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调查个人材料范文英语 第一篇



1、State you are resigning your specific position

2、State you are resigning your specific position/title and the effective date.

3、Mention anyone you’ve trained to replace you, if appropriate, and any unfinished projects in progre.

1、State you are resigning your specific position As we have discued, I am offering my resignation as systems analyst, level want to make the resignation effective date as convenient for you as poible, but no later than March 1.

Please consider this letter as my resignation from my position as office manager, effective March 1. I will be leaving my position as general counsel on August 31.

After six long months of contemplation on my future advancement in HHH, I have decided to resign my geologist position, effective sometime in October–at your decision has been quite difficult for me because I truly have enjoyed the relationships I’ve built here.

I offer my resignation as training coordinator with last day will be March 1, unle you have a replacement who can aume the responsibilities sooner.

2、State your reason for may be as vague or as specific as you in mind, however, your reason should be one that puts you in a favorable light with future employers who may verify your employment record.

This new position will offer me the opportunity to travel overseas, an adventure I’ve looked forward to for sometime now.

I have been concerned about the limited opportunities for you know, I’ve always been one to thrive on change and growth.

I have decided to seek a job that will allow me more freedom to use my problem-solving skills on non-routine matters.

As you know, my training is in the financial area, and I’ve had limited opportunities here to make contributions of that kind.

My experience with previous employers has been administrative work, and that is the kind of job to which I’d like to return.

As we have discued, because of changes in my personal financial position, I have had to seek a position that offered a higher salary–although I understand your budgetary constraints.

I really haven’t decided completely what kind of job I want to pursue, although I am interested in the poibility of going into busine for myself.

At this point, I’m toying with the idea of turning one of my hobbies into a profit-making enterprise.

I plan to move back to the Midwest to be near my elderly parents, who have had serious health problems the last year.

Because of the increase in the size of my family and the rapidly increasing cost of living, I’ve found it neceary to seek other employment.

Rush-hour traffic and my two-hour daily commute have become a growing frustration for me, and, therefore, I have located a position nearer my home that will allow me more time with my family.

Frankly, I was deeply disappointed the vacancy of general manager was filled by someone from outside the years of excellent performance appraisals, I was led to believe I was in line for that the circumstances, I think you’ll understand my decision to resign.

I have accepted a position with HHH as their director of marketing.

3、Mention anyone you’ve trained to replace you, if appropriate, and any unfinished projects in progre.

I’ve trained Cheryl Anderson in all my daily job duties.

I have every confidence Cheryl Anderson can handle my job.

I would have no qualms 疑虑in leaving my job in the capable hands of Cheryl Anderson, at least until you’ve made a thorough search outside the organization.

Cheryl Anderson is fully capable of auming my position, should you decide to promote from within the organization.

Pending projects 未完工程include the Jefferson case and the Blythe will. Unfinished projects that will need your attention include…; Cheryl Anderson is familiar with all the details of these on-going efforts

调查个人材料范文英语 第二篇

A Report on Children's Gratitude to Their Parents

Children's lives are given by their parents and originally,children should be grateful to all the children can do report made recently suggests that one-fourth of the people think that to raise children is the duty of their parents and so children needn't express any gratitude to one-fourth of the people suppose that there is a big gap between them and their don't know how to communicate with their parents,let alone to say say that they hate to express any is boring.

To respect parents and express our gratitude to them is a good tradition of Chinese far as I am concerned,to we should show our respect and gratitude to our give birth to us,and undoubtedly we are supposed to be grateful to them in return.

调查个人材料范文英语 第三篇

认为学习英语是为了适应社会需求的学生占52%,以应付考试的占38%,而出于兴趣学习英语的仅占10%由上数据可以看出大多数学生英语并非出于兴趣或爱好,而是社会所趋,比如英语四级证书与学位证挂钩,以后走上社会求职英语四级证是一道门槛等等此类 莲山课件 原文地址:/article/zjbgdcbg/ 达61%的人平时基本不阅读任何英语读物;每周阅读10小时以上的只有1%。另外,75%的人基本不使用英语写作;偶尔写写的仅有18%。可见,仅靠自学很难养成英语学习习惯,更不用说得到良好的学习效果了。在我们学习英语的自觉性不高的情况下,到培训机构“补一课”无疑成为了提高英语技能的一个重要途径。

莲山课件 原文地址:/article/zjbgdcbg/ 大学生英语学习调查报告

2008-8-19 9:15:59 针对目前市场上流行的英语培训风潮,我们对此展开了一系列深入的调查,无可否认这次我们做的很不全面,也不怎么到位,但我们认为找到了一些我们感兴趣的东西,希望对大家的英语学习有所帮助,首先我们在学生中间进行了一份问卷调查,调查内容如下: 根据调查结果我把接受调查的学生大致分为三种类型:



3、认为有必要参加也拿出实际行动的,占到21%。 我们先来看看第三种类型的同学,主要参加的是四六级、雅思、口语、中高级口译和一些其他语种,分别占到36%、9%、36%、9%、10%,当然因为调查的人数有限,可能数据的说服力不强,但是从这些结果来看确实能看出一些端倪,学生们主要是投资于应付考试和交流应用方面,根据近日一家全球著名的英语培训机构——华尔街英语对天津市白领的英语应用







3、会拘泥于听到的一两个key words ,而忽略下面的关键词和关键语句??解决办法呢?增大词汇量: 阅读英文名著,看英语原声电影,背词根字典,我们就我们的实际经历来一一解读,一)英文名著看似是一个不错的选择,其实事实情况是怎样的呢?举一个例子,放暑假的时候我借了一本《基督山伯爵》,书后有一句很有趣的话: 神仙姐姐啊,看不懂啊!这说明什么问题呢?英文名著大都是上个世纪或者是上上个世纪的名著,跟我们有一定的代沟,而且生词量很多,常常一句话里就只有几个单词是懂的,一遇见生词要联想词根、比较象的单词,一般情况下是不那么容易就能想到的,字典来了,最普遍的牛津字典应该是很权威的吧,拿出来再找到,再找到对应的意思,比较偏的意思,而很多情况下对普遍的意思根本就视而不见,在有一次的课外课堂里我听到这样一句话:在面试的时候面试官根本就不看所谓的证书,把你拿过来跟我说几分钟,你说的我听得懂,我说的你听得懂,那就ok 了。对,英语就是交流的工具,而正常的交流词汇的单词长度一般不超过8个,所以我们认为阅读英文名著对于不感兴趣的人不是很明智的选择。


调查个人材料范文英语 第四篇

According to Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 21 - According to “People’s Republic of China Land Management Law” and “the State Council on Deepening the Reform in strict land management decisions” (National Development [2004] 28) the relevant provisions of the State Council decided since 2007 years from July 1 to carry out the second national land to the arrangements, to basically

complete the first half of 2008 the eastern part of the the first half of 2009 to complete the national national land survey of the main contents include: the use of remote sensing acro the country and other advanced technology to map is the basis of photography, like, block-by-field survey of land type and size, have the National arable land, garden, woodland, industrial land,

infrastructure, land, financial and commercial services, the development of the park, real estate, as well as all kinds of unused land, such as land distribution and utilization; case-by-block survey of urban and rural areas of various land ownership and use the right conditions, have the right to use state-owned land and rural collective land ownership status; to investigate the quantity of basic farmland nationwide,

distribution and conservation status of each piece on the map of basic farmland, registration, inventories; the creation of Internet-sharing coverage of national, provincial and city (prefecture) and county four sets of images, graphics, and type, size and ownership of the land survey as a whole database; the establishment of changes in land resources survey information and timely monitoring and rapid update mechanism.

second national land survey was conducted by the deployment of national unity be implemented step by step, focus and in urgent need of priority January 2007 to June of this survey, carried out the preparatory work, the completion of the investigation programming, technical

specifications, as well as the development of the pilot, training and publicity work, the full deployment of the second national land July 2007 to June 2009, throughout the organization to conduct investigations and database second half of 2009, around the collated results of the investigation, and October 31, 2009 to investigate the de facto standard, unified to make changes to update the survey data to the Ministry of Land and Resources汇交results, summarized by the Ministry of Land and Resources to form the second the National Land Survey in the basic data.

2010 years later, an annual national survey of land change, and maintain the investigation results of the current trend.

the State Council set up the second national land survey leading group in charge of the investigation of the organization and leadership,

coordinate and solve major governments at all levels should set up corresponding leading group for investigation and his office, in charge of the area to investigate the organization and implementation.土地调查在7月1日开始第二次在2009年完成

据xxx北京6月21日-根据“xxx土地管理法”和“xxx关于深化改革严格土地管理的决定” (国家发展[ 2004 ] 28 )的有关规定xxx决定自二〇 〇七年7月1日起开展第二次全国土地调查。根据安排,基本完成2008年上半年东部地区的调查。到2009年上半年,完成全国调查。

第二次全国土地调查的主要内容包括:利用遥感技术在全国各地和其他先进技术,以地图为基础的摄影,像座通过实地调查土地类型和大小,有全国可耕地,园林,林地,工业用地,基础设施,土地,金融和商业服务,开发园区,房地产,以及各种闲置土地,如土地分配和利用;逐块调查城市和农村地区的各种土地所有权和使用权的条件下,有权使用国有土地和农村集体土地所有权状况;调查的数量,全国基本农田,分布和保护状况的每件地图的基本农田,登记,清查;建立互联共享的覆盖国家,省和市(地) ,县4套图像,图形,和类型,大小和土地所有权的调查作为一个整体的数据库;的建立土地资源变化信息的调查和及时的监测和快速更新机制。

第二次全国土地调查由国家统一部署,将分步实施,重点和迫切需要的优先领域。在2007年1月至6月的这次调查,开展了筹备工作,完成调查方案编制,技术规格,以及发展的试点,培训和宣传工作,全面部署第二次全国土地调查。从2007年7月至2009年6月,整个组织开展调查和数据库建设。 2009年下半年,各地整理调查结果,以及2009年10月31号进行调查的事实标准,统一进行变更调查数据更新向xxx汇交成果,总结部土地和资源,形成了第二次全国土地调查的基本数据。


调查个人材料范文英语 第五篇

A Questionnaire about college students smoking gender(




A 10---18



you smoking? A:Yes

B :No C: Ever had , quit smoking now

is the reson of your fist smoking? A .Curiosity

fashion mood is depreed persuaded reasons

what situations do you need to smoke?

bored B .too much preure of frustration D .other reasons

is your opinions of your smoking habit? A .personal choice. not objectionable fashion C .easy to reach out to another myself

long have you been smoking? –5years —10years D .Above ten years

`s your family opinions of your smoking? A They do not know B disagree and Anger C agree and understand D will be persuaded to give up it

you think stoping smoking is difficult? A yes

B no C uncertainty

you ever thought about giving up smoking? A yes,but not succe

B yes and succe

C no

harm does smoking do you think ? `t good for healthy of money


a negative impreion to people

12 Generally speaking,you think smoking is

A .benefits greater than disadvantage B .more harm than good. advantages and disadvantages ==================== THE END Thanks for completing the survey questions.

调查个人材料范文英语 第六篇

Mr. or Mrs. 1Dear: Yes, I'm sorry to hear that the shipment quantity is not in accordance with the contract.

We have studied the investigation report you sent us and checked it with the staff in charge of your order. We have to admit that due to our negligence, we have made a mistake, which is in violation of our contract. We are arranging the shipment of the rest of the goods, and we will solve the problem after that Inform you of the delivery date.

We apologize for any inconvenience you may have suffered. Your sincere, Li Hua, Ms. Li, thank you for your reply.

We thank you very much for your handling of this accident. We hope to establish a long-term business relationship with you, because we can see that you are a responsible partner. You sincerely thank you for your reply.

We are willing to accept your apology. We are looking forward to the early delivery of the rest of the order Thank you for your cooperation,.



调查个人材料范文英语 第七篇

When the Beijing Olympic Games began, sports have become a hot topic. People are exercising every day. So here, I want to tell you that there are four people in my sports group.

They are Tom, Joe, Linda and metom. They are an American boy. He is very tall, so he likes playing basketball.

He plays basketball every day. Joe is an English boy. He runs very fast, so he is I like playing football.

He plays football every day. Tool Linda is from Australia. He's beautiful.

He's funny and friendly. He likes playing tennis. She is a tennis star in our school.

She often plays tennis. She wants to win a gold medal for her country. The last time I like swimming.

I swim twice a week. I like to watch swimming. Sports are good for health.

Swimming helps me to learn better, give me the best time and have fun in my life. Swimming can make me happy and strong. I love this sport.

We all like sports and sports. Many sports will help us learn better. That's all.



调查个人材料范文英语 第八篇


main goal is to establish brand awarene among our target audience.

main purpose is to establish brand awarene among our target audience.

main objective is to establish brand awarene among our target audience.本段的关键在于清楚地表明公司的目标,同时下文即可循着这个主题发展。"main goal", "main purpose", "main objective",都是指‘主要的目标'。


to my figures, of the working women we polled, 50% said they read at least one of the top-five selling women's magazines in taiwan.

numbers we have show that of the working women we polled, 50% said they read at least one of the top-five selling women's magazines in taiwan.

the facts prove, of the working women who responded to our poll, 50% read one of taiwan's top-five selling women's magazines.



you'll take a look at this chart, the best media mix, then, would be a combination of

looking at the chart you can see that the best media mix would be a combination of tv and magazine ads.

you can tell by the chart, the best media mix would be a combination of tv and magazine ads.



conclude, even though our target audience is clearly defined, introducing a new product is always a gamble.

summary, even though we have defined our target audience, introducing a new product is always a gamble.

've shown you how to reach our target audience, yet i also think introducing a new product is always a gamble.

在最后一段可略述个人对此活动的观感,并简单扼要的下结论。"to conclude","in summary"或"i think"都是做结论的实用词汇

调查个人材料范文英语 第九篇


Since the past several tens of years, it has witneed the prosperous period of industrial development in most countries in the world, bringing incalculable wealth and prosperity to human , with what it comes is unexpected ecological to historical records in Millennium Ecosystem Aement, in 2005, nearly two-thirds of the world’s ecosystems were degraded and being used un-sustainably, leading to inestimable as well as irreversible , currently humans are faced with a series of iues caused by ecosystems degradation, such as global warming, deforestation and desertification, acid rain, industrial accidents and toxic wastes and more, thus causing a series of social problems including the goals of eliminating poverty ,food safety iues, world economic collapse, the survival and continuous development of mankind, the negative effect caused by the consumption manners of people, resources competition among countries and order to solve these problems, the idea of sustained development comes into being and has a profound influence on the we are going to usher in a new transition to sustainability is absolutely neceary, but what is sustainable development? And how to understand the content involved in sustainable development? IS it a supreme political iue?

The objective of this article is to discu whether sustainable development is a supreme political iue or on the basic concepts of sustainable development, the paper focus on different ideologies, values, ethics or discourses aociated with sustainable development and how to weigh up the the proposition above in terms of whether sustainable development is about values, choices and whether it is a political iue or the end of the paper, it discues some solutions aociated with politics to boost the implementation of sustainable development.

What is sustainable development?

Sustainable development has been defined in many ways, but the most frequently quoted definition is from Our common Future (United Nations World commiion on Environment and Development (WCED),1987), also known as the Brundtland Report:”Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own organizes its topic around the key factors of sustainable development to spread out, in particular suitable for those interdependent and multilateral nations in the search for a sustainable development , since early in 1972, the United Nations had held the Stockholm Conference focus on the spirit of Human also that was the first time that environmental concerns had been brought into the formal political development is another commonly accepted definition is “Sustainability and sustainable development itself are about collective values and related choices, and are therefore a political iue, almost certainly the supreme political iue of our century”(Prugh & Aadourian, 2003: 11).It also considers the values, choices and the politics embedded in these different explanations of sustainable , there exist some other similar definitions but focus is inter-generational equity “Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs”(United Nations World commiion on Environment and Development, 1987).Deriving from this concept, a commonly accepted explanation is that development must be sustainable in social, economy and environment and cannot be short of one in the is neceary for us to find ways to achieve the inter-generational equity under the threshold of sustainable development.

Therefore, we should emphasize firmly the inter-generational equity in meeting eentials and improving the standards of living,but while minimizing the utilization of resources and the generation of wastes and pollutants over the full life cycle of , reuse and recycling of resources in both production and consumption procees are the core part of circular social justice and limits to growth Herman Daly suggested that sustainable development is “development without growth beyond the environmental carrying capacity, where development means qualitative improvement and growth means quantitative increase”(Daly, Introductory chapter, 1999).He called for an approach to sustainability that “strives for sufficient per capita wealth – efficiently maintained and allocated and equitably distributed – for the maximum number of people that can be sustained under these conditions.”(Daly, On Wilfred Beckerman's Critique of Sustainable Development, 1995)To some degree, sustainable development must also be socially from keep ecosystem resilience and stability, conditions of social justice may include: 1) not compromising future generations’ capability to meet their needs; 2) the rights of poor countries and poor people to get rid of poverty and the obligations of rich countries and rich people to alter their immoderate consumption levels; 3) equal treatment of women in acce to opportunities and addition, iues of good governance and democracy are also vital to aure social justice and equity.

Emphasizing science: Still some others hold that sustainable development is not just a supreme political to them, science seems to be more important on the road of sustainable development(Boulding, 1966).Despite of all the technological and scientific triumphs of the current century, the gap between poor and wealthy is largest in history, and the number of poor is continuously , there exist a lot of serious iues related to the human survival and sustainable may be more important than ever for scientists to keep the doors of their laboratories to economic,social, political and ideological fields, because most of the challenges we are facing in the pursuit of sustainable development rooted rely on technology and there is no a perfect balance between the most up-to date scientific data information and committed political leadership, it could never have been on my opinion, the role of the science is magnified to some admit that science is very crucial to sustainable development, but it cannot cover as many as aspects just as politics, so generally speaking,I agree that sustainable development is a political iue.

调查个人材料范文英语 第十篇


Purpose :

Now, more and more people pay attention to appearance, people demand for clothing and selection is not only related to the person's psychology, age, personality, also influenced by other objective , the company in order to get more information and understand the Youngor clothing market situation, questionnaire survey is in progrein the company to meet the needs of the customer


(1)Survey methods:

combine field investigation with inquiry method andobservation method, To learn more about the consumer market demand for clothing by using questionnaire,

(2)Scope of survey site:

All teachers and students of Guilin University Aerospace and TechnologyCity Resident of Guilin

1, The sample of the survey :

In the survey, there are 16 student s , accounting for of the total; The White-collar workers and the company staff a total of14 people, accounting for 20% of the total; there are 9 Ordinary workers, accounting for of the total; Individual busineman 11 people, accounting for of the total; There are 20 people for the others , accounting for of the total.

2, The condition of the age of the respondents:

15-25, there are 27 people, young people accounted for of the total; 25-35, there are 18 people, accounting for of the total; there are 17 people of 35-45 years , accounting for of the total; Eight people over the age of 45, and of the total.

3, A monthly income of respondents status:

there are 19 people’s Monthly income of 800 yuan of the following , accounting for of the total, most of them are students; Monthly

income of 800-1500 with 16 people, of the total; Monthly income of

1500-3000 with30 people, of the total; Monthly income of more

than 3000 with15 people, accounting for of the total.

analysis of research:

(1) the differences of the age and choose clothes

The age between 15 to 25 years of age of the population, accounting for

of the total survey people, between 25 to 35 years old and 35 to 45

years old crowd accounts for , more than 45 years of age accounted for

, young people almost for the students and enter society worker , they

demand for clothing diversification, the pursuit of fashion, individuality, which

focus on the quality of the clothing men over women..People who age

between 25 to 35 years old, most of them are worker or married, years of office

worker, when choosing clothing clothes they don’tlike 15 to 25 years old

young people considered design, the quality of the dre, the price in purchase

factor is also a big factor for them , because of their work need, need to dre

looks more in age from 35 to 45 years old people over the

age of 45, when they buy clothes, the more consideration is the quality of the

clothing and practical, there are few care about clothes’ style,

all, older people often consider the clothes’ value and practicality.

(2) the types of clothing choice and gender differences

Now ,male consumers in the choice of clothing type, theypursues the

comfort of clothing, not only pay attention to the not only pursues

the comfort of clothing ,but also pay attention to the fashion and economic

of boys and 33% of girls are prefer sports casual, but

type and the pursuit of fashion clothing of male, female accounted for

and respectively.

(3)Prices and promotions on the impact of the buyer

The price is another important influence factors of buying aremost of the buyers can accept 100-200 yuan, because the quality of clothes is

usually between 100-200 is very good, the price is more easily accepted by

prices should meet with as many as poible between 100-200 yuan .The busineman also can attract customers in competitive the clothing sales promotion way, more than half of consumers are more loyal to the discount , and buy one and get onefor free , there are only with of customers tend to gifts.

4.summary of Market research report

With the increase of consumer spending power, many consumers aremaking clothes to buy is no simply to consider the basic function of the product, on the premise of reaches a certain economic income,It’s in order to satisfiedwith the work needs, psychological needs, life needs, and the social demand of by a faster communication speed, brand consumption of consumer groups and the pace of the fashion demand almost unanimously

调查个人材料范文英语 第十一篇

A survey of good places in our city

Last week we did a survey of the readers about good places in our this is what we of the high schools are good,and the High School is the best in our has the best teachers and it's the most 's Hospital is the best of has the most comfortable beds and the friendliest Cinema is the has the biggest best clothing store in our city is Xiwang Clothing has the best quality and it's the most for radio station,most young people think Hefei 168 FM is the best radio has the most news and the most interesting music.

调查个人材料范文英语 第十二篇

Children's lives are given by their parents. Children should be grateful. Not all children can do this.

A recent report shows that a quarter of people think it is the parents' responsibility to raise their children, so children don't have to express any gratitude to them. Another quarter thought there was a big gap between them and their parents.



调查个人材料范文英语 第十三篇




Dear Sir or Madam,

The under-mentioned firm has recently asked if they could represent us in the marketing of our products in the United States as our sole agent:

Delta company, Ltd

1258 Huston Avenue

New York,NY10051

It will be greatly appreciated if you could provide us some information about the financial and busine standing of the above information you give will be treated in strict confidence.

Look forward to your early reply.

Sincerely yours,


the New Opener from the Bark向银行查询新客户资信情况


Dear Sir or Madam,

We have received an order for US$80,000 worth of goods from Delta Huston Avenue, New York, ., who has given your bank for you please tell us if they are good for this amount? Are they trustworthy and reliable? We shall be most grateful for any information you give.

Any advice you give us will be kept strictly are also pleased to perform a similar service for you should the opportunity come.

A stamped and addreed envelope has been included for your you in advance.

Sincerely yours,


3.向客户查询信用及经营情况 Inquiring New Customer’s Credit Information from Customers


Dear :

We have received an important order from Delta Huston Avenue, New York, ., who has given us your name for would be much obliged if you could give us some information concerning their busine status.

Any information you give will be highly appreciated and kept in strict shall be pleased to do the same if you should need our services at this end.

Yours Sincerely


4.带附表的资信调查函 Credit Survey Letter with Attachment


Dear Sir or Madam,

We have received a sudden order from the Delta company,Ltd,1258 Huston Avenue,New York,NY 10051,who gives us your name as a shall appreciate it if you will spend a couple of minutes informing us of your own experiences with the firm by answering the attached questionnaire and returning it to us in the enclosed envelope.

Any information you may give us will be treated as strictly you for your help.

Very truly yours,


(Attached Questionnaire)

(1) How long have you been in busine relations with the firm?


(2) What credit limit have you placed on their account?


(3) How promptly are terms met? (choose one of the following)

Very promptlyFairly promptlySlowly

(4) What amount is currently outstanding?


5.资信调查有利回函 Favorable Letter of Credit Information


Dear Thomas,

In reply to your inquiry of March 16th,the firm you inquired about enjoys the fullest respect and unquestionable confidence in the busine world.

They have always provided in-time delivery, moderate prices and superior am sure that if you open an account with them, you will find them most straightforward , I should have no hesitation in according them a credit ofUS , this is without obligation on my part.

Hope this will help you in making a decision.

Sincerely yours,

6.资信调查不利回函 Unfavorable Letter of Credit Information


Dear Thomas,

We have received your letter of August 8th,concerning the credit standing of Delta in New the past three years, the company has experienced a serious difficulty in finance and delayed in executing their normal seems to us that the company’s difficulties are due to bad management and in particular to overtrading.

Therefore, we would advise you to pay most careful attention to any busine relations with , this is our personal opinion and we wish you would make further inquiries on your part.

Yours sincerely



Dear Thomas,

We regret our inability to let you know any information concerning the firm in question in your letter of June 6.

It is true that we had busine with them several years ago,but the amount of busine was not so large as to supply any responsible opinion on its busine capability and credit standing.

Please make further status inquiries from other inquiry agencies.

Truly yours

8.请求老客户作为资信证人 Asking for Credit Information from Old Customers


Dear Charlie,

Thank you for your letter of August 2,telling us that the equipment you bought from us is running well.

As you know,in our line of busine,clients always shop around and look for references before they you please use your experience with us as a reference when our future clients call you?

Thank you for your kind words in forward to our future cooperation.


9.要求对方提供资信资料 Asking for Credit Information


Dear ,

Thanks for your order and inquiry on August company has been dealing with electronic equipment for over 20 are confident in offering what you need and providing you the best service.

Since it is the first time we contact,we would be highly appreciated if you could supply either the usual trade references,or the name of a bank to which we may are also glad to provide you the same if needed.

We sincerely hope this will be the beginning of a long and pleasant busine shall do our best to make it so.

Sincerely yours,


10.同意资信要求 Accepting the Consulting Requirement


Dear Thomas

Thanks for your reply of August your request,we refer you to Falcon Machine Tools Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai and The Chase Bank of New York,who will be pleased to give you the information about our financial standing and creditability of there is any other information we can provide,we would be happy to do so.

Sincerely yours,

调查个人材料范文英语 第十四篇


main goal is to establish brand awarene among our target audience.

main purpose is to establish brand awarene among our target audience.

main objective is to establish brand awarene among our target audience.本段的关键在于清楚地表明公司的目标,同时下文即可循着这个主题发展,英文调查报告。"main goal", "main purpose", "main objective",都是指‘主要的目标'。


to my figures, of the working women we polled, 50% said they read at least one of the top-five selling women's magazines in Taiwan.

numbers we have show that of the working women we polled, 50% said they read at least one of the top-five selling women's magazines in Taiwan.

the facts prove, of the working women who responded to our poll, 50% read one of Taiwan's top-five selling women's magazines.



you'll take a look at this chart, the best media mix, then, would be a combination of TV and magazine ads.

looking at the chart you can see that the best media mix would be a combination of TV and magazine ads.

you can tell by the chart, the best media mix would be a combination of TV and magazine ads.



conclude, even though our target audience is clearly defined, introducing a new product is always a gamble.

summary, even though we have defined our target audience, introducing a new product is always a gamble.

've shown you how to reach our target audience, yet I also think introducing a new product is always a gamble.

在最后一段可略述个人对此活动的观感,并简单扼要的下结论。"to conclude","in summary"或"I think"都是做结论的实用词汇。

调查个人材料范文英语 第十五篇

宣化区污水处理厂的调查报告 调查时间:2015-2-21




一、污水处理工业流程 (1)粗格栅间

粗格栅设在进水泵房之前,以去除进厂污水中颗粒较大的杂质,使进水泵安全稳定运行。其设计流量为3325m3/h,此构筑物内的主要设备有回转式格栅。 (2)进水泵房

污水从粗格栅间出来就流进进水泵房,泵房结构简单紧凑,选用污水离心潜水泵,据工作人员说该泵具有不堵塞型流道、效率高能耗低的优点,有效处理污水同时还节约了资源,其设计流量为3325m3/h。将初步处理后的污水抽入细格栅间。 (3)细格栅间

在细格栅间内安装有机械细格栅、螺旋输送压实机等设备,用来处理小颗粒垃圾,将其过滤出来的垃圾装车匀速到指定位置填埋;其中还在里面同时进行细菌的反硝化,产生泡沫状的相互硝化的产物,之后用鼓风机吹起沉淀的颗粒,防止堆积沙子,从而把土和沙子处理掉。其设计流量为3325m3/h。 (4)旋流沉砂池

旋流沉砂池主要设备是砂水分离器,其优点为占地面积小,沉砂效果好,安装使用方便等。设计流量3325 m3/h沉砂池直径,水深4m。 (5)计量设备

沉砂池后有许多仪表,在沉砂池后设置电磁流量计,可以对进厂污水流量进行连续监测,同时设置水质监测仪表,如PH计、温度计、SS计,把测量信号传至中央控制室,防止任何纰漏的出现。 (6)厌氧选择池

露天厌氧选择池内有缓慢移动的潜水搅拌器,回流污泥与污水在池中接触、混合反应,可以达到部分除磷作用,并改善活性污泥的性质,还能分离喜氧细菌和厌氧细菌。设计流量1250m3/h,池有效容积3925 m3/h。 (7)奥贝尔氧化沟 奥贝尔氧化沟,它为椭圆形钢筋混凝土池,分为2座。每池分为三条环形沟道,污水依次进入外沟道、中沟道及内沟道,最后经中心岛的出水并排入沉淀池配水井。设计流量1250m3/h,每座有效容积11000m3,混合液浓度 g/l,设计水深,水力停留时间。


每座氧化沟安装有转碟曝气盘10套,外沟道的溶解氧控制在,在此同时进行氧化、硝化及反硝化。中间沟道及外沟道溶解氧分别控制在1mg/l和2mg/l,对污水中的有机物进一步氧化,保证出水中的有机物含量达到设计要求。 (8)沉淀池

氧化沟处理后的水会排入沉淀池,沉淀池采用辐流式沉淀池,中心进水,周边出水,直径D=38m,共2座。设集配水井二座,经过沉淀后的污水进入接触池。每座沉淀池设周边驱动的全桥式刮吸泥机,沉淀池泥至回流及剩余污泥泵站。设计流量1813m3/h,最大表面负荷 m3/ ,单池池边水深4m,停留时间.(9)接触池

由于要保证出水的清洁程度达标所以需进行消毒处理,因此设接触池1座:1813 m3/h流量,接触时间30min,有效接触容积1056 m3,有效水深4m。本工程采用二氧化氯消毒方式,负责污水二级出水的接触池加氯。污水的加氯投加点在接触池前端。设计回流1813 m3/h,平均加氯量8 mg/l,单台有效产氯量。 (10)回流及剩余污泥泵房

由于部分水会沉淀出一些污泥,所以回流污泥泵采用潜水轴流泵,剩余污泥的提升采用潜水离心泵,土建结构简单紧凑。回流污泥量1250 m3/h,污泥含水率。 (11)加氯间

本工程采用二氧化氯消毒方式,负责污水二级出水的接触池加氯。污水的加氯投加点在接触池前端。设计回流1813 m3/h,平均加氯量8 mg/l,单台有效产氯量。


调查个人材料范文英语 第十六篇

Marketing strategy questionnaire

Gender:○ Male○Female

you like eating deert?

○ Like it very much○ Just so so○ Do not like it

you have the habit of going to deert store?


do you think is a suitable price for deert?

○Le than 10 Yuan○Between 10 and 15 Yuan ○Between 15 and 20 Yuan○Le than 50 Yuan

do you often go to deert store together? (Multiple choice)



time do you enjoy deert? (Multiple choice)

○In the morning○At noon

○At afternoon○At night

often do you go to deert store?

○ Once a day○ Once a week

○ Once a month○ Irregular

you have interest in low calorie deert?

○ Yes○ No

you make deert by yourself?

○ Yes○ No

long will you be staying in deert store?

○ Sit down and enjoy○ Make purchases and leave ○ Depend on circumstances

调查个人材料范文英语 第十七篇


诚信 专业 优质

The analysis of the picture of Dorian Gray ------- the destruction of the soul

Abstract: As the initiator for British aestheticism movement, Oscar Wilde, the ability of appreciation of the beauty was from those of others, which like the beauty he wanted to present in the Picture of Dorian first, Dorian was just a beautiful young man both appearance and heart , but he couldn’t resist the temptation of hedonism from Lord order to make the youth beauty permanent, he gradually began to have evil thoughts, and one step one step deeper, finally went to the extreme, he killed Howard who painted the picture for him, and became a people beautiful on appearance but ugly in last , he killed himself in front of the picture in one night because he couldn’t bear the suffering of the his death , he became beautiful but the picture was ugly.“Fashion is a kind of ugly, ugly to we can’t stand , so that each le than six months must change again”.In the eyes of wild, beauty is not equal to good-looking , the tragedy of Dorian Gray is a part of his beauty, he don’t think the perfect looking on Dorian is beautiful, and must fragment the soul of 专业定制英文报告

诚信 专业 优质

this people before feeling beautiful---solemn and stirring this thesis, I will firstly introduce Oscar Wilde and his fictions, then make a main point to analyze the internal and external reasons that Dorian Gray change from the first pure to later ugly methods used during the research include Historical document method, Introduced comments method, Case study method, Inductive method, Method of comparative study and so these comprehensively analyze the reason for Dorian setting food on the road to perdition and the writer want to present the beauty of art through those. Key words : aestheticism, ugly, beauty, destruction


诚信 专业 优质

调查个人材料范文英语 第十八篇

一 前言

二 调查方法


在专有名词的翻译中,有些烦已不够准确。例如,开封的卞绣的译名为“kai feng bian xiu Embroidery”其中Embroidery”本身就有刺绣,刺绣品的意思。故翻译为“kai feng embroidery”完全可被外国人接受,理解。bianxiu反而妨碍了外宾对这些词的理解,建议去掉。


由于中外历史文化不同,很多中国特有的历史文化词汇,不被外国游客理解,在翻译中这些影响读者理解的因素都要被化解,适当增加相应的文化背景解释或注释。如山海经,翻译为shanhaijing,,读者看过后并不知道这到底是介绍什内容的书籍,而译为“the claic of mountains and rivers”则非常清楚地告诉读者,这是一本描写山河的著作。又如,“唐三彩”译为“tri-cobared glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty”.而不译为“san cai glaze pottery”.

四 现状分析

调查个人材料范文英语 第十九篇

College Students' civilized case findings report


purpose of investigation:

Understanding of contemporary college students' moral cultivation, so as to better shape the good students, creating civilized campus.

investigation object:

All students at East China Jiao Tong University

of the form:

The questionnaire form(60 questionnaires were sent out, reclaim effective questionnaire 48)

of content brief introduction:

Investigation of College Students' own civilization and the college students on the civilized etiquette conclusion of the investigation:

The following is part of the questionnaire statistics:

you eat breakfast in the claroom?

( Never=45%Occasionally=30%Sometimes=15%Often=5%Always=5%)

you sleep in claroom?

( Never=15%Occasionally=20%Sometimes=45%Often=15%Always=5%)

will be in the claroom listening to music?

( Never=42%Occasionally=23%Sometimes=25%Often=5%Always=5%)

you often speak loudly in your dorm?

( Never=5%Occasionally=42%Sometimes=25%Often=25%Always=3%)

you often speak loudly in your claroom?

( Never=40%Occasionally=33%Sometimes=10%Often=12%Always=5%)

you throw the rubbish in claroom?

( Never=35%Occasionally=20%Sometimes=25%Often=15%Always=5%)

you throw the rubbish in your dorm?

( Never=48%Occasionally=33%Sometimes=10%Often=5%Always=4%)

you throw the rubbish on the way?

( Never=32%Occasionally=38%Sometimes=18%Often=2%Always=10%)

you jump the queue in dinner's time?

( Never=28%Occasionally=40%Sometimes=10%Often=4%Always=18%)

you greet to your roommates ?

( Never=50%Occasionally=28%Sometimes=11%Often=9%Always=12%)

you greet to your strangers?

( Never=31%Occasionally=28%Sometimes=21%Often=10%Always=10%)

you often knock door strongly in dorm?

( Never=60%Occasionally=25%Sometimes=13%Often=1%Always=1%)

you take up more than one seats in canteen?

( Never=29%Occasionally=36%Sometimes=18%Often=6%Always=11%)

you waste some food when at dinner?

( Never=23%Occasionally=28%Sometimes=25%Often=9%Always=15%)

you help the olds acro on road?

( Never=44%Occasionally=31%Sometimes=11%Often=6%Always=8%)

you spit on public road?

( Never=49%Occasionally=28%Sometimes=11%Often=7%Always=5%)

put rubbish into the recycling bin?

( Never=36%Occasionally=24%Sometimes=17%Often=7%Always=16%)

analysis and suggestions

Statistics from the 48 questionnaires.,We see most of the students in East China Jiao tong University of civilized manners is very good,But there are also a part of students' etiquette is not good their whole civilization etiquette status,We see our school and college students in the civilized etiquette has many bad the emergence of these problems, we put forward two suggestions :

call of the campus civilized behavior, students should own to strengthen self-discipline, to become a civilized college students;

still needs to strengthen, to enable students to understand the related things.

of situation of campus civilization

Undeniable, most of the students in our school is civilized,But the uncivilized behavior still real life people do not take action against the uncivilized behavior, rather than trying to prevent its occurrence, in the default of their reality, lead to a variety of unwholesome want to become civilized college student, creating civilized campus.




