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英文论文1000字范文 第一篇

Discuss the Gricean account of the semantics and pragmatics of

conjunctive utterances


Semantics studies the meaning and it is concerned with the literal meaning of words and sentences. Semantics focuses on the relationship between signifiers, such as words, phrases, symbols and signs, and what they stand for. While the transmission of meaning doesn’t only depend on the linguistic knowledge (. lexicon, grammar etc.) of the listener and speaker but also depend on the context of the utterance, the inferred intent of the speaker, knowledge about the status of those involved, and so on. (Shaozhong, Liu, 2009) Pragmatics is the study of the contributions of context to meaning, and it encompasses conversational implicature, speech act theory, talk in interaction and other approaches to language behavior in sociology, philosophy, and linguistics. (Mey, Jacob L, 1993)

The semantics and pragmatics of conjunctive utterances

Generally many semantic theories (Russell 1905, Frege 1892, Davidson 1967, Kaplan 1977/89, Segal and Larson 1995) concern truth conditions (Carston, 1999). Grice’s (1967) influential concepts showed in addition to what a speaker says, that is both largely conventional and the content on the basis of which her utterance will be judged true or false, and a speaker may also convey implicatures which don’t affect the truth-value of what she says; so these conversational implicatures are calculated by assuming speakers are being cooperative and adhering to the certain expected standards of informativeness, truthfulness, relevance, and manner of expression (Grice, 1975). That suggests a natural way of drawing the semantics-pragmatics distinction that is semantics will correspond to the truth-conditional content of the

utterance, and the pragmatics to the conveyed meaning which falls outside the truth-conditional content.

So semantic content could be equated with Grice’s what is said, and it has two features. Firstly it is the truth-conditional content of the utterance, and secondly it is determined almost entirely by the encoded, conventional meaning of the linguistic expressions used. And as Grice acknowledged, the truth-conditional content isn’t completely free of contextual input, and in some brief comments on the utterance of “He is in the grip of a vice”, one says, “for a full identification of what the speaker has said, one will need to know (a) the time of utterance, (b) the identity of x, and (c) the meaning, on the particular occasion of utterance, of the phrase in the grip of a vice” (1975/89: 25). But he seemed not to see these processes of reference assignment and disambiguation as requiring appeal to the conversational maxims; instead, the concept seems to be that they are resolved more automatically, and the requisite values being something like objective features of the utterance’s context (Carston, 2002).

A particular division of labor between semantics and pragmatics of Grice (1967) has prevailed in the account of what is communicated by utterances of and-conjunctions. For instance:

a. It’s autumn in New Zealand it is spring in England and.

b. He handed her the scalpel and she made the incision.

c. We spent the day in town and I went to Harrods.

d. She fed him poisoned stew and he died.

e. I left the door open and the cat got in.

“And” is taken to be pretty well semantically empty and it’s taken to be the natural language equivalent of the truth-functional logical conjunction operator. The pragmatics focuses on variety of cause-consequence, temporal and other sorts of relationships understood to hold between the states of affairs which are described, some of that come through in the asymmetrical examples in (1b)-(1e). For example, we all understand the making of the scalpel and the interval of a few seconds to have intervened; and a quite different temporal relation is understood to hold between the states of affairs which are described in (1c), and the event of going to Harrods interpreted as contained within the period of time that is spent in town. The different sorts of consequence relationships are understood in (1d) and (1e): and the feeding of poisoned stew is the sufficient cause for death the leaving open of the door is just one of the range of factors contributing to the cat’s getting in.

These relationships are taken to be derived inferentially via the interaction of the decoded-semantic content with the general knowledge assumptions about the way things connect up and relate in the world, the interaction constrained by some general criterion and criteria of rational communicative behavior.

An interpretation has the two properties as following:

An utterance, on a given interpretation, is optimally relevant:

(a) it achieves enough effects to be worth the hearer’s attention;

(b) it puts the hearer to no gratuitous effort in achieving those effects.

(Wilson and Sperber, forthcoming) Once the listener has accessed an interpretation consistent with the expectation he looks no further but takes this to be the interpretation the speaker intended. The utterance, on a given interpretation is consistent with the presumption of optimal relevance if the speaker can rationally have expected it to be optimally relevant to the

listener on that interpretation. The implications of the definition are fully discussed elsewhere.

As with any utterance there is a range of possible interpretations of (1d) that are compatible with the linguistically encoded, semantic and content. Two of the logical possibilities for (1d) are as following:

a. She fed him poisoned stew and as a result he died shortly after.

b. She fed him poisoned stew and he died years later in a car crash.

Though these are both possible and consistent, the first sentence is absolutely more likely to be recovered by the listener, and to have been intended by the speaker, than the second sentence. That’s because everyone knows that poison can cause the death and that one who knowingly feeds someone poison is most likely doing that with the intention of killing the person. And the relevance-theoretic pragmatic account captures the intuitions without seting up any special principles telling listeners to interpret in accordance with their standard stereotypic assumptions.


The current state of the debate relating the interface between semantics and pragmatics is the upshot of the revolutionary period in the research of meaning known as radical pragmatics and aided by the views of ordinary language philosophers. The two relatively separate disciplines, the formal research of sentence meaning and the relatively informal research of the properties of speech acts became more and more intertwined as a result of the adoption of the semantic underdetermination and the admittance of the pragmatic inference about the speaker’s intentions, as well as other contextbound informations, into the semantic content. That facilitated the shift of the centre of attention from the sentence to the utterance. But the direction of change hasn’t been steady throughout the past three decades. Attempts keep semantics and pragmatics apart either through denying that semantics has to provide the propositions and hence truth-conditional content, or through keeping the objectives of the semantics and pragmatics apart and stressing the theoretical utility of the sentence’s truth conditions, just like minimalists of the syncretic flavour do. And the dominant orientations are however various forms of contextualism. The state of affairs is undoubtedly aided by the overall desideratum to stay faithful to the speakers’ intuitions about meaning and to the view that the aim of the semantic theory is to cater for these intuitions. Whether contextualism will retain its power, succumb to the minimalism, or evolve into the radical form of occasion-meaning of the meaning eliminativism remains to be seen.


Carston, R. 1999. The semantic-pragmatics distinction: A view from relevance theory. In The Semantics/Pragmatics Interface from Different Points of View (CRiSPI 1), ed. K. Turner, 85-125. Oxford: Elsevier.

Davidson, D. 1967. Truth and meaning. Synthese 17: 304-323. von Fintel, K. and Gillies, A. 2011. Might made right. In Epistemic Modality, eds. A. Egan and B. Weatherson, 108-130. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Frege, G. 1892. Über Sinn und Bedeutung. Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Philosophische Kritik 100: 25-50.

Grice, H. P. 1975/xxx. Logic and conversation. In Syntax and Semantics 3: Speech Acts, eds. P. Cole and J. Morgan, 41-58. New York: Academic Press; reprinted in Grice, H. P. xxx, 22-40.

Grice, H. P. xxx. Studies in the Way of Words. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Kaplan, D. 1977/89. Demonstratives. In Themes from Kaplan, eds. J. Almog, J. Perry and H. Wettstein, 481-563. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Larson, R. and Segal, G. 1995. Knowledge of Meaning: An Introduction to Semantic Theory. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Mey, Jacob L. (1993) Pragmatics: An Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell (2nd ed. 2001). Shaozhong, Liu. (2009) “What is pragmatics?”

英文论文1000字范文 第二篇

Anna is girl. She is eleven years old. On Saturday her friend Kerry gives her a call.

“Anna, what do you have to do today,” asks Kerry.

“I don’t have to do anything. But I want to watch TV and play the computer games all day.” says Anna.

“Let’s bake a cake!” says Kerry.

“Sure. But you can’t go to my home and bake a cake.” says Anna.

“Ok, you can go to my home” says Kerry.

Anna is happy. Because she wants to bake a cake.

“Where are going?” asks Anna’s mother.

“I want to go to the Kerry’s home.”

“Ok, but you have to do anything.” says Anna’ mother.

“What?” asks Anna.

“First, you have to feed Mary (The cat in Anna’ home) .Next you have to tidy your room. Finally, you have to do homework .”says Anna’s mother.

“En…ok, I can go to Kerry’s home after lunch. I would tell her .” says Anna.

“Kerry, I can’t go to your home now. But I can go to your home after

lunch.” says Anna.

“Sorry! My home don’t have flour. We can’t bake a cake together.” says Kerry.

“Oh…Ok. Bye.”“Bye.” Now, Anna is not happy.

英文论文1000字范文 第三篇

SpringThere are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. And every season has three months. I think every season is beautiful and I think spring is the

best season of the year! So I like spring very much. What about you?

When the weather become warm and sunny, everything comes to life again, they seem to tell us— spring has come . In much of China. Spring is usually very short. But the days get longer. It’s usually from March to May. Sometime it’s colder but it gets warmer. At spring times, In the fields everything begins to grow. Trees turn green, and flowers start to come out.

Spring can make people happy! If you do some sports at that time, you will join them. Like flying the kite, going fishing, going hiking and so on. It’s can make people happy and also can keep people healthy. I think it’s very interesting!Summer, full of vigor, is beautiful, but I think spring is more beautiful because it is a naivetest season.

英文论文1000字范文 第四篇























英文论文1000字范文 第五篇







但依然有成千上万人到不成功眼前一再胆怯,最终被不成功的水灾吞没,变成他人眼里的窝囊废。实际上不成功的缘故通常是大家看待难题的方式 和心态。因此,许多情况下,埋没超级天才的并不是他人,刚好是自身,取得成功的路尽管崎岖,但假如我们都是真实锲而不舍的追求者,在挫败和不成功来临时,千万别停住步伐,由于,许多情况下,不成功仅仅滔天大水上的一座恐吓人的独木桥,走以往,等候你的便是新生儿的曙光!


英文论文1000字范文 第六篇

Abstract (in English)…………………………………………………………………..1 Abstract (in Chinese) ………………………………………………………………….1

Ⅰ Introduction………………………………………………………………………...1

With Erroneous Zones………………………………………………1

Erroneous Zone 1……………………………………………………………2

Erroneous Zone 2……………………………………………………………2

Erroneous Zone 3……………………………………………………………2

Erroneous Zone 4……………………………………………………………3 ⅡCountermeasures………………………………………………………………….3

Unsuitable Operation ……………………………………………………………4

Over stimulation In Courseware…………………………………………………4

Vague Content with Automatical Transformation…………………………………5

Neglect Of Teachers’ Function……………………………………………………5


Prospect in English Teaching……………………………………………………...6

Personal Opinions of Further Research……………………………………………6


Discussion on the Application of Multi-media

In English Teaching

(字体:Times New

Abstract: With the rapid development of computer and popularization of the network, the present teaching pattern that still uses traditional teaching method “one chalk, one blackboard” seems to be unable to meet the requirements in the present society any longer, and English teaching is no exception. The introduction of the multi-media teaching method to the English class has been one of the tendencies to the development of English teaching. But the misuse of the modern tools will surely result in the bad effect to English teaching. So English teachers should take an active part in the research of how to use the multi-media teaching method in English teaching and try to avoid its misuses.

Key words: multi-media; English teaching; overcome

(英文摘要和关键词都是两边对齐;5号字;行距:单倍; 字体:Times New Roman;

“Abstract” 和 “Key words” 两个词或词组要加粗)





