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英语阅读笔记大赛通知范文 第一篇


Boys and girls,

We will have an English evening party in our classroom. The party will be held from 7:00 to 9:00 . on Friday December 10th. We’ll sing, dance and tell stories at the party. All of us must be on time. We will invite some American students and our teachers to join us. Students from other classes will be welcome. At the party, we must speak English. I hope we’ll have a good time.

That’s all. Thank you.

The Students’ Union

December 9th, 20xx

英语阅读笔记大赛通知范文 第二篇

In order to enrich students' spare time life and improve their interest in English, the English Club of our school will hold an activity called "music week". The activity will be held in the first week of January 1. The activity will include some contents, singing songs, musical instrument performance and song guessing competitions.

Some students can show their talents, sing pop songs and play classical music or folk music here Music. Participants are required to sign up for participation before December 12. We will be informed of the details of the event.

We are looking forward to your participation.



英语阅读笔记大赛通知范文 第三篇

In order to improve our oral English, we will hold an English speech contest in the auditorium on the 5th floor of the teaching building on the afternoon of June 9th. Those who want to participate in the competition should register in the student office. Before March, all senior students are welcome to participate in this competition.

The top five winners will receive prizes. Please try your best to prepare in time. I wish you success.



英语阅读笔记大赛通知范文 第四篇

Dear classmates,

I’ve something to tell you. The school League Committee has decided to organize a volunteer activity for the League members this weekend---to do general cleaning at the railway station . All the League members are required to gather at the school gate at 7:30 am on Sunday. We are to start for the station at 8:00 am . Please don’t forget to bring along with you cleaning tools.


A student concert will be held at 2:30 this Friday afternoon in Rose Music Hall. Those who want to take part in it please remember that it is not allowed to have drinks as well as food there. Besides, what we should keep in mind is that we should not take photos or make noises during the performance, which will surely have a bad effect on it. Finally, all the students can go home after enjoying the wonderful performance. Wish you have a good time there!

英语阅读笔记大赛通知范文 第五篇

An English Evening to Be Held


It is our great desire to improve our English studies to a new stage。 So an English evening is going to be held in our school meeting-hall from 8:00 to 10:00 p。m。 next Friday。 You will enjoy English stories, songs, poems and short plays at the evening。 Mr and Mrs Green from the USA working in our school, together with their children, will be invited to our evening。 They will give us wonderful performances。

All the teachers and students are welcome to attend our English evening。 We hope all of you will like the performances。

Student's Union

Nov。 16, 20xx

英语阅读笔记大赛通知范文 第六篇

We are going to have an English-speaking contest for senior students so as to improve our oral English. It will be held in auditorium on the 5th floor in the teaching building at 4:00pm. , June 9th. Those who want to take part in the contest are supposed to come to sign up at the office of the students’ Union before May 25th. All the senior students are welcome to join in the contest. The first five winners will be given prizes. Please try your best and get ready in time.

Wish you success!

The students’ Union

英语阅读笔记大赛通知范文 第七篇

几天前接到这个通知的时候,说实话我并没有放在心上,今日 看了一下便觉得震撼。对!那种感觉就是震撼,毫不夸张。中国文化,博大精深。她富有知识的海洋,生活的动力,灵感的源泉,她就像一个调皮的孩子,你想要抓住她,掌握她,却并不那么容易;她也像一个和蔼的母亲,孕育了丰富的知识之子,让古今无数中国人受到启迪。然而,在今天,我终于有幸目睹她孕育的一个孩子——中国古诗,而且人们还为认识她,特地为她举行了比赛——“经典诵读”,认识她的同时,比比看谁更是她的“知音”!

此次比赛分为三轮,也是对选手三个方面的考验。 第一轮比赛比的是诗词,考察选手对诗词的积累。看似简单,只不过是朗诵与所给字词相关的诗词而已,但是对于选手的反应能力和心理素质也是一个极大的考验。限时五秒思考且全场倒计时,比赛越来越激烈,气氛越来越紧张,倒计时的喊声一声高过一声。在这样的情况下,若是不能迅速反应、若是没有极强的心理素质恐怕很难完成比赛。 第二轮比赛比的是古典知识,考察选手对古典知识的了解。这一轮就要求选手要有一定的知识量,对于古代的一些常识要有一个大致的了解,说白了也是靠积累。 第三轮比赛比的是美德,考察选手自身所具备的美德。这次考验设定在饭桌上,讲究的是餐桌礼仪,主要是还考察选手是否谦让。 “吾日三省吾身,择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。”结束之后,我了解到了很多餐桌礼仪,同时也发现了自己很多不足的地方需要加以改正。




这次比赛令我受益颇多,印象最深的一句话是这样的:你永远不知道上帝选择在哪一点事上成就你或败坏你,所以你要做的就是认真做好每一件事。尽管不是出自哪位名家,但是我觉得很有哲理,值得借鉴。 中华民族上下五千年,历史悠久源远流长,国学是中国的国粹,它承载着中华民族五千多年的文化底蕴。 作为祖国的未来,我们应该从现在开始,积极加入到国学学习的行列中,让我们与古圣贤为友,畅游古典文学,继承并发扬国学,让民族文化中国的古诗,虽然我只见你一面,而且这次的会面仅有几分钟,但你已经成为了我学习道路上的一部分,永不磨灭的一部分!古诗,我爱你!

通过观看《山东省青少年经典诵读电视大赛》,让我觉得经典诵读对我们的重要性。 诵读、熟背诗文 ,让我们在一生记忆力最好的时候,以便捷的方式获得经典文化的熏陶 。培养我们的注意力和记忆力。帮助我们养成良好的行为习惯,心地向善,提高修养。提升我们语文水平,培养良好的语文素养。


英语阅读笔记大赛通知范文 第八篇

General cleaning is divided into brooms, mops, language labs, damaged equipment, high school education in the United States allowed to do something, looking forward to discussion, recitation program (program) welcome performance notes ① all classes in our grade are ready to play basketball next week. We play three games every three days to see who can get three positions on the list and represent me at the same time Our school gives each class a basketball as a reward. The champion will have a basketball match with a team from other brother schools.

Welcome to watch the game. ② notice that tomorrow is our national tree planting day. Respond to the call, plant trees everywhere and make our country green.

We decided to plant trees in March. All students in our school should take part in this activity. Male students in each class must bring hoes and shovels, and female students must take hoes The head and spade must bring buckets and water bottles.

We will gather at the playground at 7:30 and then ride bicycles to the place where everyone is required to go. There is no special reason for the headmaster's office to March. ③ the principal's office informs all teachers and teachers to gather in the conference hall on Friday (August 2) some papers on education.





