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高中英语作文竞赛范文 第一篇

Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the the development of industry and agriculture,cars make great noises and give off poisonous on the hills have been cut down,and waste water is being poured continuously into we go today,we can find rubbish carelessly whole ecological balance of the earth is destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to man's must face the situation that exists and take actions to solve our environmental instance,new laws must be passed to place strict control over industrial pollution,the pub!ic must receive the education about the hazard of pollution and so hope that all these measures will be effective and bring back a healthful environment.

高中英语作文竞赛范文 第二篇

Manners are important to happy relations among people. No one likes a person with bad manners. A person with good manners never laughs at people when they are in trouble. Instead, he tries to offer help. When he asks for something, he says please and when he receives something, he always says thanks. He does not interrupt other people when they are talking. He does not talk loudly or laugh loudly in public. When he sneezes or spits, he uses a handkerchief. As a sutdent, it is a bad manner to come late to class. If you are late you should say I'm sorry. to the teacher at the time or after class.

高中英语作文竞赛范文 第三篇

1. 至于我,在某种程度上我同意后面的观点,我认为……

As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion to some extent. I think that ____.

2. 总而言之,整个社会应该密切关注……这个问题。只有这样,我们才能在将来……。

In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of in this way can ______in the future.

3. 但是,……和……都有它们各自的优势(好处)。例如,……,而……。然而,把这两者相比较,我更倾向于(喜欢)……

But ______and ______have their own advantages. For example, _____, while_____. Comparing this with that, however, I prefer to______.

4. 就我个人而言,我相信……,因此,我坚信美好的未来正等着我们。因为……

Personally, I believe that_____. Consequently, I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because______.

5. 随着社会的发展,……。因此,迫切需要……。如果每个人都愿为社会贡献自已的一份力量,这个社会将要变得越来越好。

With the development of society, it"s urgent and necessary to every member is willing to contribute himself to the society, it will be better and better.

6. 至于我(对我来说,就我而言),我认为……更合理。只有这样,我们才能……

For my part, I think it reasonable to_____. Only in this way can you _____.

7. 对我来说,我认为有必要……。原因如下:第一,……; 第二,……;最后……但同样重要的是……

In my opinion, I think it necessary to____. The reasons are as follows. First ______. Last but not least,______.

8. 在总体上很难说……是好还是坏,因为它在很大程度上取决于……的形势。然而,就我个人而言,我发现……。

It is difficult to say whether _____is good or not in general as it depends very much on the situation of______. However, from a personal point of view find______.

9. 综上所述,我们可以清楚地得出结论……

From what has been discussed above, we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that____.

10. 如果我们不采取有效的方法,就可能控制不了这种趋势,就会出现一些意想不到的不良后果,所以,我们应该做的是……

If we can not take useful means, we may not control this trend, and some undesirable result may come out unexpectedly, so what we should do is_____.

1. Here is one more example这里有不止一个的例子

… for example.就拿……为例子

高中英语作文竞赛范文 第四篇



啊,马上就到我了,我再也掩饰不住那紧张的情绪,心在不停“咚咚,咚咚”地跳着。轮到我上场了,我怀着激动而忐忑不安的心情走上了讲台。我首先敬了个礼,做了自我介绍,然后开始有声有色的表演我的节目,英语小故事《A GOOD BOY》。我平复一下自己的情绪,然后流利地讲着我的故事,边讲还边做动作,仿佛进入了天真的情境。评委老师专注地听着我的故事,不时用笔记一下什么,我看到一位评委老师的眼睛里露出了一点笑意,我如释重负。我的表演结束了,回答完老师的问题后,敬了个礼,便退场了。



高中英语作文竞赛范文 第五篇



“叮铃铃,叮铃铃……”随着闹钟响起,我揉了揉朦胧的睡眼,打了一个大大哈欠。”“加油,郝梦瑶,你要打起精神,比赛一定要比出好成绩啊!”我暗暗对自己说。领队老师带着我们来到了北京爱迪学校,学校看起来格外耀眼,也十分美丽,鲜红的教学楼,碧绿的操场,更像是一幅画作,晨光的轻纱轻轻搭在校园的顶上。老师带我们来到各自比赛的教学楼里,楼里的气氛与外面景色给我的感觉有着天壤之别,使我感到格外紧张,到候考区与选手们做最后的准备。到我了!我深吸了一口气,整理好衣服,然后平静地走上台去,“It was a ……”现场安静得连一根针掉地的声音都听得见,我表面正镇定自若地演讲,但心中仿佛有一个顽皮的小精灵在不停地跳跃着,而且越跳越快,越跳越快……我想着自己7月份付出的努力,不能因为紧张而白花了所有精力和时间,似乎变得越来越自信了。加油……


高中英语作文竞赛范文 第六篇

Many years ago, as the development of technology, robot was created to facilitate people’s work. Robot can do many things for men, like it will accept the order and then carry out it. The most obvious advantage of robot is to caculate very quickly. As robot gets improved all the time, its functions have been largely expanded, most people worry that it will take the place of human brains. Many movies have explored this topic and they came to the conclusion that robot will not take the place of human being. One thing for sure is that men can’t compete with robot on caculating or the computer program, but robot has no feelings, it can’t be the real person. Even it looks like a man, still it is just the machine. It is the emotion that makes the difference between man and machine.


高中英语作文竞赛范文 第七篇

I am not a brave girl, I am afraid of losing face in front of my friends and parents, so I always let the chance go and refuse to try. Once, I have a chance to take a performance in the Christmas show, but thinking about if I performed badly, all my friends would laugh at me, so I gave up the chance. But now, I am tired of letting so many chances to go, I want to try, after seeing my friends take all the chances to try, I am not going to be the outsider all the time, I want to live my own life and make some differences. People say failure is not terrible, the unforgettable thing are to lose the courage to try and then making all kinds of excuses. Let’s take out our courage and do what we want to do.我不是一个勇敢的女孩,我害怕在朋友很父母面前丢脸,因此我总是让几乎溜走,拒绝去尝试。曾经,我有机会在圣诞节目上表演,但是一想到如果我表演不好,所有的朋友都会取笑我,所以我放弃了机会。但是现在,我厌倦了让那么多的机会溜走,我想要尝试,在看了那么多的朋友抓住所有的机会尝试以后,我不准备再当个局外人,我想要活出自己的生活,有所作为。人们说失败并不可怕,失去勇气尝试, 不断找各种借口才是不可原谅的。让我们拿出勇气,做自己想做的吧。

高中英语作文竞赛范文 第八篇

Many years ago, as the development of technology, robot was created to facilitate people’s work.

Robot can do many things for men, like it will accept the order and then carry out it.

The most obvious advantage of robot is to caculate very quickly. As robot gets improved all the time, its functions have been largely expanded, most people worry that it will take the place of human brains.

Many movies have explored this topic and they came to the conclusion that robot will not take the place of human being. One thing for sure is that men can’t compete with robot on caculating or the computer program, but robot has no feelings, it can’t be the real person. Even it looks like a man, still it is just the machine. It is the emotion that makes the difference between man and machine.

高中英语作文竞赛范文 第九篇

When I got settled, the total use of the microwave to do their own things to eat. One day, my father saw me, I am afraid to say that I grew up as a cook. I immediately shaken like a rattle-drum head, you said : "That is not my ideal. When I grow up I want to IT (information technology) industries. "Yes, I bought a computer five years ago after his father, I am familiar with it day by day. Until last year, and I have formed a deep bond with it. From then on, I want success in the information technology industry to make contributions to the cause of national computer. But my father said I could only do in the field "testing the game," is what the new game, and always let me play with, the report there will be any games. I think what he said is not their fault, I always play games recently, those who do not have a veteran like Flash.

In recent days, I sprouted out of a bad idea : I will be playing the game that the network server to the black. My account will revise the highest level. However, I Xiangliaoyouxiang, this is wrong, but was caught by the police network is not good. When hackers but also need high computer skills. As a member of the IT industry is my ideal, I would like to advance this goal, to improve their computer skills

高中英语作文竞赛范文 第十篇

It is certain fr we huan beings t be prud f ur brilliant civilizatin, which ffers us the cfrtable life. Our civilizatin wuldn&rsqu;t develp s rapidl withut the endless strea f great scientific achieveents. It is electricit that plas an iprtant rle and stands ut ang these achieveents. And we shuld be grateful t the scientists wh had fund the wa t prduce electricit.

In 1831,Farada, an excellent scientist fr England, sued up a law which is called Farada&rsqu;s law f electragnetic inductin. This law tells us hw t induct electric current with agnets, Farada&rsqu; law ade the b f ur histr turned t anew page, the age f electricitThe law belngs t the fundatin f the Ther f Electragnetics. The scientist wred in this field fr a lng tie and then brught us tda&rsqu;s life: e-life. It is nw eas t find a telephnera light. Cputers als bece re and re iprtant and ppular. We use electricit in varius was: ding huse wr, entertaining, having iprtant eetings n the Internet and s n. Iagine this: when watching TV, u find the telephne ranging. S u turned n the light and answer it. It is ur cusin wh ass abut hw t use the new sft ware u give hi. S u send hi an e-ail. All these sees t be t siple and cn. But in an f these, electricit is alwas plaing an iprtant rle. What if there was n electricit? Full f darness at night, n internet, n televisins……that wuld be terrible!


Thans t the scientists achieveents, we can live such a cfrtable life. S when u are ding ur hewr b the lap,rwatching an NBA atchrsurfing the internet, please sa t Farada and the ther scientists in ur ind sincerel: Than u!

高中英语作文竞赛范文 第十一篇

Everyone needs friends in their lives, no one can live alone, they need friends to share their sorrow and happiness, so that they can keep the good mood. But even the marriage needs to run in the long term, for friendship,

people will confront all kinds of problems, the one who can deal with the problems well will maintain the friendship. When you have argument with your friends, both of you do not want to give in,

at this time, you need to calm down and be general, you can release the intense atmosphere。In a few days, when both of you have calmed down, the argument is nothing but a small interlude.

Sometimes your friend will work in another place, if you two are lazy to contact with each other, friendship is easy to lose as the time went by. Maintaining friendship is not easy.

高中英语作文竞赛范文 第十二篇


开始抽签了,我闭上眼睛用手在箱子里摸来摸去,祈求上帝保佑我。最后,我的手一摸,心想:就是它了。结果让我大吃一惊,因为我摸了一个9号。当时,我的心提到了嗓子眼,因为9号相当靠前。 一排好队,我就主动和8号、10号选手搭讪,因为我觉得,我们三个有可能一组做即兴表演。 该我演讲了,我的心怦怦乱跳,紧张得手直发抖。我的脸上强挤出一丝微笑,在舞台上,我看到了爸爸、妈妈和老师那信任的目光,所以,我自信地完成了演讲。 很快,我们开始了即兴表演。内容大体是:星期天,我们去动物园玩。我们讨论起了最喜爱的动物。然后,我们看到了一只猴子在哭,便猜测猴子为什么哭?当8号选手要喂猴子时,我阻止了她,最后,我们回到了自己家。表演结束时,我看到老师向我竖起大拇指。 第三关压力问答,我最有把握,当外教说出问题时,我情不自禁地笑了。因为问题是:你最喜欢的老师是谁?这个问题太简单了,我顺利地完成了第三关。

下台时,我高兴得差点跳起来,因为我在舞台上没有留下遗憾。 当宣布晋级选手时,我听到主持人清楚地说:“9号选手,边晓晖!”这一句,意味着我可以参加山东省决赛了!此时,我心中的石头终于落了下来。 强劲的对手,苟刻的评委,刺眼的灯光都已经过去了,留在心底的是一笔财富。回想昨天,一次次的失败,自己不止一次地对自己说:“Fall seven time, stand up eight!(摔倒七次,第八次也要站起来!)”而今天,我成功了。


高中英语作文竞赛范文 第十三篇








高中英语作文竞赛范文 第十四篇

At the class meeting our teacher read us a report in the certain student in a middle school smoked and he wouldn't get rid of the bad habit though his teacherand friends warned him not to smoke any even stole money to get cigarettes and was pat into prison in the really gave usa we allsmoking is very harmful to our does great harm not only to our health,but also to our mind,especially for us more and more people all over the world have given up smoking or have made up their minds to do so,I think we middle school students are the future builders of our country.

We should study hard and make progress every should form good habits so that we can spend our time learning things useful and valuable for our motherland and people,I think today's class meeting is very meaningful to my classmates who have a bad habit of smoking.

高中英语作文竞赛范文 第十五篇



老师问谁愿意第一个上来表演,我有点胆怯,没有举手,第二、第三我还是没有举手,到了第四个的时候我终于高高的举起了手,在老师微笑的注视下走上了讲台,这时又看到台下妈妈鼓励的眼神,我就更自信了。“Dad is a singer……”我完整的、顺利的讲述完了英语故事,我有点为自己的勇敢感到骄傲。


高中英语作文竞赛范文 第十六篇

People always read messages on newspaper before, but now there is a large number of people search information in the Internet. For me, I have good impression for it. Internet t information is very convenient and wide. People can search the information on the internet only open their computer. Besides, the Internet information ranges very widely. It contains all fields’ information. It is almighty. It knows everything. In addition, nearly all the information on the Internet is free. People do not need to spend money on it. Not like newspaper. So, Internet information has so many advantages.

高中英语作文竞赛范文 第十七篇

Dear Sue ,

I’m LiHua ,one of your students in China .It’s almost a month since you left us . We all miss you and are very grateful for what you did for us when we were together .

We are busy as usual. We had an English speech contest the other day . I won the first prize! This again reminds me of all your kind help . Do you still remember the trees we planted together on the hill behind the school? Yesterday we went there and watered them. The three you planted yourself is growing well ,and the whole class decided to name it Sue wood . Will you come back to see Sue wood ?

How is everything with you lately ? We hope to know more about you and your American students . Hope to keep in close touch .

All the best

Liu Hua

高中英语作文竞赛范文 第十八篇

I haven’t write diaries for a period of time. I am now writing this just want to remember one thing. My study has fallen behind a lot this term. I can keep my score in the top ten in the whole school ranking before. But this term I fall behind. I nearly draw back to fifty. I know the reason is because I am too arrogant. I think I can be the best without studying hard. So I usually not pay too much attention on my study. When I find myself lag behind, I comfort myself it is accident. I have learnt a serious lesson this time. So, I want to write it down to warn myself.


高中英语作文竞赛范文 第十九篇

1. 相反,有一些人赞成……,他们相信……,而且,他们认为……。

On the contrary,there are some people in favor of the same time,they say____.

2. 但是,我认为这不是解决……的好方法,比如……。最糟糕的是……。

But I don"t think it is a very good way to solve example, of all,___.

3. ……对我们国家的发展和建设是必不可少的,(也是)非常重要的。首先,……。而且……,最重要的是……

______is necessary and important to our country"s development and construction. First,"s more, important of all,______.

4. 有几个可供我们采纳的方法。首先,我们可以……。

There are several measures for us to adopt. First, we can______

5. 面临……,我们应该采取一系列行之有效的'方法来……。一方面……,另一方面,

Confronted with______,we should take a series of effective measures to______. For one thing,______For another,______

6. 早就应该拿出行动了。比如说……,另外……。所有这些方法肯定会……。

It is high time that something was done about it. For example. http:// addition. these measures will certainly______.

7. 为什么……?第一个原因是……;第二个原因是……;第三个原因是……。总的来说,……的主要原因是由于……

Why______? The first reason is that second reason is third is all this, the main cause of ______due to ______.

8. 然而,正如任何事物都有好坏两个方面一样,……也有它的不利的一面,象……。

However, just like everything has both its good and bad sides, ______also has its own disadvantages, such as ______.

9. 尽管如此,我相信……更有利。

Nonetheless, I believe that ______is more advantageous.

10. 完全同意……这种观点(陈述),主要理由如下:

I fully agree with the statement that ______ because______.

高中英语作文竞赛范文 第二十篇



比赛开始了,同学们都紧张起来。第一个上场的是孔维泽,只见她迈着大步上了台,落落大方地和评委打了个招呼:“hello,everyone……”然后开始了她的一分钟自我介绍,随后又讲了一个英语小故事,非常精彩地完成了她的比赛。时间在一分一秒中过去,终于轮到我了,我迈着大步自信地走上台,礼貌地鞠了一个躬后,开始了我的一分钟介绍:“Good afternoon,everyone……”然后我讲了《乌龟和兔子》的'英语小故事,表演了才艺,圆满完成了老师的英语问答。


高中英语作文竞赛范文 第二十一篇






高中英语作文竞赛范文 第二十二篇

Dear Robert:

How time flies! The happy days we shared often shines in my memory. What about you? As you know, my college entrance exam is approaching, which also announces the end of this sort of pressing study life. However,I intend to have a meaningful summer vacation. First, I will learn to drive to get a driving license, which is a new activity for a high school graduate in China. I will have a good rest, enjoying my hobbies. Then I will take some English courses to improve my English communication ability, With the 2008 Olympics beginning, I will be a participant of it, watching the basketball match between China and the US. I have been dreaming of Kobe’s performance long. After that, I will pay a visit to some tourist attractions to widen my horizon.

That is the plan for my vacation. I am looking forward to being told about your arrangements of vacation. Give me your quick reply soon, OK?

Best wishes!

高中英语作文竞赛范文 第二十三篇

Last year, I went to Guilin for travel, it was a great trip for me.

I not only had a look at the beautiful scenery, but also made friends. I knew a lovely girl from America, we met each other on the train. As we were almost at the same age, we communicated a lot. We shared our opinion about the culture and learned a lot. When our train reached the destination, we needed to separate, we promised to keep in touch by the Internet.

Now a year has passed, we make our promise and keep in touch all the time. I have improved my English and she is so interested in China. It seems that we can never finish our topic, because we always have so much to share with each other. I am so lucky to make a good friend.

高中英语作文竞赛范文 第二十四篇

The one I love best is my granny. The one who loves me best is also my granny . She is so kind that everyone who knows her likes her very much. But I'm sorry to say that my dear granny got cancer.

It was a cold day, but my heart was even colder. I could not accept the fact that my granny got cancer. Facts are facts. Only an operation could help her. The doctor told us she was too weak to be operated on, but my granny insisted that she could stand it. So the doctors did the operation. After the operation, my granny could not sleep, or eat, or say a word because of the pain .

Every one of my family felt sad. My granny noticed this, so she tried her best to nod and smile to us . We smiled back. Every day, my granny said she felt better but actually the pain was still there. Once, she said to me, "Yangyang, my dear. I'll be all right."

My granny was growing thinner and thinner, but she was still smiling. The smile gave us hope.

The other day , I went to the hospital to see my granny . She said , "Spring is coming. Though I'm in hospital, I can feel the warmth. Yangyang I think I'll go home soon."

How I hope she would be home soon!

高中英语作文竞赛范文 第二十五篇

we read the book, we have learned a lot. 由于阅读这本书,我们已经学到了很多。

2. If we read the book, we would learn a lot. 由于阅读这本书,我们已经学到了很多。

3. We read the book; as a result / therefore / thus / hence / consequently / for this reason / because of this, weve learned a lot. 由于阅读这本书,我们已经学到了很多。

4. As a result of /Because of/Due to/Owing to reading the book, weve learned a lot. 由于阅读这本书,我们已经学到了很多。

高中英语作文竞赛范文 第二十六篇












高中英语作文竞赛范文 第二十七篇

People are wondering about if there are living creatures in other planets. Scientists have been searching for the answer all the time. Though the official never publishes any information about the existing of another life, most people believe that life exists in outer space. In the science fiction films, the directors try to search the space. They pictured the large galaxy and presented the audience how the aliens looked like. What's more, some documentaries also recorded the mysterious signs that seemed to be left by the unknown creatures. As a result, the public believes that aliens have come to our planet, or they just pretend to be someone else, studying about human beings. With the development of technology, someday the scientists can go much further and solve the riddles, at that time, we can know more about life.


高中英语作文竞赛范文 第二十八篇

Today, I was so excited because I finally became a high school student, which meant my life came to a new chapter. On the first day, my parents went with me to school. They brought my luggage and helped me to finish the registration. I was so impressed by the slogan that was tagged on the main gate, which was Help Your Parents Carry Luggage. When I saw those words, I realized most of us carried nothing at hand, but our parents did the job. We are almost 16 and not a little kid anymore, so it is natural for us to learn grow up and become independent. Taking luggage is just a small symbol for us to be independent. We need to complete all the things by ourselves in the following three years. When we can handle our stuff by ourselves, we are mature.


高中英语作文竞赛范文 第二十九篇











高中英语作文竞赛范文 第三十篇





范文 (One possible version)

Dear Robert:

How time flies! The happy days we shared often shines in my memory. What about you? As you know, my college entrance exam is approaching, which also announces the end of this sort of pressing study life. However,I intend to have a meaningful summer vacation. First, I will learn to drive to get a driving license, which is a new activity for a high school graduate in China. I will have a good rest, enjoying my hobbies. Then I will take some English courses to improve my English communication ability, With the 2008 Olympics beginning, I will be a participant of it, watching the basketball match between China and the US. I have been dreaming of Kobe’s performance long. After that, I will pay a visit to some tourist attractions to widen my horizon.

That is the plan for my vacation. I am looking forward to being told about your arrangements of vacation. Give me your quick reply soon, OK?

Best wishes!

高中英语作文竞赛范文 第三十一篇

今天是 12月26日 ,快乐的圣诞节终于来到了,同时我们又迎来了盼望已久的第二届英语节的到来。



这时,刘汝鸿讲完了,接下来就轮到我了,我十分紧张地从他手中接过话筒,走上舞台,心跳加剧,“My friends here……”咦?声音怎么这么小,哦,太紧张了,忘记打开话筒了。我急忙打开开关,放开嗓门,开始了我的演讲。




高中英语作文竞赛范文 第三十二篇







高中英语作文竞赛范文 第三十三篇

In current society,people have known the importance of keeping healthy and good life the past,people ate three meals at home,and they ate more vegetables and less meat and were very strong and seldom went to see life is better,people eat more meat,fish,eggs and other food with more often go out for good meals with their families and they get easy to be ill,Why? I think more meat and fish,less exercise are bad for rest,less meat and fish,more vegetables and enough exercise are good for I exercise every eating habits are pretty eat a lot of vegetables.

I eat fruit and drink milk every drink a cup of water 15 minutes before each meal and eat much vegetables and course,I love junk food,too,and I eat it once a I sleep nine hours every better we get into good eating habits,the happier our life becomes.

高中英语作文竞赛范文 第三十四篇

学校在今天要举行英语风采大赛了,看得出,班主任和同学们个个都显得是那么地紧张。 吃了午饭,比赛很快就开始了。主持人用清脆而又响亮的声音说:“同学们,英语风采大赛,现在开始!”此时此地,整个比赛现场响起了娓娓动听的音乐声,本来显得有些紧张的比赛现场很快就变得轻松起来,我从班主任的脸上看出了她在微笑,她那冷静自若的表情,给了我一种很大的安慰。



高中英语作文竞赛范文 第三十五篇












高中英语作文竞赛范文 第三十六篇









高中英语作文竞赛范文 第三十七篇

As we all know,healthy is very important to do you really know how to stay healthy? Here are some useful tips.

First,we should do exercise if we have example,we can go to swim in the summer we can take a walk after exercise makes us healthy and strong.

Second,we should take more vegetables and fruit and less eating junk food and drinking beers.

Last but not least,we should go to bed early and wake up should have enough sleep,or we will get sleepy in the day we pay more attention to the tips above,we will have healthier wish everybody has a strong and healthy body.

高中英语作文竞赛范文 第三十八篇


I’m the mother of a fourteen-year –old . I have a rule for my daughter :be among the top of 5 students or get punished in one way or another . She has been doing very well in school ,but some of my friends keep telling me that I put too much pressure on her .Am I wrong ?

写作要点:1. 表明自己的看法 2. 陈述自己的理由 3.提出至少2条建议。

高中英语作文竞赛范文 第三十九篇





高中英语作文竞赛范文 第四十篇

On April 28th, my classmates and I went to the park near my school where we took part in a volunteer labor.

We got there at nine oclock. After divided into three groups, we began to work.

Each group had their own tasks. Group one planted trees and watered flowers. Group Two picked up litter left by tourists and cleaned the benches. My group wiped all the equipment in Childrens Playground. Each of us worked hard.

At about half past eleven, we finished working. Though we were tired,we were happy. It was a meaningful day for us because we had done a good deed.

Last Saturday--April 28th, my classmates and I went to the park near my school. Can you guess what we did there?Not for amusement but to take part in a volunteer labour.

We reached the park at nine oclock. The whole class was divided into three groups. I was in Group Three.

Each group had different tasks. Group One planted trees and watered flowers. Group Two was told to pick up litter left by the tourists and cleaned all the benches. The group that I was in wiped all the equipment in the Childrens Playground. All of us worked hard.

Before noon we finished working. Each of us felt a little bit tired, but we were happy because we had done a good deed。

高中英语作文竞赛范文 第四十一篇

As the society develops, the love is no more defined as the relationship between girls and boys, it is also existed between boys and boys, girls and girls. The gay love is the new hot issue in the new century, unlike the old days, the gay love was thought to be taboo love, people at that time took it as a shame, they never talked about it. But today, more and more people are starting to accept gay love, they are willing to give space to gay love. In my opinion, gay love is the normal love in human being’s emotion, it was depressed before, now people start to chase human rights, they realize that there is no need to be shameful for their different emotion. Some people are born to have special feelings about the same gender guy, we should understand them, give them space, they are just ordinary people.


高中英语作文竞赛范文 第四十二篇

1. There are several reasons for…, but in general, they come down to three major ones.有几个原因……,但一般,他们可以归结为三个主要的。

2. Many ways can contribute to solving this problem, but the following ones may be most effective.有很多方法可以解决这个问题,但下面的可能是最有效的。( 可以用在保护环境等话题的作文)

4. Generally, the advantages can be listed as follows.一般来说,这些优势可以列举如下。

5. The reasons are as follows. ……的理由如下 (可以用来列举理由原因)

高中英语作文竞赛范文 第四十三篇





高中英语作文竞赛范文 第四十四篇

How to Keep Psychologically Healthy?

Psychologically healthy problems can cause the with the psychologically healthy problems can’t work well and enjoy the beautiful fell bad without self-confident.

The reason why so many people are not quiet psychologically healthy is that the social pressure make them can’t relax example,nowadays many people are worry about the house and order to get a house,many people fight with manage their life only keep the job in their always know that just work harder and if they fell tiered and unhappy,they don’t a long time,they take the pressure for themselves and can’t put down.

How to keep the Psychologically Healthy?People should take part in some activities to relax themselves and make friends with other something that people interested in can make them fell more better.

高中英语作文竞赛范文 第四十五篇

Today, there are more and more people going on a diet.

Going on a diet keeps people from growing too fat and saves them from many inconveniences and diseases related to being overweight.

However, if carried too far, going on a diet could become extremely dangerous. Some young girls risk their lives to lose weight because they are eager to have a beautiful figure. The risk can damage their health and even can be life threatening.

Chinese diet is considered to be one of the most healthy diet in the world because it contains less sugar and fat, keeping us away from obesity. However, with the wide spread of Mc Donald’s and KFC fast food restaurants in China, many young Chinese found more and more junk food are coming into their diets. Those deep fried chips and burgers served in the western fast food restaurants are rich in sugar and fat, which has a great negative effect on our health. In order to maintain our health status, we should do more exercise. Meanwhile, keeping a balanced diet is a must with more fruit and vegetables, less butter and chocolates.

高中英语作文竞赛范文 第四十六篇

my sister goes to taipei first municipal girls' high school and is in her second year there. this is the best girl high school in the city, and my sister is a very good student. my sister likes sports. and now she is a member of the school track team. the regular schoolwork and the sports keep my sister very busy and yet very happy. she hopes to be able to go to college when she graduates. she enjoys english which they have nine sessions of one hour's class every week' she hopes to major in english in the future. usually she goes to school at si in the morning and in the afternoon she comes home at si, too. after dinner she usually studies until ten o’clock or so and then goes to bed. on saturday afternoonsshe spends her time at the school track. i think i have a very good sister; she also likes

高中英语作文竞赛范文 第四十七篇

Every Chinese knows the importance of the college entrance examination, so the high school students always can feel the stress from that exam, especially when that day is nearby. Some students will not do as well as usual because of heavy stress. It is necessary to adjust their mood well before the exam. They should not give too much pressure to themselves, instead of having usual heart. Then they can do in working order. To reach this goal, they can spare time to do some sports or just go running and keep telling themselves that the exam can’t decide their future, so they try their best would be OK and no one will blame them. The purpose is make them feel relax, as the status of relax is the best state for achieving good marks in the exam. It is helpful.


高中英语作文竞赛范文 第四十八篇

After graduated,people are alwa1ys faced with two alternatives:working for themselves or someone of the two sound I tend to be in favor of the later.

From my perspective,working for is worse than working for someone you will have to deal with plenty of problems and risks by yourself,if you choose to start your own of experience,financial support and so on can always be fatal to your the contrary,if you find a job in a proper company,there’s no need for you to worry any more,and you just need to work more,when working for others,you will acquire how to cooperate with others and increase your sense of responsibility,which are both great qualities.

All in all,working for someone else is equipped with much more advantages than for can not only prevent yourself from unnecessary risks but also promote you improving yourself.

高中英语作文竞赛范文 第四十九篇




高中英语作文竞赛范文 第五十篇

1. 关于……人们有不同的观点。一些人认为……

There are different opinions among people as to ____ .Some people suggest that ____.

2. 俗话说(常言道)……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用。

There is an old saying______. It"s the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today.

3. 现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。首先,……;其次,……。更为糟糕的是……。

Today, ____, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First, ____ Second,____. What makes things worse is that______.

4. 现在,……很普遍,许多人喜欢……,因为……,另外(而且)……。

Nowadays,it is common to ______. Many people like ______ because ______. Besides,______.

5. 任何事物都是有两面性,……也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。

Everything has two sides and ______ is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages.

6. 关于……人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为(说)……,在他们看来,……

People’s opinions about ______ vary from person to person. Some people say that them,_____.

7. 人类正面临着一个严重的问题……,这个问题变得越来越严重。

Man is now facing a big problem ______ which is becoming more and more serious.

8. ……已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年青人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。

______ has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way.

9. ……在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用,它给我们带来了许多好处,但同时也引发一些严重的问题。

______ has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.

10. 根据图表/数字/统计数字/表格中的百分比/图表/条形图/成形图可以看出……。很显然……,但是为什么呢?

According to the figure/number/statistics/percentages in the /chart/bar graph/line/graph,it can be seen that______ while. Obviously,______,but why?

高中英语作文竞赛范文 第五十一篇

As school students , we run into one difficulty after another in the process of learning . Everyone has their own ways to deal with them . Here I would like to share mine.

When I am faced with a difficulty , I usually choose to refer to relevant learning materials or web pages . In this way , I can not only work it out but also improve my ability to overcome problems all by myself .

However , when it is something beyond my competence , I turn to my classmates or teachers for help . Sometimes I also ask my parents for advice . As a result , I have made steady progress in my studies .

高中英语作文竞赛范文 第五十二篇





高中英语作文竞赛范文 第五十三篇

The movie Harry Portter is favored by the people all around the world and the novels are read by fans. Though the movie has ended, the three main protagonists are remembered all the time. Emma Watson is one of the main protagonists. She plays the role very well and she never gives up her study, which sets the great example to the young people. After the end of the movie, Emma goes to the top university, though she continues her acting career, she still focuses on her study. When she graduates, she works on promoting the equality between men and women. She becomes the spokesman of feminism and she gives the inspiring speech He For Her. Everybody gives high praise to this girl. She’s grown up and becomes a strong woman. Her speech is supported by the public.


高中英语作文竞赛范文 第五十四篇

Today, as the life standard has improved, people have more money to chase amusement, travel is their first choice. So there are a lot of people on the journey during the public vacation, some people even quit their jobs to do it. The trip without plan was favored by many people since a few years ago, it was the attitude towards life.


Though people are proud of taking the independent travel, especially when they just go anytime and anywhere, only a few people take action. Some day, as I had the long summer vacation, I suddenly had the idea that I could take a trip without plan. So I asked two of my friends to joined my team. We booked the tickets and and hotel, then the next day, we took the train. We talked and appreciated the scenery outside the window. When we arrived the city, we just walked along the street and enjoyed the feature.


It was such great experience for me, sometimes we consider so many things and miss the joy of life. Taking a trip without burden and just go to any place you want once in your life.


高中英语作文竞赛范文 第五十五篇

Helping people is the traditional virtue for our Chinese. It is not a big talk. We also need to do it in the reality life. We are only small children that we can’t give a lot of money to them. But we can help them in the reality life. For example, we can help the blind to go across the road; we can help the people whose hand is not convenient to bring their things. There are many things that we can do for them. We should give our hands to the people in need. Don’t you think living in a world that people help each other would be more wonderful?


高中英语作文竞赛范文 第五十六篇

Obviously, the preis an important means of communication and is still a popular form of communicating news. People read newspa-pe-rs everywhere, in the office, at home, on the train, even in the toilet and so on. Nevertheless, the coming of TV gives a shock to the world. Suddenly, it changes many things in people's daily life.

Nowadays TV is so popular that nearly every family has got a TV set in cities. People can watch and hear TV programs at the same time. TV programs are full of variety and viewers can enjoy news reports, plays, films, musical performances, sports, and

interviews with prominent people and many other items. So TV attracts many people from the cinema, the radio and newspa-pe-rs.

On the other hand, people can time and again hear criticism of TV programs. It has got too much violence and gunplay, which affects young people and even children.

Watching too much TV will make people exhausted, lazy and stupid, and also waste a lot of valuable time.

高中英语作文竞赛范文 第五十七篇

Father was my first teacher and is my dear friend. When I was a little girl, I used to sit on my father's knees, listening to his stories. The story"Two friends and a Bear"told me"a friend in need is a friend indeed."I will never forget the story"Madame Curie"which tells me a truth"where there is a will,there is a way."Father's stories enriched my life and did a lot of good to my growth.

When I was seven years old,I started primary was young,so my father picked me up from school every the way,I told father everything that happened at listened carefully and always smiled happily. Sometimes I sang a beautiful song. My sweet and lovely voice gave my father the greatest father is always proud of me. He hopes I will make great progress in my study. Now I have made up my mind to study harder and harder.

I'm sure my father's love will lead me to my success and I will love him forever!




高中英语作文竞赛范文 第五十八篇

With the fast development of society, we are in a new society which is called “Quick Fix Society”. People are now becoming more and more impatient. We are always in a hurry.


This general impatience, the hurry attitude, has infected every level of our lives. Today people usually travel by the fast tool, eat fast food, take fast pictures, enjoy fast entertainment, read fast news. The whole society has become a quick fax society. Therefore people don’t have time to enjoy many beautiful things around them.


We need to think more seriously about putting brakes on this impatient lifestyle. We should slow down so that we have time to enjoy music, to read, to enjoy beautiful scenery, to rediscover life.


高中英语作文竞赛范文 第五十九篇

Li Ming and I took part in a wilderness survival program yesterday,which has become an unforgettable experience.

Yesterday morning we wore strong and comfortable shoes,

carried backpacks with the necessities in them and went to the mountain. We climbed a hill. On the top we saw a direction mark, which told us where to go. Down the hill, we came to a river. There were no boats but we had to cross it. Luckily, both of us had learned how to swim. But we shouldn t make our things in the backpacks wet. Seeing a piece of board, I got an idea. We put our backpacks on the board and swam in the water pushing the board. When getting to the other bank, with the compass we found north in which direction we walked half an hour. Finally, we arrived at the campsite. We set up a tent and made a bonfire.

The two of us spent the night in the forest.

We learned to use knowledge gained in classroom training to solve problems. It was quite an experience for both of us, which I ll never forget for the rest of my life.

高中英语作文竞赛范文 第六十篇

1. Some people think that …. 有些人认为…

To be frank, I can not agree with their opinion for the reasons below. 坦率地说,我不能同意他们的意见,理由如下。

2. I believe the title statement is valid because…. 我认为这个论点是正确的,因为… 1

3. I cannot entirely agree with the idea that ….我无法完全同意….这一观点的说法…

4. Along with the development of…, more and more….随着……的发展,越来越多…

5 It is commonly/generally/widely/ believed /held/accepted/recognized that….它通常是认为…

6. As far as I am concerned, I completely agree with the former/ the latter.就我而言,我完全同意前者/后者的观点。

高中英语作文竞赛范文 第六十一篇







高中英语作文竞赛范文 第六十二篇









“You and me……”开始了,我们正释放着自己的豪情,使冰冷的空气立刻变得燥热了,使恬静的阳光立即变得飞溅了,使困倦的世界立即变得亢奋了。同学们正用那响亮的歌声,博得评委的欢心。当最后一个音符从我们嘴中跳出时,世界是出奇地寂静,突然,一阵雷鸣般的掌声响起,大家都松了一口气。



高中英语作文竞赛范文 第六十三篇










高中英语作文竞赛范文 第六十四篇

People can’t imagine life without water. Without it, the earth we live on would be a dead one. There would be no trees, no crops, no animals and no people. So water is considered to be next to oxygen in importance.

Although nearly three quarters of the earth's surf-ace is covered with water, it is sea water and undrinkable. The demand for water is increasing, while water resources are scarce. Agricultural production needs enormous amounts of water, so does industry. Besides, the rapid growth of population makes it more and more difficult for people to survive because of the water shortage. So water shortage has become one of the most serious problems.

Fortunately, people have realized this pressing problem and are trying to find ways to salve it. First, people are urged to economize on water. Second, measures are taken to protect water resources. Third, circulating water is used for industrial purposes over and over in factories and treated sewage water is used for irrigation in farming land.

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write an E-mail to one of your former classmates. You should write at least 80 words, and base your E-mail on the Chinese outline below:

高中英语作文竞赛范文 第六十五篇

Nowadays people are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of is the best way to stay fit and healthy? In my opinion,good exercises and diet are two major ways to stay fit and time should be set aside for persevering in exercises in addition to sleep and must give up the habits that damage your health,such as smoking and drinking too much alcohol.

As mentioned above,the best way to keep fit and health is to do regular as the Chinese proverb goes,“life lies in exercises”,exercises never fail to make us stronger and more health,in my mind,is also of vital you feel happy,you can eat well,sleep well,and your body is sure to be in an excellent is also important,and one should have a physical check regularly in a hospital for being strong and healthy.

Health is the most valuable possession a person experts in his every means to keep fit is our advice to the people who want to live a happy life in this beautiful world.

高中英语作文竞赛范文 第六十六篇

Hi, TigerMom ,What puzzles you is actually a puzzle for many parents in China . My idea is that it is quite right for you to do so .

Although high grades are an important factor in evaluating students and for their future university admission , development in wisdom emotion ,health and life attitude should never be ignored . There are many examples around us . Some all—A students in school have turned out not to be as successful in society as they were expected. The reason is often that the pressure from their parents allows them almost no time for other activities . Furthermore , punishment is by no means a wise choice to help them grow up mentally and physically .

So I suggest that you take your friends’ advice . More importantly, let her live like a lovely girl ; let her have more friends and social activities ; and let her make mistakes of her own as we teenagers often do .

高中英语作文竞赛范文 第六十七篇

Many years ago, many people fought for their dreams in the big cities. They felt proud to work in the big cities, but now, the situation has changed. When students graduate, many of them choose to work in small cities. On the one hand, they can live near home, which is convenient for them to visit their parents. On the other hand, though the money they earn will be less, they feel less pressure and live the easy life. The change shows that young people focus more attention on the family, who care about family more than work. We can also see that small cities have more chances to develop. The vitality of Chinese market brings many opportunities for the young generation. They have more choice to develop their skills. We are happy to see the movement.


高中英语作文竞赛范文 第六十八篇

Dear editor,

I am writing to express my views on the playground vandalism near my housing estate. The housing estate where I live in in the New Territories has many excellent facilities. While most people treat them properly, there are some people destroy all these valuable public resources. The playground equipment is heavily damaged. Some facilities are burned and broken. The graffiti are completely covered all over the place. Some of the graffiti even includes bad language. Its adversely influence the children safety and our precious public resources.

The reason of this vandalism is mainly related to the people who are out of boredom and the shortage of security. Nowadays, most teenagers like to spend their time through hanging out with friends. When they have nothing to play or any recreational activities, the playground may be targeted as an amusement for spending their time. Due to teenagers are now in the process of building self-worth and self-esteem, they will try to do something over in order to get the peer recognition. For instant, the teenagers pretend to be a leader through destroying the facilities. In these recent years, these selfish and irresponsible behaviors under the fabricating, exaggerating from social media, started becoming rationalized. Thats why the playground vandalism happens. Secondly, it is because of the shortage of security guards. If there is security guard checking the playground regularly, to deter any vandalism promptly, this phenomenon will not happen.

高中英语作文竞赛范文 第六十九篇

With the development of technology, today we live in the world with high technology. People seem to can’t live without computer and smart phone, once they don’t have smart phone at hand for a while, the seem to be lost and feel something miss in their life. When I talk to my friends at table, I find them always play smart phones or check on the text all the time. Though we sit face to face, the distance between us is so far. The high technology brings isolation between people. Some people don’t often visit their parents and friends, for they believe that a call can solve all the things. Communication in face to face is far more important than a call. It is time for some people to put down their smart phones for a while when they are communicating to others.

随着技术的发展,今天我们生活在一个高技术的时代。似乎人们的生活离不开电脑和智能手机,一旦智能手机不在手上,他们似乎感到失落,感觉到有东西缺失在他们的生活中。当我和朋友们吃饭时 ,我发现他们总是在玩智能手机,或者在检查信息。虽然我们面对面坐着,但是我们之间的距离是如此的遥远。高科技带给人们带来了隔离。有些人不经常看望他们的父母和朋友,因为他们相信一个电话能解决所有的事情。面对面的交流比电话更重要。是时候对一些人来说去放下手中的智能手机一会,当他们在和别人交流的时候。

高中英语作文竞赛范文 第七十篇

















