of the government as well as the global community.

雅思小作文范文150字 第十六篇

You recently met a manager from a new company that opened in your town. After the meeting, he wrote to you, offering you a job in this new company. However, you want to stay in your present job. Write a letter to the manager, and include: thanks him for the offer, explain why you want to stay in the present job, recommend a friend to take the job in the new company.

Rewritten Sample writing:

My sincere apologies for the delay in my response, as I wished to consider your offer in detail.

First, I wish to express my gratitude for your generous offer, which was important to me, nevertheless after consideration I believe that I would prefer to stay in my current position.

As a structural engineer, the design of economical residential buildings to accommodate general people was a dream of my childhood, and presently I am very fortunate that I am able to fulfill my dreams. As a result, it would be my intention to remain with my present work.

At the same time, and this may be of interest to you, I would like to recommend a friend, Bob Gillett, who was a colleague of mine, to apply for the position that you offered me. He is specialized in environmental engineering and has ten years’ working experience. I believe he would be the perfect candidate for your company. I have also spoken with him in brief and you can contact him directly on 0432783157. I am sure he would be pleased to hear from you.

Thank you once more for your kind consideration and with best wishes.

雅思小作文范文150字 第十七篇

Children who are brought up in families which have not great amount of money are better prepared to deal with the problems of adult life than children are brought up by wealthy parents. Do you agree or disagree?

Among the factors that influence a child’s development, family financial background is a critical one. Empirically kids from rich families, after entering adulthood, deal with problems differently from those from less well-off households. Generally the latter is more capable of problem-solving.

Lack of wealth in a family usually helps children to become independent and responsible individuals. Rich kids have more toys. If a toy truck gets broken, parents would buy their children another fancier, more expensive one. Rich kids go the best school in the neighborhood. On the contrary, children from an ordinary family have to take good care of their toys. Their parents are often busy with work. So children have chances to make many of their own decisions. Many kids babysit younger brothers or sisters or even take small part-time jobs to help the family. Such differences in the upbringing often tough them for adult life.

Children from less affluent families learn about competition early in life. For example, they go to a good school only because they have excellent grades, not because daddy donates a building for the school. Hard work and constant trying are the only way to change their life. So they fight to be a winner. But rich kids are so over-protected by their families that they hardly know the harsh world until they leave college and start to work. There are more successful entrepreneurs, actors, doctors, and lawyers from poor families than from rich ones. Poor kids know how to survive in the big wild world better than their rich friends.

But there are cases in which children from rich families have grown up to be very smart, accomplished individuals. Many of them even start businesses independent from their families. But still most of them know more about having fun than about being a good working professional.

To sum up, less privileged family background generally enables children to be more responsible and independent. Poor kids value hard work more, handle competition better than rich kids, and cope with problems better after becoming adults.

雅思小作文范文150字 第十八篇

Task:Some people argue that too much attention and too many resources are given to the protection of wild animals and what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample answer:

In recent years, animal protection has become an issue of concern. People take different attitudes towards the increasing attention and expenditure on wildlife conservation. Some people suggest that the spending should be redirected to helping other fields in society. I agree with the view that the investment in wildlife protection is not worthwhile.

Animals, as a key component of the whole food chain, have a profound impact on the sustainability of an ecosystem. As we known, every kind of animals plays an important role in natural balance. For instance, the demise of any species will lead to the growth or decline of other species. In some extreme cases, some species may at the verge of extinction such as Dodo bird. If people did not take actions to protect wildlife as soon as possible, we humans would be affected in the end.

However, there are more issues that we need to focus in our society rather than protecting animals. In current social context, the primary task is still to improve living standards since there are many people living under the poverty line. Only when people are in a good living condition, can they pay attention to other social problems. Besides, technology and education are another two aspects of governments to concern. These two industries accelerate the development of society, which will provide a better protection for wildlife in turn.

In conclusion, although the animal is a significant part of ecosystem, it is better for governments to invest more finance and resources in other social problems.

雅思小作文范文150字 第十九篇

Dolphin is my favourite animal. It is one of the most precious animals. Their bodies are very long, about one zhang. Dolphins live in the sea. They live on fish, shrimps and so on. Dolphins are very friendly and peaceful. They never attack people. Instead, they have saved many people in danger in the past years. How helpful the dolphins are! Dolphins are very clever. People often train them so that they can give a dolphin show which brings people a lot of happiness and joy. Unluckily, the number of dolphins is getting smaller and smaller. Because of water pollution, there is less and less space for dolphins. Many people make money by hunting dolphins. If we don’t protect them, maybe we’ll lose our good friends one day. As a student, I hope more and more people should take actions to protect dolphins.

雅思小作文范文150字 第二十篇

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some people believe that the spread of TV has made families less closer. To what degree do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

You should write at least 250 words. You should use your own ideas of knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.

As one of the most important inventions of the past century, TV is playing a more and more important role in modern life. However, some people are starting to worry about its negative effects on traditional families. I am convinced that the existence of TV has brought about alienation among family members.

First, watching TV occupies our time to communicate with our families. TV provides a ready means of relaxation for people who spend their days doing routine and busy jobs. As soon as TV enters into our home, most of our free time is controlled by it. What is more, the one-eyed monster requires absolute silence and attention. If any member dares to open his mouth, the others order him to shut up immediately. Therefore we communicate less with our family members.

Furthermore, families often quarrel over what programs they should watch. Thanks to hardworking TV workers, we enjoy more TV channels and more colorful TV programs. But a question has arisen: it is difficult for families to choose a common channel because they have different interests. It is inevitable to given rise to quarrel among them.

In addition, poor-quality TV programs can have severe effects on people’s mood and behavior. For instance, a person who watches too many idealized programs may become unrealistic. In addition, unhealthy programs which contain obscene and violent contents may cause people’s curiosity.

In conclusion, I think that TV indeed has led to alienation among family members. We should be aware about the problem. Something should be done as soon as possible to protect the families from the negative effects of television. For example, we should reduce the time spent in front of the little screen and spend more time with our families together. (290 words)

雅思小作文范文150字 第二十一篇

In many parts of the world, a traditional concept of family called four generations living together has been handed down for thousands of years. In old times, the eldest man usually dominated others without any challenge amid the overpopulated home. In comparison with modern society, such a place should be an effective habitat to keep greed and selfishness ,which is considered as born nature of humans, away as a consequence of helping each other and sharing property between family members under the supervision of the most influential man. However, over a thousand-year period those female members suffered extremely tough circumstances of s e x ual discrimination: they were in charge of childcare, household chores, farmingtopsoil clearing and planting, you name it. Whats worse, they werent allowed to dine with men at the same table-leftovers filled up their bellies. Conversely, in contemporary society, a growing number of females are fighting for more human rights, say, equality to males, and they are gaining ground! How to convince the fierce female tigers these traditions are their better destiny? No way!!!A better life can never be expected by only eliminating greed and selfishness. whereas it ought to be defined along with the following qualities: privacy respected, individual development, no s e x ual discrimination and a fair community with equal opportunities. In addition to my viewpoint, an appropriate way of education would probably a sensible solution to minimize the goddamn greed and selfishness in modern society instead of returning to the old society.

雅思小作文范文150字 第二十二篇

We sure live differently from our parents did decades ago. The changes are wide and profound. At the same time, we are facing challenges and problems unknown in the past. Could we find solutions to problems created by scientific development? The answer seems to be no.

Some of the most obvious problems caused by technological advances lie in the IT industry. At a time when we did not have computers and electronic bank services, people took money with them and paid by cash. If they were stolen, only the amount they had with them was lost. But now credit cards are more commonly used in shopping malls and other places, crimes again us have become more serious and caused greater losses to people. A thief may tape the code of your credit card and make a copy of it. Then he could safely withdraw all your money from an ATM machine. Crimes such as this are very sticky to solve because there is no witness and the surveillance cameras give little help to the police.

Another example is the issue of information control with the media industry including TV networks and Internet that give easy access to information without discrimination to people’s age. This has created a huge problem for parents and schools because teenage people are particularly vulnerable to adult materials and information violent in nature. In the past, when most information came in the form of print, it was relatively easy to control what children read. When a parent put away a book unsuitable for children, they were cut off from the source of information. With computer parents could use software to filter bad web sites but could not prevent new ones from appearing every day.

People are working very hard to solve such problems that come along with advances in science and technology, but the efforts are not sufficient and not very successful. Even with the little progress we have achieved, we find ourselves defeated by new problems with greater complexity and in wider scope.

In conclusion, developments in many fields of our life have brought us both benefits and problems. Developments in the banking industry give us greater convenience but making us targets of computer-based theft. Changes in media industry expose young people to inappropriate information difficult for parent’s control. However up until now, we have not successfully found permanent solutions yet.

雅思小作文范文150字 第二十三篇

Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m writing in response to the advertisement you placed in Shanghai Daily for the position of overseas mechanical engineer on Mon. .

I would like to apply for this post. I graduated with a Master’s degree in Machine-Building and Electronics Industries in Tsinghua University in 1999 and began my career in Zhongshan ABB Company as a young mechanical engineer. In 20XX, I was promoted to be the chief engineer, taking charge of the projects in Southeast Asia. I have been seeking for chances overseas in my majored domain in the hope that I can develop my potential further.

If possible, I would like to choose a mechanical company with good reputation located in Chicago. I would also prefer small private companies which allow me to enjoy a larger space of promotion.

The reason I made the decision above is that my husband has recently been relocated to Chicago by his company and I am, therefore, seeking a position in the same area in Chicago.

I have enclosed my resume that outlines in detail my qualifications and experience as well as an open letter of recommendation from my former employer.

Please give me a feedback at your earliest convenience if my qualifications meet your requirements.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Lucy Liu

雅思小作文范文150字 第二十四篇






雅思小作文范文150字 第二十五篇

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You havebought a washing machine. First you found that the machine damaged your clothes,and you had it changed. Then you found that the new one seriously entangled theclothes. Write to the manager of the department store to complain about should write at least 150 words.

Dear Sir or Madam,

A few months ago Ipurchased a washing machine (Sanyo XQB50-68) from your department store. After afew weeks I found that it had seriously damaged the clothes. I asked you tochange one for me, which you did. Now I want to ask you to change this one forme again.

This one does not damage my clothes any more, but I have found thatit tangles the clothes seriously and when it automatically begins to spin thewater out, the machine shakes so heavily that it stops by itself. In theinstruction booklet you have not mentioned this defect and neither have you toldthe user how to solve the problem. I am quite annoyed by the fact that sometimeswhen I came back from work to take the clothes out to dry, they were stillunwashed. When I at home. I have to tend it frequently to untwist the entangledclothes. Is that what you call your machine “fully automatic”?/Please change anew one for me that will not entangle the clothes. Otherwise, I would ask you togive my money back, or I would complain to the Consumers' Association.

Yours sincerely,

Xiao Ming

雅思小作文范文150字 第二十六篇

With the development of cities, more and more new buildings are appearing in the city. Some people claim that the government should ensure all the new buildings should be built in traditional styles. For me, I do not agree with this suggestion.

Undoubtedly, the old buildings can reflect our traditional culture and should be protected and built. They are the houses where the ancient people lived. By appreciating these old buildings, we can have a better understanding of our ancient culture and history.

However, I do not agree that all the new buildings should be built in traditional styles. First of all, a city’s culture identity consists of the past culture and the modern culture. While past culture can be represented by the traditional buildings, modern culture should be reflected by modern buildings. If all the new buildings are built in traditional styles, the modern culture may be lost in the city. Secondly, the style of the new building should be decided by a lot of factors such as location, function, and so on. For instance, it is impossible for us to build a modern shopping mall into traditional style, because there are a lot of famous brands inside. Thirdly, modern buildings can accommodate more people than traditional buildings, which can meet the increasing population.

Therefore, I agree that we should build some old buildings, but we should not build all the buildings into traditional styles. We should consider a lot of aspects before we make the final decision.

雅思小作文范文150字 第二十七篇

①.一、 图表类作文常用的单词、短语和句型 1. 表示数据变化的单词或短语 in the case of (在……的情况下) in terms of (在……方面) increase / raise / rise / go up(。

②.一、 图表类作文常用的单词、短语和句型 1. 表示数据变化的单词或短语 in the case of (在……的情况下) in terms of (在……方面) increase / raise / rise / go up(。

③.雅思图表类英语作文模板 【篇一:雅思图表作文模板】 1 according to the chart``` 2 the date lead us to the conclusion that``` 3 the date show``` 4 the tree diagram reveals how``` 5 the figures show``` 6 this is a cure graph which ..。

④.标题是申论文章的灵魂细谈申论标题选取技巧申论及范文 标题是申论文章的灵魂,确定标题是写申论文章的第一步,也是必须的, 一、拟题的要求 凡是成功的标题。

⑤.As one of the most fashionable phenomena today, online shopping also unavoidably arouses a great controversy in society, just like emergence of any new things. According。

雅思小作文范文150字 第二十八篇

Some people believe that students who want to go to university after graduation from high school should have about one years time to get a job to obtain work experience or have a travel to enlarge their vision.

Do you agree or disagree? What is your opinion?

High school students who intend to study at university should attend tertiary education after graduation. To spend one years time doing a job to acquire work experience or to travel for broadening ones vision is, to my mind, a waste of time and energy.

First, university education is the continuation of high school education for those students who want to pursue their learning at an advanced level. A break of one year from academic study will probably weaken ones memory of what has been learned, especially for those who will study such theoretical subjects as mathematics, physics or chemistry.

Besides, many nations have established one examination that all students must pass to qualify for admission to a university. For example, in China there is a college entrance examination. Anyone who fails in the examination will be denied of admission into a university.

Furthermore, one years work or travel does not help students much in their academic studies at university because it is unpredictable for ones work experience to be integrated into ones studies of specific subjects, to say nothing of traveling experience. Even if some subjects, such as MBA, require students to have work experience, one years work experience, however, is not sufficient to meet the requirements of three or five years, and ones work experience should, after all, be related to management.

雅思小作文范文150字 第二十九篇


雅思小作文范文150字 第三十篇

The charts below compare the age structure of the populations of France and India in 1984.

The two charts compare the populations of France and India in terms of age distribution by gender in the year 1984.

It is clear that the population of India was younger than that of France in 1984, with a noticeably larger proportion of people aged under 20. France, on the other hand, had a significantly larger percentage of elderly inhabitants.

In India, close to 14% of people were aged 5 or under, and each five-year age bracket above this contained an increasingly smaller proportion of the population. France’s population, by contrast, was more evenly distributed across the age ranges, with similar figures (around 7% to 8% of all people) for each five-year cohort between the ages of 0 and 40. Somewhere between 10% and 15% of all French people were aged 70 or older, but the equivalent figure for India was only 2%.

Looking more closely at gender, there was a noticeably higher proportion of French women than men in every cohort from age 50 upwards. For example, almost 3% of French 70- to 75-year-olds were women, while just under 2% were men. No significant gender differences can be seen on the Indian population chart.

雅思小作文范文150字 第三十一篇

The advancement of modern technology is making peoples life more comfortable and at the same time less human. To those who enjoy the benefits of technology, there is no better time to be alive than now, but to others life has been increasingly complex and stressful. The issue is whether such new technological machines as computers and the Internet would be our servants forever or eventually could become our masters.

All kinds of inventions made possible by technology are designed to be the slaves of human beings, if human beings are not to be slaved by machines. Once upon a time, we were plain people, but that was before we began having relationships with technological systems. By getting involved with computerized machines, we could not help changing the way we live and the way we work, for better or for worse It can be realized that life is more complex because much of modern technology is not born to meet primary human needs, and many unnecessary inventions are producing negative effects on a living style that used to be relatively simple. Thus, there is an overwhelming feeling of complexity in the sense that machines act like humans and humans act like machines. Now that intelligent machines such as robots are widely applied to take the place of human beings because they are capable of doing many useful jobs, although making many people joblesss. Those who cannot work with computers are disadvantaged and therefore helpless while the traditional skills and simple ways of life are fading away, never to return again.

雅思小作文范文150字 第三十二篇

The maps given compare the current layout of a college with its plan in 2015.

At present, to the north of the rectangular campus there is a garden opposite to the entrance. Along the west wall lie a footpath and a car park and the south a bus stop. Inside, two classrooms in the south and a bigger one in the northeastern corner can be found, on the south of which the reception and the library are sited. Not mentioned are the seemingly open area for lunch in the northwestern and the toilets in the south.

The college in 2015 is expected to demonstrate many differences including its extended length, along with which the car park will also expand its size. The garden and the footpath will vanish while a shop will be introduced inside. Noticeably, the entrance and the toilets will exchange their places, with the former directly leading to an oval reception. Likewise, the library of a shrunk size will be moved to the southwestern corner where a classroom lies now. Along the east wall four classrooms will be located.

Despite the differences, that all the facilities are built immediately adjacent to each other and against the wall will remain consistent.

雅思小作文范文150字 第三十三篇

Most senior citizens retire or no longer work full-time. They usually live in their own houses not far from their children's, while the children of a few senior citizens have gone abroad and work or study far beyond the oceans. For certain senior citizens, tile years after retirement are not very enjoyable. First, they feel that their lives lose meaning for being at home all day. In addition, they may feel lonely, especially those without children around. Moreover, they become more concerned with their health, as they grow older, and worry a lot about their safety. At the same time, many senior citizens enjoy their lives. They feel free to do things they were not able to do when they were working and raising their families. They spend their time travelling, doing exercises or watching TV. They get together with their fellow members who have the common interests and equal free time.


In fact, there are some still continuing their work, not just for money, but to show their value. However, no one really wants to be old, and perhaps all like to be young forever.


雅思小作文范文150字 第三十四篇

You should spend about 20 minutes on thistask. You went shopping one day and you had received very bad service in a want to complain to the boss. Write a letter to complain about the badservice. You should write at least 150 words.

Dear Sir or Madam,

Much ofmy regret, I write this to place a complaint against one of your shop-assistantsabout his bad service. Yesterday morning about 10 o'clock my husband, I and alady friend of ours came to your shop with the intention to buy some of the shop-assistants, whose badge number was 29 if I remembered right, wasasked to show us some of the bronze wares so that we could decide which one tobuy. Under the circumstances, it was the shop-assistant's duty to do what wasasked or to explain why he was unable to comply with such a request. Instead ofminding his duty and acting in a polite manner, he turned a deaf ear to ourrequest and walked away murmuring in a sarcastic manner.

We wish you wouldlook into this unsatisfactory state of affairs and take steps to prevent arecurrence of offensive conduct of this kind.

雅思小作文范文150字 第三十五篇

The diagrams show West Part School at three different stages in its development: 1950, 1980 and 2010.

In 1950, the school was built close to a main road and next to a number of houses. A large area behind the school was turned into a playground, while the area behind the houses was farmland.

By 1980, the houses had been demolished in order to make way for a small car park and an additional school building, which became the science block. In addition to the existing playground, the school also gained the farmland and converted it into a sports field.

In 2010, the school building remained unchanged but the car park was extended to cover the entire sports field. As a result of this, the original playground was divided into two so that it provided a smaller playground and a small sports field.

During this period, the school has increased in size and a car park has been created and enlarged. The combined recreational areas, however, first expanded and were then reduced in size.

雅思小作文范文150字 第三十六篇

Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can see historical objects and works of art by using a computer Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

It is simply absurd to assert that with historical objects and works of art being able to be seen through a computer, public museums and art galleries will no longer be needed

First of all, computers can never replace real public museums and art galleries No matter how real and vivid computer images are, they are only images, not the historical objects and works of art that we see in real or even might be allowed to touch with our fingertips For those who claim museums and galleries are no longer needed because they can see all they want to on a computer screen, Id like to suggest that they marry a wife or husband in the computer rather than in real life!

In the second place, visiting real museums and art galleries is a rewarding experience in many respects For one thing, it is a good exercise While we are making the trip to a museum or art gallery and then strolling about on site, we get some exercise which does a lot of good to our health For another thing, we can feast our eyes on all kinds of things there and experience the wonder, beauty and exquisite workmanship with our own eyes in an active way instead of in a passive manner by looking at what are being displayed to us by others on the screen For yet another thing, we protect our eyesight by moving away from the computer screen and see the real objects on site

It is true that computers have brought great conveniences to our life At certain times, especially when it is temporarily impossible for us to visit museums and art galleries in person, we can get a rough picture of what are on display on site However, what we see from a computer screen is, after all, not exactly the same as what we see and feel with our own eyes on site

In conclusion, computers will never be able to replace real public museums and art galleries Therefore, it is ridiculous to say that one does not need to go to museums and art galleries as historical objects and works of art can be appreciated on a computer screen

雅思小作文范文150字 第三十七篇

雅思小作文写作万能模板1、通过第一个曲线图,我们可以知道____,也说明了结果是___According to the first graph, it can be seen that ______________, it can also be concluded from it that 、一张有趣、有教育意义的、(内容)的图片(这句模板在雅思小作文中的应用非常的广泛。)There is an interesting and instructive picture which goes like this: 、当前有一张涉及______的增长曲线图,许多人______,然而其他人倾向于___Nowadays there is a growing concern over ______________. Many people like ______________, while others are inclined to 、目前,共同之处是_________,许多人喜欢______因为_______除此之外还由于_____Nowadays, it is common to ______________. Many people like______________ because ______________. Besides, 、(图表所示)_____,就像许多其他事物,被____更加喜爱,然而这一观点正被________所抨击,一些人认为_________,他们指出_________________________, just like many other things, are preferred by being attacked by the idea that ______________, some people consider ______________. They point that according to the chart“`2 the date lead us to the conclusion that“`3 the date show“`4 the tree diagram reveals how“`5 the figures show“`6 this is a cure graph which describes the trend of“`7 the pie graph depicts“`8 the graph provides some interesting date regrarding“`9 the table shows the changes in the number of “` over the periodfrom “`to “`10 as is shown in the table “`11 from the table ,we can clearly see that “`12 this table shows the changing proportion of X and Y from “` to ““13 the graph,presented in a pie chart, shows the general trend in“`14 as can be seen from the grape ,the two curves show the flutuation of “`15 over the period from “`to “`the“`remained in the year between “`and “`.17 in the 3 years spanning from 2005 through the number of “` remained steady from “`to ““.19 the number sharply went up to “`20 the percentage of “` stayed the same between “` and “`21 the percentage remainede steady at“`22 the percentage of “`is sightly large than that there is not a great deal of differece between “`and “`24 the graphs show a three fold increase in the number of “`25 “`decreased year by year while “`increased there is an upward trend in the number of “`27 a considerable increase occurred from “`to “`28 from “`to “`the rate of decrease slow from this year on,there was a gradual declinel reduction in the“`reaching a figure be similar to “`be the same as31 there are a lot similarities between “`and “`32 the difference between X and Y lies in “`雅思学术性写作考试中Task 1 考查考生解释,说明信息的能力,这些信息通常体现在图解,表格和插图中,这一部分的模式化程度更高一些。下类50个句式是雅思留学类考生需要背诵的最最基础的句子。请同学们自己背诵。在写作小作文的时候,也可以作为参考材料。1. the table illustrates the changes in the number of…over the period from…to…该表格描述了在…年之…年间…数量的变化。2. the bar chart illustrates that… 该柱状图展示了…3. the graph provides some interesting data regarding…该图为我们提供了有关…有趣数据。4. the diagram shows (that)… 该图向我们展示了…5. the pie graph depicts (that)…. 该圆形图揭示了… is a cure graph which describes the trend of…这个曲线图描述了…的趋势。7. the figures/statistics show (that)… 数据(字)表明…8. the tree diagram reveals how…该树型图向我们揭示了如何…9. the data/statistics show (that)…该数据(字)可以这样理解…10. the data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that…这些数据资料令我们得出结论…11. as is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the diagram/graph/chart/table…如图所示…12. according to the chart/figures… 根据这些表(数字)…13. as is shown in the table… 如表格所示…14. as can be seen from the diagram, great changes have taken place in…从图中可以看出,…发生了巨大变化。15. from the table/chart/diagram/figure, we can see clearly that…or it is clear/apparent from the chart that…从图表我们可以很清楚(明显)看到…16. this is a graph which illustrates…这个图表向我们展示了…17. this table shows the changing proportion of a & b from…to…该表格描述了…年到…年间a与b的比例关系。18. the graph, presented in a pie chart, shows the general trend in…该图以圆形图形式描述了…总的趋势。19. this is a column chart showing… 这是个柱型图,描述了…20. as can be seen from the graph, the two curves show the fluctuation of…如图所示,两条曲线描述了…的波动情况。21. over the period from…to…the…remained level.在…至…期间,…基本不变。22. in the year between…and… 在…年到…期间…23. in the 3 years spanning from 1995 through 1998…1995年至1998三年里…24. from then on/from this time onwards… 从那时起…25. the number of…remained steady/stable from (month/year) to (month/year).…月(年)至…月(年)…的数量基本不变。26. the number sharply went up to… 数字急剧上升至…27. the percentage of…stayed the same between…and……至…期间…的比率维持不变。28. the figures peaked at…in(month/year)…的数目在…月(年)达到顶点,为…29. the percentage remained steady at… 比率维持在…30. the percentage of…is slightly larger/smaller than that of……的比例比…的比例略高(低)。31. there is not a great deal of difference between…and……与…的区别不大。32. the graphs show a threefold increase in the number of…该图表表明…的数目增长了三倍。33. ..decreased year by year while…increased steadily.…逐年减少,而…逐步上升。…………太多了,还有需要,发邮件给我,我给你发邮箱里,[email protected]【北外雅思】,北京外国语大学旗下雅思培训品牌!学生学习生活均在北外校内,【北外雅思】=【名校】+【名师】=【包过】!

雅思小作文范文150字 第三十八篇

The diagram below shows how solar panels can be used to provide electricity for domestic use.

The picture illustrates the process of producing electricity in a home using solar panels.

It is clear that there are five distinct stages in this process, beginning with the capture of energy from sunlight. The final two steps show how domestic electricity is connected to the external power supply.

At the first stage in the process, solar panels on the roof of a normal house take energy from the sun and convert it into DC current. Next, this current is passed to an inverter, which changes it to AC current and regulates the supply of electricity. At stage three, electricity is supplied to the home from an electrical panel.

At the fourth step shown on the diagram, a utility meter in the home is responsible for sending any extra electric power outside the house into the grid. Finally, if the solar panels do not provide enough energy for the household, electricity will flow from the utility grid into the home through the meter.

雅思小作文范文150字 第三十九篇

The argument correctly states the importance of the governments and large businesses but underestimates the significance of individual human beings in the campaign against environmental problems.

Governments and large businessesplay positive rolesinmaking the earth healthierby reducing the amount of pollutants which humans put into the ocean, sea, river, lake,and atmosphere. The main functions of governments in this campaign are in the field of policy making and legislation. To make policy is to scientifically, effectively, and efficiently organize people, resources, and funds to improve the environments. In this glorious activity launched by man against nature businesses provide financial support in the form of donation and the like. P&G, HP, and IBM all contribute much annually in this concern.

While emphasizing the crucial functions of the governments and businesses, we should not be distracted from the vital roles every individual human being plays in this great and glorious global project. Children, adults, and the elders all are indispensable in cracking the hard nut of pollution and consumption of limited resources. In our dailyroutine, each human being is expected to save the electricity, water, and fossil fuels. For instance, a child is expected to switch off the light when leaving the classroom. In agricultural production, each farmer is supposed to use less pesticide and sufficiently protect the water and soil from erosion. In industrial activities, each employee should conduct his or her activity with environmental ethic concerning. If all people work together, struggle together, and pray together, we will win one day in the future. Yes, lets share the only dream in the diversified world.

In conclusion, if governments, businesses, and individuals all contribute to the environmental programs and projects, then we human beings will enjoy a healthier and happier life in this globe.

雅思小作文范文150字 第四十篇


The bar chart compares the number of incidents and injuries for every 100 million passenger miles travelled on five different types of public transport in 2002.

It is clear that the most incidents and injuries took place on demand-response vehicles. By contrast, commuter rail services recorded by far the lowest figures.

A total of 225 incidents and 173 injuries, per 100 million passenger miles travelled, took place on demand-response transport services. These figures were nearly three times as high as those for the second highest category, bus services. There were 76 incidents and 66 people were injured on buses.

Rail services experienced fewer problems. The number of incidents on light rail trains equalled the figure recorded for buses, but there were significantly fewer injuries, at only 39. Heavy rail services saw lower numbers of such events than light rail services, but commuter rail passengers were even less likely to experience problems. In fact, only 20 incidents and 17 injuries occurred on commuter trains.(165 words, band 9)


The chart below shows information about changes in average house prices in five different cities between 1990 and 2002 compared with the average house prices in xxx.


The bar chart compares the cost of an average house in five major cities over a period of 13 years from xxx.

We can see that house prices fell overall between 1990 and 1995, but most of the cities saw rising prices between 1996 and 2002. London experienced by far the greatest changes in house prices over the 13-year period.

Over the 5 years after xxx, the cost of average homes in Tokyo and London dropped by around 7%, while New York house prices went down by 5%. By contrast, prices rose by approximately 2% in both Madrid and Frankfurt.

Between 1996 and 2002, London house prices jumped to around 12% above the xxx average. Homebuyers in New York also had to pay significantly more, with prices rising to 5% above the xxx average, but homes in Tokyo remained cheaper than they were in xxx. The cost of an average home in Madrid rose by a further 2%, while prices in Frankfurt remained stable.

(165 words)


The pie charts below show how dangerous waste products are dealt with in three countries.


The charts compare Korea, Sweden and the UK in terms of the methods used in each country to dispose of harmful waste.

It is clear that in both the UK and Sweden, the majority of dangerous waste products are buried underground. By contrast, most hazardous materials in the Republic of Korea are recycled.

Looking at the information in more detail, we can see that 82% of the UK’s dangerous waste is put into landfill sites. This disposal technique is used for 55% of the harmful waste in Sweden and only 22% of similar waste in Korea. The latter country recycles 69% of hazardous materials, which is far more than the other two nations.

While 25% of Sweden's dangerous waste is recycled, the UK does not recycle at all. Instead, it dumps waste at sea or treats it chemically. These two methods are not employed in Korea or Sweden, which favour incineration for 9% and 20% of dangerous waste respectively.(159)


The pie charts below compare water usage in San Diego, California and the rest of the world.


The pie charts give information about the water used for residential, industrial and agricultural purposes in San Diego County, California, and the world as a whole.

It is noticeable that more water is consumed by homes than by industry or agriculture in the two American regions. By contrast, agriculture accounts for the vast majority of water used worldwide.

In San Diego County and California State, residential water consumption accounts for 60% and 39% of total water usage. By contrast, a mere 8% of the water used globally goes to homes. The opposite trend can be seen when we look at water consumption for agriculture. This accounts for a massive 69% of global water use, but only 17% and 28% of water usage in San Diego and California respectively.

Such dramatic differences are not seen when we compare the figures for industrial water use. The same proportion of water (23%) is used by industry in San Diego and worldwide, while the figure for California is 10% higher, at 33%.

(168 words, band 9)


The charts below show the results of a questionnaire that asked visitors to the Parkway Hotel how they rated the hotel's customer service. The same questionnaire was given to 100 guests in the years 2005 and 2010.


The pie charts compare visitors’ responses to a survey about customer service at the Parkway Hotel in 2005 and in 2010.

It is clear that overall customer satisfaction increased considerably from 2005 to 2010. While most hotel guests rated customer service as satisfactory or poor in 2005, a clear majority described the hotel’s service as good or excellent in 2010.

Looking at the positive responses first, in 2005 only 5% of the hotel’s visitors rated its customer service as excellent, but this figure rose to 28% in 2010. Furthermore, while only 14% of guests described customer service in the hotel as good in 2005, almost three times as many people gave this rating five years later.

With regard to negative feedback, the proportion of guests who considered the hotel’s customer service to be poor fell from 21% in 2005 to only 12% in 2010. Similarly, the proportion of people who thought customer service was very poor dropped from 15% to only 4% over the 5-year period. Finally, a fall in the number of ‘satisfactory’ ratings in 2010 reflects the fact that more people gave positive responses to the survey in that year.(193 words, band 9)


The chart below shows the results of a survey of people who visited four types of tourist attraction in Britain in the year 1999.


The pie chart compares figures for visitors to four categories of tourist attraction and to five different theme parks in Britain in 1999.

It is clear that theme parks and museums / galleries were the two most popular types of tourist attraction in that year. Blackpool Pleasure Beach received by far the highest proportion of visitors in the theme park sector.

Looking at the information in more detail, we can see that 38% of the surveyed visitors went to a theme park, and 37% of them went to a museum or gallery. By contrast, historic houses and monuments were visited by only 16% of the sample, while wildlife parks and zoos were the least popular of the four types of tourist attraction, with only 9% of visitors.

In the theme park sector, almost half of the people surveyed (47%) had been to Blackpool Pleasure Beach. Alton Towers was the second most popular amusement park, with 17% of the sample, followed by Pleasureland in Southport, with 16%. Finally, Chessington World of Adventures and Legoland Windsor had each welcomed 10% of the surveyed visitors.

(181 words, band 9)


The table below shows changes in the numbers of residents cycling to work in different areas of the UK between 2001 and 2011.


The table compares the numbers of people who cycled to work in twelve areas of the UK in the years 2001 and 2011.

Overall, the number of UK commuters who travelled to work by bicycle rose considerably over the 10-year period. Inner London had by far the highest number of cycling commuters in both years.

In 2001, well over 43 thousand residents of inner London commuted by bicycle, and this figure rose to more than 106 thousand in 2011, an increase of 144%. By contrast, although outer London had the second highest number of cycling commuters in each year, the percentage change, at only 45%, was the lowest of the twelve areas shown in the table.

Brighton and Hove saw the second biggest increase (109%) in the number of residents cycling to work, but Bristol was the UK’s second city in terms of total numbers of cycling commuters, with 8,108 in 2001 and 15,768 in 2011. Figures for the other eight areas were below the 10 thousand mark in both years.

(172 words, band 9)


The table below shows the proportion of different categories of families living in poverty in Australia in 1999.


The table gives information about poverty rates among six types of household in Australia in the year 1999.

It is noticeable that levels of poverty were higher for single people than for couples, and people with children were more likely to be poor than those without. Poverty rates were considerably lower among elderly people.

Overall, 11% of Australians, or 1,837,000 people, were living in poverty in 1999. Aged people were the least likely to be poor, with poverty levels of 6% and 4% for single aged people and aged couples respectively.

Just over one fifth of single parents were living in poverty, whereas only 12% of parents living with a partner were classed as poor. The same pattern can be seen for people with no children: while 19% of single people in this group were living below the poverty line, the figure for couples was much lower, at only 7%.(150 words, band 9)


The graph below shows the proportion of the population aged 65 and over between 1940 and 2040 in three different countries.


The line graph compares the percentage of people aged 65 or more in three countries over a period of 100 years.

It is clear that the proportion of elderly people increases in each country between 1940 and 2040. Japan is expected to see the most dramatic changes in its elderly population.

In 1940, around 9% of Americans were aged 65 or over, compared to about 7% of Swedish people and 5% of Japanese people. The proportions of elderly people in the USA and Sweden rose gradually over the next 50 years, reaching just under 15% in 1990. By contrast, the figures for Japan remained below 5% until the early 2000s.

Looking into the future, a sudden increase in the percentage of elderly people is predicted for Japan, with a jump of over 15% in just 10 years from 2030 to 2040. By 2040, it is thought that around 27% of the Japanese population will be 65 years old or more, while the figures for Sweden and the USA will be slightly lower, at about 25% and 23% respectively.(178 words, band 9)


The graph below shows changes in global food and oil prices between 2000 and 2011.


The line graph compares the average price of a barrel of oil with the food price index over a period of 11 years.

It is clear that average global prices of both oil and food rose considerably between 2000 and 2011. Furthermore, the trends for both commodities were very similar, and so a strong correlation () is suggested.

In the year 2000, the average global oil price was close to $25 per barrel, and the food price index stood at just under 90 points. Over the following four years both prices remained relatively stable, before rising steadily between 2004 and 2007. By 2007, the average oil price had more than doubled, to nearly $60 per barrel, and food prices had risen by around 50 points.

A dramatic increase in both commodity prices was seen from 2007 to 2008, with oil prices reaching a peak of approximately $130 per barrel and the food price index rising to 220 points. However, by the beginning of 2009 the price of oil had dropped by roughly $90, and the food price index was down by about 80 points. Finally, in 2011, the average oil price rose once again, to nearly $100 per barrel, while the food price index reached its peak, at almost 240 points.(211)


The graph below shows the amounts of waste produced by three companies over a period of 15 years.


The line graph compares three companies in terms of their waste output between the years 2000 and 2015.

It is clear that there were significant changes in the amounts of waste produced by all three companies shown on the graph. While companies A and B saw waste output fall over the 15-year period, the amount of waste produced by company C increased considerably.

In 2000, company A produced 12 tonnes of waste, while companies B and C produced around 8 tonnes and 4 tonnes of waste material respectively. Over the following 5 years, the waste output of companies B and C rose by around 2 tonnes, but the figure for company A fell by approximately 1 tonne.

From 2005 to 2015, company A cut waste production by roughly 3 tonnes, and company B reduced its waste by around 7 tonnes. By contrast, company C saw an increase in waste production of approximately 4 tonnes over the same 10-year period. By 2015, company C’s waste output had risen to 10 tonnes, while the respective amounts of waste from companies A and B had dropped to 8 tonnes and only 3 tonnes.(192 words, band 9)


The climograph below shows average monthly temperatures and rainfall in the city of Kolkata.


The chart compares average figures for temperature and precipitation over the course of a calendar year in Kolkata.

It is noticeable that monthly figures for precipitation in Kolkata vary considerably, whereas monthly temperatures remain relatively stable. Rainfall is highest from July to August, while temperatures are highest in April and May.

Between the months of January and May, average temperatures in Kolkata rise from their lowest point at around 20°C to a peak of just over 30°C. Average rainfall in the city also rises over the same period, from approximately 20mm of rain in January to 100mm in May.

While temperatures stay roughly the same for the next four months, the amount of rainfall more than doubles between May and June. Figures for precipitation remain above 250mm from June to September, peaking at around 330mm in July. The final three months of the year see a dramatic fall in precipitation, to a low of about 10mm in December, and a steady drop in temperatures back to the January average.(173 words, band 9)


The bar chart below shows the proportions of English men and women of different ages who were living alone in 2011. The pie chart compares the numbers of bedrooms in these one-person households.

Living alone in England by age and gender, of bedrooms in one-person households (England, 2011)


The two charts give information about single-occupant households in England in the year 2011. The bar chart compares figures for occupants' age and gender, and the pie chart shows data about the number of bedrooms in these homes.

Overall, females made up a higher proportion of people living alone than males, and this difference is particularly noticeable in the older age categories. We can also see that the most common number of bedrooms in a single-occupant home was two.

A significant majority of the people aged 65 or over who were living alone in England in 2011 were female. Women made up around 72% of single occupants aged 75 to 84, and 76% of those aged 85 or over. By contrast, among younger adults the figures for males were higher. For example, in the 35-49 age category, men accounted for nearly 65% of people living alone.

In the same year, of one-person households in England had two bedrooms, while one-bedroom and three-bedroom homes accounted for 28% and of the total. Under 7% of single-occupant homes had four or more bedrooms.

(189 words, band 9)


雅思小作文范文150字 第四十一篇

The bar graph shows the global sales (in billions of dollars) of different types of digital games between 2000 and 2006.

The bar chart compares the turnover in dollars from sales of video games for four different platforms, namely mobile phones, online, consoles and handheld devices, from 2000 to 2006.

It is clear that sales of games for three out of the four platforms rose each year, leading to a significant rise in total global turnover over the 7-year period. Sales figures for handheld games were at least twice as high as those for any other platform in almost every year.

In 2000, worldwide sales of handheld games stood at around $11 billion, while console games earned just under $6 billion. No figures are given for mobile or online games in that year. Over the next 3 years, sales of handheld video games rose by about $4 billion, but the figure for consoles decreased by $2 billion. Mobile phone and online games started to become popular, with sales reaching around $3 billion in 2003.

In 2006, sales of handheld, online and mobile games reached peaks of 17, 9 and 7 billion dollars respectively. By contrast, turnover from console games dropped to its lowest point, at around $ billion.

雅思小作文范文150字 第四十二篇

As a result of constant media attention, sports professionals in my country have become stars and celebrities, and those at the top are paid huge salaries. Just like movie stars, they live with huge houses and cars.

Many people find their rewards unfair, especially when comparing these super salaries with those of top surgeons or research scientists, or even leading politicians who have the responsibilityof governing the country. However, sports salaries are not determined by considering the contribution to society a person makes, or the level of responsibility he or she holds. Instead, they reflect the public popularity of sport in general and the level of public support that successful stars can generate. So the notion of ‘fairness’ is not the issue.

Those who feel that sports stars’ salaries are justified might argue that the number of professionals with real talent are very few, and the money is a recognition of the skills and dedication a person needs to be successful. Competition is constant and a player is tested every time they perform. in their relatively short career. The pressure from the media is intense and there is little privacy out of the spotlight. So all of thesefactors may justify the huge earnings.

Personally, I think that the amount of money such sports stars make is more justified than the huge earnings of movie stars, but at the same time, it indicatesthat our society places more value on sport than on more essential professions and achievements.






雅思小作文范文150字 第四十三篇

Task:Art classes, like painting and drawing are as important as other subject, should be compulsory subject in high what extant do you agree or disagree?

Sample answer:

Nowadays, many people contemplate whether art classes should be compulsory courses of high school. I believe it is absolutely necessary to make this idea come true as soon as possible.

One of the reasons is that some artworks are rich in knowledge and through appreciating these artworks in class, students can have access to a wide range of knowledge. For example, compared with the limited narration in history book, one of the masterpieces of Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci, The Last Supper, displays a scene of religion in a more vivid and profound way. Art classes offer students another opportunity to think about some knowledge and these classes are significant complement to some core classes like math and these art classes, students can only acquire knowledge through words, which is not always the most effective and comprehensive approach to learn.

Apart from that, the underlying merits of attending art classes will benefit the students in the long term,which are no less than those of studying some core subjects As we know, academic performance is no longer the only standard to judge a student for many universities and as result, being adept at music or painting do help. After they enter the university,even if they study other majors in college, the skills qualities cultivated through these art classes may assist them to perform better. The abilities to be focused, to be detail-oriented and to be persistent will be conducive to students no matter what their disciplines are.

Considering the advantages of making art classes a complosory part in high school discussed above, I believe it is a wise choice from every aspect.

雅思小作文范文150字 第四十四篇

Task:Some scientists believe that intelligent life forms may exist on other planets and some want to send messages to contact them. Others think it is a bad idea because these life forms may be too dangerous. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.



Sample answer:

With advancement of societal technology, certain scientists work for looking for other intelligent life forms who may not exist on the earth such as aliens. While some people argue that contacting with them is likely to bring danger to human. Therefore, the essay aims to critically discuss both views and come up with my own opinion.

That a number of researchers try to find other planets’ living species has to be admitted that pursing that curiosity is one of mankind’s nature. Additionally, by exchanging ideas with aliens about historical progression and academic discussion and so on, mankind’s world has the opportunity to make immense progress in modern technology by giving inspirations to scientists for pushing the frontiers of science which may solve particular thorny issues such as environmental pollution. On the other hand, as far as some researchers are concerned, it lays a solid foundation for people to possess an improved quality of life who live on other planets in order to avoid diseases and disasters brought by serve atmosphere pollution and doomsday respectively.

While, simultaneously, others claim that touching with aliens probably breaks seemingly peaceful earth and brings unexpected danger. Firstly, it is likely that being greedy, exploitative and violent, aliens are searching for somewhere to harvest for water, minerals and fuel, contributing to meeting unprecedented risk by telling them the man’s existence. Furthermore, people know nothing of extraterrestrial intelligence intentions and capabilities so it is impossible to predict whether they will be benign or hostile. For example, earthlings will may be slaughtered and enslaved as colonized countries in the past time.

From a personal perspective, earthlings can try to search for other unique life forms in various planets, but without promising to guarantee human’s lives, it would not better send messages to aliens and disturb their daily lives.


Task:Some believe policemen should be armed with guns in order to prevent street crimes. However, others think this measure would raise the level of social violence. What is your opinion?



1. 在一个枪支泛滥的时代,配枪能保护警察自身。

2. 帮助警察迅速的打击和制止罪犯。

3. 是有效的威慑来预防那些潜在犯罪。


1. 枪支可能被滥用。

2. 误伤群众。

3. 被偷被抢怎么办。

4. 刺激罪犯进行新一轮的火力采购,形成军备竞赛。


As opposed to the extensive use of weapons in the US, people in the UK, even the police are not allowed to take guns. Some people argue that it may trigger off insecurity of city dwellers, whereas others assert that it can eliminate the whole violence in the society. Hereby, I would like to discuss both perspectives in the following paragraphs.

Some people believe that the absence of carrying guns is disadvantageous in many aspects in any nations. It has been a trend that the violence is increasing in various parts of the world. More and more criminals these days carry guns and other dangerous weapons, but our police force only have pepper spray and batons for protection (as well as bullet proof vests). This is not enough of a deterrent, not enough in today’s society. If the police have proper equipment, such as, carrying a gun, they would hopefully not lose their lives and the residents will feel safer and better protected.

Others, however, hold the opinion that the police should not be allowed to carry guns. There have been plenty of cases that some robbers or thieves who commit crime but do not deserve death were shot down by police. Furthermore, some unqualified and irresponsible policemen may hurt some innocent citizens even to death when they are pursuing some culprits. Additionally, guns of police may often be lost and will touch off an even worse situation. And thus, it will reduce the overall violence in our society by not allowing guns to the police.

In conclusion, both opponents and proponents of such a practice have their respective reasons and justifications. However, as a person always expecting a peaceful life, I personally agree with the latter view. If the guns and some of other weapons would be totally restricted in the modern globe, the serious phenomenon of violence and other relevant behaviors would vanish. Hence, it is my sincere wish that governments of other countries would follow the example of the UK to avoid the whole violence in the world.


Task:Some people believe that charity organizations should give aid to those in greatest need, wherever they live. Other people believe that charity organizations should concentrate on the people in their own country. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.






Charity organizations always play a pivotal role on helping people who live in sub-human condition or poor countries. It is undeniable that charity organizations help a lot for the less fortunate. However, people have mixed view about whether charity organizations should help own county or other places .It is understandable that people from different background put different interpretation on the same issue.

Firstly, there are main reasons approving of such cross-border charitable support .For one thing, it bases on humanitarian that help those who deserve to be helped. That is to say, regardless of their origin, race, color that means everyone is equal to get the aid. For another, these charitable activities can help to reduce the gap between rich and poor. Actually, for decades, there is always a hostile relationship between South Korea and North Korea. If South Korea can actively provide its neighbor country with crops to eliminate the massive famine, then the tension and misunderstand between them will be replaced by friendship, mutual respect and peacefulness.

What is more, in terms of the strong interdependence between rich countries and poor ones, the assistance to reduce the social problems abroad is actually an ideal measure to protect local areas. For example, many issues originate from poor countries, such as air and water pollution, fatal social epidemics like bird flu, drug trafficking and terrorism, are cross-border and can easily be transmitted into rich countries. Hence, only by donating food, financial aids and medical facilities to these countries for the eradication of poverty-related social problems can rich countries get rid of these potential oversea threats , as well as having a peaceful and clean surrounding environment that keep domestic society stable and safe.

However, towards the same issue other people have opposite view. They claim that sponsorships are limited. First of all, even if in richer countries also have poor people and homelessness. If domestic charity organization fails to take fully into account people in their own counties, it will also lead to the gap between rich and poor. Thus, there are negative effects on our society, such as domestic crime and anti-social emotion.

In conclusion, charity organization is type of non-profit organization and we should appreciate its help that make the world better.

雅思小作文范文150字 第四十五篇

The charts compare Korea, Sweden and the UK in terms of the methods used in each country to dispose of harmful waste.

It is clear that in both the UK and Sweden, the majority of dangerous waste products are buried underground. By contrast, most hazardous materials in the Republic of Korea are recycled.

Looking at the information in more detail, we can see that 82% of the UK’s dangerous waste is put into landfill sites. This disposal technique is used for 55% of the harmful waste in Sweden and only 22% of similar waste in Korea. The latter country recycles 69% of hazardous materials, which is far more than the other two nations.

While 25% of Sweden's dangerous waste is recycled, the UK does not recycle at all. Instead, it dumps waste at sea or treats it chemically. These two methods are not employed in Korea or Sweden, which favour incineration for 9% and 20% of dangerous waste respectively.

雅思小作文范文150字 第四十六篇

Sample answer:

Over the past century, science and technology has been developing unprecedentedly and changing every aspect of people's lives. In my point of view, technology brings about higher efficiency and greater convenience,even though it causes confusion and disorder under some circumstances.

The benefits of modern technologies are multiple. Automation is widely used on the assembly line, setting free millions of people from the arduous and repetitive to the widespread use of the Internet, people have easier access to information than ever before. Instead of going to the library to consult reference books,they can acquire any information they want via the Internet. Moreover,emails and mobile phones enable people to stay in touch more conveniently and efficiently, compared with the old days when they had to go to the post office or visit others in person.

Despite the above-mentioned benefits,we cannot deny the fact that technology may lead to complexity and inconvenience in some cases. For instance,some old people find it difficult to use public facilities equipped with electronic-devices. However, this issue can be addressed with clear instructions provided. Another example is cyber fraud,which is difficult to prevent as the false information can spread very fast on the who get deceived may complain that the virtual space generates more crimes.

Overall,there is no denying that some problems and troubles may occur When various new technologies are applied to people's lives. However, returning to a simple life without technology is not a solution and I believe a better future of mankind lies with the further progress of science and technology.

雅思小作文范文150字 第四十七篇




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雅思小作文范文150字 第四十八篇

DONT copy any part of the question in your answer. This is not your own work and therefore will be disregarded by the examiner and deducted from the word count. You can use individual words but be careful of using long chunks of the question text.

Dont repeat yourself or the same ideas. This gives a bad impression and the examiner realises that it isnt adding to the content of your report.

If you are weak at English grammar, try to use short sentences. This allows you to control the grammar and the meaning of your writing much more easily and contributes to a better cohesion and coherence mark. Its much easier to make things clear in a foreign language if you keep your sentences short!

As I just said, if you have finished the exam with time to spare, DONT just sit there!! Check what you have done. If you have time after the check, check again. And so on....

Dont be irrelevant. Although you can use your imagination to expand on your answer, if any part of your report is totally unrelated to the question and put in to just put up the word count, then the examiner will not take it into account and deduct it from the word count.

If you want to improve, theres no secret. Practice. Practice. Practice. You wont get better sitting and doing nothing. Even good English users need practice for the IELTS exam. It could make all the difference between your getting the band that you need, and getting half a band less than you need and having to wait 3 months to do the exam again.

雅思小作文范文150字 第四十九篇

In the year 1780, a river that ran/went along the north-south direction stretched through the western periphery/edge of the village. Immediately to its east was a vast expanse/plot/tract of farmland where farmers engaged in agricultural activities. The northeastern corner of the village was occupied by residential buildings that accommodated around 100 families. Overlooking from the homes to the south lay a sprawl of woods that took up almost a quarter of the land area of the village.

By the year 1860, significant/tremendous changes had taken place in the layout of settlements in the village. A bridge was built over the river, facilitating the communications and interactions between people on either side of the river. The area of farmland was halved to give way to the construction of a new road linking the river bank to the homes, whose number also doubled over the span of 80 years to 200. The tract of woodland was also significantly reduced, giving rise to vast areas of open, unused land.

The village indicated clear, visible signs of modern infrastructure in the year 2000. The population increased by nearly twofold, attaining 500. On the previously open land erected schools and sports fields for children to receive education and play sports. A new road was set up to make the travel between residential areas and schools more convenient. What's more, a line/stretch of shops was established along the eastern river bank in the downstream, heralding the advent of a commercial era. More impressively, a wetland formed at the southern end of the river, providing a shelter for birds in the region that retained the last vestige of the pristine nature amidst the full force of modernization elsewhere.

雅思小作文范文150字 第五十篇

The diagrams of the coastal area of Brightsea illustrate its development from a fishing community in 1950 to a ferry terminal, with plans for future development.

In 1950 the coastal zone of Brightsea was undeveloped with just a light house and lighthouse keeper's house. There was a jetty for fishing boats, and a few cottages.

Currently, it can be seen that certain developments have taken place. For example, roads have been constructed and there is an hotel near the lighthouse. A large wharf is now supporting a ferry service. A cafe and shop are catering for the daily needs of the community.

There are plans for Brightsea to experience further growth. The hotel is to be extended and a sailing club built alongside the hotel, to the south. A second ferry wharf will be added with a telecommunications antenna and the shop replaced by a supermarket and car park. In the northern part of Brightsea, a restaurant and apartments will be built to supersede the cafe.

In summary, the coast of Brightsea has changed from being a fishing community in 1950 and is expected to become a more signigicant ferry terminal. The lighthouse will have been the only constant landmark.

雅思小作文范文150字 第五十一篇

The two graphs show the main sources of energy in the USA in the 1980s and the 1990s.

Write a report for a university lecturer describing the changes which occurred.

Sample Answer:

The given pie charts shows data on the main energy sources in the United States of America for two decades. As is presented in the pie charts, oil was the main energy source for the USA both on 80s and 90s.

According to the given data, oil was the main energy source in the USA which was 42% in 1980. The second largest energy source in this decade was the natural gas which supplied 26% of total energy in the same period. Then coal supplied more than 20 percent energy demand in USA while hydroelectric power and Nuclear power both supplied 5% of the total energy.

In the next decade, the Nuclear power produced one tenth of total energy demand and that was almost double that it was in the previous decade. The hydroelectric power as an energy source remained unchanged as it provided 5% of total energy demand in this decade also. The two other main sources for energy in the USA remained almost unchanged in this decade and those two sources were Coal and Natural Gas. Finally the use of oil as an energy sources reduced to 33%, which is almost 10% less than the previous decade, but remained the largest source albeit the reduction in this 90s decade.

In summary, the use of oil and coal had reduced and their places as energy sources were replaced by the use of Nuclear power in the USA.

雅思小作文范文150字 第五十二篇

Some people think governments should introduce laws assessing what nutrition and food choices to improve public health. Others think it is wrong. Discuss both views and give your own people think governments should introduce laws assessing what nutrition and food choices to improve public health. Others think it is wrong.

Discuss both views and give your own is the paramount necessity of people. However, in recent years, we are appalled by the frequent outbreak of such incidents as milk powder adulterated with melamine, lean meat powder and a spate of food contamination cases. In response, a growing number of people call for the government to take decisive actions to tackle food safety hazards by introducing laws assessing food nutrition.

People in favor of such practice believe that customers have the right to find out everything about the food to make sure that what they eat is safe. If this information is transparent, then customers can feel free to choose the food they like without worring that this food can be harmful to their health. Besides, by keeping the information about the nutrition of food transparent, it can also discourage food producers from behaving irresponsibly for the food they make since it puts them under the scrutiny of customers. By this means, food producers will be more careful about the materials they add into the , some people hold opposite views, believing that releasing such laws fails to solve the food safety issues at its core.

They maintain that this law can only result in food producers fabricating their nutrition labels instead of truly reflecting ingredients in their food. What's worse, this cosmetic work can lead to the dereliction of duty by government officials since they may loosen their monitoring on the food with such nutrition my opinion, it is necessary to issue laws assessing food nutrition since they can hold food producers accountable for what they make by putting them under the scrutiny of customers. However, releasing the law does not mean that law enforcement officials can sit back and relax. Without those people's efforts, laws can only be a piece of paper, having no actual effect. Therefore, it takes both the law and people's action in implementing the law to deliver tangible results in our efforts to ensure food safety.



