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Are not our souls like those candles, patiently waiting for someone to comeand let us be ourselves? We are all waiting for our own moments to shine; weeach have a special light, unmatched by any other.

Candles are made up of wax and a wick; we have bodies, but our essence liesin our minds and souls. Candles are unique in their colors, shapes and designs.Our life histories and experiences are the backdrops of who we are, but ourminds are like candle wicks, and make our passions flame. Unlike the candles inmy drawer, who get used or not used depending on my whims, we control our ownthoughts, and how brightly we will burn or dimly we will shine.

Is your soul candle dimmed by circumstance or lack of passion anddirection? Is it hidden in a drawer of stress, worry or resentment? Make achoice to let yourself shine the way you were meant to shine.






Franklin’s life full of charming stories which all young men should know—how he sold books in Boston, and became the guest of kings in Europe; how hewas made Major General Franklin, only to quit1 because, as he said, he was nosoldier, and yet helped to organize the army that stood before the trainedtroops of England and Germany。


Th poor Boston boy, without a day’s schooling, became master of sixlanguages and never stopped studying; th neglected apprentice conquered thelightning, made h name famous, received degrees and diplomas from many colleges,duanwenw。 and became forever remembered as "Doctor Franklin", philosopher,scientt and political leader。


Self-made, self-taught, the candle maker’s son gave light to all the world;the street bookseller set all men singing of liberty; the apprentice became themost sought after man across the world, and brought h native land to prae andhonor him。


He built America, for what our nation today largely due to the management,the forethought, the wdom, and the ability of Benjamin Franklin。 duanwenw。 Hebelongs to the world, but especially he belongs to America。 The people aroundthe world honored him while he was living; he still regarded as the loftiest manby the mon people today after h death。 And he will live in people’s heartsforever。



Life is not about just getting by。 Life is about reaching ever higher,building one achievement on top of another, and creating real, meaningful valuein each moment。

A mon stone on the ground does a great job of just getting by。 You, on theother hand, are destined1 for much more spectacular things。 Yes, indeed, youwill certainly meet a number of challenges when you make the effort to raiseyour world even a little bit higher。 The good thing is, you are superblyequipped to thrive on those challenges。

If life seems unsuccessful, it’s not because of the challenges orlimitations that stand in your way。 It’s because you refuse to see theexceptional opportunities that those challenges represent。

This is your precious and unique life, and it is absolutely worth all thetrouble and effort you must go through to make it great。 Within you at thismoment are beautiful dreams, and you can begin to live in the direction of thosedreams whenever you choose。

Let go of the false security of just getting by, and get yourself intofocus on a purpose that will bring your life gloriously to life。 Your very ownpathway to success is just one quick step away。







It is not easy to think positive thoughts when the world around you appearsto be so negative。 In fact, it can be as difficult as anything you’ve ever done。However, it is absolutely possible to fill your mind with positive thoughts nomatter what the environment is。 Doing so makes you powerful like nothing elsecan。

To think positively is to alignyourselfwith1 the truth that you’reimmersed2 in limitless, growing abundance。 To think positively is to pleasantlyaccept that your life is full of meaningful and unique achievements。

Instead of placing a judgement on your situation, apply your most positivepurposes to that situation。 Instead of seeing the world as negative, seeyourself as a powerful agent of the positive possibilities。

If you find yourself giving in to negativity, you are selling yourselfshort。 The moment you feel the slightest pain of a negative thought, stop andremind yourself how powerful you are。 Do the intentional work of keeping yourthoughts positive。 Because whatever you always think is where your life willsurely and steadily go。






It is the road you take that decides your destiny but not your destiny thatdecides the road you take.

The question is: Are you satisfied with who you are? Are you doing what youare capable of doing? Do you get excited about what you are going to do when youget up in the morning? It is high time you asked these questions that reflectthe truth about your life. More often than not we have the ability to achievemuch greater things, but we get caught in the average things in life and wasteour potential. Each one of us has immense ability. But most of us fail to useit. Why?

1. There is no exact purpose for your life.

2. You underestimate yourself.

3. You are too busy to think about any-thing.

4. You are in a comfortable zone.

5. You fear failure.

Ask yourself, what difference am I making in the lives of others? Would yoube happy and satisfied with what you have achieved? Are you following yourpassion? You must find what you love and what gives you fulfillment.

Don’t be afraid to make a new beginning. Go deep and explore thepossibilities. As you go deeper and deeper, you begin to add meaning to yourlife.



1. 生活没有明确的目标

2. 低估自己

3. 忙到没时间思考

4. 安于现状。

5. 害怕失败。





