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熟悉的作家英语对话范文 第一篇

Many people have favorite places they like to go to when they are feeling sad or bored. I also have favorite places that I go to as often as I can.

Here are the three places that I like most. First of all, I like the zoo. The animals are amazing because some are so cute and some are so ugly! I like to pet them,feed them and watch them perform. Museums are cool places, too. They have good exhibits and fascinating displays. I like the works of art there. Some museums teach me a lot about history and science. From dinosaurs to robots, I love them all. Finally, theme parks are my favourite place. I think the roller coasters are the best. It's fun to scream and get scared.

These places always cheer me up. I try to go to each of my favorite places once a year. I am going to find more favorite places to go to when I grow up.




熟悉的作家英语对话范文 第二篇

My favorite star is a girl called Li Yuchun, who is well received by so many people coming from all over the world.

In my eyes, she is a likely girl. As we know, she is always full of energy and confidence on the stage. With her great appeal, she immediately becomes a crazy fan of the majority of people.

On the other hand, we all think highly of what she has done for poor people. It’s clear to us that she has been helping poor children to go to school and blind people see the bright world again. What a kind girl she is!

Not only is she our idol, but also our best teacher who we can learn something useful reason why I regard her as my idol is that she is diligent and always ready to help others. I hope that she can take on a new look and create more new songs





熟悉的作家英语对话范文 第三篇

In this world, everyone need energy to survive. where does the energy comes from? Everyday we eat a certain quantity of food, it would provide energy to our daily life.

The food I love most is the vegetables. Without taking certain vegetables every day, you may cause health problems. Maybe it is not very delicious, but it's very important to us.



熟悉的作家英语对话范文 第四篇

Jay Zhou, who was born in Taiwanin , is my favorite singer. He has produced many loved by lots of teenagers.

One of his famous songs, Qing Huaci, is my favorite. I like him because he works very hard, and he never gives in no matter how hard life is.

When he was at school, he did not study well. But he never gave up. Instead, he learned his favorite music and at last, he became a well-known singer, also a producer of music, for which he is very popular among the young.



熟悉的作家英语对话范文 第五篇

My favorite animal rabbits, it not only innocence and purity, sometimes is also very attractive.

Previously, my grandmother has a small rabbit, seemed niang soon, although some naughty, also naive to see them.

It has a pair of small red long ears; A small nose; A pair of round red eyes, like two red glass beads; Has a short tail; It's like the winter Snow White; Form a lovely and clever, very lovable small white rabbit.

The small white rabbit likes to eat carrots and green vegetables, how to eat pig.

The small white rabbit just like my good friend, almost all day for my father. To dinner, he shows that the appearance of the Wolf really funny. Anyway, I can see it, and it is to play, we play together, it is in my left and right along with me, but one day we will separate.

Because I have to go to school, and almost every winter or summer vacation, I can go to my grandma's, to see the lovely small white rabbit again.

Is not only that, the small white rabbit still has a lot of characteristics, and I like it very much that covered in white feathers and white like the white clouds in the sky, which place do you like it? Would you please tell me as soon as possible. Not only the small white rabbit is very cute, each person, each animal has his lovely place, there are naive and cold side, wouldn't you say so?








熟悉的作家英语对话范文 第六篇

Guo Jingming is a famous writer in China. I think all the students have known him. He is also my favourite writer. He was born in 1983. He has published many books, such as "Visionary"," The Summer Still Doesn't Come"…These books are very touching.

I often cry and shed bitter tears while I am reading his books. I thought he was a pessimistic person but now I think he is sensational person. He doesn't want to grow up judged by this. I think he is pure and naive. Although he is a writer, he studies well.

I admire him very much. His words are common, but they make people feel quite close to him. I hope he can write better articles and I want to be a writer like him when I grow up.




熟悉的作家英语对话范文 第七篇

There are many different kinds of food. My favorite food is fried China, most of the people in the south eat rice. And I like fried rice best.

It’s really delicious. When I go home from school, I am always hungry. At that time I always make fried rice by myself. I often cook it carefully and it is so delicious. It makes me happy. After eating it, I am not hungry any more. Fried rice is my favorite.



熟悉的作家英语对话范文 第八篇

Lu Xun is my favourite writer. He is one of the most famous writers in China. He wrote a lot of literary works.

He was thin and not tall. He always wore a long old coat in that time. At first, he wanted to be a doctor and save people?s lives. So he learned medicine, but later he found the Chinese were in sensitive when they faced the oppression of their enemies. So he began to write articles to wake the people up.

Lu Xun wrote some famous novels, he attacked the social mores in that time, and in his works, many persons were known very well, such as “Ah Q”“Kong Yi ji”.

I like Lu Xun because I also want to be a great writer like him. I like reading and writing, and I often write some articles in my free time. Though I don?t have good literary talent or a large vocabulary, I spend lots of time reading and writing to improve my writing skills.

Lu Xun is my hero, I will learn more from him. I believe I can be a great writer like him in the future.







熟悉的作家英语对话范文 第九篇

My favourite sport is playing badminton .

It is a very popular game and both of the young and the old can play it . There are many kinds of ways to play it , such as men’s singles , women’s singles , men’s doubles , women’s doubles and fixed doubles .

It isn’t as easy as it seems to play because you have to know how to run the pace , how to hit the badminton . You must learn about many things about badminton .

I have a badminton training class on Tuesdays , Thursdays and Saturdays . We drill very hard and always feel tired after an hour .

I see many badminton matches and know some famous badminton players , I want to be a famous one too .

I like playing badminton very much .







熟悉的作家英语对话范文 第十篇


第一,专注于自己的领域。I wanted to be one of the best basketball players I ever play. And anything else that was outside of that lane. I didn't have time for.”(我想成为最棒的篮球运动员,没有时间花费在与之无关的事情上。)后面科比举例子:“everything I saw, whether it was TV shows, whether it was books I read, people I talked to, everything was done to try to learn how to become a better basketball player. ”(我看的任何东西,无论是电视、书籍、和我谈话的人,都是为了让我成为一个更好的篮球运动员。)接着,科比提到了一句我很喜欢的话 “so when you have that point of view, then literally the world becomes your library to help you to become better at your craft”(当你有了这样的想法之后,整个世界都会成为你完善自身工艺的图书馆)。专注于自己的一个领域更能取得成功,我们要把自己全部精力投入其中,让世界成为提升自己的“图书馆”!

第二,要保持竞争的心态。“I had a kill list.”“That became my mission in high school is to check off every other person, all those 56 other names hunt them down and knock him down.”(我有一个暗杀名单。超越比我排名高的56个名字就成为了o 我奥众的目标。)科比提到要以超越、战胜自己的对手作为自己的目标,并不断为之努力。我们都知道科比的好胜心,而从这里也可见一斑。

第三,面对困难的时候,正确的态度是分析原因,制定计划,让同样的失败不再发生。其实,科比在其他的场合也曾提过:只要我从未失败,因为真正的失败是你失败之后不去努力。只要你从失败中学到教训,提升自己,下次不再反同样的错误,那么这次失败也就不是真正的失败。“You got to look at the reality of the situation, you know, like for me, it's not you know. you kind of got to get over yourself, but it's not about you”(你要看清楚真实情况,对于我来说,你要战胜的是你自己)。科比也举了不少例子。如“The reason why I shot air balls because my legs are on there, I don't know, next year they'll not be there. that was it done.”(我投出三不沾的原因是因为腿部力量不足,但是下年我会让他更强壮,问题就解决了)。

第四,要由责任心,该自己承担的时候绝不退缩。因为“no one knows about what you want to play the game and it was so insane for whatever reasons”(没有人知道你的情况是怎么样的),所以“you've got to perform right and so you just got to go to work”(你必须承担自己的责任,顶上去),更何况“you got a lot of people playing their hard-earned money to come watch before sure a job to be in shape to your job, to be strong enough to perform at that level every single night and as a competitor. i'm not i'm not ducking shit like it's not. ”(很多人用辛辛苦苦赚的钱去看你的比赛,你必须有所表现)

第五,在子女教育方面,“身教”大于“言传”。“you've gotta set the example”(你要做好榜样)。不要总是只给自己的子女提要求,希望他们怎样怎样,最重要的是你自己哟做好榜样,让他们受到感染。自己没做好榜样,没有资格要求子女也要做得多么好。


熟悉的作家英语对话范文 第十一篇

Kobe: I had a purpose. I wanted to be one of the best basketball players I ever play. And anything else that was outside of that lane. I didn't have time for.

R: At what age did that goal become crystal?

Kobe: Clear domain, I made that deal with myself at thirteen years old. As the deal I may hear about it crystal clear.

R: And what did inspiration from?

Kobe: The love of the game, the love of the game, the challenge, like I would watch Magic play. i'd watch Michael play and I will see them do these. And I say, you know, can I get to that level? Oh no, but let's find out. let's find out. And so that curiosity to see where I could push this thing. let me down that path. I think, you know, basketball for me was the most important thing. So everything I saw, whether it was TV shows, whether it was books I read, people I talked to, everything was done to try to learn how to become a better basketball player. Everything, everything. And so when you have that point of view, then literally the world becomes your library to help you to become better at your craft.

R: The world becomes your library to help you improve your craft better your craft because you know what she won the world's given you exactly the information.

One hundred percent of it, because you know what you're looking for. So at thirteen years old, I had a kill list, and so you know, they used to do these right. Rankings through stream smith basketball rankings and I was nowhere to be found. Because I was like six, four scrawny like 160 pounds soaking wet. So I was like 57 on the list and so I will look at 56, 55 all the way up to number one who these players are, what club teams they played for. So when we go on a you travel circuit and I got to hunt down. Right, and so that became my mission in high school is to check off every other person, all those 56 other names hunt them down and knock him down. That was in a target on him right off the bat.

R: It was in very simple. that's unbelievable.

Kobe:You got to look at the reality of the situation, you know, like for me, it's not you know. you kind of got to get over yourself, but it's not about you, man. like, oh, okay, you feel embarrassed. You're not that important, like get over yourself. yeah, that's where you go. Get over yourself, right, like you're worried about how people may perceive you and like you're walking around and it's embarrassing because you shall air balls, get over yourself, right? and then after that it's okay. well, why did those air balls happen? Got in high school year before we play 35 games, max, right weekend between spaced out plenty of time to rest in the NBA is back to back to back to back to back to back to back to back. I didn't have the legs. You look at the shot. Every shot was on line, every shot was on line, but every shot was short, right? I got to get stronger. I got to train differently. The weight training program that I'm doing, I got to tailor it for an 82 game season so that when the playoffs come around, my legs are stronger and that ball gets there. So I look at it with rationale and say, okay, well. The reason why I shot air balls because my legs are on there, I don't know, next year they'll not be there. that was it done.

R: So many guys tell stories about your work ethic, what was really your work ethic like and for how long did you stay disciplined.?

Well, I mean, every day, I mean, since. 20 years means that everyday process in trying to figure out shrinks and weaknesses. For example, jumping ability. now my vertical was a 40 wasn't a 46 or 45. My hands are big, but they're not massive, right. So you got to figure out ways to strengthen them. So your hands are strong enough to be able to palm a ball and do the things that you need to do. Quickness, I was quick, but not insanely quick. I was fast but not ridiculously fast. right, so I had them rely on a lot more I had to rely on angles a lot more. I had to study the game a lot more, but I enjoyed it though, so like from the time I was I can't remember when I started watching the game, I studied the game and it just never changed

R: What was the conversation like with your wife to say?Listen. this is the schedule because look, you know some entrepreneurs are coming home at night and late. oh my gosh, my wife is upset because I came home at 11:30. oh my goodness, what a sacrifice on making you. you know, it's I don't know if I can do this. sure you're on the road nine months out of the year if you especially played Olympic one, two gold medals that you doing that on the off season, are you trying to get that part going and training for doing your camps, what is the conversational life would like with your wife and kids to say, listen, this is what i'm doing. how did that conversation go?

Kobe: Well, with the kids is different. so like the communication with our children is that dad is working hard. This is the level of attention to. detail you need to have and everything you do. so it's set in the example.

Same thing with my wife, my wife to stay at home-wife. it's the hardest job, man, so she works really hard at that. I mean, it's, you know, and so her attention to detail with that as well are examples for our children and then for my wife it's, you know, she's as competitive as I am. she's just like, listen. man, if you're going to be out here to train the eight hours a day. we don't spend nine months at a year away from your family. you'd better xxxing win the championship.

But it's a balancing act and that's the thing that's important is understanding that we have to have so much energy because for like Natalia and Giano. when they were babies, especially Natalia because there's no one prime years and I go to practice and I train and you know i'd play the game and I come home and I'd be sore and I'd be tired. And she wants to go swimming. she wants me to take her to the park. she wants to just jump on my back or whatever the case may be, you can't say I'm too tired. I'm going to lay down. That's not fair. she don't know what the hell is going on, right? And if this was a game, you suck it up and play. I'll play games with the flu. I play games with 102 fever, man. I can't do that powerful. you got to be on, man.

R: what's the least amount of sleep?

Kobe: you played a game on. you know there is there are story words like, you know. no one knows about what you want to play the game and it was so insane for whatever reasons, no sleep. you played a game, you'll sleep to. your sleep is like, you know, kids not alia, had a certain, you know, health situation would have you and you stand up all night and then you've got to go out and perform. Because fans don't know, teammates don't know, nor do they care, nor should they that you've been up all night. you've got to perform right and so you just got to go to work, man.

R: that's the respect. and I think one of the things that you and Michael had in common is that it wasn't saying i'm going to take eight games off this year to try to stay healthy, you know like that to you is comic.

Kobe: I'd like to do that. What the hell is that man? I don't know if that is that's crazy. seriously, it's crate like, you know, you got a lot of people playing their hard-earned money to come watch before sure a job to be in shape to your job, to be strong enough to perform at that level every single night and as a competitor. i'm not i'm not ducking shit like it's not.

oh my god, I'm a back herds. I'm sore. we got to play Vince carter in Toronto raptors tonight. we actually had this happen. we had a game against Toronto in 2000 and Benz was tearing the go. her back was jack, jack, but like the perception of that. like where Kobe's missing the game against Toronto, Vince Carter because my mom back was really spasming. but people will be like, what? oh, he's ducking, Vince, excuse me. no, I don't think so. so I would be in the lab line, like, okay, there's a lot of days where, you know you can rest and recover today a one of them your back and bother you any other day that she didn't bother me today.

R: We go, he go out to see me your plan against the Golden State Warriors score is 107 and 109. you guys are close to getting into the playoffs. you know exactly what happens in the game. you go up, you're about to take your shot in and all of a sudden bone kelly happens, right. I have no clue how the hell this guy did it. he went and hit the free throws and then you walked off the stage.

Kobe: yeah, I mean, you got the surgery. how the hell do you tolerate that. pain, ah, you know, I use this. I I tell this example and I think this is the best way to explain it. you know, you have a hamstring injury. pull your hamstring really, really badly. you can barely walk right. let alone play anything soccer, basketball, volleyball, whatever it is. can't do anything. doctor tells you go home, sit upon a couch, rush your hammy, right, stay off of it, don't get up no sun movements. you're at home all of a sudden a fire breaks out in the home. your kids are upstairs, you know, wife is wherever she may be, you know, she's going to do all right, i'm willing to bet that you're going to forget about your hamstring. you're going to sprint upstairs. you're going to grab your kids. you'll make sure your wife's good. you'd get out of that house, right. hamstring, be them. you're not going to fill your hamstring. right, and in the room. the reason is because the lives of your family are more important than the injury of your hamstring. and so when the game is more important than the injury itself, you don't feel that damage not at that time.

Kobe: I win the trainer's room. my kids are in there and, you know, they look at you and stuff and i'm looking at them and i'm like, you know, it's like that is gonna be all right, it will be fine. it will be all right, it will be all right, as a parent. you've gotta set the example. you've got to set the example. this is another obstacle. this obstacle cannot define me. it's not going to cripple me. it's not going to be responsible for me stepping away for the game that I love. i'm going to step away on my own terms and that's when the decision was made that you know what i'm doing. it doing it your quick indeed that there is parents. you got a lead by example if you want your kids to do whatever it is they want to accomplish in life, you have to show. you can't you gotta show and that's what I tried to.

熟悉的作家英语对话范文 第十二篇

There are four seasons in a year, spring means reborn, the trees become green and the flowers get boom.

In the summer, the weather is hot while in the autumn, the weather is cool, the winter means cold. Among the four seasons, I like the winter best, though it is cold, I enjoy the weather. I don’t have to bear the hot weather, when I sleep, the warm makes me feel so comfortable, I have the good sleep. What’s more, I can play the snow, I like to build all kinds of snowmen, I play with my friends, we are enjoying the moment. I like winter so much, it brings me so much happiness.




