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科学发现并非偶然范文英语 第一篇

Play-Doh wasn't originally intended as a child's toy. In fact, it was initially developed as a wallpaper cleaner back in the 1930s.

The clay was first created by Noah McVicker and his brother for a soap company. Back then coal fires tended to coat the walls, and well everything, in soot.

The clay, when rolled over a surface, was excellent at removing it. Later the rise of vinyl wallpaper made cleaning up soot relatively easy by using just a wet sponge.

This practically rendered the cleaning clay useless overnight. But a nursery teacher heard that children liked to model things using the same material.

After experimenting with her class she noticed that her students loved it. She told her brother-in-law, Joe McVicker, who happened to work with his uncle, the inventor, Noah.

The soap company quickly realized the potential, pulled it as a cleaning product and began marketing it as a child's toy.

科学发现并非偶然范文英语 第二篇

Whilst studying cathode ray tubes, one German physicist, Wilhelm Roentgen, managed to discover X-Rays inadvertently. He noticed that when the tube was on some nearby crystals omitted a strange fluorescent glow.

He experimented with some shielded of the tube to see if it would have any effect on the phenomenon. He correctly surmised that the tube must be omitting some kind of new ray and set out to see if he could block it.

He first tried some heavy black paper, but this was utterly ineffectual. Wilhelm then worked a series of other thicker and denser materials and found, to his surprise, that these too had no effect.

He quickly noted that the rays appeared to be able to pass through most objects but left a telltale shadow from more solid things, like bones and metal. In a famous experiment in 1895, he used his wife's hand to produce the very first X-Ray image of the human skeleton.

His discovery would set the scientific world alight and chance medical diagnosis forever. And all this by pure chance - and a little ingenuity on Wilhelm's part, of course.

科学发现并非偶然范文英语 第三篇

Incredible Accidental Science and Technological Discoveries That Have Changed the World

Pure chance, or incompetence, depending on your point of view, has led to some significant scientific discoveries in the past. These accidental science discoveries are proof positive of that.

Not all great discoveries were made on purpose. Some incredible accidental science and technological discoveries might not ever have happened if it luck (or clumsiness) hadn't played a part.

科学发现并非偶然范文英语 第四篇

Science is the study of understanding natural phenomena through repeated observation and experiment. All things in the world are related to science. We can learn by many ways.

For example, we can observe the problems we may not know by ourselves, but its science, which is the so-called scientific method. To really improve the level of Science, we should not learn it, but experiment It's because the existence of science is due to the successful discovery of other scientists, who have discovered it through experiments. Therefore, the best way to learn science is to test yourself.



科学发现并非偶然范文英语 第五篇

Source: Rajitha Ranasinghe/Flickr

Penicillin is probably the most famous example of an accidental scientific discovery. The great Sir Alexander Fleming noticed, in 1928, a strange growth on one of his Petri dishes.

The venerable Professor of Bacteriology had been growing cultures of Staphylococcus bacteria at the time. This curious growth appeared to prevent the bacteria from developing in its immediate vicinity.

He later made a pure culture of the strange substance and found it was actually a form of Penicillium mold.

Fleming would later coin the term "Penicillin" to describe the filtrate of a broth culture of the mold. After some further work, it was soon realized that this could have some vital disinfectant applications.

The first official use of Penicillin as a cure was performed in 1930 by Cecil George Paine. Penicillin would quickly open up the era of antibiotics and save countless lives.

科学发现并非偶然范文英语 第六篇

Dream is the Lighthouse of life. Sailing your way, let the boat of life strive for the last shore. Everyone's dream is different.

To be an angel, to be a soldier, to be a scientist, to be a car, to be an astronaut is different. With different postures and different expressions, my dream is to become a scientist. In my eyes, scientists are sacred, and the science channel is almost always A scientist has discovered something beneficial to human society, but there are also some celebrities and their discoveries in the book, such as Madame Curie's discovery of radioactive element radium, Einstein's "theory" and "relativity" derived from "nuclear energy", Roentgen's discovery of X-ray, Newton's discovery of gravity, beckler's discovery of natural radiation, and the Pierre brothers' invention The plane.

These are new objects found in some common things, which enhanced my curiosity for science. To realize this dream, I must study hard, study more knowledge, let you know that more is continuous struggle, struggle for the dream, only in this way, can my dream come true.



科学发现并非偶然范文英语 第七篇

Viagra was the first treatment for erectile dysfunction, but that isn't what it was originally approved for.

Pfizer originally introduced the chemical slatternly, the active drug in Viagra, as a heart medication. During clinical trials the drug proved ineffective for heart conditions. But men noted that the medication seemed to cause another effect — stronger and longer lasting erections.

Even if they hadn't been able to maintain an erection before, the ability returned while they were on Viagra.

Pfizer conducted clinical trials on 4,000 men with erectile dysfunction, and saw the same results.

Enter the age of the little blue pill.

科学发现并非偶然范文英语 第八篇

I find that the technology of the motherland is constantly improving, and the Settings of life are changing with each passing day.

Look, the technology on the road is so developed! The traffic was moving back and forth as fast as lightning. I don't know how comfortable it is to sit in it. By the side of the road, there are cars, shining in the sun. Before that, it was even more difficult to buy a bicycle, let alone a car.

In the school, every classroom is equipped with air conditioning, even if more people, into the inside will be particularly cool, can listen carefully, like winter. The teaching building is even higher, like the giant standing upright, you can see from afar. A sports equipment is first-class, advanced. When I think of it, it used to be a great happiness to be able to read a book, but now it is no wonder.

The technology in the school is so advanced, the setting in the home is even better.

Look, every household installed air conditioning, color TV, even the bed is full of flexibility. The decoration inside the room is so delicate, the paint of azure adds white pottery brick, the curtain of green, it is flawless really, let a person feel to resemble entered fairyland, make a person completely intoxicated. Rich people not to mention, a flickering villa, there are LCD computers, digital television...... The teacher said, they even watch TV all want to get together, or black and white TV!

I find the wisdom of human is really great, I believe that the motherland will become more and more powerful!

科学发现并非偶然范文英语 第九篇

The humble microwave was actually discovered by pure chance. A Raytheon engineer, Percy Spencer, was working on some radar-related technology when he noticed something interesting.

In 1946, whilst conducting work on a new kind of vacuum tube, he noticed the chocolate bar in his pocket melted quicker than one might expect.

This clearly intrigued him, and he soon realized it must be something to do with the tube he was working on. He played around with the tube by aiming it at other objects like eggs and popcorn kernels and noticed they seemed to become heated.

Percy quickly realized it must be something to do with microwave energy the tube emitted. Soon after, Raytheon filed a patent for the first "Microwave" in 1945.

This led to the development of the first functional Microwave oven which weighed 340 kg. Called the "RadaRange" it stood at almost meters tall.

The first countertop ones were later introduced in 1965.

科学发现并非偶然范文英语 第十篇

In perhaps the purest definition of irony, the discovery of gunpowder had the opposite effect to its intent. It was intended to be an elixir for endless life but has since been used to relieve many of theirs.

In fact, the Chinese name for gunpowder is Huǒyào, which can be roughly translated to "fire medicine" in English.

Chinese alchemists in around the 9th Century AD were experimenting with ways to develop a potion for immortality. During one attempt they mixed saltpeter, sulfur, and charcoal but the result was very unexpected indeed.

They soon found out that their new creation was pretty explosive, to say the least. It was quickly realized that this new substance could be pretty useful indeed.

Gunpowder was initially used in fireworks and it would not be long before it was employed on the battlefield in about 1000 AD. It has since changed the face of warfare beyond all recognition.

科学发现并非偶然范文英语 第十一篇

Source: Omegatron/Wikimedia Commons

Super Glue, or rather Cyanoacrylate, was an accidental discovery during the Second World War. Its discoverer, Harry Coover Junior, was actually trying to find a way of making clear plastic gun sights.

Whilst experimenting with a class of chemicals, called acrylates, he noticed his formula was far too sticky for the intended application. He subsequently abandoned his research and moved on.

A few years later, Coover was attempting to find another solution to produce heat-resistant coatings for jet cockpits. He and his team decided to take another look at acrylates.

During the research one of his team colleagues, Fred Joyner spread the compound between two lenses for later examination under a refractometer.

To their dismay the noticed the lenses were firmly bonded together. This time, however, Coover immediately realized the commercial potential for it.

It was sold under the name Eastman #910 as an adhesive. The rest is history.

科学发现并非偶然范文英语 第十二篇

Roy Plunkett was working in the Dupont Company's Jackson Laboratory in 1938 when he started researching new refrigerants. One such substance he experimented with was tetrafluoroethylene (TFE) gas.

After returning to an open cylinder he'd stored some of the gas in, he discovered a strange white powder on the inside. Curiosity compelled him to conduct some tests on it, and he found that it was heat resistant, had low surface friction and was inert to corrosive acids.

It was, effectively, an ideal substance for cookware.


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科学发现并非偶然范文英语 第十三篇

Back during the Second World War, one Naval Engineer, Richard James, was working on some tech for warships. He was attempting to figure out a way of using springs to prevent sensitive instruments from being damaged by intense vibrations.

Whilst working on some prototypes, he accidentally knocked one off a shelf. Instead of falling ungracefully to the floor, it "stepped" down in a series of objects before re-coiling and standing upright.

He was astonished and somewhat amused. Richard later told his wife that "I think if I got the right property of steel and the right tension; I could make it walk."

He experimented with different types of steel wire and eventually developed a prototype that neighborhood children adored playing with. His wife dubbed it the "Slinky" and the rest is, as they say, history.

This wasn't something incredibly ground-breaking, it was an exciting and unexpected effect.

科学发现并非偶然范文英语 第十四篇

The discovery that later allowed researchers to find insulin was an accident.

In 1889, two doctors at the University of Strasbourg, Oscar Minkowski and Josef von Mering, were trying to understand how the pancreas affected digestion, so they removed the pancreas from a healthy dog. A few days later, they noticed that flies were swarming around the dog's urine — something abnormal, and unexpected.

They tested the urine, and found sugar in it. They realized that by removing the pancreas, they had given the dog diabetes.

Those two never figured out what the pancreas produced that regulated blood sugar. But during a series of experiments that occurred between 1920 and 1922, researchers at the University of Toronto were able to isolate a pancreatic secretion that they called insulin. Their team was awarded the Nobel prize, and within a year, the pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly was making and selling insulin.

科学发现并非偶然范文英语 第十五篇

This is the difference between science and technology. Science is a method to answer theoretical questions. Science is a method to solve practical problems.

Science involves the discovery of facts and relationships between observable phenomena in nature, and the establishment of theoretical technology that helps to organize these facts and relationships and the tools, techniques and procedures for realizing scientific discovery. Another difference between science and technology lies in the fact that A scientist whose progress does not include human factors, who seek to understand the universe and the truth with the highest accuracy and certainty, can not ignore the likes and dislikes of themselves or others, or the popular view that scientists find something that may shock or anger people. Darwin's theory of evolution may shock people, but even if it is unpleasant The fact that it's possible to be useful.

In addition, we can choose to refuse to believe it, but there is hardly any technology. We can't choose to refuse to hear the sonic boom of supersonic airplanes flying overhead. We don't choose to refuse to breathe polluted air.

Unlike science, technological progress must be our slaves, not the reverse. The legitimate purpose of technology is to serve the people, not just some people and their descendants Future generations, not only those who now want to make profits for themselves, are familiar with the abuse of technology. Many people blame technology itself for causing widespread pollution, resource depletion, and even the general decline of society.

It also makes the promise of technology vague, because the promise is that if the wise application of Science and technology can not bring about a better world, what can we do.



科学发现并非偶然范文英语 第十六篇

Early work on rubber had been somewhat underwhelming. It had the annoying tendency to either freeze rock hard in winter or melt in the summer sun.

One man, Charles Goodyear, had been experimenting with this material for some time and was struggling to overcome this materials shortcoming. After some more trial and error, he decided to add some nitric acid that had been colored gold.

The substance turned black, and he threw it away, presuming it was yet another failure. But after rescuing it later, Goodyear realized it had turned had on the outside.

It was also smooth and a lot drier than any previous attempt he'd tried. Despite this, it still melted under exposure to high temperature.

He experimented further and added some sulfur. What happened after is a little murky, but somehow some sulfur treated rubber landed on a stove.

It didn't melt and instead charred and became an almost leathery, heat-resistant, and waterproof, material. Vulcanized rubber was born, and completely (well almost) by accident.

科学发现并非偶然范文英语 第十七篇

With the development of science and technology, our life is becoming more and more colorful.

The development of science and technology has brought great changes to our production and life, greatly changing the spiritual culture and material culture of human life. The myth of 'clairvoyance', 'wind-accompanying ear' and the ability of the gods to fly through clouds and fog have become commonplace.

People can talk and meet with their relatives and friends in any corner of the earth by telephone. The space shuttle shortens the distance of the earth, which used to take years or months, and can be reached in a few hours by plane, which greatly facilitates people's travel. Satellites can conveniently transmit radio waves, observe weather pictures and anything on earth, and provide people with good TV programs and weather data. The invention of Internet has provided great convenience for people to learn knowledge and understand the world. The invention of atomic energy, let us make full use of atomic energy.

In a word, the development of science and technology has created our beautiful life today. We also believe that with the continuous development of science and technology, our life will become more and more beautiful!



