

心灵的港湾 分享 时间: 加入收藏 我要投稿 点赞







⑤.Dear xx, Thank you very much for inviting me to your party. I am very sorry, but I can’t come. My mother is ill. The doctor has told her that she should stay in bed for several days. I’ll take care of my mother. Thank you very ..。


whose postcard is this? 希望能帮到你。

2what are you doing? 3what is the weather like? 最好有翻译

It is my first time to register POSTCRSSING, and also my first time to send a postcard abroad. I hope you would like this postcard. For now, I am still a student, from a beautiful country --- China. So if there is a chance, wel..。

Dear xx, Thank you very much for inviting me to your party. I am very sorry, but I can't 。 Thank you very much for sending me such a beautiful postcard. I like it very much. I am 。


The summer vacation is are you going to do this vacation?I’m going to Beijing this will visit some places of great example,I want to visit the Great Wall with my I wan to be “a true man”.And I also want to visit the Tian’an men am looking forward to meeting the I want to practice speaking English with I want to take part in the children’s want to learn to play the want to be good singer in the think being a singer is very favorite singer is like Micheal hope I can have a happy about you? What are you going to do this summer?



OK, no problem. This holiday I went to the beach with my family. The weather was sunny.

I swam in the sea and lay on the beach to enjoy the sunshine. I also took a lot of photos. Then I wrote some postcards to my friends and ate some delicious food.

Oh, it was a happy holiday.




Der Themabegriff

Viele Missverst?ndnisse und Unklarheiten kommen daher, dass die Gespr?chspartnerInnen zwar dieselben W?rter verwenden, mit ihnen aber oft verschiedene Inhalte meinen.

Jede Er?rterung beginnt mit einer Begriffserl?uterung!

Um Missverst?ndinisse zu vermeiden, ist es empfehlenswert, die Bedeutung der wichtigsten verwendeten Begriffe zu fixieren und zu erl?utern. Den zentralen Themabegriff sollte man auf jeden Fall abgrenzen und erl?utern. Man kann Begriffe definieren, indem man die n?chsth?here Gattung (Oberbegriff) nennt, der das vom Begriff Gemeinte angeh?rt, und dann die Eigenschaften anführt, die den bezeichneten Redegegenstand von den übrigen derselben Gattung (Unterbegriff) unterscheiden. Voraussetzung: Die Gattung und die Eigenschaften müssen dem H?rer oder der H?rerin bekannt sein.

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一、Textzusammenfassung(Sachtext 非文学性文章)

(一) 功能:传递信息

(二) 语言特征:现在时;客观;不适用对话(不适用直接引语) 结构:一般2到3段 (Einleitung、Hauptteil、Schluss)

(三) 主要内容:

1. 标题:Zusammmenfassung zum Text ?.....“

2. Einleitung

Der Text/ Der Artikel/ Die Kurzgeschichte mit dem Title ( )

von jm informiert uns über (darüber)..

In der Geschichte mit dem Titel ( ) aus ( )von jm wird über A


In dem Text mit dem Titel ( ) aus ( ) von jm wird über A


3. Schluss

Der Autor meint, dass..


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Dear Mary, thank you very much for inviting me to your party. Dear Mary, thank you very much for inviting me to your party. Dear Mary, thank you very much for inviting me to your party.

I'm sorry, but I can't come. My mother is ill. The doctor told her that she should stay in bed for a few days and I will take care of me Mom, thank you very much for sending me such a beautiful postcard.

I like it very much. I will put it on my desk. I can receive your letter to your family soon.

My best wishes to your family, your, Han Meimei,.




We hope to receive good news from you. We hope to receive your inquiry in the market and hope to be favored by your order. We hope to get good comments from you.

We hope you can deal with this matter in a timely manner. Please note that we hope you will pay attention to our signature below, and the fax copy of his signature is below. I ask you to take it as my signature.

Please pay attention to my signature. Please pay attention to his signature. A reply letter is attached to the letter for your convenience.

Please put your US dollar check in the enclosed envelope In the enclosed envelope and send it to us immediately. We enclose a postcard for your further information and then send it back. We are happy to tell you that we do not have to take any responsibility.




Susan, how are u? I am now in Paris, I went to many places, I like here very much. 。 嗨苏珊,最近怎么样?我现在在巴黎,我去了很多地方,我很喜欢这里。但是我也很。

2.送给英语老师的明信片怎么写 Postcard for English teacher

xx, Thank you very much for inviting me to your party. I am very sorry, but I can’t come. My mother is ill. The doctor has told her that she should stay in bed for several days. I’ll take care of my mother. Thank you very ..。

4.英语节:English day 英语明信片:English postcard 可以顺便告诉你英语节的口号:enjoy English,I belive I can!!


My name is Lan 'm 15 years live in the capital of China,'m in Senior work hard and my mark is don't often speak because I'm a little sires is my love animals,because they are ..。


今天是星期六,我和妈妈起得特别早,就是为了去参观文博会。 吃完早饭后我带上了笔与笔记本就和妈妈出发了,高交会离我们家可近了,五分钟就到了。在路上,有一个陌生人问我们要不要文博会的票,奇怪,怎么会在这里卖票呢?妈妈回绝了他。

XXXXXX(POST CODE)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------。 后面几行写要说的话 因为是明信片 所以基本短一点会更好看 倒数第二行写 YOURS 。


法亚小语种 大学德语四级作文

Lieber ......,

ich freue mich mit dir über den guten Schulabschluss und hoffe, dass er dir einen guten Start ins Berufsleben erm?glichen wird. Wie ich von deinem Vater erfahren habe, m?chtest du eine Lehre als ...... beginnen. Da hast du sicher eine gute Wahl getroffen, denn Bankkaufleute wird es wohl immer geben, egal wie es sonst wirtschaftlich steht.

Für deine Bewerbungsgespr?che drücke ich dir nun ganz fest die Daumen.

Dein ......


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