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英语阅读新闻的格式范文 第一篇

When no single party can get enough MPs to form amajority on its own in a general election, parliamentis said to be "hung". This happened at the 2010election. The leader of the party with the most seatsis given the opportunity to try to form agovernment. This can take two forms: a formalcoalition with other parties or a more informalarrangement, known as “confidence and supply”,in which the smaller parties agree to support themain legislation.


The UK looks set to have a hung parliament with the Conservatives as the largest party, withmost general election results now in.


It means Theresa May faces the humiliation of ending with fewer seats than when she calledthe election.


The Tories are projected to get 318 seats, Labour 261 and the SNP 35.


Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn called on Mrs May to resign - but she said the country neededstability and her party would "ensure" it was maintained.


Labour looks set to make 29 gains with the Tories losing 13 seats - and the SNP down by 22seats in a bad night for Nicola Sturgeon, with her party losing seats to the Tories, Labour andLib Dems.


UKIP's vote slumped dramatically but rather than moving en masse to the Tories, as they hadexpected, their voters also switched to Labour.


Mr Corbyn, speaking after being re-elected in Islington North, said it was time for Mrs May to"make way" for a government that would be "truly representative of the people of thiscountry".


He said he was "very proud" of the results so far, which he said were a "vote for hope for thefuture" and said people were "turning their backs on austerity".


The Conservatives have said that in the event of a hung Parliament, Mrs May would get theopportunity to form a government first.


Speaking at her count in Maidenhead, Theresa May said the full picture had yet to emerge, butadded: "At this time more than anything else, this country needs a period of stability.


"And if, as the indications have shown and if this is correct that the Conservative Party has wonthe most seats and probably the most votes, then it will be incumbent on us to ensure wehave that period of stability - and that is exactly what we will do."


Speaking on ITV, George Osborne, who was sacked as chancellor last year by Mrs May, said: "Theresa May is probably going to be one of the shortest serving prime ministers in ourhistory."


He added: "Hard Brexit went in the rubbish bin tonight."


DUP MP Simon Hamilton said his party's votes were going to be "incredibly important" in thenew Parliament and they would push to get "a good deal for Northern Ireland as we leave theEuropean Union".


英语阅读新闻的格式范文 第二篇

US Vice President Mike Pence was sworn in as education secretary Betsy DeVos on Tuesday after a Senate vote broke the deadlock and confirmed the controversial nomination of US President Donald Trump. For the first time in . history, a vice president was needed to approve a cabinet candidate, and in her official oath she promised to perform her duties "faithfully.".

The ceremony proceeded quickly, without any noise. It was just a short ceremony. After the ceremony, the cameras and other media equipment hummed and crackled, and a small number of friends and relatives burst into polite applause.

Earlier in the day, two Republicans and the democratic coalition voted against DeVos. As a result, disagreements arose before pence's casting vote, because the Constitution stipulates that the house of Representatives has an equal number of votes.


美国副总统彭斯(Mike Pence)周二宣誓就任美国教育部长贝特西•德沃斯(Betsy DeVos)出任美国教育部长,此前参议院投票结果打破僵局,确认了美国总统唐纳德•特朗普(Donald trunp)备受争议的提名。这是美国历史上第一次需要一位副总统来批准内阁人选在她的官方誓词中,她还保证“忠实地”履行她的职务。仪式迅速进行,没有任何喧嚣,只是简短的仪式结束后摄像机和其他媒体设备的嗡嗡声和咔嚓声,一小部分亲朋好友爆发出礼貌的掌声。


英语阅读新闻的格式范文 第三篇

I want to be a journalist in the future. Although we are students now, I believe that every student can tell his or her ideal job in the future. My ideal future job is to be a journalist.

I want to be a famous journalist in the future. I like to go to some places to pay more attention. The reporter's work will be very busy but interesting.

The teacher said that my Chinese is good, but my English is still good I need to improve so that I can read and watch news in English and report news from all over the world. You want to tell me what your future job is.



英语阅读新闻的格式范文 第四篇

The Cavaliers seemingly relentless push towards athird straight NBA Finals appearance hit a speedbump on Sunday night as they dropped their firstcontest of the 2017 postseason – a 111-108 thrillerin Game 3 at The Q.


The Celtics come back for 111-108 Game 3 victory inCleveland! Cavaliers lead series 2-1


LeBron James is 0-6 in the playoffs when scoring fewer than 15 point. Scoring 11 points inGame 3 vs. Celtics.


Coach Tyronn Lue, on how Boston overcame Cleveland's 21-point lead... "Turning thebasketball over, offensive rebounds. We had some stops at times and couldn't rebound thebasketball. A lot of fourth-quarter turnovers gave them life."


You have to have some type of adversity in order to be successful... If it was going to happen,let it happen now.—LeBron James on the Game 3 loss

在你成功的路上总会有些挫折,如果 这一定会发生,就让它先在发生吧。——勒布朗詹姆斯如此评价第三场的失利。

"We don't believe that people believed in us and they counted us out, and that put anotherchip on our shoulders."—Avery Bradley


"They hit us in the mouth and now it's our job to hit back."


The 93 PTS scored by Kyrie, LeBron and Love is the most by a trio in a NBAPlayoffs game since2014.


Cleveland gains a 3-1 series lead and defeat the Celtics 112-99


This was the kryie show. Irving banked a career-postseason-high 42 points on Tuesday night,leading the way for the Cavs to rally from an early 16-point deficit to defeat the Celtics 112-99in Game 4 of the Eastern Conference Finals. Thirty-nine of Irving's points were scored in thefirst three quarters.


"He was born for these moments."—LeBron James on Kyrie Irving.


"He wanted to put the team on his shoulders." Coach Lue on how KyrieIrving stepped uptonight.


"I wasn't coming out. I knew how much we needed this game."


"We understand the goal at hand." After a NBAPlayoffs career-high 42 PTS, Kyrie adds acouple more highlights in the postgame.


"He's a great finisher… He's one of the best point guards in the NBA.” -Avery Bradley on KyrieIrving.


LeBron James bounced back in Game 4


1) Pick up 4 early fouls


2) Sit the rest of the first half


3) Return to drop 24 pts in the second half


LBJ back at the office...attacking...32 tonight


LeBron James 11-0 in series after holding 3-1 lead.


One bad game. That's all I'm gonna give you. "I've always stayed even-keeled," James said. "Atthe end of the day it's just basketball. You understand that I put in a lot of work to my 've always trusted that. I've always leaned on my teammates at times as well. For me mentallyI've always focused on the present and not worried about the situation. You just live in themoment."


英语阅读新闻的格式范文 第五篇

On May Day, two classes of students Ling Yue and Zhang Hua went to sun sun old people's home to serve the elderly. It was voluntary and open. They brought some fruits that had done a lot for the elderly.

They helped them clean their rooms, make their beds, wash clothes and cook. They chatted with the old people and made them feel warm. The old people were very happy about this Said they were very satisfied with Ling Yue and Zhang Hua and praised their children for being very good.

The two students are also very happy because they can do something for others. They feel that they have done something meaningful. I think we should learn from them, help those in need, especially the weak, and do some public welfare for the society, which is also good for us,.



英语阅读新闻的格式范文 第六篇

To stop inappropriate parking of shared bikes,Beijing's Dongcheng and Xicheng districts will start apilot program that designates certain areas fit topark, using hi-tech assistance to enforce relatedrules.


Dongcheng District will mark nearly 600 sites forparking shared bikes, mainly near bus hubs, subwaystations and shopping centers.


Users will know from their mobile phone app where to put them. The project will possibly startas early as June.


Dongcheng and Xicheng districts are also planning to use "electronic fence" to curb illegalparking.


Riders who park bikes outside the allowed areas cannot lock them and will continue to becharged.


The capital has increased its administration of shared bike parking as they become a popular,cheap choice for dodging traffic jams.


Haidian, Xicheng and Shijingshan districts have designed some 2,000 parking areas for sharedbikes. Xicheng has also singled out 10 streets where riders are banned from parking.




