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湖南专升本考试作文范文 第一篇


(根据最有可能出的作文主题写的范例,用的例子尽量万能,主题可能性最高 经过老师修改,字数和主题格式使用最简易好学的模式)




湖南专升本考试作文范文 第二篇

Failure is a common thing in our daily life. For example, sometimes we fail to pass the examinations. On other occasions, we are defeated in sport games. And there are times when we fail to do more satisfactory work. So it is safe to say that every one of us must have encountered failure of one kind or another.

However, different people have different attitudes towards failure. Some people lose heart when they come across failures. They seem to think that it is the end of the world. Others, on the contrary, dont take failure seriously. They seem to think that failure is first step to success.

In my opinion, what really counts is not failure itself, but our attitude towards it. If we are afraid of failure and yield to it easily, we are bound to have one failure after another. But as long as we have confidence in ourselves and learn something from failure, well certainly go from victory to victory. So Im never afraid of failure, or I firmly believe that xxxfailure is the mother of success.xxx

湖南专升本考试作文范文 第三篇

Wealth brings happinessDirections: In this part, you are to write an essay entitled xxxThe Relationship between Wealth and Happinessxxx. You can agree or disagree, completely or partially to the above statement. But whatever position you take, you should give sound supporting reasons. At the end of your composition you are required to draw your own conclusion.

Wealth has always been what some people long for. It is true that most of them try to acquire wealth by means of honest labor. Their efforts contribute to the welfare of the society and at the same time to the accumulation of their wealth, and hence to their happiness.

There is no doubt that wealth brings happiness, especially in the modern society. Various kinds of up-to-date household appliances, latest fashions and recreations make their appearance with each passing day. All this makes our life more comfortable and colorful. Therefore, without money we cannot turn admiration into reality.

Wealth, however, can also lead to disasters, if we have an inappropriate approach to it. Wealth may tempt weak-willed persons to be addicted to harmful habits, such as drug-taking and gambling, and result in their own ruin. Besides, a person may lose his reason and go astray if he intends only to seek wealth and indulges himself in leading a luxurious life. For example, there are some government officials who take advantage of their positions to take bribes from the people turning to them for help . Obviously, wealth may bring us disasters if we don't take a proper attitude to it. In my opinion, on no account can we equate happiness with wealth. I also believe that one should never reckon only on wealth to achieve happiness.

湖南专升本考试作文范文 第四篇

Human life can not continue without science and technology. In fact, the advancement of human society has always been depended upon the development of science and technology. As a result, the life we are living now is more civilized than that of our forefathers'.

The development of science and technology has brought about many changes in people's life. For example, the invention of television has opened a new era for mankind. We can now view events which are happening thousands of miles away.

Science and technology also play and important role in our socialist construction. Our socialist construction is just like a sky scraper, while science and technology are its base. Without the base, the skyscraper cannot be built. Therefore, we should try our best to further develop science and technology so as to lay a more solid base for our socialist construction.

湖南专升本考试作文范文 第五篇








湖南专升本考试作文范文 第六篇

My favourite movie isThe Bucket List. When two complete strangers(Carter and Edward)became roommates in the hospital's ICU, what they were going to do in their last couple of months? Carter made a bucket list that including his wishes such as: witness something really magnificent, help complete stranger on the good, laugh until I cry, but Edward thought his wishes were too weak, and then he added something like xxxkiss the most beautiful girl in the world, goskydiving, and get a tattoo. After that, both of them tried to complete their wishes together before they die.

At last, Carter and Edward both knew what the life was all about---to bring joy to others.

湖南专升本考试作文范文 第七篇

How to Help Old People Live Better.

In the last ten years our society is more advanced. Old people also live more happily.

But we just noticed old people's material life. In fact old people's mental life is more important to them. Because old people are very lonely. I have three methods for this question. Firstly, young people should communicate to old people. They should exchange their ideas. Then they can understand each other more easily. The old people may be happier.

Secondly, old people also should understand young people's pressure. They should know why the young people can't talk with them.

Finally, society also should hold some activities for old people. To protect their life more colorful and greater!

湖南专升本考试作文范文 第八篇

英语作文Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 miniutes to write a composition on the title:make our city greener,your composition should be based on the following outline: 1:城市绿色的状况 2:绿化的好处(如:清洁空气,美化城市,改善气候......) 3:怎样才能实现绿化 范文: Recent efforts toward the greening of our cities have achieved much, although the results are still far from satisfactory. In recent years many trees have been planted in the cities and much care has been taken of the planted trees. In spite of all this, the greening process is relatively slow compared with cities in many other countries. For example, the green space available on average to each Shanghai citizen is only Mu while every Londoner has more than 20 Mu. We can benefit much from making our cities greener by planting trees. First, trees absorb carbon dioxide to produce oxygen which is essential to the health of human beings. Second, trees and other greenery make our cities more beautiful. Third, trees can also improve the climate of the cities. Since we can get so much from making our cities greener, we should spare no effort to do that. We should plant more trees and take better care of them. We also should not cut down the trees. In a word, we should do everything to add to the greening of our cities.

湖南专升本考试作文范文 第九篇







湖南专升本考试作文范文 第十篇








湖南专升本考试作文范文 第十一篇









湖南专升本考试作文范文 第十二篇



May 19,2002

Dear Professor Wang,

On behalf of the Student Union of the English Department, I am writing to invite you to give a lecture on Chinese history.

We have planned to have such a lecture at 2:30 . in Lecture Hall 419,on May 25. Looking forward to your lecture. Inform us in advance if you can not come.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ping



Dear Julie,

Thank you very much for the dinner that you invited my husband and I to yesterday. The food not only looked and smelled fabulous but tasted great, and my husband and I enjoyed it very much. Therefore, we would like to invite you to dinner at 7 . this Friday at the Northwest Chinese restaurant to return your kindness and hospitality.

湖南专升本考试作文范文 第十三篇












湖南专升本考试作文范文 第十四篇

The relationship between customer and seller is now becoming more and more important in people's life, with the rapid development of market economy. A good relationship between customer and seller can make buying and selling a happy experience and benefit both buyer and customer.

A good relationship between customer and seller can only exist on the basis of honesty and respect. The seller should be honest to customers introducing the actual advantages and disadvantages of his goods. He mustn't deceive customers, charge too high a price or serve them indifferently. On the part of the customer, he should also respect the seller and be reasonable. Some customers think they are xxxGodxxx of the sellers, so they often behave coldly or even rudely to them. That's not good manners. As long as one busy of his own will, both sides are equal.

Sometimes problems and mistakes are inevitable. For example, the seller may forget to give his customer the change. If he doesn't do it on purpose, the customer should be considerate and excuse him. On the basis of honesty and kindness, problems can easily be solved.,

湖南专升本考试作文范文 第十五篇

Dear Harry,

It's a pity that you are not in, so have to leave you a note. There are two posters at the school gate. One is about the moviexxx Gone with the Windxxx, which is to be shown at 7 Saturday evening in the school hall. The other is about a lecture on women's liberation, which is to be given by Prof. Betty Power, writer of the book xxxThe Other Half of the Skyxxx, at 7 on Saturday evening in Room 101. I'd like to invite you to either the movie or the lecture, but I wonder which you would prefer. Please let me know your decision as soon as possible.

Wang Hong

湖南专升本考试作文范文 第十六篇

The internet is playing a more and more important part in our daily life. On the net, we can learn news both at home and abroad and all kinds of other information as well. We can also send messages by E-mail, make phone calls, go to net school, read various kinds of books and learn foreign languages by ourselves. Besides, we can enjoy music, watch sports or matches and play chess or cards. On the net, we can even do shopping, have a chat with others and make friends with them. In a word, the Internet has made our life more colorful.

湖南专升本考试作文范文 第十七篇

1. The Problems of Plastic Bags

Plastic bags have found their way into a wide area of everyday life. They are applied in big supermarkets, ordinary shops, small stores and street markets. People put in plastic bags everything they buy. They no longer need to carry cloth bags, leather bags or basket bags with them when go shopping. Obviously it is very convenient for plastic bags to be used in people’s everyday life. They are also very cheap. They are usually offered free of charge.

However, plastic bags also bring us side effects. Some people throw away plastic bags causally. This causes the white pollution to our environment , which is very harmful because plastic bags can not disappear by natural decomposition. This is certainly not beneficial to our future.

湖南专升本考试作文范文 第十八篇







