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赞扬别人的英语作文范文 第一篇

My dear friend, thank you very much for inviting me to your house for a delicious MILLITE. It's very kind of you. I can't forget that I ate such delicious food until now, because your cooking is so good that I can't find a word to praise them.

I'm going to ask my mother to learn something from you. You are a good cook. Thank you very much, XXX.



赞扬别人的英语作文范文 第二篇

America's greatest sports station is packed with students from Lafayette College on the train platform, waiting eagerly for the Carlisle Indian school track team to arrive. A few months ago, no one would have believed that this was a school no one had ever heard of, and suddenly defeated a big, famous university on the track. Of course, these Carlisle athletes would get off the train one by one The train finally arrived, like a Marine battalion.

Two young men, big and small, stepped onto the platform. Where was the track and field team? A Lafayette student asked this was the team's answer. The big guy was just the two of you.

The little guy was the manager Lafayette's student. He shook his head and wanted to know if the big man was the whole Carlisle track and field team. He's going to compete with the Lafayette team.

Did he run short, hurdle, long distance, high jump? He threw the javelin. The big guy who won the first place in eight events beat the whole Lafayette team. The big man is Jim Thorpe, the greatest American athlete of our time.



赞扬别人的英语作文范文 第三篇

今天我们要讲的美国习惯用语是:burn at the stake. 大家都知道,burn是烧的意思; stake是木桩的意思。Burn at the stake原指中世纪的时候,异教徒在火刑柱上被烧死。不言而喻,作为习惯用语,burn at the stake就是指极其严厉的惩罚。

不久前,我应邀去参加一个非常正式的晚宴。为此,我专门出去买晚礼服。看到一件喜欢的,售货小姐向我保证,绝对不会缩水。你猜怎么着,宴会过后,一下水就抽得不能穿了。两百块的衣服就穿了一个晚上,气得我够呛。这种欺骗顾客的人就应该被炒鱿鱼,英文里就可以说,She should be burn at the stake.


例句-1:I couldn't understand why I wasn't feeling better. Then I found out that the medication I bought over the Internet was fake. I hope that the authorities arrest the criminals who are responsible and jail them for the rest of their lives. They deserve to be burned at the stake!

赞扬别人的英语作文范文 第四篇

The author told us that on her first day as a waiter in a restaurant, she broke her plate, but when a man praised her, her tiredness disappeared. Praise is very important. There is no doubt that no one can live without praise and encouragement.

On the one hand, praise that can encourage men is becoming more and more important. On the other hand, with the development of our society, once we say something enlightening (enlightening) to others, we will also be happy because we have helped others. I clearly remember that there was a time when I was not good at studying, but my head teacher, Ms.

Zhang, because of my little progress, my sadness and fatigue disappeared. I studied harder than ever before. This let me know that praise is a thing that can change everything.

I know clearly the power of praise. We can live a strong life with encouragement. The more praise we give, the more confident and wonderful our life will be.

As a saying goes, praise can drive away sorrow and winter.


赞扬别人的英语作文范文 第五篇

My sister is very beautiful. She has short hair, small eyes, high nose and small mouth. Because she likes to study, she studies very well.

She likes English and math very much. So she studies English and math very well. She likes to be clean and tidy.

So the bedroom is very tidy. My sister likes swimming. She swims slower than me.

She cooks very well. She can cook delicious dinner. She is my sister, Jane, my friend My friend is Tonghe.

He has short hair, small eyes and high nose. He likes to study. He studies very well.

He is a good boy. He likes swimming. He swims slower than me.

He cooks very well. He is a good friend. My mother is a kind and diligent woman.

She has long hair and a big nose. Her eyes look like grapes. She usually gets up at seven in the morning to make breakfast.

She usually goes to work at six o'clock and goes to work at seven I often get up at 6:30, wash my face and brush my teeth. I eat breakfast at 7:00. I usually eat bread, milk and noodles for breakfast.

I go to school at 8:1 on foot, learn math at 9:00, participate in, learn English, and I go home at 5:00 I have rice, meat and taxi for dinner. I do my homework at seven and go to bed at nine.


我妹妹很漂亮她有短发,小眼睛,高鼻子和小嘴,因为她喜欢学习,她学习很好,她非常喜欢英语和数学,所以英语和数学学得很好她喜欢整洁,所以卧室很整洁我妹妹喜欢游泳她游泳比我慢她做饭很好她能做美味的晚餐我喜欢吃食物她是我妹妹珍妮我的朋友我的朋友是同和有短发,小眼睛,高鼻子他喜欢学习,他学习很好他是个好男孩他喜欢游泳他游泳比我慢他做饭很好是我的好朋友 我妈妈 我妈妈是一个善良勤奋的女人她有长头发,大鼻子她眼睛看起来像葡萄她通常早上七点起床做早餐,她通常六点一点上班,七点去超市买蔬菜,她做晚饭我觉得她很累她经常教我如何与学习相处并鼓励我努力学习我的生活是多彩的我在六点半起床洗脸刷牙我七点吃早餐我通常吃面包,早餐吃牛奶和面条七点一刻上学我八点一步行上学,九点学数学,我学中文,参加,学英语我五点回家六点吃晚饭晚饭晚饭我晚饭吃米饭、肉和出租车我在七点我做作业九点上床睡觉。

赞扬别人的英语作文范文 第六篇

Everyone hopes that what they do and say can be appreciated and praised by others. For example, children want to be praised by their parents, students want to be praised by teachers, and employees want to be praised by their employers. It seems that praise is like sunshine to us.

Without it, we can't blossom and grow. But unfortunately, most of us are ready We are not willing to give warm praise to the people around us. For example, most mothers are always dissatisfied with their children's progress in school, most teachers are drowning, their students write in critical red ink, and most employees are always criticizing what their employees have done rather than encouraging them to do it, which may be good.

So, let's be alert to the small advantages around us and comment on them. We will not only bring happiness to other people's lives, but also bring happiness to ourselves.



赞扬别人的英语作文范文 第七篇

In terms of praise, everyone hopes to be appreciated and praised by others for what they have done and said. For example, children want to be praised by their parents, students want to be praised by teachers, and employees want to be praised by their employers. It seems that praise is like sunshine to us.

Without it, we can't blossom and grow. But it's a pity that most of us are ready to blow it to others For example, most mothers are not satisfied with their children's progress in school. Most teachers always submerge their students' compositions in critical red ink.

Most employees always criticize what employees do rather than encourage them to do. This may be the case very good. So let's be alert to the small strengths around us and comment on them.

We not only bring joy to other people's lives, but also, in general, add joy to our own lives.



赞扬别人的英语作文范文 第八篇

In the magnificent campus center, not far away there is a faint fragrance of books, this is a simple but full of bursts of peace of mind air library, sucking knowledge people suddenly gathered here greedily, after the loud reading in the hall, there is a towering reading atmosphere in the teaching building. A generation of people who want to learn knowledge walk in the library door here Before, will be thick fragrance, garden exotic flowers, peach and plum shade, here wantonly bloom, is really a fairyland on earth.



赞扬别人的英语作文范文 第九篇

Patience is the best medicine, small money wise, clumsy, plain trade praised more than practice please eyes and plague heart happy through hard work into the sieve practice to make perfect praise is not pudding praise makes good people better, bad people prefer to suffer losses, not greedy, prevention is better than cure, pride in front, shame first, commitment is debt proverb is the daughter of daily experience put chestnuts Pull out of the fire, put the carriage in front of it, and put your shoulders on the wheels.



赞扬别人的英语作文范文 第十篇

Chivalry is not dead, and a woman will notice whether a man will open a door for her, approach the traffic, or pull a chair for her while she is sitting, something that will make any man stand out from his backpack. A quick online search of emotional pain shows that emotional unavailability is a disease that takes many men's lives. If you're a man suffering from this disease, you'd better do it.

Seek help immediately. Being a man means being able to share your feelings without worrying about how you'll look at the details. A woman likes a man who pays attention to details, and he remembers them late in the day, which can earn a lot of points for any man.

For example, suppose the woman you are interested in tells a trivial story about having lunch with a friend. Two weeks later, you ask her and she mentions the name of the restaurant by the way, "how was the XYZ restaurant you and your friend went to the other day?" ? I'm thinking we should go out to dinner tonight. "A man will immediately be promoted to superhero status, if at some point in the future, he can remember some small details and prove that he is really listening to XYZ's praise and unexpected praise.

Yes, she may look like when she is dressed up, you must let her know, but let a woman know How special she is to you, it is also important to see her laughter in her life today. Smile or leave dimples on her face and praise her. If any relationship wants to succeed, it must have a sense of trust.

Honesty is the adhesive to maintain a relationship, and it is also an attractive feature. Even if you tell a woman this may not be the most pleasant news, for a man, being open is better than telling him confidence. Self confidence is the key to charm.

It will attract the attention of any woman, and confidence should not be confused with arrogance Because arrogance involves a false sense of self, and confidence requires an assessment of who you are (not what you do).


赞扬别人的英语作文范文 第十一篇

今天我们要讲的美国习惯用语是:Brownie Points. Brownie是指七、八岁大的女童子军成员。童子军培养这些孩子的集体观念、组织、社交等各种能力。Brownies完成各种任务后,就可以得到特殊的奖励,叫Points,好比积分。作为习惯用语,Brownie Points从十九世纪中期开始流行,意思是做了好事而得到的称赞、奖赏 。

我们去年搬到新家后,隔壁的老头Mr. Johnson一直不太友好。冬天下雪的时候,因为知道他腿脚不方便,所以我特意帮他扫干净了门前的积雪。谁知这件事儿让我得了好多的Brownie Points。现在他变得特别友善,上星期还把花园里的花剪来送给我呢!

说到花园,如今游客云集的美国首都华盛顿其实一直到60年代中期,还是个不怎么样的地方,是谁促成了华盛顿景致的改观呢?我们听听下面这个历史学家觉得,Brownie Points应该归谁。

例句-1:Critics may not have valued Lady Bird Johnson as a glamorous first lady like her predecessor, Jacqueline Kennedy. But she scored major Brownie Points for beautifying the nation's capital with flowers and trees. She's also praised for making our highways more attractive.

他说: 批判人士也许觉得伯德.约翰逊夫人不如她的前任杰奎琳.肯尼迪那么光彩照人,但是她却因为用鲜花和绿树将首都华盛顿装扮一新而备受赞扬。美国高速公路沿途的美景也要归功于她。


要想得到Brownie Points, 干事儿一定得干到点子上,否则就会徒劳无功。下面这个员工就是在白费力气。我们听听他的同事是怎么说的。

例句-2:To get ahead in our department, you have to produce results. Yet the new hire thinks he's going to be recognized simply for staying late every night. The reality is that he'll never win any Brownie Points with the boss that way.

他说: 要想在我们这个部门出头,工作就得出成绩。新来的那个雇员以为他只要每天加班,就能得到认可,其实呀,他这样做是永远得不到老板赏识的。


赞扬别人的英语作文范文 第十二篇

March 7 is girls' day. It is the day before girls' day. In the past ten years, girls' day has become more and more popular in schools.

The slogans are very interesting. These slogans are put forward by boys. They praise girls like girls.

You are the only wife pointed out by my mother. In fact, they are very interesting. Slogans always praise girls in a humorous way.

I like girls' day I will get a gift from the boy in my class. It has nothing to do with love. Only when I make friends on the street, I find that the girls are very happy.

Some of them receive flowers from boys and some get other gifts.



赞扬别人的英语作文范文 第十三篇

Praise their friends in public. It's best to find friends in adversity until someone needs them. Good friends are my closest friends.

Friends in court are better than a penny in my purse. Friends in court are second friends in need of help. They are true friends.

Friends are friends of friends who nobody tells you in private. Enemies commit crimes. Friends don't get or lose A friend without faults can never find a friend.

A friend's boasting virtue.





