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开展社团活动英语范文 第一篇

Dear: I haven't contacted you for a long time. You are all right now. Now I tell you that my life is very good.

I go running at six o'clock in the morning to meet the strong physique of the new day. Then I read in the classroom for the first time. Because of the review, the class is always so relaxed and happy.

We are physically in the afternoon. I have the opportunity to play s in the basketball court and have a lot of community activities in the evening Move, I took part in an English speech, as a good opportunity for oral training. In short, I'm very good here, but I don't know what you are on the other side.

Oh, remember to write back to me.



开展社团活动英语范文 第二篇

When I saw your picture, I was very interested in your English drama club. If you have many hobbies, such as English songs, movies and playing ball, I want to join this big family. I am a member of the organization in my class.

I think they are my strengths. I like my classmates very much. They all like our classroom activities.

I hope I can take charge of the organization of your club and I will be a good member of this club. I want to show myself and exercise myself. In this way, I can make a lot of friends.




开展社团活动英语范文 第三篇

articipate actively in after class activities. They think after class activities are an integral part of school life. By going in for such activities, they can learn what they can't learn from books, which will be beneficial to them in the future.

Others, however, don't like after class activities at all. They think that a student's work at school is learning theoretical knowledge and nothing else. Taking part in after class activities is a waste of the valuable time at school.

In my opinion, every student should engage in some after class activities because from these activities we can learn many valuable things that we won't learn in classrooms. School is not just a place for learning the difference between "lie" or "lay", or what caused the hours of the daily schedule.

Finally, after class activities broaden our circle of acquaintances. No amount of ordinary school work can take the place of friends acquired in the informal familiarities of activities.

开展社团活动英语范文 第四篇

Some secluded paces dont even have street lamps yet;one can imagine how horrible it is to walk on the narrow dusty road at systematic drawbacks are a great hindrance to the service the members are all students,they can only go when there is no burden of study.

The two visits in a year inevitably become a “seasonal disturbance” to those poor to the restriction of study,one member maybe will have only one or two chances and the local people have to get acquainted with “new friends” every vacation without knowing service work is forced to start at the same point every year with no improvement,another serious problem is that some members are ill trained.

They not only cant help others but also cant help themselves: that is to sometimes are too conceited to learn anything, including self growth. Sometimes they become tourists—not doing service, but taking pictures, appreciating scenery.

Perhaps the criticism is right, students dont have the qualification to “help” other , at least, theyve brought much new information into the remote counties and given the closed communities much stimulation as well as the opportunity of one doesnt believe all this,but there is one thing which cant be denied: friendship,yes, two groups of people no longer belong to two different most important thing is that the people served know city people, care about them.

开展社团活动英语范文 第五篇










开展社团活动英语范文 第六篇

方,在英协的大家庭里, 不分彼此, 我们共同进步!这也是人生中最难得的财富呀!

虽然说我们英语协会的发展状况良好, 但其中存在的问题也是不容忽视的:

1、很多人的积极性下降, 尽管会长方面很积极,但下面的却有点懈怠,一方面由于期末临近, 大家忙于考试,无法再专心工作,对此表示理解。另一方面是经过了高强度的工作后产生畏惧心理, 在思想上出现了懈怠、甚至想退会的苗头。

2、协会的奖罚措施不完善,可以说几乎没有。骨干表现未能及时得到记录和反应,平常会议不参加,甚至从未到场过。这使有些循规蹈矩的人产生抵触与不满情绪。这是我们以后工作中应该重视的一个点。相信在我们会长们, 部长们, 干事的共同努力下, 我们协会的发展会越来越好, 协会的人员都能从中学到东西,真真从中学到点东西。


综上所述,我们协会的发展较之以前有了很大的进步,但发展中又存在着必然会存在的隐患, 需要我们不断的总结提高。

于我个人而言, 这一学期, 我学到了了更多为人处事的方法, 我懂得了人无完人, 但我同时也知道了, 人永远都有进步的空间, 只要你朝着正确的方向努力, 只要你无悔地付出,坚持不懈地走, 幸运之神最终会降临在你身边!

最后,我要感谢很多很多的人, 感谢我学长们给我莫大的支持和理解, 感谢师兄师姐的的教导,感谢身边每一个支持我们协会发展的朋友们,



开展社团活动英语范文 第七篇

My school life my name is Beth. I am a year old. I study in Huian Middle School.

My school is very big and beautiful. I am very happy at school. I usually get up in the morning and then I do morning exercises on the playground.

I have breakfast. You can see many students and teachers in the dining room after dinner. I often read English with my classmates.

There are six classes a day. The first class starts from I like all the classes, because my teacher can make the class lively and interesting. My favorite subject is English, so I participate in English corner every week.

I can speak English with many other students. I think it's very interesting and exciting. It helps me to learn English well after class.

I always play games with my friends. We play basketball, football, volleyball and table tennis I love my school. I find my school life more and more meaningful and colorful.

My school life is beautiful, isn't it.



开展社团活动英语范文 第八篇

Today is Christmas Eve and the third cultural food festival in our school.

In the afternoon, the teacher helped us to dress up beautifully. I attended the wenzhou nursery rhyme. The teacher took each of us to take a picture, and then we went back to the classroom teacher to give us a hamburger. After a while, my mother came, I felt very happy. The students of our show followed teacher ye, mother to help pool teacher. As we walked to the playground, we smelled a delicious smell. My little cat's mouth is watering. The playground is crowded with people. There's more food, beef, Fried, hamburgers, Fried chicken wings, Fried lobster... I was dazzled by the maze of food. We had a tour first, and older brothers and sisters were selling their products, and miss ye bought us a lot of things. The food festival begins, waiting in the background for the show. When it's our turn, I'm not nervous, I'm smiling... After the show, hide and mother go to the restaurant to change clothes. I gave my clothes to the teacher, and then I went shopping with my mother, who took me to my brother's stall for a ride on a horse and a trampoline, and bought me something.

Time flies really fast, the performance is finished, I just reluctantly leave the playground, I want to really want to have a food festival again! However, the final exam will be on the 8th, and the exam should be put to rest. I was happy to go home with my mother.

开展社团活动英语范文 第九篇

Wednesday afternoon is an activity class. When the teacher walks into the classroom, he says to us, "class, let's play the 'lost handkerchiefs' game." After hearing this, we were glad to hear it, so we went to the playground under the orders of our teachers.

Came to the playground, and became a circle around us, the teacher took out a handkerchief to stand in the simple description of the rules of the game for us, just put the handkerchief to li hong, called her to discard. Then the teacher added, "remember, the man caught singing a song or reciting a lesson for us."

The game begins, we walked two laps around Li Gongxian then slowed, as if in search of prey. Suddenly, li hong dropped her handkerchief to Chen behind, and then quickly run. We saw that, they want gesticulating suggested Chen, but have already too late. When Chen found the handkerchief behind her, li hong have already run a circle stands behind her. No way, Chen li had to sing a song for us.

Under this Chen Lilai turn to throw a handkerchief. At this point, my in the mind very nervous, because I am a boy, if you sing, endorsed how embarrassed. So, I secretly put his hand to test the handkerchief behind. Sure enough, Chen throw the handkerchief behind me, luckily I react fast enough, seized and turned to chase after a handkerchief, and Chen has been caught. I helpless Chen only once again to sing a song for us

开展社团活动英语范文 第十篇

Last Monday morning is the basketball club selection day, I also signed up, I was very excited, early in the morning to the school, first put the bag in the classroom, and then cant wait to run to the basketball court.

At the appointed time, I and other students who signed up stood in line, waiting for the teacher, a teacher wearing a white jersey came over, loudly said: "the basketball game, the most basic is physical strength, now you run around the school, the last 5 students will be eliminated. I listen to, thought, miserably, the students here, all look very strong, and I run is not very fast, will not be eliminated. But then I thought, how can you know what youre capable of unless you try? Then the teacher shouted, "Get ready, run!" Everyone rushed out of the starting line, at the beginning, we are strong, but not for a while, I felt the legs did not have the strength, and ran for a distance, legs like tied sandbags, can not lift up. My heart secretly worried, what should I do? Give up? No way! Basketball is my favorite sport. I must join this club. I think of my father once taught me, long-distance running need constant speed forward, this will be more relaxed, so I adjust the breathing, constant speed to run forward, I passed one after another of the students, and secretly happy in the heart. Finally to the finish line, my head is full of sweat, heart to jump out. Im so happy that I didnt get eliminated.

Although this is a small thing, but I understand, things can not give up halfway, as long as perseverance, towards their goals, we will be successful.

开展社团活动英语范文 第十一篇





















开展社团活动英语范文 第十二篇

As a student, you study English, mathematics, Chinese, music and so on in school. On the one hand, learning is becoming more and more important, so you should study hard; on the other hand, you should learn to release the time you need to do. You should participate in extracurricular activities, including sports, language learning, music and mathematics.

I hope you can learn to relax.



开展社团活动英语范文 第十三篇

Today, our third class is a club activity.

Wait for everyone to sit well, xu teacher said: "first of all, I tell you a riddle, there is an animal has eight legs, every day in the net." Hear xu teachers words, everybody immediately answer: spider! "Yes, today we are going to learn to be spiders! "Said Miss Xu.

So, we will do on the "God", with their own hands to create life. I first made the plasticine into a few small ball and a big ball as the body, but when I was doing, inadvertently saw a super funny picture: "Yu Guai Yang made the plasticine stool!" I dont want to laugh at him at all -- are we friends? So, I said to him "Yu Guaiyang, you this is what things." "Gourd." Yu Guaiyang said. "Oh." I ignore him again, continue to do my "spider." . After a while, my spider was done. At this time, Yu Yuanxins is also done, but I look puzzled, said to him: "Yu Yuanxin, what is this?" "Scorpion King + Spider." yu

Source Xin pointed to strange things said. At this time, a classmate is also done, he stretched out his hand, we see Shouting brain! The man had made thin strips of plasticine and then rubbed it into a ball with his hands.

Ha! Ha! Today is a happy day.

开展社团活动英语范文 第十四篇








开展社团活动英语范文 第十五篇

Some time ago, the school organized a club activity called "Physical Arts 2+1". When I knew there was a Guzheng club, I secretly made up my mind: I also want to sign up, in order to live up to the expectations of the Guzheng teacher, in order to win honor for the class, I must go!

Later, I took part in club activities every Thursday. I practiced very hard and was always the last one to leave the class. However, the thought of the teacher said to be in the "61" Childrens Day performance, I am excited. Let me tell you, our teachers teacher is graduated from Guzheng performance professional training institution, but it is amazing! So the teacher was very strict with us, but as the saying goes, "A strict teacher makes excellent students." All of us in the Guzheng club practiced for only three or four times, and we were almost able to perform in ensemble.

"One minute on stage, ten years of work off stage!" Thats easier said than done. Students, when you hear the beautiful melody, you can know how much time and sweat the performer paid! So whenever I can play a piece completely, I feel really proud because all the hard work paid off. Im so happy that I made the song come alive on the paper.

I love you——Guzheng Club, thank you for letting me know more about music and at the same time sharpening my will!

开展社团活动英语范文 第十六篇

In September, I entered the University and became one of the places I always yearned for. After graduating from University, I felt that everything was so fresh. I found that college life was totally different from middle school life.

Teachers no longer forced you to study and think about everything about yourself. There were more things that could be done in spare time in University. There were many community activities and other meaningful activities that could make people's life colorful You can also get in touch with many different things and know many different people.

For example, I have met many new friends. College is the key stage of my life. I can broaden my horizons, and at the same time, I can make my mind more mature and have a different view of the world.

I believe that after four years, I will be surprised that I have changed.



开展社团活动英语范文 第十七篇























开展社团活动英语范文 第十八篇

This semester our school in order to enrich the students extracurricular life, carried out a rich and colorful community activities, there are car model, sea model, air model, basketball, table tennis, pastry, pottery, roller skating, piano and so on.

I choose the models, because since I was young, I like the car, I has a keen interest in cars, so mom bought me a car flag, I soon can watch logo, finds out, because my father and grandfather were excellent driver, driving, when I wont go to sit his dad on the leg to hold the steering wheel to drive, my family a lot of toy cars, not hundreds, or at least dozens of vehicles, so I choose the models, like I love car has a lot of, we have four classes, one to four grade like models of boy, that is more.

The car model is not so simple as you imagine, there are rules to play the car model, there are requirements. Remember at the beginning of the game, some cars hit people, some cars hit the wall, after the teacher carefully guided, after we failed again and again, we can finally gallop on the prescribed runway.

Playing car model makes me understand to unite, as some people say: "individual good, is a sheep, all good is a group of wolves." So we must unite in doing things and have the spirit of cooperation.

This is my club.

开展社团活动英语范文 第十九篇

In the golden autumn season, the orchard is rich in fruit, and the fragrance of fruit makes people salivate.

Into the orchard, you will see the trees covered with a red apple, like a red lantern. Apple has a porcelain bowl so big, red through yellow, like a little sisters rosy face, endearing. Some apples hide shyly in the branches; Some apples in the squeeze to squeeze to go, scramble to show themselves; Some apples do not move, it seems to have entered a sweet dream. A gust of wind blowing, the apple is teetering, but also issued bursts of refreshing fragrance.

Clusters of purple grapes were hanging on the shelf. Dense branches and leaves to spread out in all directions, like a green arbor set up. Agate like grapes under the irradiation of the sun become colorful, beautiful. These grapes are all thin skins, small seeds, juicy, big flesh, the thought of which makes your mouth water.

The orange tree was covered with golden oranges. Oranges are bright in color, sweet and sour, and contain a lot of vitamin C, so I like oranges very much. Eating oranges regularly can prevent cancer. The peel of oranges can also be made into sachets and put next to the pillow can make people sleep soundly. So I think oranges are kind of treasure.

Again came to the pear tree, yellow pears above small, big below, like a small gourd, really cute! There are still some small black spots on the pear. The pears are delicious. They are sweet and juicy, crispy and very popular.

Autumn beauty, autumn orchard more beautiful!

开展社团活动英语范文 第二十篇

I have a lot of things to do in my free time. Usually I take exercise after like basketball and volleyball very help me to keep healthy and study often watch TV or do some reading in the I listen to music for a find it a good way to relax course, I help my parents with the housework at the weekends. I clean the house, wash clothes and learn I go on a field trip with my always have a good time!

Some students like to p

开展社团活动英语范文 第二十一篇



















开展社团活动英语范文 第二十二篇

Recently, our school held an activity -- the students of Grade 6 started a club by themselves. I participated in the small host community, our guidance teacher turned out to be our class teacher Feng teacher and a math teacher Zhu teacher.

We held an interesting club activity - East Wheat Dull - East Wheat Dull Holder Club. There were 8 members in our class. We 8 people together came to the big playground, poster posted less than 10 minutes, 17 three, four grade children to participate in our little host community. So lets do the math. With the people from our class, there are already twenty-six participants. Then, Feng teacher led the children together to the music classroom, points out the specific work. Our president is Guo Xinnan, vice president is Yang Qianyi, Yang Yunqiu and I are assistants, the others are members, teacher Feng also arranged work. Then, Feng teacher let us watch the cartoon together, let us all get familiar with these children! When watching cartoons, there are some children think I asked some of the students and teachers in our class, I answered one by one. I think these children are very cute, but let me have a very strange idea: these children are a bit like the kind of TV probing into other peoples secrets like the little guy!

I think this club activity is very well held, which can make everyone feel happy in this activity, and can also get good exercise in the activity.

开展社团活动英语范文 第二十三篇




开展社团活动英语范文 第二十四篇

I like Wednesday best, because there is my favorite dance club on that day. There are a group of lively and cheerful students, there is a beautiful and gentle teacher.

I remember once, we were practicing basic skills. Our feet are together and our hands are at our toes. The teacher see our back all camel, soft voice say: "back all stand up, otherwise be the old woman!" Everyone a listen to laugh. The teacher saw me pressure can not pressure down, gently said to me: "dont be nervous, relax to do better!" I did what the teacher told me and I made progress.

Our dance club is a big family of solidarity and friendship! Once, there was a fourth-grade big sister in our club who forgot to bring her dancing clothes. She was so anxious that she was like a cat on hot bricks. Gong Kexin knew, concerned to ask: "How did you!" The eldest sister replied, "I have forgotten my dancing dress. What shall I do?" Gong Kexin a listen, immediately took out a dance clothes said: "I have two dance clothes, lend you a!" Big sister face showed a happy smile.

Look! This is the life of my dance club. It makes me realize the teachers care and patience, but also let me know that students should be united and friendly. I will practice hard and jump out more beautiful dance.

开展社团活动英语范文 第二十五篇

Facing the bright sunshine, we went to the China science and technology museum for an interesting activity.

Under the guidance of our teachers, we know what chemistry is, and I know how much chemistry contributes to our lives.

We were involved in two experiments.

The first experiment was the chalk chromatography. Teacher let us in the lion's share of the chalk mark on a thumb-nail long tag (with a colored pencil), and then, the teacher let us in petri dishes with water, and water bottom (introduced in advance), then the lion's share of the chalk in petri dishes, count to ten, I open my eyes, my god! The color of the previous painting turned into three colors in a flash. It was incredible!

The second experiment is more interesting, called recycling of waste paper. Hair the teacher gave us some toilet paper, then as waste paper in the life, let's put at the end of the paper tore into melted and tore a few people together, into a beaker, and then poured out from the measuring cup 100 ml of water in the beaker. Then let us stir the beaker with a glass bar, but we can't touch the wall. Finally, the teacher helped us to remove the water from the pulp by using the experiment funnel. Let's press the paper flat with a rolling pin, so the paper was finished.

This experiment not only interesting, but also let me know a lot of chemistry knowledge!

开展社团活动英语范文 第二十六篇







