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有些考生一想起" 产生,引起",就习惯性用"produce",却不了解 "promote, generate, trigger, lead to, result in"等词汇和短语的表达都有此意思,完全可以在写作当中进行词汇的替换。而简单词汇的重复不仅让文章在词汇上水平不高,通篇归于平庸,而且让一些能够成为行文闪光点的精辟思维和见解也黯然失色。


许多考生在背词汇时,往往只是满足于知晓单词的中文意思,而不深究词汇的具体用法。英语的每个单词都有它的denotation(字面意思)和 connotation(内涵意思),一些同义词在感情色彩上可能大相径庭。并且,由于中西方文化和传统的差异,一些相同的意象可能负载着不同的文化内涵,而这些都是考生在写作中要注意的问题。




雅思的写作话题基本上可以划分为教育、科技、文化、政府、媒体和环境这六大类。我们在记忆单词的时候,可以按照这些话题分类来背相关词汇和短语,比如说"环境"这个话题,我们可以将"chemical-waste"(化工废料)、"disposable products"(一次性产品)、 "ecology"(生态学)和"desertification"(沙漠化)等这些跟环境有关的词汇和短语一起打包记忆,不仅可以拓宽我们的思路,而且在论证的过程中也可以让我们的论据充分,论证有力。




在雅思写作中,要想做到词汇的多样性和表达的准确高效性,除了词汇的同义替换之外,反义词与派生词也是不错的 "秘密武器"。同义词在此就不再多费笔墨了,只是提醒广大考生在使用时要注意具体语境,能做到具体情况具体分析。

而巧用反义词和派生词,不仅可以让我们的行文词汇富于变化,而且在句式表达方式也可以多变。如 "Fads are not unique to the United States. It is generally believed that fades are common in any country that has a strong consumer economy。",句中的"unique"和"common"这对反义词的妙用就避免了简单词汇的重复使用,也使原文肯定句与否定句交错使用,句型上也做到了多样性。


真题范文:We can get knowledge from news. But some people even think we should not trust the journalists. What do you think? And what do you think are the important qualities that a journalist should have?(有些人认为卫生保健应该人人享有,而另一些人认为他们应该为自己支付医疗费用。讨论双方并给出你自己的观点。)




Few individuals can be immune from diseases, ailment or some accidents, which makes health care necessary to give them a guarantee. Although health care can play a pivotal role in everyone’s life, I hold the view that it will trigger some problems if it is provided freely. Some people advocate citizens should gain free access to the health care resources because the basic living quality can be ensured.

Those who are needy or come from deprived families may have few opportunities if they are charged with high medical fees, which means that their health problems can be alleviated or solved with the abundant financial support. Therefore, the public could enjoy a healthier life and their quality of living can be enhanced. The opponents argue that it is likely to give rise to some undesired consequence if the free health care is offered. Free health care means substantial investment, which may cause the financial imbalance and shortage in other important fields concerning the daily life every individual. Also, the taxpayer’s basic interest may be undermined because they have to carry the burden to pay the corresponding tax.

Personally, I frown upon the proposal that free health care should be provided in terms of the doctors. Chances are that the income of doctors will decline dramatically because they have less source of salary, thereby leading to a phenomenon that few people would like to choose doctor as their professions because of bleak career prospects and the premier medical service can be provided.



When new towns are planned, it is important to build more public parks or sports facilities than shopping centers for people to spend their free time.To what extent do you agree or disagree?(当新的城镇被规划,重要的是建立更多的公共公园或体育设施比购物中心,让人们度过他们的自由时间。在多大程度上你同意或不同意?)



It is not uncommon in the new era that people with different nationalities and cultural background mingle together, as the globalization of economy and culture continue to become mainstream. This is an inevitable trend and I deem that it should be embraced with more optimism.

The interaction between citizens of diverse cultural backgrounds is likely to add more spice to the modern life. People coming from various countries lead quite distinct lifestyles due to different living habits and cultural heritage. The diversity of culture can bring continuous feeling of freshness and a novel, exotic experience to those who have no former access to the other cultures. Take New York for example, it is a noted metropolis renowned for its multitude of cultural complex and a bunch of cultural genres, which are the fusion of different ethnic groups’ beliefs and cultural outlooks. The residents in New York can hardly feel bored with the monotonous life because they are more accessible to a cultural melted pot.

Besides, a multicultural society is more tolerant. It is true that the openness of one country is closely related to how diverse the culture is for the reason that mutual understanding and empathy are the foundation of peaceful co-existence. Thus, the dissent is inclined to be set aside in order to gain more consensus and the society will become more open to the less dominant cultures.

As for the dark sides of multicultural trend is rather limited but still worth mentioning. One most conspicuous drawback might be the threat to the local culture, especially when other foreign cultures are too aggressive and dominant. But this problem can still be handled if some precautious measures are carried out.

To conclude, the exchange of different cultures is the unavoidable tendency and both individuals and the society as a whole can be beneficiaries.


真题范文:The increase in the production of consumer goods results in damage to the natural environment. What are the causes of this? What can be done to solve this problem?(消费品生产的增加造成自然环境的破坏。这是什么原因?怎样才能解决这个问题呢?





The high demand of consumer goods has led to the depletion of natural resources as well as environmental degradation. How to reverse this situation should be paid more attention and both the government and individuals should take responsibility for this.

The past decades have witnessed the expansion of human population, which results in the ever-growing requirement for various products such as food, clothing. Not only does this cause the decrease of natural resources, but also contributes to environmental deterioration. An example of this is that people cut down more trees for disposable chopsticks and furniture, leading to deforestation in many areas. This further causes some problems like soil erosion, droughts and change in temperature.

Another reason is that people lack environmental awareness. Otherwise, they would not live a throw-away life and cause some avoidable waste or pollution. A large number of people have not yet realized the importance of recycling, nor are they conscious of the households appliances can end up in landfill sites and these non-biodegradable products can have a destructive effect on the environment.

To cope with this problem, governments should firstly try to raise public’s awareness for environmental protection and recycling. Besides, they should also invest heavily in some renewable energy resources such as nuclear, solar or wind energy. Meanwhile, citizens should make an effort to consume less and recycle more and classify rubbish in order to reduce the damage of waste.

To sum up, the increase of world population and insufficient environmental consciousness are associated with the issue stated. And to combat with it, every member in the society should take actions.



★ 雅思口语地道的短语表达

★ 雅思口语高分经验分享

★ 新概念英语和雅思托福考试的关系

★ 雅思托福gre词汇量多少


