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商务英语口语对话范文 第一篇

A: Here is the draft contract, Mr Brown. Let's discuss the clauses to see if we agree on all of them. Then I will make out an original of the contract. After that, what's left is to fill out the contract and sign our names.

B: That's OK.

A: The contract is to be written in Chinese and English. Both languages are equally effective.

B: Fine. If you'll excuse me, I'd like to go it over first. (After about 15 minutes) Hmm, you've done a pretty good job. It's well prepared.

A: Thank you.

B: Well, I suggest that we discuss only the clauses and points where we have different opinions, just to save time.

A: That's a good idea.

B: First, let's read Clause Two about packing. It's our usual practice to ship our products in containers. That'll save time and money, but your contract stipulates the use of wooden cases. So, we'd like to have the words "containers are allowed" in the contract.

A: Agree.

B: For shipment, you know we are producing a complete set of equipment for you and it won't all be finished at one time. So would you allow us to make partial shipments.

A: I understand your position.

A: 布朗先生,这是我们的合同草案。让我们讨论并看一下是否能达成一致,然后我们再拟定一份合同正本,最后就只剩下填写合同还有我们的签名了。

B: 好的。

A: 合同将由问中文和英文各一份。中英文的效力是一样的。

B: 好的,如果可以的话,我想先看一下。(15分钟后)嗯,你们做得很漂亮,准备得很好。

A: 谢谢。

B: 好吧,为了节省时间,我们就某些我们有不同意见的条款讨论一下吧。

A: 好主意。

B: 首先,我们来看一下关于包装的第二条款,按照惯例我们应该用集装箱装运,那样会省时省钱,但是你的合同规定用木箱。因此,我们应该加上“允许使用集装箱”。

A: 同意。

B: 你也知道,我们生产了一整套设备,这不可能一次全部运完,你们可以允许我们分几部分运吗?

A: 可以理解。

商务英语口语对话范文 第二篇

Paul: The next item is the financial report. Now the treasurer has the floor.

Susan: Thank you. I assume everybody has previewed the profit and loss statement. Then I'll make an explanation.

Paul: Why doesn't it include the payment by BCD company?

Susan: The statement is made at the end of the month and their check was a few days late, so it missed the cutoff point.

Paul: Will the payment be shown in the next month report?

Susan: Yes.







商务英语口语对话范文 第三篇

M: Please let me see the draft of what you have put together for Monday's meeting.

F: I'm still working on the agenda, there will be a lot to go over on Monday. Here's what I'vegot so far.

M: Do you think we will spend more than twenty minutes in the opening? I think it should bepretty simple.

F: It shouldn't take too long, but there will be a lot of dignitaries at the meeting. In theopening exercises, it is protocol to spend a little time to recoginise them. I reckon it shouldtake about half an hour before we can even get to the minutes.

M: Really? Well, at least the minutes shouldn't take too long to review. There shouldn't be a lotof active business left over from last meeting.

F: True. After review and acceptance of the minutes, we have several committee reports. Oldbusiness won't take up too much time, but sometimes the committee delegates can be a littleverbose… Is there where we can limit their time?

M: We can set a five minute report time with a three minute question and answer afterwards.

F: That's not good. Q&A always stretch out the time, because people usually get stuck onsome irrelevent point, we'll lose control of the meeting if we open it up to questions too early.

M: True. Well, imposing an eight minute limit on the committee reports then, we'll saveQ&A until right before closed session.

F: Sounds good. Overall, we can probably keep the meeting under two hours.

M: Let's hope!

商务英语口语对话范文 第四篇

Mr. Lee: I would like to buy a ticket to New York please.


Ms. Booker: When do you plan to travel?


Mr. Lee: I’d like to pack my bags and leave tonight.


Ms. Booker: Are you aware that without two weeks advance notice prices will be very high?


Mr. Lee: Yes I know, but I just got the chance to leave and so I am going to take it no matter what.


Ms. Booker: I understand. So that’s one ticket to New York, and you’ll be departing tonight. Will that be one-way or round trip?

我明白了 一张去纽约的票,今晚的。是单程还是往返票?

Mr. Lee: I wish I could stay there, but unfortunately it will have to be a round trip ticket.


Ms. Booker: When would you like to return?


Mr. Lee: My return date will be the 14th.


Ms. Booker: OK. I have several seats available. Would you like a window seat or an aisle seat?


Mr. Lee: Anything but a center seat is fine with me. The middle seat drives me crazy!


Ms. Booker: OK Mr. Lee. I have you booked on flight 513 leaving on the 5th at 11:00 pm and arriving in New York on the 6th at 6:00 pm. The return is flight 514 leaving on the 14th at 8:00 . and arriving in Beijing at 12:00 noon on the 15th.

好的。Lee 先生。我给您订了五号晚上十一点的513次航班,六号晚上六点到达纽约十四号晚上八点的514次航班返程,十五号中午十二点到达北京。

Mr. Lee: Will there be any layovers?


Ms. Booker: No, all flights are direct.


Mr. Lee: Perfect! I’m afraid to ask, but how much is it ?


Ms. Booker: $800 dollars.


商务英语口语对话范文 第五篇

Betty:Hello. Sales Department. This is Betty Fields speaking.


Ralph:Hello, Ms Fields. This is Ralph Peterson at World Computers.


Betty:Yes, how may I help you?


Ralph:I'm interested in a couple of items in your new catalog, and I would like to know the prices.


Betty:Great. We're offering a special promotional price on a few of the items. Which items did you have in mind?


Ralph:We're particularly interested in your new RS-five sound card shown on page five of your catalog. I would also like more details about the model RS-four card on page seven.

拉夫:我们特别中意你们目录第五页里的新型RS-5 的声卡。我还想知道更多关于第七页里RS-4 型声卡的细节。

Betty:OK. The price on the RS-five is forty-five . dollars for quantities up to five hundred units. Then we offer quantity discounts for larger orders.

贝蒂:好的。数量有达到五百片的话,RS-5 的价格是四十五美元。大量定购的话我们还有折扣。

Ralph:And the price on the RS-four?

拉夫:那RS-4 的价格呢?

Betty:The RS-four is one of our promotional items this month. For orders received by the end of the month, the price is thirty-three dollars each. That price is good on any size order.

贝蒂:RS-4 是我们本月的促销产品之一,本月底前接到订单的话,单价是三十三美元。不管定单数量多少都是这个价格。

Ralph:That price sounds good. Could you send me more details about the RS-four, including the specifications?

拉夫:这个价格听起来不错。你可以寄给我更详细的RS-4 型的资料和说明书吗?

Betty:Certainly. I can fax or E-mail that information to you this afternoon.


Ralph:Terrific. I'll get back to you after I've reviewed the details. Thank you. Good-bye.


商务英语口语对话范文 第六篇

A: How do you do?


B: How do you do? Nice to meet you, Ms. Smith. I’m Jack Stevens from the Marketing Department. Here is my card.

B:你好!很高兴见到你,史密斯小姐,我是市场部的杰 克?斯蒂文斯。这是我的名片。

A: It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Stevens.


B: Please call me Jack. Have a seat, please.


A: Thank you.


商务英语口语对话范文 第七篇

A: So that concludes the introduction. Now let's move to the first part of my talk, which is about2006 fiscal year marketing plan. So first, right off the bat, When looking at the marketingplan, tell me some of the goals that we had set this year to begin with....

B: We wanted to appeal to a younger set of consumers and also, in line with that goal, redo ourimage....

A: That's correct. If you remember, we also set a goal to double distribution in overseasmarkets. Now, when looking at the data to evaluate whether or not we made our goals, thereare three things to consider. First, the original condition of the market, second, our marketingnumbers from the previous year, and third, our final sales figures for this year. Now I want todescribe for you the second and third parts. If you look at the overhead, you'll see agraph...The blue line represents our sales from the year 2005, the red line is the sales in2006.... As you can see, our sales in 2005 were quite slow to start off with, but managed tomake decent performance in the last part of the year. On the other hand, you can see thisyear's sales took off like a rocket.

商务英语口语对话范文 第八篇

A: Good morning, Mr. Green. We've gone through the price and other items and conditions, shall we go into the subject of transportation?


B: Right, before going to details, I'd like to have a general idea about China's foreign trade transportation. What are the usual facilities you offer for the goods transporting overseas?


A: Well, we usually send the goods by sea. It is easier and cheaper. Of course the shipment of goods has been changed by the technique of containerization. These standard containers are internationally agreed as to dimensions, weight, structural strength and other features. We've been using such containers for cargoes transported to Australia, North America and many other parts of the world.

A: 我们通常作海运。因为这样比较经济,也更容易。当然货物装运已经因集装箱运输技术而发生了改变。 这种标准集装箱在大小,重量、结构强度及其他方面,国际上均有统一规定。我们一直使用这样的集装箱将货物运往澳大利亚、北美和世界各地。

B: I see.


A: The China Ocean Shipping Company, the COSCO, has opened more than 50 domestic and internationa1 container shipping routes.

A:中国远洋运输总公司,即 COSCO,已经开通了 50多条国内国际集装箱运输线路。

B: New methods of loading, such as containers, save not only a lot of wrapping but also the cost of freight.


A: That's true. What's more, it's faster, safer and more convenient. The time for loading and unloading has been shortened.


B: I think containerization is one of the best loading methods at present.


A: Besides, other transport means have all been adopted, including multi-modal transportation.


B: Great, thank you for all this.


商务英语口语对话范文 第九篇

A: So that's the end of what I had prepared to share with you today. Now I'd like to open it upfor questions. We have about twenty minutes for questions and discussion. I'd be veryinterested to hear your comments....Yes?

B: Yes, thank you for your excellent presentation. I have one question I would like to ask. Yousaid our sales in Asia overall have been very low in general .... I'm wondering what thesituation is like in Japan?

A: Good question. As I mentioned, Asia in general is a slow starter, this also includes theJapanese market. There is no notable difference between Japan and other Asian that answer your question?

B: Yes, thank you. Another question... Would you care to comment on the cultural impact ofMultinational companies on local economies?

A: I'm afraid that's outside the scope of my talk, I can talk to you more ....

C: What about our future direction in the Asian market? Can you talk a little about what planswe have?

A: I don't think I'm the right person to answer this question, perhaps our General Manager, , can help to answer....

商务英语口语对话范文 第十篇

Helen:I'm calling to discuss the level of insurance coverage you've requested for your order.


Henry:I believe that we have requested an amount twenty-five percent above the invoice value?


Helen:Yes, that's right. We have no problem in complying with your request, but we think that the amount is a bit excessive.


Henry:We've had a lot of trouble in the past with damaged goods.


Helen:I can understand your concern. However, the normal coverage for goods of this type is to insure them for the total invoice amount plus ten percent.


Henry:We would feel more comfortable with the additional protection.


Helen:Unfortunately, if you want to increase the coverage, we will have to charge you extra for the additional cost.


Henry:But the insurance was supposed to be included in the quotation.


Helen:Yes, but we quoted you normal coverage at regular rates.


Henry:I see.


Helen:We can, however, arrange the extra coverage. But I suggest you contact your insurance agent there and compare rates.


Henry:You're right. It might be cheaper on this end.


Helen:Fax me whatever rates you find there and I'll compare them with what we can offer.


商务英语口语对话范文 第十一篇

Manager: Well, gentlemen, as you know, the purpose of this meeting is to make a preliminary evaluation of product CP21· At this stage we have three main points to consider you have them on your agenda. The first one is: potential market. Tom, what can you say about that?

Tom: I asked the four regional managers to do two things. Firstly, to make a rough estimate of the number of customers in their territory who might be interested, and secondly, to sound out one or two of these-very diplomatically of course and find out their reactions. Basically, I wanted to know whether this problem is a general one or not.

Manager: And what were their findings?

Tom: Well, it seems the problem is more general than we realized. But most people just accept it, they regard it more as an inconvenience than as a serious production problem.

Manager: Do you think the idea has sales potential?

Tom: Yes, I do. The results obtained by Jones Electronics are quite impressive.

Manager: Thank you. Now, the next item to consider is the probable cost of going into production. Bill, can you give us some idea of the investment required?










