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尊敬自然英语作文高中范文 第一篇

More and more environmental problems come to the surface. When disasters happen again, nature begins to irresistibly retaliate for the suffering of human beings. Who caused these problems? Finally, if we want to conquer nature, we will wake up now.

We must respect it. We should change nature carefully to balance the harmony between nature and our interests, and protect the environment of many people I am extremely opposed to unfair treatment of people of color and women, animals and so on. What I am talking about now is to respect our environment.

Although the environment does not have a mouth to slander what human beings have done to her, she retaliates by taking action against the Chinese for cutting down a large number of trees at the source of the Yellow River, which has led to the disappearance of large forests and serious floods, making the Loess Plateau once covered with vegetation It has become barren wasteland with fewer and fewer plants. Another example is in some developed countries, because many chemical plants emit toxic gases without filtration, cities are covered with so many toxic gases, people are killed by the air, what a terrible scene they breathe. If we do not take action to respect the environment, what we have suffered is only a small part of what nature once suffered, and we will face an increasingly severe situation First of all, the government should prohibit the destruction of vegetation, rivers, lakes and oceans.

Third party enterprises should pay special attention to their impact on the environment and find solutions. Only by changing the way we treat the environment can we live in harmony with the environment and save the environment. Can we save ourselves.



尊敬自然英语作文高中范文 第二篇

Respect means to smile sincerely. Respect means to listen to others when they express different opinions, respect others, and strive to clap their hands. Respect seems to be only dedicated to the people around them.

Respect is a great wisdom, because she knows that such compassion and respect for others are similar to efforts. It is enough to meet the excitement of her partner and make the "respect" a little easier In respect of others and respect for themselves, you think smoking is harmful to health and environmental pollution, but he regards it as a kind of exchange. He said that life should be active, fresh and strong, but you are just a simple blue sky, another kind of comfortable life, thank you for endless differences.

Respect is to keep the policy of millions of their own life creed, from an objective point of view to appreciate each other Look, is not the same request, but face is so encouraging, respect others, respect yourself o (∩∩) O (∩∩) O (∩∩) O (∩∩) O (∩∩) O (∩∩) O (∩∩) O (∩∩) O (∩) o(.



尊敬自然英语作文高中范文 第三篇

The problems of the environment are more and more important for us.

In this drawing, a family are having a panic on the grass.

They don't really realize they make a serious mistake that they walk on the grass is damage the environment. The small boy is talking photos with his parents, he wears smile on his face.

However, he has been forgetting his study. Look, the sign says"Please don't walk on the grass." Are you not seeing this sign?

The drawing indicates that many people are not concerned about the environment. They don't have a thought that we should protect environment. It is our duty to do something to protect the environment.

I think we can by the way turn off the lights when we want to go outside. And we also can urge anyone not to drop the garbage everywhere.

Let's try our best to product to protect our environment.

尊敬自然英语作文高中范文 第四篇

Chinahas a very long and brilliant history, whose people are so friendly and hospitable. But I am wondering why some people pay such little attention to the environment and nature. In many places of the countryside, rivers have become stinking sewers and brooks have disappeared. Heaps of garbage obstructs the scarce flow of dirty water. The grounds are littered with plastic bottles and bags. People are cutting down trees even though it is illegal. In some towns, rubbish is hidden behind walls. Garbage cans are often of little use, making cleaners must rush all day long and also by night to clean the rubbish.

This lack of consideration for nature in general is extremely detrimental to children’s education, toChina’s image, to public health, to tourism and to the the common treasure of all Chinese, and we should live up to be a member of this big family, a descendant of 5000-year-plus ancient civilized country. I think the environment must absolutely be strictly protected by all means. This protection should go at the same pace as the marvelous development of the nation.

In this respect,Germanyis a rare model and leaves me a very deep impression. After you have an exciting tour around in this country for a week or so, it is unnecessary for you to polish your leather shoes. Personally, first of all, the strong awareness of people’s environmental protection; then, the advanced technology applied in the field of preserving the nature; We can learn form others in building China into one of the most environmentally friendly places in the world.

尊敬自然英语作文高中范文 第五篇

Thrdugh the changes‘in the ways Of making a living in a family over several gen,erations, man has been warned against waste of natural resources and emphasizing the urgent need to preserve these resources.

Ever since man appeared on the earth, man‘s survival has been heavily relied on nature. Almost everything we use in our everyday life comes fromm‘notate, ranging from the food we eat, the water we drink, to the wood which is tm‘ned into the development of technology and population growth, the amount and range of materials used has increased at an alarming rate.

However, natural resources are not inexhaustible. Some reserves are already on the brink of exhaustion and there is no hope of replacing them. The widespread water shortage is an example in point. If man continued to squander natural resources with no thought for the future, the later generations would be in danger. It is up to us to take effective measures before the situation gets out of hand.

尊敬自然英语作文高中范文 第六篇

It's very important to be kind to our environment. We have only one earth. At least we don't find any habitable planets anywhere else.

Our environment is also very beautiful. Photography is a good way to stimulate people's appreciation of our environment. When birds chirp, butterflies land on flowers, and grass is decorated with shining morning dew, all these are worth catching Beautiful landscape we present a series of photography based works of art that instill in us the awe and curiosity of nature, hoping that our audience will be inspired by what they see and take actions to protect the environment in their daily lives.



尊敬自然英语作文高中范文 第七篇

How long haven’t you saw the star at night in the city? Would you miss the fresh and sweet air? Have noticed the river had seriously been polluted? Would you mind listening the crazy honking car horns instead of the birds’ ringing everyday? Could you be calm down if leave the air conditioning room in summer? Around us a little observation , air pollution, drought, flood, global warming, tsunami, earthquake and so on, was more closer to us. Caring for our earth, imminently!

Not only for ourself, but for our further generations. As a teenagers, especially a college student, there are lots of things we can do to stop damaging our environment. Firstly, changing the way we think of our environment, facing the reality of our environment which have been seriously damage. Secondly, take some actions and from the side small start like play a tree, install low-flow shower heads and applicants, use public transport , less plastic bags and so on. The last but not the least, influence our neighbors by our behavior and let more and more people care for our motherland. Caring for our earth, all of us join together, with our heart and efforts, more blue days, cleaner water, peaceful

world ,that would not be a dream!

尊敬自然英语作文高中范文 第八篇

In the process of human activities, a nation must break political ties with another nation, assume the independent and equal status given to them by natural laws and natural laws in the power of the earth, respect human opinions, and require them to announce the reasons for their separation. We believe that these truths are self-evident. All men are created equal.

The creator has given them certain inalienable rights, including life, and the pursuit of happiness, in order to protect these rights. The government is established in the hands of people, and the power to obtain justice from the consent of the governed. Any form of government is destructive to these purposes, and the people have the right to change Or abolish it, establish a new government and lay its foundation.

In terms of the organization of these principles and powers, it seems that they are most likely to affect their safety and well-being. In fact, prudence will decide that long established governments should not be changed for short-term reasons. Therefore, all experience shows that human beings are more inclined to suffer.

Although evil can be tolerated rather than to correct themselves by abolishing their habits, when a long series of abuse and usurpation always pursue the same goal, it shows a reduction under absolute despotism They have the right and obligation to get rid of this kind of government and provide them with new Guards for their future security. This is what these colonies have endured patiently, and it is also necessary to force them to change the previous of government. Now the history of the king of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all of which are directly against the establishment.

To prove this, we have to present the facts to a frank world.






