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小学英语试讲课件范文 第一篇

afternoon everybody, very nice to see you all English name is am a junior at Zhejiang Gongshang major in came here as a cadet teacher to help you learn \\'m interested in music, movies and also enjoy playing would love to play with you hope I can become your friend you very first, let’s have a free talk.

’s your name? are you? do you like to do? you tell me what it is? ’s your favorite food? subject today is animals on the , what animals do you know? Put up your hands and tell me! ’re all so great! I am , I have a very interesting book for !

it! Tell me if you know what it write will read a short paage which contains words of soon as you hear an animal, just grab a seat and sit one who’s left is champion would get a present.

小学英语试讲课件范文 第二篇

Wow, this is a very big shop. So At the shop(写题目) the salesman says “Welcome to the shop!” Now, let’s go to buy some vegetables. (开始画)I want to buy it. What’s it? Yeah, how to say it in English. It’s a carrot. Read after me, yeah,/æ/, good. Next, what’sthis? In KFC, many of you likes eatingchips, so you know it’s a potato, read after me, potato. I can make potato chips with you like potato chips?Yeah,I also like eating it. And we usually eat potato chips with what? Please tell me. Yeah, it is a tomato. Read after me, tomato, tomato. Next, I want to . (开始画)fish,fish./ʃ/lookatme. And,thensomemeat.(开始画)meat, some rice. Now read after me again, carrot, carrot, potato, potato, tomato, tomato. But look at my basket, I buy 2 carrots, 2 potatoes, 2 tomatoes. We can count them, right? Good. Please look at here and remember it, we plus “s” at the end of carrot, and plus “es” at the end of “potato” and “tomato”. They are different..’t countfish, So clever. Now please listen carefully. You can ask me “What would you like, Sophia?” I can answer” I’d like some …, please.” (写黑板)

小学英语试讲课件范文 第三篇

At the shop

So, do you want to make food for your parents? Yeah. All of you are good boys and good girls. Now 4 students a group, 1 student is the seller, 3 students are the buyers. Please look at the screen, you can buy so many things, apples, pears, carrots, meats,fish,rice,noodles, tomatoes,eggsand can ’llgiveyou15minutes. Then I’ll invite some of you to make a performance.

Ok,time is ’sgroup please. Wow, I like your performance. Eric is the seller. He is very interesting. He says Welcome to my shop. Can I help you? Whatwouldyoulike? buys some eggs, Lily buys some noodles, and John buys some apples and bananas. They use how much is it? I’d like some…? What about it? Well done, you guys. Go back to your seat. I’ll give your big group 5 points. Next one, this way, who would like to have another try? Daniel, you four guys please. Class, do you like their performance? Yes, I also like their 5 points for you. Go back to your seat.

Step 5 Summary and homework

Well, time goes so quickly, let’s summarize today’s lesson, we learnt the six words, read it together, carrot, potato, tomato, fish,meat,rice, and thenewsentences,what would youlike? I’d like some…Food is very important, we should learn to save food. Now, would you like to sing birthday song for my mum? Thank you,please:Happybirthdaytoyou,happybirthdaytoyou,happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. I like your voices, thank you.

Your homework time, please ask your parents: what would youlike? with us. Now, class is over, goodbye!

小学英语试讲课件范文 第四篇

8课程过程:warm-up(热身),presentation (新课呈现),pair work(小组活动),conclusion(总结)

Introduction: Good afternoon everybody, very nice to see you all name is Fan Yixiang ,My English name is can call me Mr Fan or Dylan .I\\'m interested in music, movies and also enjoy playing would love to play with you hope I can become your friend you very much.

Warm-up: Now first, let’s have a free talk.

’s your name? are you? ’s your hobby?/what are your hobbies? you tell me what it is? ’s your favorite food? Presentation : subject today is my weekend we all know,the weekend is coming, so what are you going to do ? I need a volunteer to answer my question .Put up your hands and tell me! ’re all so great! I am ,that’s .句型: be going to +动词原形 表示将来构成了一般将来时,表示计划,安排或者根据目前推测将要发生的事情。译为;打算,将来. 4.短语(phrase):Visit my grandparents ,wash clothes , do my homework, play football, watch TV, clean my room, take a trip, go to the cinema ,see a movie ,read books / magazine ,have an English cla etc.

时间短语:this morning/afternoon/evening/weekend.

Next weekend/Monday.....

Tomorrow ,tonight Pair work: make a will give you three minutes to finish this work .

Exercise :1.你在周末将要做什么?我将在这个周末去拜访我的外祖父母。


Conclusion: 一共分为三句话。做什么。在哪里做。什么时候做。

are/is you/she/he going to do (动词)/buy/play(后面接时间或地点都可以)?

are/is you/he/she going (时间/this afternoon等)? are/is you/he/she going to do sth.?

小学英语试讲课件范文 第五篇

Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today? Yeah, I’m fine, too. Thank you.

Before our class, let’s do a guessing game. Are you happy? Yeah. Please listen to me carefully. It’s a place. There are many things in it. For examples, fruits, such as apple, pear, banana, or other food, and toys, and pen, ruler, and some other things. And we can also buy these things from this place. Where’s it? Yeah, you are very smart. It’s a shop or it’s a store. Today, it’s my mother’s birthday, so I want to make lunch for her to make her happy. Now, I want to go to the shop to buy some things. Would you like to come with me? Thank you! Let’s go!

小学英语试讲课件范文 第六篇

Teaching Aims: Knowledge aims:

(1) Students can learn four new words: orange, pear, apple and banana.(2) Students can master the structure of “Do you like pears?” Ability aim:

Students can improve their listening and speaking ability by taking part in aim:

Students will be more interested in English and like to speak English in daily points:

(1) Listen, speak and use the new words: orange, pear, apple and banana.(2) Master the structure of “Do you like”.Difficult points:

(1) Use the new words and structure in their daily life.(2) Improve the interest of learning English, and like to speak English.课前准备:

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Warming up and lead-in greeting a song named How Do You Do 2: Presentation andSTEP3 practice Activity 1 Show a picture of an apple and ask students to answer the question “What’s this in English”.Describing the apple and tell students if there is more than one apple, we can say “apples”.Write the word “apple” on the blackboard and ask students to read it together for the same way, teach students another three new words “orange”, “pear” and “banana”.

After teaching the four new words, play a game: Divide students into four I show the four pictures arbitrarily, each group should read out the name of the fruit in the group reading all names in the least time will be the 2 I will say that I like pears very much and explain why I like pears students when I ask them the question “Do you like pears”, they can answer “Yes, I do” if they like and “No, I don’t” if they do not like.

Invite some students to answer my questions “Do you like apples/oranges/bananas” by using the structure of “Yes, I do” or “No, I don’t”.

Play the tape for the first time and ask students to listen the tape for the second time and ask students to answer the question “if the boy likes pears” after the tape for the third time and ask students to read after the students 3 minutes to make conversations with their deskmates and then invite two groups to 3 Make the chant on the 4: Summary and homework

Ask two students to talk about what we have learned in this some supplements after their students to teach their parents the chant we did just design:

小学英语试讲课件范文 第七篇

Task 1 Individual asking and answering

Now, I’ll ask some of you to read these words one by one. Who want to have a try? Lucy, can you read this word please?(carrot)Sorry,it’snotcarrot,butcarrot,readafterme, carrot, try it again, this time is better. Sit down, please. And Tom? One carrot, two? Carrots, perfect. And two potatoes! I’m so proud of you. Sit down, please. We can also say some carrots, some potatoes, some tomatoes. Next one, Mary, this line, we say some? Fish, meat, rice. Right? You learnt it very well.

Task 2 Right hand or left hand

In order to help you be familiar with and remember these words, let’s play a game ‘right hand or left hand’, now I’ll divide you into two groups, this way is group 1, and this way is group 2. Let’s see which group will do better. Now, listen carefully, you canaskme“Whatwouldyoulike,please?”ThenIsaytheanswer. For example, I’d like 3 carrots. The answer iis right, you put up your right hands. But I say I’d like some fishes, this is wrong, you put up your left hands. Understand? Yeah, let’s go! Group 1, please ask me “What would you like?” I’d like some tomatoes, yeah, right hand. 1 point for you. Continue, what would you like? I’d like some meats. Left hand. Very good. I should say some ’ say some rice. 3 points for you. Now, group2. What would you like? I like some fishes. Left or right? Yeah, left. Why, some fish. Good. Next. I’d like some potatos. Right? I say potatos. So this time no point. Continue, what would you like? I’d like some tomatoes. Right. Good. 2 points for you.

小学英语试讲课件范文 第八篇


Story —— Jenny Goes To City


(1) Good morning/ How are you.(2) who\\'s on duty today?



对答对的学生,给予掌声,呈上真诚的目光,并奖励一个小红花。 What colour was it? It‘s red/green/blue/yellow


what’s miing? It\\'s...... 教师从不同颜色粉笔中,随意抽出一支,问学生少了哪一颜色,



Do you like shopping? 这个话题学生比较熟悉,贴近生活,纷纷举手发言,



1)提出2个问题,让学生们带着问题去看故事短文,时间定为10分钟 Jenny:How to go to the city? why she doesn\\'t......? 再这10分钟学生阅读期间,老师写好一部分板书.



4)再针对故事短文中4个角色,找四名学生, 进行分角色朗读课文.最后并予以掌声,给予肯定和奖励


6)针对故事短文的知识点,一一讲解分析,例have to do sth最好做某事句型,并及时做好板书,时刻促使学生看黑板,培养注意力不分散

7)情景再现,将学生分组,找四名同学,分别带上面具,试着扮演短文中四个角色,Jenny Jenny\\'s mather Jenny\\'s mother Denny,让学生们身临其境,去领悟故事短文中意思,掌握交际中的技巧和方法,挖掘学生们运用语言的创造能力

Step 培养听说读写能力

1)listen the story 循环放短文听录音

2)read the story again and again 大声一遍遍朗读短文 3)write the story 正确抄写短文

4)remember knowledge on cla掌握牢记课上所学知识

小学英语试讲课件范文 第九篇



匿名 | 浏览 304 次 2016-05-14 22:33 我有更好的答案


面试 在招教考试中占有举足轻重的地位,因为你的笔试 成绩只是作为入围的前提,它在综合评定中占40%,而面试则是考察你是否具备教师综合素质的必备条件,占了60%。 首先请大家在精神上轻视它,在行动上要重视它。那么如何才能在短暂的15分钟内有效利用时间,上好一节模拟课呢?朋友们,大家都知道讲课时,下面坐的都是评委(十几个人),没有学生,但是我们要想象着下面坐的全是学生,我们在讲课时要提问、要夸奖、要鼓励学生。这就等于是要自己自拉自唱,千万不能只拉不唱。一般情况下,我们在平时讲课时,要想学完一篇课文,至少需要一节半时间。把课文分成两个课时,讲课环节一般是:第一课时:导入课题、讲解生字词、朗读课文(初步感知课文);第二课时:自由朗读课文(带着问题去读)、解决问题、解决重点段落{中间涉及小组讨论、不同形式的读:(提问单个学生读、老师读、用自己喜欢的方式读、自由读、有感情的读、师生齐读)}、学生谈感受、老师总结、拓展延伸、布置作业。


那么如何才能讲好一篇课文的第二课时呢?怎样才能让评委老师一下子就能听出你讲的是第二课时?这就需要你的介绍:首先是:各位评委老师好,我是X号。我讲课的题目是《 》,下面开始上课。(师喊)上课! 同学们好!(鞠躬) 请坐! 同学们上节课我们学习了《 》这篇课文的生字词,并初步感知了这篇课文,同学们都表现得很优秀。这节课我们继续学习这篇课文(板书课题),板书时说:相信大家一定会表现得更出色。然后转身面向大家说:大家有信心吗?

好,首先请同学们用自己喜欢的方式读读这篇课文,在读的过程中想一想文中主要讲了一件什么事?(记叙文):或是都描写了哪些景物?从那几个方面来描写这个景物的?(写景);或是描写了小动物的哪些特点?(写物)。 那么谁来回答这一问题呢?开始提问:


2、那么谁还有补充? 来,你说!嗯,说得真好!

3、同学们,你们同意这两位同学的答案吗? 哦,看来大家都很满意啊! 快把热烈的掌声送给他们吧! 下面请同学们自由读课文,划出文中描写XX特点的句子,和同桌交流一下。 然后开始提问,注意:


2、因为在提问中不可能每位同学的回答都是正确的,这时你可以说:这位同学你来回答! 嗯,请坐。大家同意他的说法吗? 来,你来说说。 哦,你不太赞同他的答案啊! 那么你能不能来说说吗? 嗯,你回答的真棒!

3、如果是提问的这个问题比较简单,在文中一目了然,你可以这样说:哈哈,看来大家一下子都找到了答案啊!那么请大家一起来说说吧!哦,是(内容)呀!(师重复一下答案) 下面就该讲解这篇课文的主要段落中的重点句子,一般把小组讨论环节设置在这里。为了显示出多媒体教学,你可以在这里将重点句子以出示课件的形式展现出来,当然我们是模拟课堂,你需要指着黑板的左半边,假装这里是屏幕,然后说:


2、用手指着说:谁来读读这段话呢? 你来读! 你来读!

3、那么从这段话中你们体会到了什么?分小组讨论,注意:小组一般是平时都分好的,所以你只用说:下面请同学们分组讨论一下,一会儿老师找各小组代表回报。 由请第一小组代表汇报,你们找的真棒,(师说出生找的内容)大家快把掌声送给他们吧! 第二小组回报,(师复述内容)哦,第二小组同样表现得很好,老师对前两个小组都非常满意。那么下面老师想看看其他小组的表现。 哈哈,这么多人举手啊!来,就第四小组吧! 第四小组的表现真棒啊! 看来同学们都表现得非常优秀!大家快把热烈的掌声送给自己吧(师拍三下手)!


5、如果这段话中有重点词语或成语,可以提问同学说出它们在文中所指代的意思。注意:(老师可将这些词语板书在课件1里的位置) 分组讨论的环节一般就是这样,如果文中有两三个重点段落,解决办法综上所述,出示课件

2、课件3。但是小组讨论环节只需在里面涉及一次就行啦! 然后请同学们学习了课文后,谈谈感受或是想对文中的人物说些什么? 最后师总结全文;布置课下作业。


2、如果你在讲这篇课文时,还没讲到小结处,评委老师就提醒你还剩下两分钟时间,这个时候你千万不要急。你可以这样说:同学们,这节课我们就先学习到这里,大家今天的表现令老师非常满意,和大家在一起学习老师很开心,老师都有点舍不得离开大家啦!可是下课时间快到了,下节课我们讲继续学习这篇课文。 最后,谢谢各位评委老师,我的课讲完了。把黑板上的板书擦干净,然后离场。

讲课时面对评委的目光,要柔和不慌张,切忌咄咄逼人。仪表端庄大方,讲课时面带微笑,切忌表情太夸张。如果评委老师问你问题时,要认真回答。板书不少于 20字,字迹工整,避免错别字。一定要充满自信和激-情!



小学语文面试试讲技巧 | 2015-04-09 18:39



小学英语试讲课件范文 第十篇

课题: Unit 1 Welcome back to school! 第四课时 教学重点: 听懂、会说:“Where are you from? I’m from….This is my friend…” 教学难点:在情境中运用语言及单词from的发音。 教具准备: 1.学生自己的头饰 2.游戏用的人物名片 3.配套的教学课件 4.游戏用的录音音乐 的头饰和钟表 教学过程: 热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision) 1.孩子出示自己的头饰,做自我介绍:“I’m ’m from Canada。” (引导其他孩子用:“Good !”回答) 2.学生以小组为单位扩展表演A部分Let’s talk的对话。(不同孩子扮演对话中的不同人物,孩子也可以根据自己的情况做扩展表演。) 呈现新课 (Presentation) (教师制作一些人物名片,并在卡片背面画上国家的国旗)听音乐,传卡片。拿到卡片的孩子到前面扮演卡片上的人物。做自我介绍:“I’m Amy.”教师提问:“Where are you from?”孩子回答“I’m from America.”

孩子们试着提问:“Where are you from?”得到小卡片的同学根据情况回答。 2.学生小组间的问答:“Where are you from?”“I’m from…”(根据孩子自己制作的头饰回答)

3.请几个小组开火车问答:“Where are you from?”

4.教师出示钟表(把时间调到下午):“Good afternoon!”教师带上的头饰(走到一位学生面前)说:“Good afternoon! My name’s ’m from China.”孩子根据自己的情况回答:“Good afternoon, ’m Xiao Dong .I’m from China.”

教师提问一组孩子。然后请学生到前面来扮演.教师带着 的头饰走到台前,说:“I have a friend in our you know who’s she?”教师指着扮演Amy的同学说: “This is my friend Amy.”(引导全班孩子问好) Ss: Nice to meet : Nice to meet you, too! Ss: Where are you from? A: I’m from : Welcome! 6.教师播放Let’s talk部分的课件, 学生观看对话。跟读、模仿,分角色给课件配音。

7.小组分角色练习对话。 8.小组表演对话。 趣味操练 (Practice) and order the cards: 将课文图片打乱顺序,让孩子听一听, 摆一摆。 2.表演Let’s talk部分的对话。

3.小组中互换头饰(国家、名字),进行对话练习。(Where are you from? I’m from… ) 扩展性活动(Add-activities) 介绍好朋友,请孩子用所学的句型把自己的好朋友介绍给大家。




